"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, October 07, 2012

A gift for you this Sunday. God Bless.

 Thank You Charlotte At Butterbeanrow! 

 Love, Chatty


Kerrie said...

Okay, watched the video and yep, I'm crying. It's so good to know God hears our tears as prayers. Sunday Blessings!

Tracie Nall said...

wow. that is a really powerful video.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.
Psalm 56:8

Suzan said...

It's all in how you say it!!
GOD does listen!
Have a Blessed Sunday Sandie!

Unknown said...

Very powerful! Thank you!

betty said...

I like that thought about Jesus hearing our tears like a prayer. That is comforting! I have seen this video before, it is definitely a powerful one of the impact of words and how they are put together like that puts things into a whole new perspective.

Enjoy your day!


Miss Debbie said...

I had seen the video before, but still very moving. there's a song about Jesus putting our tears in a bottle. In other words, He sees them and remembers them! What a comfort! Happy Sunday to you, Sandie!!

TexWisGirl said...

i've seen that video. very touching.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

In our prayers this morning at church they said we are thankful for the blessings that are more wonderful than any prayer we could ever ask for. So true. The Glory of God is more than we know. Hope you have a peace filled and restful Sunday!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a wonderful Sunday dear friend :) xoxo

Mary said...

Oh, that is so true.

jack69 said...

I've seen that video before, but I still shed a tear at its beauty.
Also love the quote.
Great entry my dear!
Sherry & Jack.

Ms. A said...

I've seen that one and love it!

Happy Sunday, Sandie.

Jackie said...

Thank you so much.
I hadn't seen the video...
Very touching.

Ann said...

Amazing what a difference the right wording can make. That's a beautiful video. Hope you're having a great Sunday

Pamela said...

Gripping video. How blessed I am to have a God who catches my tears and turns them to prayer. Visiting here was a joy.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, That was beautiful. Thank you. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

Jill said...


LL Cool Joe said...

What a great video. I needed that today.

Marsha Young said...

Yes,indeed, Jesus does "hear our tears" - what a great way to put it.

have a wonderful Sunday. ...Marsha

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Did you have to make me cry? Did you? That was beautiful. I'm gonna share it, my sweet friend.

Jojo said...

That is so beautiful and what a difference those words made.

Lois Christensen said...

I've seen this video and it is a GREAT one! Hope you had a nice Sunday!

Marie said...

You always know how to get my tears flowing! Beautiful video! Hope you had a enjoyable day! Thank you for all you do!

Rob-bear said...

I've seen that video before, and loved it. The power of well-chosen words. Like the note about tears and prayers.

BlueShell said...

Oh...my dear friend...I love that little video...It is so moving...
And yes... God is there to us...
I do believe He is. Thank you for this magnificent gift dear!

Nonnie said...

Oh, that was a good video. Thank you. The verse about God putting all our tears in a bottle has always been a comforting one to me.

Nonnie said...

Is the problem solved?

deb said...

Simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing...I needed that today ;)
*hugs*deb xoxo

Susan said...

He does, Sandie. He "hears" our tear and often turns them to smiles. Thanks for your blog and for you! Susan