"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pay It Forward

Monica sent me a forward - The Chicken Wrangler.  I never ever saw Subway or any place give free meals to the homeless before- have you?  That is awesome.

Here is a man giving a women his shoes.  Makes me want to cry!
And what mom wouldn't do this for their child?

There are so many good things happening in the world today.  Sometimes we concentrate on the negative ones and yes there are negative ones for sure.  I worry and pray just like everyone else. 

I am going to try to do something today to pay it forward to some unsuspecting person.  Want to join me or have you done something recently?  What is something good you've heard or seen recently?


“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. ”
William James


andy said...

Wow what great stories! Have a great day

Mevely317 said...

These captures are so powerful, Sandie!
In the space of only a minute, my mind's taken a whole new route ... a good one, that is!
Wishing you a happy day :)

Terra said...

Sandie, these are lovely and remind me that the good deeds are way more frequent than the bad, but they don't get on tv or the newspapers as often.

TexWisGirl said...

i like that james quote. thanks, chatty.

Jeanie said...

There is no way not to want to do something good for someone after seeing these.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i loved the movie Pay It Forward and this is a great reminder of what that movie taught us. I do believe in paying it forward and sometimes do need a nudge to remind me.

Anonymous said...

What a faithful Mom.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love the pay it forward attitude! It can make a difference in the world.
hugs, Linda

Grandma Bonnie said...

What an awesome post. I think we all need a reminder to stop and help others even when we are in a hurry. I hope you have a great day!

Aloha Acres said...

I wish stories like that rec'd more recognition than all the terrible stuff we hear about every day.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

If all the good things people do were reported on the news every day, I think the good would over power the bad. Why it is that they think we want to hear all the bad things is beyond me. Our local news station does have a segment where they pay it forward...200 dollars is given to a needy person each week. More should be told about all the good people do. I'm baby sitting today which is unusual for a Sunday but one of my sons and his wife went to an awards dinner. Happy to say he was one of 3 top art teachers in our region. Hope your Sunday is a wonderful one!

jack69 said...

What an interesting and powerful entry. Yes, what we do, DOES count. Nothing thrill the human soul more than love and caring (when one's heart is right!)
Thanks for brightening my day.
Love from NC Sherry & Jack

Love Of Quilts said...


Beth said...

I have never heard of Subway doing anything like this before. I wonder what city it was in. I think it is a very good idea.

Whosyergurl said...

Sandie, Wonderful post! I believe that we have so much power! Each and every day, we can affect others in a negative manner or a positive manner.

love, Cheryl

Whosyergurl said...

Sandie, Wonderful post! I believe that we have so much power! Each and every day, we can affect others in a negative manner or a positive manner.

love, Cheryl

Unknown said...

You put up such thoughtful things! I like it!
Enjoy your day my friend xx

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like to keep bottled water in my car to give to the homeless on our freeway exits. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday. Love, Debby

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a precious message for us all today. I believe every act we make is important in the big scheme of things. I try to live my life remembering to smile and be kind to everyone I come in contact with. And most of the time...people respond in kind. I am very blessed. Sweet hugs to you for bringing us this post as a reminder of how we can make a difference. I also pray for others. That's an important job, too. Sweet hugs!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Did you notice that I sent you sweet hugs twice? How nice it is to be friends with you!

Shelly said...


Ann said...

I didn't know that Subway did that. It's nice to know that there is good in the world, it's just a shame that there isn't more of it and you don't hear about it like you do all the bad stuff

Ms. A said...

As hard as it was, I did a positive thing for my MIL yesterday. She only managed to chew me out once, or twice.

Southhamsdarling said...

What lovely, inspiring photos. I particularly liked the one about the 97 year old woman looking after her 60 year old son. Every photo made me realize just how fortunate I am. We should all do good deeds along the way.

Jim said...

Hi Sandy, nice post. I will check out our Subways. The town is pretty nice to the homeless as long as they sleep in shelters or elsewhere other than the parks and public places.

Our church gives free meals on Wednesday evenings, the same food as the church people eat.
Mrs. Jim and I have been eating with the group except we pay for our meal. $5.00.

The church in London, England that we visited today has 24 free meals on Sundays, first come, first served.

betty said...

So sweet about the man giving his shoes away and the mom taking care of her son! I do like the idea of paying it forward, Sandie. I'm always looking around on how to help people; let them go before me in line at the grocery store, hold the door open for them, etc. I think it is a kinder world when we look for opportunities to help others.

hope Sunday is a restful one!


Dar said...

Paying it forward is the solution to so much hurt and pain. Thanks for posting this as a reminder. I do try my best and most recently without even knowing it. All I did was to compliment a young man on the way he and his wife were raising their nearly grown girls by recognizing that they were respectful, kind, gentle young ladies. He cried. I wasn't just saying it, I meant it.
Kindness is contagious.

Rob-bear said...

Our actions are important to one, to a hundred, maybe to more. When our thoughts and dreams turn to creative, loving action, the world becomes a better place.

barbara l. hale said...

I agree that we should concentrate on the positive. It would make us think in a more positive way about everything around us. Thanks for this post!

barbara l. hale said...

I agree that we should concentrate on the positive. It would make us think in a more positive way about everything around us. Thanks for this post!

Jill said...

I often try to do this during the holidays but you have challenged me to do something nice this week! Thank YOU!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Paying it forward...works!

Buttercup said...

I have a "pay it forward" at the coffee cart where I get my coffee in the morning. Every few months I leave an extra few dollars for the next person. No one ever expects this in the heart of New York City.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

What an uplifting post ... it's so easy to dwell on all that's wrong in this world ... how wonderful to focus on the good.

The (Christian music) radio station I listen to has a Pay It Forward program ... we can print out a note to have the teller give the next customer, telling them that their meal (or whatever) has been paid for, explaining why. I like that idea, and you have motivated me to do that.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Beautiful! Thank you, Sandie.

Marie said...

You have the most inspirational posts! Recently my son was on a toll road and someone ahead of him paid his $1.00 toll. I shop at thrift stores regularly because I want to not because I have to. On one of my visits there was a little girl that had found some shoes she wanted and her mother told her that they couldn't get them that day. After the little girl finally put the shoes back I took them to the register where the cashier recognized me and I paid for them and asked the cashier to give them to the little girl for me. It feels so good to help others!

Susan said...

Hi Sandie. That was a nice post. What is something good I've seen lately? Well, a niece of mine brought over several bags of clothes, make-up and accessories she no longer wanted.

Those things are going to a LOT of different people who need them. It's wonderful when a person shares and makes many people happy. Susan

Liz Mays said...

That's exactly what we need to see from time to time. I've seen the shoes one before and it moves me every time!

magie said...

A really great post, very touching indeed. Such good caring people out there :)
Wishing you a lovely day today x

Remington said...

Great post, my friend! Don't you wish the news on TV would show the nice things that happen in this world instead of all the bad stuff....maybe things would change....

Michaele said...

Oh Chatty - you always make my cup overflow : )

LL Cool Joe said...

I've seen that photo of the man giving the lady the shoes and it gets to me every time.

There are a lot of GOOD people out there!

Helen said...

these give tears in my eyes.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie sweetheart,
This one is definetely a stunning post full of love and compassion.
Mother's love is so powerful in all ages. To mothers' views, our children will never grow older. Then, they will always be our babies. Thanks for sharing your loving heart, Sandie!

The Boston Lady said...

Sandie, I'm catching up! I've always been a big believer in paying it forward. I will give my most recent experience which was today. At the DMV. Horrible place to work, I imagine and to have to spend several hours - although I look at it as a chance to read! I have found the DMV employees to be kind of impenetrable as far as smiling and getting a human response from the them. I know they are used to hearing complaints all day. I was one of those not so happy customers at my last visit last week. This week I decided I was going to smile and joke with each person I interacted with and try to lighten the mood. It worked! I wished them all a good afternoon and told them how much more efficient they were than the FL DMV. Left out the part about them being more expensive. Told the lady taking my license picture to get my good side and saw a smile crack. I had a good experience and I think they did too. Compassion is a learned thing and too many of us lack it. Ann

Angela said...

I try to always look for someone that needs some kind of easy to give help while I'm shopping. I'll get something down from a shelf for them. I like to tell people that there is a good sale going on with the canned goods and things like that. A little old woman was thrilled last week when I passed on to her that Green Giant canned goods were on sale for .75 a can. She was buying generic for more! That just made her day. I also pointed out the Ragu 2 pack as being a good deal. She bought a few of those too!


Betty Manousos said...

thanks for a great touching post and a great reminder! love the pay it forward attitude!and believe in it as well.

Catherine said...

I love this post. You are so right. We get caught up in the 'bad' and quit focusing on the 'good'. Why do we do that?
xo Catherine

Jocelyn said...

The spirit of giving. So very, very beautiful!

Melanie said...

Those are some awesome pictures and stories, Sandie!
I hope you've been doing OK. I've been so busy with school, but I wanted to stop by and say 'hi'.♥