"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesdays Tails and Tales...

Two brooms were hanging in the closet and after a while they got to know each other so well, they decided to get married. 

One broom was, of course, the bride broom; the other the groom broom.
The bride broom looked very beautiful in her white dress. The groom broom was handsome and suave in his tuxedo. The wedding was lovely.

After the wedding, at the wedding dinner, the bride-broom leaned over and said to the groom-broom, "I think I am going to have a little whisk broom!"

"IMPOSSIBLE !" said the groom broom.

Are you ready for this?
Brace yourself; this is going to hurt
! ! ! ! ! !



Sounds to me like she's ....... ......been ......sweeping around!!!
Thank you Betsy at Joyful Reflections and Debby at Just Breathe for thinking of me.

Okay I thought that was REALLY funny.  Okay it's Tuesday.  Hope you are having a good one and be careful and don't sweep around.

A tale from the past:

My dad worked for Greyhound Inc.  He was VP of Maintenance.  This of course was years ago when Greyhound was huge.  He had a little horn I guess you'd say - that he installed on my mom's car.  It played 'Go Greyhound and Leave the Driving to Us'  - do you know that little tune?

Well I was about 16 my mom and I were at the eye doctor getting my first pair of contacts.  Hard contacts - do you remember those - ouch!  It was pouring rain.  As we were sitting there - in the distance we thought we heard that jingle/horn going off - 'Go Greyhound and Leave the Driving to us...'

When we left and got to the car - the horn was going off constantly!  We had no idea how to turn it off.  So my mom drove all the way home with that darn thing playing - about a half hour.

Got home an my dad stopped it - apparently it had shorted out!

That was so funny - and just a memory I thought of sharing this week.

Do you have a funny memory to share?

Here's a tail:
Thought of the day - you have problems?  Sit on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



DD said...

Very good to start my day...lol.
Thanks, DD

andy said...

Great stories !! Hope you have a great day

Changes in the wind said...

I do remember that song:)

Remington said...

Thanks for the smile, my friend! I needed that!

betty said...

Too cute with the brooms! That was interesting your dad worked for Greyhound; I do remember that song! That must have been annoying to hear it all the way home though! I also remember the hard contact lenses; they sure have changed in their technology of them over the years!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

Anonymous said...

Very funny broom joke. Great way to start the day with a laugh :) Thanks!

Pondside said...

I'll be making everyone groan today with that broom joke!

Wanda's Wings said...

Love the brooms.

renae said...

Morning to you, Chatty! I slept great last night and up early to concur the day!!!

That is a funny 'most embarrassing moment' type story. But those kind are the best kind. I got a kick out of though.

Have a fabulous day, you deserved it.

Debbie said...


Hope all is going OK with you. I have to go back and read and try to catch up from being AWOL yet again. At least it was for a good reason this time!

Irene said...

haha made me laugh too! =)

Anonymous said...

Your a card. Like this blog today Sandie.

The broom joke , ha,ha

Oh oooooOps. I spilled my

coffee missed my mouth.

Dribble, wet,wet.

Susan said...

LOL. Good post, Sandie. Loved the laughing frog. Funny stories? Hmmmm. One time, as a kid, I was in my nightie and the insurance man came to the door. I ran into the unheated pantry to hide. My parents invited him in, they had coffee, etc. and completely forgot I was in the pantry.

I have to say, my teeth were chattering by the time he left. After he walked out the door, little icicle girl emerged from the pantry. My parents felt bad and couldn't believe I was in there all that (freezing) time!

Ha! Makes me laugh to think of their faces when I came out, poor dears.
Thanks for the memories. Susan

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is funny, i would not know how to stop the horn either, my horn got stuck back about 40 years ago, and i drove to my dad's house and he reached in and jerked the wire loose, easy to do, but i had no clue. mine was not beeping it was just one long bbbbbllllllareeeeeeeee

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh that is funny! I'm reading a historical fiction book right now and two people jumped a broom which meant they were married. I thought that was interesting.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Thanks for the laughs Sandie- I needed a pick me up today!

TexWisGirl said...

well, you certainly advertised for greyhound that day. :)

Betty Manousos said...

i literally was lol'ing!

thanks, sandie!
laughter is the best medicine!

i know that you totally agree! hehe!

Paula said...

I've read the broom story before but I like it so much I read the whole thing again. Funny horn story too.

Rose said...

Thanks for the chuckles.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Swept together!! giggle!! Love the 'go greyhound and leave the driving to us', I can just imagine driving home with the horn playing that...funny memory! hugs, Linda

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Sandie. Loved the one about the two brooms. I think we probably have the same silly sense of humour!! Love all the new things on the right hand sidebar of your blog. All looking very good!

Ms. A said...

I have a big problem... and I AM sitting on it!

barbara l. hale said...

"Sweeping around" LOL!!! And I love the story about the Greyhound horn. We used to have a real live greyhound and now every time we pass a Greyhound bus we say, "There goes Tigger!"

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm......I got lots of problems at work! Can't sit on them all! Just gotta wait to retire I guess!

Unknown said...

HaHa! What a lovely memory :-) that must have been so funny. Didn't she notice it was on?
Hope you're having a good day. I am just home from work a little while ago.
Big hugs x

jack69 said...

I hope dem brooms have swept together by now!!!


Musta got a lot o curious folks as the car passed tooting that!!!

Take care,,,,,

Miss Debbie said...

That is a funny story!I'm surprised you mom didn't tell your dad..."Take that thing off!!" She must have been very patient!

Love Of Quilts said...

Was that story really true about your family.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

This was so refreshing, Sandie...:)JP

Nonnie said...

It's so much easier to laugh about those kind of things AFTER they have become a memory than actually experiencing them!

deb said...

Yes I do remember that song! We are dating ourselves sweetie!!

Unknown said...

Why would anyone want to mess with Photobucket?

Renegades said...

LOL i love the broom joke.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh my dear that is so funny. Thank you for all the laughs.

Ann said...

LOL, I bet you got a lot of funny looks driving all the way home with that horn going.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Thanks for the stories, they made me smile. I hope you are having a wonderful week.

Jill said...

These both made me laugh right out loud!

The Boston Lady said...

Loved the brooms and the horn! Always nice to come here and smile! Ann

Beth said...

Thanks for the laughs.

Angela said...

Now that is a very funny memory Sandie! I've never heard a horn that plays that tune but there is someone at the kids school that has the Duke's of Hazzard car with that tune on their car.

Shug said...

Funny! I sure needed some laughter after the long day I have had...Thanks!

Mevely317 said...

Thanks a lot, Sandie ... now I’ve that darn jingle in MY head! (lol)

That is a really funny story! Going home, were you all crunched down in your seat so no-one would see you?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes I love that one, glad you enjoyed it.
I do remember the Greyhound jingle!
That's a funny story and a fun memory to have.
Hope you have had a nice day :)

Gina said...

LOL! Thanks for the laugh!

Marie said...

I do remember that song.:) That is a funny story! And we all know when you are a teenager something like that is so embarrassing!
My Grandma told us this story while celebrating her birthday the other day. She said that I was about 5 or 6 years old and we were playing charades and no one could guess what I was. Finally everyone gave up and asked me what I was, my answer...a peanut! LOL They all laughed until they cried she said. :) I do enjoy hearing family stories. :)

Granny Annie said...

I can only imagine your horror riding home in that noisy vehicle. Children are so easily humiliated.

My mother, the preacher's wife, dreaded taking my sister and me with her to the grocery store. If she dared turn her back on the shopping cart, we would quickly fill the basket with beer and cigarettes.

BelovedBomber said...

all so funny :) Sitting on my probs is a funny word pic. Many blessings!

Nancy said...

Made me smile this morning Sandie. xo

Hootin Anni said...

....which reminds me of a song by Roy Clark and now I'll be singing that thanks to your commercial jingle memory...."Thank God and Greyhound You're Gone". If you haven't ever heard of the song, look it up on You Tube, I'm sure it's there.

Sweeping around...o m goodness! rofl

Linda O'Connell said...

I took a Greyhound once or twice in my life with my children. What an experience.

Liz Mays said...

ha! The broom joke made me crack up so much!

Jim said...

Nice broom story, Sandie. I'd not heard it before.

Like your tale from the past. I remember when contact lens were invented.

Also on the Greyhound, I used to send my laundry home for Mom to wash on the Greyhound. At the same time she'd be sending me a week's worth of clean clothes. That was when I was at college, eighty miles away from home.

Secret Agent Woman said...

Thanks for the visit! Funny broom joke - I'm so bad at remembering punchlines, but I think I can remember that one.

Dee said...

Did you hide out of side on the ride home LOL Once I got a flat tire and ran out of gas at the same time AND my girl friend an I were in our PJ's because we wee going to pick her mom up from work early in the morning.