"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, November 09, 2012

Fun Friday Strikes Again with a little help from my friends.

I never thought it'd make it!

How Sharp Are You?


This one is fun!! Think carefully.
You are going to hate yourself over this.
It scores automatically, too.
Take this advice.... think before you answer.

Click here: How Smart Are You? 
Thanks Sharon

While riding the bus, my mother noticed a young man, who was holding onto the same pole, staring at her. Eventually, he said, "Excuse me. This is my stop."
Since she wasn't blocking his way, she was confused. "Well," she said, "go ahead."
"And this is my pole," he said.
My mother was completely perplexed until the young man added, "I just bought it at the hardware store to hold up my shower curtain."
And with that, he picked up his pole and carried it off the bus.

I have this disease - do you?

Thank you Jeannie cousin


I admit that this isn't always the easiest - but it is for sure the best way to live our lives.



Jeanie said...

Thanks for adding a little silliness to whatever life brings to this day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so now I know I have AAAD... love the shower pole joke... ROFL

renae said...

Sandie, You will be proud to know you have a friend (me) that has a "bitchn'love-life" and a "normal" intelligence. I got a 5 (which is my lucky #, too). Since my 40's I have had AAADD! hahahahaha.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Now I know what to call this sickness I have...AAADD! I laughed at this one because it is so like me!
Thanks, for making me laugh today, I really needed it.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, if I didn't come here I would be sad all day!

Unknown said...

Lotsa laughs today, THANKS!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I really do have that age deficit disorder...more time spent in circles than anything else somedays. Yes, we do need to keep a humorous side in life. It does help, more some days than others. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

Marie said...

this is good stuff! I was LOL watching the video. I think anyone who has a busy life has that problem, :) That's what I'm telling myself anyway. :)

Shelly said...

Great stuff! Loved the laughs!

Anonymous said...

9 out of 11..I'm honor student.
Fun stuff..have a great weekend!

Kim said...

All great ones today. PS 11/11 Hahaha

Granny Annie said...

8 out of 11 so I'm an Honor Student too. I missed the baseball one and the widow one and just because my thinking cap fell off for a moment:)

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
I love Fridays too!
Say Happy Birthday to your husband from me!
The video you shared is nice.
Thanks for sharing your world, sweetheart Sandie!
Have a great weekend, my friend!
Warm Hugs,
Poet Starry.

TexWisGirl said...

the shower pole was too funny.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You know I love funny Fridays! The pole on the bus cracked me up!! hugs, Linda

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Thanks for making me laugh! Didn't do too badly on the test (9 out of 11) but it tells me my love life is going to bloom. Hmmmm! Loved the film on ADD--I've often wondered and now I know!

Nonnie said...

Great stuff. I am proud to say I am an honor student. The video was hilarious.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Cute stuff today! I hope you have a great weekend.

Catherine said...

Thanks for the Friday funnies my friend! It makes me smile!
xo Catherine

Jim said...

Sandie, I love this Friday's mish mash of items. I am still smiling at the pole joke. :)

Yes, we have that disease too. We got home Tuesday and still today I can't figure out where I hid my car key and both of the Mustang keys. It is a good thing that Mrs. Jim took her keys with her so we could have a car to drive. I have no idea of where to look as I've looked in all the hiding places I can think of.

We are so broke too. With the deductions we don't pay INCOME taxes. I guess that puts us in the 47% 'dead beat' citizens who can be written off. Retirement is nice but the Texas school teacher financial part is H*ll. Mrs. Jim has not had a cost of living raise since 2000. I will never get one with the plan I am on. And my 17 years with Ford leaving as a senior engineer gives me a $214 a month check. No cost of living increases for that either, not since I left the company in 1980.

Unknown said...

Wohooo finally Friday!!! :)

Ms. A said...

Yes, I have it and no, I'm not taking anymore tests to prove what a failure I am. I already know!

Happy Weekend!

Susan said...

Hi Sandie..Cute post but the "test made me feel sooooo dumb. Man, I didn't any right! DUHHHHHHH. ha ha hahah ha Susan

By Nela said...

Gracias por tu visita.



MunirGhiasuddin said...

My son had given a hint that I could be having this disorder and not loosing my memory. So I am not alone huh?

Dee said...

I use your blog to help sprinkle a little silliness in my day. That poor lady in the video....I can truly relate. and what a hoot I had taking that test....I flunked LOL

Inger said...

Thank you for yet another smiley Friday!!!

Skoots1moM said...

i made an 8 out of 11 and could kick myself for the 3 i didn't catch...(and i had heard the Moses/Noah one b4, hahahahah)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You always make Fridays special with your fun! I did good on the little test...but I knew there was a catch to each one AND I think a little differently than most people. I think it's the blond hair! lol Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

Ann said...

woo hoo, I'm an honor student....lol I can't believe I did that good

Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh wow, I got Honor Student 9 out of 11. I do believe I have Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. I am always wondering what I came into a room for. I seem to always be busy but wonder why the work keeps piling up. thanks for the laughs today. My hand is healing nicely. I had a bone chip removed. I can't wait to be able to use it for typing.

Dar said...

LOL, and just when I had to hit the search button on my phone jack to find the phone....ah, life is so full of laughter.
After that, I wasn't taking any kind of test., but, but, but...
loved the pole, LMAO
It is always a kick to come here.


jack69 said...

Love the entry. The photoof the old folk and the caption is super. LOL
One never knows, does one?

Take care and have a great weekend.
HUGS from NC

Gina said...

Thanks for the laughs!

Karen said...

Hi Sandie, thanks for the lovely comment on my last post. I'm glad you did, visiting your blog, has cheered me up considerably. Love the add video, yes I get like that, and no, I must be dumb didn't do too well on that test. Have a lovely day
Best Wishes

BelovedBomber said...

8 out of 11 here too :) love those brain teasers

betty said...

I got 9/11 right; I did think before I answered like you suggested; still I got the one wrong about who took the animals on the ark, LOL :)


Anonymous said...

I so enjoy reading your blog. It brighten my day with silliness ~:) Thanks!

Betty Manousos said...

as always, i am late to the party.

great stuff today!
thanks for the laughs today; i really needed it.

hope you're having a happy weekend!:)

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Love starting my day with a laugh! ;-)

Miss Debbie said...

Cute video...I can relate!!

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Sandie the video was sooooooooo funny!


DearHelenHartman said...

Thanks for the laughs this morning - I needed them!

Just Be Real said...

Cute. :)

Cranberry Morning said...

...and who doesn't need a little silliness in life. If we can't laugh at ourselves, it would be a sad life indeed.

renae said...

Yes Sandie! it is snow city for us now. It snowed in mid October but it all melted off except on the mountain tops. Yesterday's and today's snow have accumulated about 8-10 inches already and it is STILL snowing. We had the mildest autumn ever this year. I was wearing shorts and sandals earlier in the week. Now cold and snow -- but hey, It is the 10th of NOVEMBER!!!! lol

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Glad we are picking up the pieces of our Blogging Life. After the Horrors of this Election. Not easy. Not!

But we seem to be finding our own way, to continue to have Our Fun Of Blogging. Yessss!

And this has to be a good thing. To find our own way to have Our Fun Of Blogging. It goes with our need to Stay Healthy. Due to the disaster which BO-Care will be. If we are having some fun, it has to be better for our health. Both of mind and bod.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed my visit.... always have fun here!

Along These Lines ... said...

Dang. Moses got me. Or was it Noah.

Renegades said...

Love the reminder of how to live life.

Holly said...

So, I took the intelligence test and yeah...I loved your post. So funny are you! Just stopping by to say hello.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The test was crazy!

Maggie Ann said...

I took your quiz....lol. Enough said, I think.

Diane K said...

9 out of 11. That was fun, made me think.

Hootin Anni said...

rofl....on the tea and the robbery practice. And the IQ test...I got 11 out of 11

Melanie said...

What a funny video. Some days seem like that to me. I stay busy, but so little gets done!

Lynn said...

I always enjoy these Friday fun things. :)

Jocelyn said...

I love fun fridays!! I got a 4 on that test, lol.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

i know its not friday anymore- but wanted to say hi

Michael said...

What a beautiful blog, just came here by accident....much appreciated !