"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Is this true for you - it is true for ME!

Relax today while you are running around getting things ready for Thanksgiving.  Don't forget to have some fun.  That is what it's about.


Thought for the day:

 “Promise me you will not spend so much time treading water and trying to keep your head above the waves, that you forget, truly forget....how much you have always loved to swim.”

 Tyler Knott Gregson



betty said...

LOL; Sandie! I love that graphic! Too cute! I know Koda watches us when we are cooking!

you too have a great day and a good week ahead!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Fun sounds good to me, Sandie... We will be with family off and on for about 3 days... That should be FUN...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your precious family.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

That is so cute! Even my cat does that if he thinks it involves chicken!! Hugs, Linda

renae said...

Awesome post Sandie! short and sweet and to the point! love it!!!!

Have a marvelous day today! k?

love, Renae

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for that great laugh!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Aww, cute little dog!

Wanda's Wings said...

Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

A fun day here for sure as I have my 2 year old grandson today. Never a dull moment...except now and it is nap time! Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

Anonymous said...

I have that song in my head now!!!

Beth said...

I love the thought for the day! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Sandie!

Suzan said...

GREAT and TRUE with puppy under feet in the kitchen!!
AND- I'm on my way of looking like your dancing hippo by the end of this week!!

jack69 said...

Ah, a dancing Hippo! Some things impossible, I find here!
Getting ready for Thanksgiving...

Hope your day is full of dancing and LOVE!

Cheri said...

You must know my pups well.

Nonnie said...

Oh yeah! It's true. Trudy doesn't leave my side when I'm in the kitchen or we are at the table. She is waiting for that one little bite that is saved just for her. Great quote about swimming.
:-) Connie

Eat To Live said...

Hahahaha.... I bet you are watched very closely.

Happy Tuesday to you!!

Anonymous said...

Blessings Sandie on your Thanksgiving.

We had ours In Canada already.Weeks ago.

Like your blog. Funny.

Been baking and company so have been sort of late to your blogging.

Carol Ann

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh my- this is so my crazy cat. She won't eat people food, but she likes to stare at us while we eat. :)

You have a fantastic Thanksgiving with the fam!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! So true! LOL

Dar said...

LOL, how sweet it is~~~just so no one is watching as I reach for that second piece of pumpkin pie.

To answer your ? the guys do most of the processing but I do know how to feather and truss a chicken. And I do most all the cooking and Bill helps except for the grill~~~when the whole family pitches in.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Sandi

Journeyin' Lady... said...

Your posts always make me smile --- and today is no exception!

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Sandie. Love that thought for the day, and that dog is just SO cute! I wish we had Thanksgiving over here in England - it is such a good idea. Nevertheless, I am truly thankful for all my blessings each and every day. Happy Thanksgiving to you my friend, and all your family.

Unknown said...

Hi Sandie, that image is so cute! Hope you're having a great day, mine is nearly ending. Have had my German class this evening and trying to do a little bit of art before I go to bed. Enjoy your Day my friend!


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

So true! So true! So true!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, "Auntie"

Ms. A said...

It sure used to be true... when I had dogs! I sure miss them.

Happy Thanksgiving, Sandie!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

LOL!! I love that one and yes...so true! Only the little eyes watching me belong to kitties.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!! We are heading out to Branson tomorrow...yay!!

Linda said...

You are such a hoot!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!!

Ann said...

LOL, oh yes that is so true. Even when I think Duke is sleeping and I try to be very very quiet about getting a snack he still manages to hear me

Lynn said...

Oh I've had those big brown eyes watching my every move too! Happy Thanksgiving Sandie-enjoy:@)

Shelly said...

A to the men!!!

Catherine said...

LOL! Very true indeed!! Cute cute!
Wishing you a happy week!
xo Catherine

Jim said...

Our chow hound dog, Adi, died September 17, Adi was a very good dog (link).

Today we had to put Amber, Karen's cat, out of her misery. Now all we have left is Katrin, our toy poodle.

Katrin's former owner was a French lady, born in France. Katrin is a French dog born in an Oklahoma puppy mill.

But she is trained up to be French. French dogs don't eyeball every bite you take. The French take their dogs to restaurants and the dogs just sit under the table waiting for the meal to be finished.

Susan said...

Oh, I DID have some fun today, with my little 9 week old granddaughter! And YOU will be having fun soon with your little grandson!

Safe trip and godspeed, Sandie. Susan

Dolores said...

So true! Happy thanksgiving!

Marie said...

That is so true in our house. :)

Linda O'Connell said...

Food finds me! Have a very happy Thanksgiving, Sandie.

Debbie said...

HAHAHA! Perfect. As I recall, babies were like that too. Nothing could wake my girls up from a nap faster then some odd telepathic message that Mom is having a little snack time.

In case I don't get back here, HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

Lynn said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Sandie!

momto8 said...

yes..crazed. here..in such a fun way....I love thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

Rose said...

Enjoy Thanksgiving!

Jim said...


Will 'drop in' after the holidays. Going to The Pelican State, The Bayou State, The Sugar State, The Child of the Mississippi,
Fisherman's Paradise (i.e. Louisiana) now.

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Sandie! I miss you and have been visiting blogs less! Please forgive me? Hope you and yours are well. Hugs!

Knitty said...

Love that photo!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can't get any more relaxed or i would be asleep and unable to read and comment. love this and i have Jakes eyes on me at every moment. i am relaxed because we are eating at Golden Corral tomorrow, no cooking needed

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend! I hope your day is filled with blessings. Sweet hugs, Diane

Charlotte Wilson said...

That reminds me of my 3 dogs...they hang around when I am cooking hoping that i will drop something good on the floor.

Michaele said...

You have my dog pegged there. She will NOT stop staring at me in the kitchen. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Mary said...

Happy, lovely Thanksgiving to you and yours. Mary

20 North Ora said...

Sandi - My dog Bella can hear the fridge open from the other side of the house. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


Granny Annie said...

So funny! Ron and I enjoyed our lunch today with Slim standing at the ready for any dropped morsels.

Sharon said...

Ah, dog patrol!! Yes, it's true for me.

Hoping you and yours have a wonderful Turkey Day! Stuff yourself silly, pumpkin!

xo and GOD BLESS!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, dear friend,
Today's image is so cute, I agree.
It sounds like a lot of fun you are going to have on Thanksgiving.
I wish Happy Thanksgiving to you, your dear family and loved ones!
Have a blessed time with those you love, and enjoy doing your best!
I try to take it easy, because I am going through health issues.
I hope life improves next year for me, in 2013. Happy Holidays!
Yes! Doctor Paul works every single day, Monday through Friday, including Holidays like Christmas. The Emergency Room is open all year round for all patients.
God may bless you all, Sandie!
Warm Hugs & All the Best,
Poet Starry.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Turkey Day!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Thanks giving

Rob-bear said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Sandie.

I'm off hibernating. See you in the spring. Blessings and Bear hugs til then.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Funny....sometimes I try to sneak food into my office! Have a wonderful day and don't eat too much turkey or a nap will be needed!

Nancy said...

Happy Thanksgiving Sandie!

Dee said...

love the doggie picture quote...so very true LOL