"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, December 25, 2012



As we wake this Christmas morning and start to go thru the day - remember where ever you are - try to give your Christmas away...pass the joy to someone in need.  Pray for the 26 victims family in Connecticut too.  And of course our friend Leontien.  And the many others of our friends in need of prayer.

"Christ in Christmas
( I borrowed this - the site is below.)

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).

Christ in Christmas is like memorial in Memorial Day, mother in Mother’s Day, father in Father’s Day, labor in Labor Day, independence in Independence Day, and thanksgiving in Thanksgiving Day.
Indeed, Jesus is the reason for the season. He is the explanation for eternal life. He is the beginning and the end, a bright light in the darkest darkness. He is our hope on earth as we prepare for our home in heaven. 
Christ in Christmas means you live for a purpose much grander than merchandise and commerce. Your children have a legacy of love for God and country, and service to others. You work as unto the Lord and give generously out of gratitude for God’s bountiful blessings.
Christ in Christmas motivates you to live like you were dying and to die like you were living, all in a spirit of faith, hope, and love.
Christ in Christmas compels you to exclaim, “He was born so we would believe, He died so we would live, and He rose so we would rise!” Therefore, in humility and with pride, boldly keep Christ in Christmas. His birth is your excuse to brag about Jesus."
 © 2012 by Boyd Bailey. All rights reserved.
info@mail.wisdomhuntersdevotional.com / www.wisdomhunters.com


“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
Hamilton Wright Mable 

We are passing around the flu here - I don't remember all of us being so sick for so long!!
I'm behind of course and I think I'm going to take a couple of days off to try to rest and catch up! I'll be back.


Betty Manousos said...

merry christmas!

DD said...

Merry Christmas Chatty. I hope you and the family feel better soon.
Love and Hugs, DD

jack69 said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS sorry to hear you feel soooo bad, sending prayers, love and hugs from Orlando.
Enjoyed the Christmas message and one can never say MERRY CHRISTMAS TOO many times. So MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Read, drink plenty of liquids and rest. (I read that somewhere (LOL))
Jack & Sherry

Buttercup said...

Merry, merry Christmas! Wishing you a wonderful day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry you are all sick on Christmas day, hope you are all well soon.

Susan said...

Dear Sandie....No! No! Not the flu! Oh dear oh dear.

Definitely rest and come back when you feel up to it.

Sending warm wishes of health and prosperity for 2013.

(Baby Jesus? Please get over to Sandie's house and help everyone feel better.)


Kathy ... aka Nana said...

So, so sorry to hear that you all are sick. :-( Praying that you all will be feeling better soon, dear Sandie!

Connie said...

I hope you all feel better soon! Merry Christmas!

CalamityJr said...

So sorry you're not feeling well. Have a quiet and calm day and all of you take good care of each other! I'll send you a long note soon, but I'm having trouble with my Internet right now. Christmas blessings to all of you!

Susannah said...

Get well soon. I am sorry you are all not feeling well. Merry Christmas!

betty said...

Definitely take a few days off Sandie!! Rest up and feel better soon! (all of you!)

and try to have a Merry little Christmas!


Remington said...

Merry Christmas, my friend....I hope you feel better soon! Here is a big hug to help make you feel better....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Feel better soon. ((HUGS))

Grandma Bonnie said...

Merry Christmas. I hope you get to feeling better.

TexWisGirl said...

sorry about the flu! not the right kind of gift giving! :)

Wanda's Wings said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS and I hope you all get well soon.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

A very Merry Christmas to you and yours! I just read a special prayer on one of my friends blogs so I'm going to pass it on to you.

Please hold and keep us, dear Father above,
please send us flowers and children to love...
peace in our homeland, work to provide...
friends to hold onto, and faith to abide.

Merry Christmas !

Terra said...

Amen to your good words here and Merry Christmas to you and your dear ones. I hope you are well soon.

Ms. A said...

Merry Christmas, Sandi... and get well wishes, too!

Debbie Jones said...

Get better quick! God bless you and your family this Christmas and in the coming new year! Your blog has blessed so many of us. Thank you! Merry Christmas, my friend!

Ann said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Have a wonderful day

Ruth Kelly said...

Merry Christmas and may you all be well soon. Well said, about Christmas which is why we celebrate Christmas.

Sharon said...

A very Merry CHRISTmas to you and yours! Get well quick, Sandie.

Looking forward to seeing what God does in 2013!


Blondee said...

Merry Christmas, my friend. Feel better!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your first image is beautiful!! So sorry you are all sick! Our family is not here today because they have the flu, or at least one of them. Did you all get flu shots? Wishing you a very speedy recovery and hoping you still managed to have a meaningful day.

Dee said...

Merry Christmas... sorry you are spending it ill...I hope you start feeling better soon...darn that old flu. :(

Marsha Young said...

Merry Christmas to you, too. And hope you are feeling better.

A very Happy New Year, too!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, dear friend,
I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
I pray for your complete healings and prompt recovery.
I also pray for those families who are in need of prayers...
Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, your dear family and beloved ones!!
All the Best and Warm Hugs,

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Merry Christmas sweet friend! I hope you are feeling better and that your day was a good one! Love, Linda

Dar said...

That's what it's all about...give Christmas Away...so, so wonderful.
I agree with Jack, you can never say MERRY CHRISTMAS TOO MANY TIMES...
Do feel better soon. It isn't in my house yet, but a couple of the GrandLoves were flu-sick these past couple of days...rest, dear Sandie and we will continue our rainbow later. Chicken soup, or the B R A T diet getting back to food...bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, easy on the tummy stuff.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Merry Christmas to you too my friend the video was nice to listen to. Me I woke up this morning feeling unwell and I didn't even drink much yesterday a couple of glasses of wine with lunch

Bev said...

AMen to the post...hope you had a wonderful day! Love Bev

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

A blessed christmas to you Sandie..
have a great boxing day.. extra presents today and warm mince pies and goodies..
A beautiful blessed post.
thank you

Tracie Nall said...

Merry Christmas.

I hope the sickness left, and your day was wonderful.

Parsley said...

Hope your Christmas was special.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I'm with "Parsley" above, and hope your Christmas was special. :-)

Lynn said...

I hope you are better today! And Merry Christmas, one day late!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

My grands are all sick too- a bunch of bugs floating around here. Hope you had a good Christmas anyway- but rest up!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Merry Christmas and I hope you get to feeling better!!!

Nonnie said...

That was a beautiful Christmas post. I am so sorry you all gave been so sick. Hoping you are on the road to recovery.

Jackie said...

What a perfect Christmas post.
I hope that your Christmas was wonderfully blessed!
Happy new year to you, my friend.

Martha said...

Hope your Christmas Day was wonderful! Feel better soon!!

renae said...

Yes Sandie! I am back. My son-in-law is loaning me a laptop until the time we can afford my own (a couple of months). So yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus. I've always loved the phrase because my Mom's name is Virginia. hahahaha.

I sure hope your Christmas was special and meaningful and full of peace, too.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Please get better soon.
Merry Christmas

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Fell better soon! It's no fun being sick. Blessings to you and your family for a healthy and prosperous New year.

JOHN said...

I came across your blog from Barb of"My Johnny"Your blog is very inspirational.And it helps me.having a loss a lot of my Family.Its my faith in God that sustains me. Ive been blogging since I lost my Dad in 2008.Please stop by and share some words.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hope your Christmas was special, and of course, it is all about Christ..Never thought of the comparison with mothers/fathers day and memorial day... that was well said. Hey, to stop all the house getting the flue spray with something that destroys air-born germs. I use Glen 20 here in Oz.. wonderful stuff. Hope you are all well soon. xxx

Liz Mays said...

Merry Christmas, Sandie!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I hope you had a nice Christmas and that you are feeling better!

Tanna said...

Oh, Sandie! I hope you are feeling better by now!! We had a rough go with something like that, too!! Wishing you and yours all the best 2013 has to offer! xoxo ~ tanna

Sharon said...

Your blog has been wonderful this month.

Sorry you are not feeling well!

Betty said...

I finally connected to the Wi-Fi here and see where you've all had the flu. What a bummer. Hope things are better now. I'd better get out of here...don't want to catch anything. Take care.

renae said...

Sandie! Sure hope you all are feeling better. All of my grands were sick the week before Christmas. I and my oldest were both sick on Saturday so we post poned our family party 'til Sunday night and my oldest grand was still sick on Christmas eve. She is the one in the brownish photo. She had a fever and her throat was so soar, she couldn't talk. Dang bugs anyhow. Get well soon!

Marie said...

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas! I'm so sorry you all have felt bad. Hope everyone is getting plenty of rest and is better soon!!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

oh Sandie...I hope you all feel better already. Wonder if you got all this snow and freezing temp? anyways feel better quickly...and love the song.

Debbie said...

I'm late to your Christmas party, but I'm here nonetheless. Merry CHRISTmas!! I loved that portion of this post. (and the rest of it too.)

I hope this morning finds your home free of the flu or at least on the mend and ready to welcome a new hear in three days.

LL Cool Joe said...

Loved the video. Our church do the shoe boxes. It's amazing how much you can pack into one too!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

I hope that you are feeling better.

Wishing you and your family a very very happy new year

x Fiona