"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, December 03, 2012


And I say barn alert!

Yes a little fuzzy because I enlarged it so you could see it.  Teehee - I am bad.

A Fun Christmas Food Court Flash Mob! All I Want for Christmas from alegator21 on GodTube.


Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.”

 Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. (1922-2007)

Okay this is one of THE BEST quotes I can share with you.  I have told you before I know people who have let bitterness steal their sweetness.  DON'T LET ANYONE DO THAT.  Part of being a Christian is to open your heart.  If someone is telling you that you are bitter or hard - open your heart and ask yourself if it is true. If more than one tells you - LISTEN.  And then WORK on changing.  It is so hard to live like that.
AND NO MATTER what happens in your life -  BELIEVE THE WORLD TO BE A BEAUTIFUL PLACE - God doesn't make junk or junky people!


momto8 said...

I think you are right. Our actions should revel our Christianity...
have a great week!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

It's very important for us not to be Scroogey when we are disappointed or hurt. I so agree. Beautiful post, my friend, and a great quote, too.

Love you...



Sr. Ann Marie said...

Love the Kurt Vonnegut quote--enough to savor for a lifetime!

Shelly said...

Great, great quote! Love it and the comic is all too true.

Wanda's Wings said...

Love your quotes.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I'm just happy today! Love the cartoon and the quote! hugs, Linda

Beth said...

Love the cartoon and the quote!

Remington said...

Great quotes! Love the barn!

jack69 said...

Right on the nail head as usual! Good entry. I will wait for Sherry to play the videos, her computer does it better. both are SLOW!

I love quotes from witty and intelligent folk. We can learn somuch from short blurbs, if we will take time to hold and view the good in life, one nugget at a time.'Love from Wildwood!!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are so right! We need to keep our hearts open and believe in the beautiful things and people in our lives. God made it all and he doesn't make mistakes. We are all here for a reason and I don't know it all, but He does.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Haha I love the comic

Unknown said...

Great quote!! Hope you're having a great day! Nice picture of the barn too.
Big hugs x

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your twinkling Christmas lights at the top, so cool!!!! I cannot believe this quote is from Kurt Vonnegut!!! I have read many of his books and seen him in interviews and he was one of the most cynical people I have come across, even his books reflect it. Maybe he softened up in his layer years! I am copying it.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Every time I'm here, I feel guilty about not spending enough time blogging and working on mine, Sandie! Love your quotes and the smiles you give us!...:)JP

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Such wise words AND I love that cartoon.

Linda said...

You do it every.single.time!!!! You start our days off with a smile, a laugh, a thought! YOU, my dear, are AMAZING!!!

Bev said...

Great post...another Sandi barn which I love;)

Anonymous said...

another great bunch of smile makers!

TexWisGirl said...

thank you for those thoughts today. :)

Southhamsdarling said...

Loved that quote at the end, Sandie and, yes, we must believe that the world is a beautiful place. You do love your barns, don't you?! Hope all is well with you my friend.

Unknown said...

Super quote! Thanks!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wish i could see one of these flash mobs, but since i rarely go to the mall, probably will not happen. i would love it though

Merlesworld said...

So far I have lived a charmed life I have a few people to love, a lot to like, a few to dislike but none to hate. I have left you a answer on my blog.

Catherine said...

It's hard to believe that December got here so fast isn't it? Hope your first week is going well my friend! Love the comic ~ cute!
xo Catherine

Rob-bear said...

Such delightful singing! I saw another flash mob video of people singing hymns.

renae said...

Sandie! hi! how are you? did you see my post? it is bad. i broke my camera and it is dying a slow death.

really. it is crap now. i must get another one and i don't gotts money. have to borrow a daughter's til I can get another one.

Hootin Anni said...

LOL...that's funny, yet oh so sad [the very first cartoon] --- and how true today which makes me wonder what the world is coming to.

LOVE his quote you shared!!! "Kurt Vonnegut, Jr."

Susan said...

OH Sandie, your new background is FABULOUS! How do you DO that? Soooooo cute, with Santa in his sleigh and all. LOVE it.

I loved the mall food court singing, too. Sooooo nice.

Hope you had a good day. I try to live that quote----not always easy but at least we can try. Susan

nancygrayce said...

Love the quotes and we have to be careful not to let our sorrows overcome our joy! Loved the flash mob, cracked up at the cartoon!

I don't know if it's just me, but your blog jumps around when I'm reading.....???

Dee said...

Your blog is full of wisdom today...I truly believe that in all circumstances we are to ask the Lord to change us...how we react and respond. Lord change ME.

Gina said...

That first cartoon cracks me up! Ain't it the truth! (The very sad truth.)

Lynn said...

That's a great quote! I always say if "everyone" is saying it... it might just be true:@)

Ms. A said...

I'm finding it hard not to be a bit bitter, especially these past few days. I needed the reminder.

Ann said...

I would love to see one of those flash mobs in person. That just seems like so much fun.
Love the quote and the cartoon

Dar said...

Wow, so sorry Sandie, to see I missed so many entries. I did read them just now, finally. Have been having a harder time sitting too long. I accomplished nothing today. And yes, I am one who is loosing my sweetness due to pain...mercy me~~~

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love saying Merry Christmas! That's a cute joke.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Another barn! I love them all!

And unfortunately that cartoon is so true. :-(

I would have never guessed that quote was from Vonnegut.

betty said...

Loved the flash mob! I think its neat people are brave enough to stand up like that and perform in a crowd like that! I think you did great with the barn picture and blowing it up a bit!!

three weeks from today is Christmas Eve!


barbara woods said...

100% right

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I've just spent time trying to catch up on your blog, I've gotten behind on my blog reading. You've got some great stuff here, Sandie! Loved the Friday Funnies as always. I read some of the jokes to my family at dinner, they enjoy them, too!
Have a great week!

Dolores said...

I love the quote and I do believe!!!! There are so many good people and so much beauty around us!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

i love the quote too ,,, and the old barn,

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I think being a part of human is to open your heart. It does make life so much more meaningful. I have never understood those who don't. What a loss for them.

I love the quote. This was a beautiful post, Sandi.

Sue said...

Thank you for coming for lunch today and for that beautiful candle stick...I put it right on my red sideboard with my milk glass...hope you had a fun time and we all need to get together when I get back from my trip...

Debbie Jones said...

What a great quote. I have been so busy and haven't stopped by for a while, but I am always uplifted when I visit your blog! Enjoy your week.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love that statement: Don't let bitterness steal your sweetness..... That is NEAT!!!!

The kids going to the Principal's Office are funny. Christmas, huh???? Unfortunately that could be TRUE.... Scary!!!

Sharon said...

One of my favorite flash mob things was a group of people who burst into singing "The Hallelujah Chorus" - what inspiration!

I think one of the biggest lies the devil can tell us is that God isn't GOOD. I am not going to listen to that - and a good God makes hearts full of love.


Lynn said...

Love the blurry barn!

Jocelyn said...

Absolutely love that quote! :)

And as for the Christmas cartoon, it's sad how things are coming to be "politically correct" so as not to offend people...

Granny Annie said...

Thank you for the reminder. It is very difficult to "be soft" right now.