"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I know we're all praying for the families in Connecticut at this time.

Love, Chatty


MadSnapper n Beau said...

yes we are, all praying for those left behind.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

so many prayers. big hugs.

Denise said...

Yes Cathy! It hurt too much to watch all day.I even decided to leave and go shopping.It makes Me want to home school all My Grandchildren....or at least their Moms should.I can't dwell on it,so painful.OX Denise

Cranberry Morning said...

Me too, Sandie. And yet sometimes things like this compel me to write. I called my daughter in Indiana and told her to hug our little grandson for me, then called my DIL in Minnesota and told her to hug my favorite 5 year old and tell him Grandma loves him. The tragedy out east is just immense and heartbreaking. I too am praying for those families.

Southhamsdarling said...

Amen to that dear Sandie. We should all hold all our loved ones dear to our heart, especially today, and be truly thankful. None of us can imagine the horror that those poor families are going through. All we can do is hold them in our prayers, and we will all do that, I'm sure. Take care my friend.

Beth said...

Prayers for them all!!

Jackie said...

We are grieving and praying...

Suzan said...

I can't shake it- so devastating! Will be remembered and be affected for their entire life and the life of the town. Tears, thoughts and prayers.. . .

Susannah said...

Perfect post! My prayers are with the families and members of that community.

Nancy said...

Indeed. It breaks my heart to think of the little ones.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, YES---this is such a terrible tragedy. Killing innocent children is lower than EVIL... Unbelievable...

Prayers for all of those folks --and for our country.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I just don't have words to describe what my heart feels. All I can do is pray.

Wanda's Wings said...

So very sad!

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

My heart is heavy. This is so so sad Sandie,
guns should be banned all over the world.
May they rest in the arms of jesus.

Buttercup said...

So heart broken. My family lives in a small Connecticut town not so very different than Newtown. Take good care, Sandie.

SparkleFarkel said...

Nothing will ever be the same. I pray for Newtown.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. ((HUGS)) My heart is in so much pain and can only imagine their pain.

Lois Christensen said...

A horribly sad day.

Ruth Kelly said...

My prayers go out to the families with such a shocking loss to their lives.

Sue said...

my heart sunk when I heard they were kindergarten children.....I thought of our Sophie and my first thought was to ask "was it in NYC"......I cannot imagine this happening to your child it brings tears to my eyes...God Bless all though little lives.

Sandy said...

I am praying for all those involved. I can't imagine their pain. This only proves once again how badly this country needs spiritual revival.

Maggie Ann said...

Yes we are praying too...words fail me..it is so awlful.

Unknown said...

Such tragic news, it has made so many think about what matters and what doesn't.

renae said...

thank you for your thoughtfulness. so sad, so sad. yesterday was an awful day. praying is so needed. i love you.

my comp is broken again. it at s-i-l for weekend. (see email)


Love Of Quilts said...

Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

Debbie Jones said...

Praying for all and holding my family, friends and loved ones close in thought today. God bless those devastated by this horrible event.
(Thanks for the link about sending a Christmas card to Leontein--I am getting one in the mail this morning. Doing at least one small positive thing on a very sad day).

Ms. A said...

Thoughts, prayers and tears, especially for the survivors, whose lives are changed forever.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This world, though filled with God's beauty, is evil.

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Sick over it. Sad to the core...Love you.

Sharon said...

Yes, prayers. Such an unbelievable tragedy.

I am only comforted by the knowledge that those children are in the arms of Jesus right now.

May God bless all those left behind.

The Boston Lady said...


Simply said is best because we are all at a loss for words, I think. Ann

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh those left behind... -sigh-

Savannah Granny said...

Oh yes, Sandi, We have heavy hearts but we are praying for those in pain. xo Ginger

Rose said...

Watching the News.....I cried and I prayed. I'm still praying.

Hugs, Rose

Charlotte Wilson said...

What can I possibly say? What a horrific tragedy. God be with the families.

Unknown said...

Prayers and big hugs

Jackie said...

What a sad sad loss of so many lives...sending prayers to all of the friends and families trying to deal with this!!
Hugs Sandie!!

P.S. I tried emailing and got a rejection back...I will try again..asap!!

Big hugs!!

Merlesworld said...

So very very sad

Ann said...

thinking of and praying for those involved

Paula said...

Prayers for the ones involved in the terrible tragedy.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

When I first heard of school shootings in CT, I thought of the little ones in our family. I'm thankful they are safe, but so sad for the families who lost their precious children.

renae said...

Chatty Sandie! hahaha! just saying; thank you for noticing my banner. and ...for thinking the baby in the red coat was sooo tute. grandmums tend to love all babies it seems. Writing on my dumb smart phone is very challenge, but i'm making it.

renae said...

*challenging* clarification.

betty said...



Susan said...

Hello Dear Sandie...My heart was heavy today as all of ours is. We just have to continue to pray for all those left behind.

Hope your day was good. Susan

BECKY said...

It's impossible to try to understand the horrific doings of an insane person.....so, so sad.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

This is so hard to believe. And just prior Christmas, there will be so much hurt for the families this year. Lord I pray for your comfort, healing and peace.

ocmist said...

Yes, this is such a horrible thing and that is the only way most of us can help that poor community and the families of this tragedy.

Granny Annie said...

Still beyond my mental grasp. Prayers are steadfast.

Changes in the wind said...

Perfect post...

Lynn said...

I felt a little guilty going about doing fun things yesterday - this tragedy was in the back of my mind the whole time. It's beyond sad.

Inger said...

I posted a prayer today. I was thinking of these children and their heroic teachers yesterday and didn't even open my computer.

Starry Dawn said...

Yes, Sandie!
You can count on me to say my daily prayers for those children and their families.
They are Angels in Heaven now.
God bless you, Sandie,
and those you love!
Blessings & Prayers,

momto8 said...

juts can't seem to thin k of anything el;se..

Betty Manousos said...

my heart breaks...

my sympathies go out to the families and children affected.
what heartbreak.