"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesdays Tails by Disco Duck

This is a yard in our neighborhood - reports Disco the dog.

Okay I have some exciting new!  My grandma Chatty has decided to let me write Tuesdays blogs - Tuesday's Tails - is now going to be Tuesdays Tails by Disco.  Now I'm on probation, but she has confidence in me so I'll be okay.   The only stipulation is that the next couple of weeks she said I have to be in the Christmas spirit - that is no problem for me - I love Christmas especially since I have been adopted here !!!

I was a rescue dog and two years ago I was up for adoption.  This was my lucky day.  I found my boy!  He had brown hair and brown hair.  And he was just my size.  It was love at first site. He loved me and I loved him and it has been that way ever since!  When he walked me that day I knew we would be pals forever.

They had to wait a week to get me to make sure they had not changed their mind and I didn't understand  at first - I thought they didn't want me!!!

Then the woman who had me put me in her car one day and brought me over to my boy's house!  I ran in and ran around and around and around - I was worldly delirious.  I was crazy with happiness.
Then I ran into my boys arms and I have stayed ever since - well in and out.  We have had a couple little issues.  And I love everyone else too.  I am lucky Disco.  Hey you know why the shelter named me Disco?  I would stand on my back two legs and dance around to get a treat.  I still do that a little bit.  I stretch a lot  and and I think nowadays they would have named me Stretch.

Now I don't know why my grandma wants a hippopotamus for Christmas - but I'll go along with it.

And goats??? What is with this chick?   She is Christmas crazy here.
Thank you Susan at Writing Straight from the Heart and Monica at Chicken Wrangler.

This is just like our family.

Now my words of wisdom today are:



momto8 said...

welcome to blog land disco!!! I have confidence you'll pass probation.
and love your words of wisdom!

Jeanie said...

You are a very lucky dog Disco....and I think your family is also very lucky to have you.

Unknown said...

That was just super Disco! Nice to meet you!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Parsley said...

Okay...this is a little funny BUUUUT Melody dances on her back legs too! She can dance and walk all the way to her feeding spot. Disco and Melody are certainly look and act alikes.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love that name "Disco". so cute. wish you well.

wonder what my neighborhood would say if i got a hippo for Christmas? ... now that could be so fun & an interesting learning experience indeed. ha. ha!! ( :

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Disco I am so happy you are helping out your Grandma by writing her Tuesday blog posts! I know you are a very lucky dog to live with the boy and his family!

hugs, Linda

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Disco sounds like he found a good home. Lucky dog!

TexWisGirl said...

LOVE the family hands/paw!

Kim said...

Great post Disco. I'm sure you hit the jackpot when you found your little boy :)

Lynn said...

Oh Disco - you got a great home!

Southhamsdarling said...

Woof Woof! Hallo Disco. Lovely to get to know you, and I'm sure you know how lucky you are to be with such a loving family. (And, shhhh, don't tell them I said so) but I know that they feel very lucky to have you too!

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

I will look forward to reading your post Disco.
You are so lucky that Grandma and your boy let you join in.
It really sounds you are very happy there at the house, isnt it nice to be loved.
woof and stay well

Anonymous said...

you are one of the lucky ones Disco, keep that family in order OK, hat Chatty Crone is a wild one!You never know what she will come up with next!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Disco, i enjoyed the premier of your Tuesday Tales....or is that Tails? you write a good story, tell mommy that so she will let you have Tuesday. I am happy for you that you found your boy

renae said...

DISCO! hi! i'm Duchess's mommy and tell Sandie for me "that this is a great idea" to have you feature your feelings on Tuesdays. i love the idea. Eager to get to know you more. I already think you are a gorgeous guy and i would give you a treat if you came to visit me! Duchess would be CRAZY about you, i'm sure! take care big guy and tell Sandie hi for me, k?

Jackie said...

Lucky you, Disco...and lucky family that adopted you. You sound like love in a bundle.

tlcukjourney said...

Absolutely gorgeous writings!!!Well educated puppy!:)
You can eat a gingerbread house, but its quite old after Christmas!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It's about time you finally got your own blog post, Disco. I've heard so much about you.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Disco... You and your boy, are very lucky to live in a house with your Grand-mom and Grand-dad... Who are the kind of wonderful people, who will rescue a doggie, and let their "Grand" have him, for a pet.

"Auntie" sezzzzzz...!

From The Land That Winter Forgot

Shug said...

Disco sure makes for an awesome blogger!!
the little goats are soooo cute and I just adore their little jump!!

Beth said...

Your words of wisdom are right on target today!

Suzan said...

WOW Disco!! You're one lucky dog and your Boy is one lucky boy to have such a fantastic Grandma!! I bet your teacher would be impressed if you told her that you were now blogging and being read by hundreds -- Kinda like being a reporter!! I look forward to reading your blog next Tues.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Disco, I LOVE your adoption story and hope it makes others want to rescue dogs and cats! May I ask just why you are in the doghouse, ha ha!!! Or maybe since humans can get in the doghouse, you are in the human house!

Shelly said...

You are a dog of many talents, Disco, and I so enjoyed your story. Can't wait to hear more of your "tails"!

Merlesworld said...

Loved the song but not too keen on having a hippo for christmas maybe a box of chocolates then I can look in the mirror and pretend.

Hootin Anni said...

Cute, cute, cute!! I so enjoyed this Disco.

Ruth Kelly said...

Welcome to blogland. I hope you enjoy your Tuesdays.

Angela said...

Great job Disco! I say more pictures of Disco too! Love seeing that little doggie! He's too cute! Glad you guys have him to enjoy!


Unknown said...

What a lovely and cheerful post Disco, it's nice to finally meet you. And it's great that you was adopted by such lovely family :) woff woff...off to bed over here in Ireland...Big hugs xx

Annie Jeffries said...

Loved this post, start to finish.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hi Mate, I have never seen a grey and white goat before, and they are so sweet they way they play all the time. I am glad Andy has his own dog and they love each other.. a wonderful tail...LOL.. so special and especially being rescued from a refuge. xxxx

Sharon said...

Disco, you did a great job today with this post! I'm pretty sure that you'll get the permanent job with Grandma.

And yes, your boy is one special guy! I'm so glad that you two found each other. Life is wonderful that way, isn't it?!

I loved the picture of the hands together - so sweet. If that isn't a picture of love, I don't know what is...

Looking forward to your Tuesday installments - I'll pass on the word to my granddog, Marty - He'll love to be reading, too!

I think you could call yourself Disco the Stretch Dog. Covers all the bases...


Ann said...

Disco I think you are a natural at blogging. Your first time and you did great. I look forward to your future posts. Duke gives you two paws up

Gina said...

Disco you are a lucky dog & quite a blog writer as well! :)

Stephanie said...

Your words of wisdom hit home harder then you could ever know. Thank you SO much for posting this today....

Julia said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog Chatty.
I'm having a great time here discovering your many witty tidbits.

Disco , welcome to your new home. Hope this is your best Christmas ever.


jack69 said...

Well Disco, It seems I have learned a lot here on the net. I am learning what Dr. Dolittle used to do, Talk to the animals. . LOL

The adoption was great.
Love the entry. The goats just thrill you, there is no predicting which way they will go.

Hugs from Central Florida

The Boston Lady said...

Disco, I am glad your grandma let you take over the blog on Tuesdays. You did a great job and I enjoyed hearing about how you found your boy. Lucky both of you. All of you. Ann

CalamityJr said...

Great job, Disco! I'll be looking forward to hearing from you every week. And I must say I'm impressed by your closing quote; that's quite profound.

Jan Mader said...

I think I'm going to love Tuesday Tails and there's nothing better than a rescue dog to tell them!

Ms. A said...

Aren't those goats adorable??? I got them in an email from a friend.

We have the record of "Hippopotamus". My kids loved it! (Gayle Peevy was given an actual hippo, which she donated to the zoo. It lived for almost 50 years)

Ms. A said...

Oops, correction... Gayla Peevey, not Gayle Peevy. Hubby/Mr. Music wouldn't have made that mistake.

Rose said...

Disco, you are special!


Debbie said...

I have never thought that goats were cute until now! That was adorable.

And Disco did an excellent job with his first Tuesday Tail. I'm sure glad his story ended with you.

betty said...

I remember when you got Disco, Sandie. I remember how you guys were going to give him a try especially with your allergies and how you told GS you guys were just keeping him for a bit for someone and then you were going to tell GS at Christmas he could keep Disco, but you told him sooner. So glad he got to be part of your family! I look forward to Tuesdays with Disco!


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Disco has a nice way of saying things. I might have to get myself a dog to help me write my blog. On the other hand, I love those young goats. My old goat doesn't jump around like that anymore.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Good to hear from you Disco, and what a lucky dog you are to be so well loved by your boy and his family
I hope you do not pee in the house or chew up shoes that would piss everyone off........

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Good to hear from you Disco, and what a lucky dog you are to be so well loved by your boy and his family
I hope you do not pee in the house or chew up shoes that would piss everyone off........

deb said...

WHat a cute post. Love the goats!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Cute post, Disco! Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesdays! Tell your Grandma hello for me.

ocmist said...

Gimli: Grammy let me read your post tonight. We thought it was very well done and enjoyed it very much. We have goats around here now, too. My Little Bear got some when he moved here. We like to bark at them!

Catherine said...

Haha ~ I like that little goat ~ so cute!
xo Catherine

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's a good thing for this family and you too, that you were adopted. I like how you got your name Disco too. Don't we wish every shelter dog could find such a nice family.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Re: Your question in my blog... "And I love that Santa - can I borrow your picture and give you credit?"

I don't know which Santa pic you mean... The Older Elf Santa is from the Victorian Trading Co. and I have the "Source" link, right on my blog entry.

The Santa and sleigh is a pic, I took of something in a Mary Englebreit book. And I am *stretching,* using it for my background. Sooooo, I'd really prefer that you not copy it and use it too. Like I said, I 'am already *stretching*... Using it. :-)

Happy 12/12/12...

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Hi Disco!!! :)

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Thanks for sharing your story, Disco.

Remington said...

Great post!

Lois Christensen said...

Nice to meet you Disco! I've seen photos of you before and will look forward to your blog posts!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your very lucky Disco to have a family who loves you so much :)

Marie said...

You are all lucky to have one another! We brought Rocket home from a shelter December 1st two years ago. :) It's so great to have you here in blog land, Disco!
Hugs to you!

Unknown said...


Dee said...

Disco your a keeper...I look forward to your posts....:)