"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Chatty's Wordless Wednesday - and no this is not my house, but it is in my neighborhood!

Love, Chatty


Remington said...

So they are growing trees....interesting....ha ha!

peggy said...

Maybe this is a new growing method. You should pin it. Alas, we can only grow maple trees in our gutters.

Beth said...

Wow, they had better do something quickly or the gutter will be falling off. That looks really bad.

Shelly said...

I wonder if they have noticed yet...

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Oh my......I guess trees can grow anywhere. lol


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i need that mirror.. really i do.. and now you have given the madsnapper another idea... oh woe is me and woe is the blogger world.

Melanie said...

LOL! I think someone's gutters need cleaning!! We have some like that in our neighborhood too, but it's not trees, just some kind of weeds or grass. Too funny!! We cleaned ours out some when we put up the Christmas lights.

Lynn said...

Yikes - it took me a minute. :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

It took me a minute or two looking at the picture to see what you meant...WOW

Kim said...

It took me a few minutes but that is hysterical! I think its time to clean the gutters

Shug said...

Ha....this is cute....
as you know, we are in the nursery business (as in growing trees) and I have seen many trees grow in some pretty weird places...even in the back of Sam's truck!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Yep, they do need their gutters cleaned out. Amazing how things can always seem to grow where we don't want them and when we want them, they won't grow no matter how much TLC we give them. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Ruth Kelly said...

I totally missed the trees until I took a second look. Gutter trees - something new?

Jackie said...

Wow...okay...trees on top of the house. This is a first for me and I don't plan to copy them.

But, the picture is funny. Thanks for sharing it with us.

I hope you are having a blessed and happy day. It's cold and rainy here and all I want to do is take a nap!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I've seen that in gutters before also. So funny. Love the apple!!

hugs, Linda

rubyslipperz1052 said...

I didn't even notice the gutters. I just saw the pretty red door, thinking it was telling me I was welcome to visit. I guess that's just my "head in the sand" approach =P Maybe I better go check MY gutters???

I DO like the mirror...where can I get one???


Debbie said...

That is seriously the kind of thing that would happen here. I'm chuckling, but I guess if it tears something off, it won't be so funny.

Bless my heart, I'm still chuckling though.

Susannah said...

That would drive me crazy...seeing that tree all the time! I would have to get up there my self and clean it out....either that... or beg Jim to do it!!!!!

Paula said...

The trees remind me of the house in our neighborhood with cactus growing on the roof. I have so wanted to stop and ask if I can take a picture. I need to do it before they need a new roof and have to take the cactus off. Good to be back and no people in our house tieing up the bathroom, telephone, controlling the TV, and the temps.

jack69 said...

Wow, what a neat mirror picture someone put together....

Also a neat place to grow seedlings?

Someone will regret not cleaning the gutters.

Many folk have a nice home but not the necessary maintenance, or maybe they just do not see. Of course it is no simple thing to clean those gutters... They are high and the roof is steep!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

keep us posted on that tree... it might take over the world. love it!!

i was just thinking about that mirror this AM ... why are we women (maybe men too) so hard on ourselves when we look in that mirror. darn mirrors. throw them away, asap!!! now. who needs a mirror. ha. ha!!! ( :

TexWisGirl said...

i like the red door - especially when it's not elizabeth arden. :)

Theresa said...

RUH ROH... somebody is growing a forest in the gutter:) I do love the red door! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Tanna said...

Oh, my... needs a little gutter work. ;) blessings ~ tanna

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL! I don't think that's what the slogan "Plant a Tree" really means...

Blondee said...

That's going green in a bad way. lol

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Maybe they don't realize it's there...don't you think it's going to root and cause them big problems?...:)JP

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ok, that is a huge problem in teh making...these folks must never look up! HA HA Happy Hump Day Sandie!

Suzan said...

Oh my goodness!! They are growing their Christmas tree for next year--- well this year -- 2013!!
It looks pretty healthy too :-//

betty said...

very interesting, Sandie. Never saw a tree growing like this; but I like the size of the house (except for cleaning it)

hope all is going good


Ms. A said...

Oh, my! I need to move gutter cleaning higher on hubby's list. I don't want that to happen!

KayeDean said...

Interesting place for planting trees, lol. No post from me today, under the weather.

Jill said...

Ha! That's a hoot!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

lovely post, especially the message.

Ginny Hartzler said...

LOVE the apple picture.Oh MY, this apartment looks exactly like the one at the end of our block!! Down to EVERYTHING, you would pass out if you saw it!!!!!

Renegades said...

Maybe it's time to clean out the gutters?????

Connie said...

Haha! Not the best place to be growing trees!! :D

Marsha Young said...

That little tree-i-the-gutter made me smile.

Such an elegant house - such an inelegant gutter. :)

Nonnie said...

Not good. So sad. Such a nice house.

Susan said...

I've heard of trees growing in Brooklyn but never in Georgian rain gutters! Funny. Thanks for sharing. Susan

Betsy said...

I just found your blog and will check back often. Nice looking saplings growing out of those gutters. I couldn't get one to look like that if I planted in the best dirt and babied it.

Sally Wessely said...

Are they getting a head start for growing trees on the top of the house to decorate for Christmas? This is one of the oddest things I've ever seen. LOL

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Trees growing in the gutters! That's a new one.....

Bev said...

Ha Ha!!!

Catherine said...

That's a beautiful house!
And I really like that apple photo ~ the words are so true aren't they? Fantastic!
xo Catherine

Lois Christensen said...

I've seen houses like that here! Maybe they haven't noticed? LOL

Unknown said...

Seems like this house hasn't been taked care off in a while. Have a great day!


Nancy said...

I had to go back after reading the comments -- I didn't even notice the little trees! Doofus! :)

I love that house style.

Farida said...

Seems to be a huge house with lots of windows! :D

Inger said...

I've never seen something that big coming out of a gutter! Maybe they are leaving it to see what happens.

Together We Save said...

Oh my.... those gutters need work. LOL

Unknown said...

Snitches are often found in ditches!

Dolores said...

Your grandson and dog in the previous post are adorable!!

I hope those trees in the gutter don't grow too quickly...lol!

Chicken Wrangler said...

If they leave the little trees they can decorate them for Christmas next year! How unique, and you could mark them on PINTEREST!

Elizabeth said...

I call these "chia gutters" in honor of the infamous chia pets. We see them in our neighbor every spring.

The Boston Lady said...

Now how did you get a picture of my house on your blog?!?!?! LOL, it's the latest gardening technique, you know. Ann

Betty said...

First of all I love the style of that home and wish there was something like that here. It makes me homesick for Virginia. The homes here are very different from what I was used to before.

The house across the street from me has stuff growing in the gutters too. I don't get it The mother moved years ago and lets her son live there. He leaves the garbage can on the front porch, junk piled in the driveway, etc. It's one of the reasons I'm thinking about moving.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I see a tree growing on the roof

Granny Annie said...

Gutters are a great place for tree starts. My son has many little pecan trees started in his:(

Angela said...

We have weeds growing in the gutters on the barn the last time I looked! lol My husband will have to get out the old ladder and take care of that this spring.

Dee said...

A procrastinator lives there LOL The mirror photo is great.