"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Saturday - you are going to love me - your going to love me . . .


I have heard of TWO things this week you WILL want to buy and try:

One was from the Dr. Oz show.  It is called Red Palm Tree Oil:

Here are some sites to look at.    READ AND BUY!  I've bought 2 jars.  I'm giving you a heads up here.





The other one is called Halo - thank you Crystal Mary.

Are you tired of being sick - check this out.

If you read these and buy these you will love me! 



Shug said...

I am loving that Saturday morning face!!
Just how I feel this morning....
hope your weekend is wonderful..

Along These Lines ... said...

I tried the red palm oil. I ended up with red palms.

Shelly said...

I am going to check these out- thank you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

monkey see, monkey do... and we all need to do what we see this monkey doing...happy week end

andy said...

I love the monkey !!!! Have a great weekend

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

Dear Sandie,
You always bring a happy smile to my face.
Your posts are informative, funny and I like them.
love the chimpanzee !.. The name of my youngest son's band is "Monkey Flashback"..): ha
thanks for the tips. I do watch dr, oz now and again.
will look at the other sites.
happy days Sandie..
xx val

Elizabeth Edwards said...

awww, how can you not love that face. too fun & cute!! have a great weekend. ( :

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You made me smile this morning! I'll check out those sites, I'm really trying to improve my health this year!

hugs, Linda

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've never heard of either of those products. They sound interesting.

A Pug's Tale came yesterday! I am in the middle of a couple of library books, though, so it will be a couple of weeks before I get to it.

Beth said...

The monkey is cute!

Debbie Jones said...

Thanks for the tips. Will check them out!

Jill said...

Who couldn't love that face?!

rubyslipperz1052 said...

Okay, girl! That Monkey smile is sure TO LOVE!!! I think that if I could put that picture next to my bed, I'd have a smile that big EVERY morning!

Happy Saturday!

Granny Annie said...

Okay what exactly do these products do for you and why do you recommend them? Inquiring minds want to know. Love the monkey!

Susannah said...

Monkey needs some tooth whitening!!!!! Okay,what do these products thatyou suggest actually do for you?

Inger said...

thanks for the tips -- I made a note of them. Have a great Saturday!

Ruth Kelly said...

If you see anything for migraines, let me know. I think your monkey needs his teeth brushed.

betty said...

I'll have to check those out, Sandie. Always looking for ways to try to improve my health.

have a great Saturday!


Michaele said...

These are worth a second look. Thanks.

renae said...

Sandie! Hahaha. That monkey face was both funny and scary. Hahahaha.

Yes my soldiers are going to guard my Christmas tree well. Thanks for the fun visit.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love your Happy Saturday face. I've watch Dr. Oz a lot and it's amazing all the things that are supposedly good for us. I don't think that I'd ever take some of them, but there are lots of things we can do every day to keep healthier. #1 Washing hands. I don't think we do that as much as we should. Hope you have a super Saturday!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never heard of these things. Do you take them yourself? For how long and have you noticed a difference?

Ginny Hartzler said...

I wouldn't want them to make me look like this!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I will check them out!
Have a great weekend dear friend.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

I thought that you were the most gorgeous flower in the friendship garden. I will check out Dr.Oz's site. He can be fun sometimes.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Just read Ginny's comment. Too funny

Ms. A said...

Good grief, Sandie, we're twins... at least on Saturday! Unfortunately, I look like that the other 6 days, too.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie....Are you monkeying around again? Hee hee

Hope your weekend is absolutely wonderful. Susan

jack69 said...

Hahahahahahahaaha, I love dat weekend face!!
I hate being sick, I think I am gonna quit trying it, to see if I like it. ??? I should know for sure by now.

But I do get a lot of petting when I am. (sigh)
(((HUGS))) from the banks of the Peace river.

Suzan said...

Loving your Saturday Morning Face!!
That's going to be MY face on Monday :-///
We're half way there!!
and YES!!!! Lunch this summer - with all the local bloggers!! Let's have a Blog Fest!!
Everyone wear their blog button!! Ohhh - that would be sooo much fun!

Suzan said...

But why wait until summer??? Let's do it at the end of Feb or March??
Georgia Blog Fest!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I've never heard of Red Palm Oil but the articles on the net you gave us opened my eyes to something new!...:)JP

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think you have the happiest blog in the whole world.. your right- we love you for all the smiles!

Ann said...

that is one happy looking monkey. Can't help but smile seeing him.

Connie said...

I will look into them. Thanks! Have a good weekend!

Angela said...

I've never heard of it but I will look to see what it promises to do!


Mevely317 said...

Aren't smiles contagious ... even in the animal kingdom?!
Hope your new year is super so far!

nancygrayce said...

I don't know about those two things, but I've been taking raspberry ketones for a whole and they give me any small amount of energy I have!

Jackie said...

I love the monkey and I love your though for today...you are just the sweetest!!

I would have been in earlier but dealt with PC issues almost all day.

Happy weekend and hugs!!:-)

Grandma Bonnie said...

I will stop over and check them out. Hope you are having a great weekend.

Savannah Granny said...

I already love you! However, with that Saturday face, you look so good I could just kiss you on the lips. If I could find them for all the teeth. LOL

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Chimps makes me laugh. I love watching them. I'll have to read up on these products. How long have you used them?

SquirrelQueen said...

The monkey made me smile.

I will check both of these out. I do know that palm oil is high in vitamin A and E so it has to be good.

Betsy said...

Totally LOVE happy monkey faces!
