"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, February 22, 2013

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends.

Thank you JerryAsthecrackerheadcrumbles

An ITALIAN and an Irishman entered a chocolate store. As they were busy looking, the Irishman stole 3 chocolate bars.

As they left the store, the Irishman said to the ITALIAN, "Man I'm the best thief, I stole 3 chocolate bars and no one saw me. You can't beat that."

ITALIAN replied: "You want to see something better? Let's go back to the shop and I'll show you real stealing."

So they went to the counter and the ITALIAN said to the shopkeeper , "Do you want to see magic?"

The shopkeeper replied , "Yes."

The ITALIAN said , "Give me one chocolate bar."

The shopkeeper gave him one, and he ate it.

The ITALIAN asked for a second bar, and he ate that as well. He asked for the third, and finished that one too.

The shopkeeper asked: "But where's the magic?"

The ITALIAN replied: "Check in my friend's pocket, and you'll find all three bars of chocolate."

You just CAN'T beat an ITALIAN...........  Thanks Kelly

Jerry asthecrackerheadcrumbles



carmen (I am going to use this one at home)






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Nonnie said...

I had to re-read all of them, and still can't decide which I like best. :-) but the Elmo and the husband taking out the trash and the questions to Mom are tied. Thanks for all the smiles. And God bless you!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

bob and I are sneezing our spots off, allergies are rated at 10 this week.. that is 10 on a scale to 10... no zipper like that for me please. ouch

andy said...

Oh I love your Friday posts !!! Hope you have a wonderful Friday

Theresa said...

Love the chocolate bar humor:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

Cranberry Morning said...

Loved them all, Sandie! You always give me a great Friday smile. :-)

Jeanie said...

Happy Friday Sandie. I especially liked the Cookie Monster cartoon and the Italian magic story.

Unknown said...

Thank you for another very honorable mention!

Nancy said...

You always start our weekend with a laugh..thank you my friend...have a great weekend....

Optimistic Existentialist said...

LOL it took me a few minutes to get the Ladybug one

Remington said...

Great post! Have a fun weekend!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I borrowed the one about respecting your parents. It's amazing how we made it through without the internet to help us. My kids had a little computer help in school, but nothing like the kids do today. It has changed the way we learn and what we learn too. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

Beth said...

The comics are all great. I especially like the one about waiting at the doctor's office.

peggy said...

Thank you for the laughs for Friday, it is snowing up a storm so you gave me a fun break time from the shovel. Specially liked the Speed Bump one, and that's why I miss the daily paper so much. Weekend blessings!

Gail Dixon said...

Since I'm Italian I got a huge laugh over the first joke. Enjoyed all your funnies today. Great way to start a Friday!

jack69 said...

Bless you! LOL Love the post, got my laughs and education at the same time!

Melanie said...

The chocolate joke was funny, the zipper back was creepy, and I loved the cookie monster one and the complaint jar!! Too cute!
Have a good weekend. :)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Thanks for the laughs.

Marie said...

This is a fabulous post! I really like the one about respecting your parents. Like the doctor appt one, I've wanted to do this myself! All the questions for Mom has always been true in this home and I wouldn't change a thing. :)
Love you Sandie!

Maggie Ann said...

I love that last quote....thats true I think. When we talk of what we really enjoy, we get enthusiastic =) good food for thought. Children are so expressive...delightfully so!

TexWisGirl said...

the 'magic' was cute. :) the zipper tattoo is creepy!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

They are all sooo good. Thanks for sharing. I needed these and the one's from Fishducky too !

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Friday to you!

Sr. Ann Marie said...

Thanks for giving me a laugh after a somewhat difficult week! I especially love that quote at the end--aren't good friends wonderful gifts!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I forgot last time to tell you that when I was in HS we ditched school one day, took the Riverside train downtown and saw that green water! Chicago is a beautiful city (as you know) and that was back in the day of Mayor Daley.

Just love the Cookie Monster joke!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Loved the magic joke and love the doctor appt. I have wanted to do that!

Have a wonderful weekend, Sandie!

Susan said...

Ha ha ha ha ha Funny, Sandie. You're a kicker. Susan

Jill said...

Thanks for the many smiles today! Have a great weekend!

Jackie said...

What a great visit I had here today!
Smiling, I am!!
Thank you so much...

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Sandie! You know how to make a girl laugh!!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I love the questions to mum one by far the best one.......followed by the cookie monster and the man taking out the trash.......because that one reminded me of my darling husband........

barbara woods said...

love all of them today!

Lynn said...

I love the complaint jar! Happy Weekend Sandie-enjoy:@)

renae said...

Oh my favorite day at Chatty Crone! Yay! Fun Friday!!!! [but no likey that zipper back thingy - ewh?] But I got huge LOL out of all the others. I needed those chuckles and thank you my sweetness Sandie, Thank YOU!!!

Unknown said...

You gotta love Italians...that was hilarious. Have a great afternoon my friend...I am running late again lol!
Hugs x

Ann said...

lol, love the joke about the italian

Betty said...

I'm with you...I like the complaint jar one!

renae said...

Huh? I was missing? What you mean? I'm here. I didn't post anything with me in it this day. Just fabulous sweaters off of Pinterest sites. You know like I did for coats and shoes and other stuff. You are silly. I did get that other link you sent me. Those gals are FABULOUS!!!

Diana said...

gee.....I love them all, but I think my fav is the Dr office bill, LOL I can relate to that having waiting for a long time sometimes. Once I took my niece to her DR and we waited over an hour and then come to find out, the DR wasnt even in and was out to dinner with a friend. I was so mad that they didnt even think to call and cancel, so inconsiderate!!


Eat To Live said...

I need one of those complaint jars with the $1 Bills

Jim said...

I like your thought of the day, Sandie. Every one of these was great!!!

That said, Mrs. had to explain the blue monster wanting cookies instead of those crackers. She didn't realize that I hadn't identified him yet.

Blondee said...

MY is that bright green ever a good kick!!
That zipper is freakishly cool. I want one when I'm old and people will be shocked by it. lol

Buttercup said...

Thanks for the smiles!

betty said...

I like the St. Patrick blog look Sandie!! I had to laugh at so many of these this week, but I do like the idea of the complaint jar with complaints written on dollar bills :)

happy weekend!


Unknown said...

Hello! I recently just started a youtube Korean food channel, EasyKoreanFood, where you can learn how to make fast & easy Korean food! It would mean the world to me if you could check it out because I'm just starting out! Thanks!

Dar said...

Garfield always brightens my day. I loved Yoda and the Complaint Jar but not so sure about the zipper tatoo...gads. I wonder what my spine would look like unzipped?

Paula said...

Lots of good one here. John is like that husband who took the garbage out when he mows. He will ask me a hundred times if the yard doesn't look better. Too bad he doesn't trim it too and make it look really nice.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well--the child really comes out in me!!!!! ha ha... Cute ones today... Love the chocolate bar one... Excellent!!!!


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Chatty -

LOL! A friend just emailed me the Irish/Italian joke today, but it used two different nationalities.

Susan :)

Tanna said...

Lots of great chuckles here, Sandie... but, I'm going to be thinking all day about who my person might be. ;) have a great weekend! blessings ~ tanna

Beansieleigh said...

Love your post today Sandie!!.. my favorites being the cookie monster cartoon, and the quote at the end... Have a great weekend! ((hugs)) ~tina

Southhamsdarling said...

The man taking out the trash struck a chord with me, and I absolutely loved the one about the chocolate bars in the mans pocket. Really funny! Hope you're enjoying your weekend over there.

Dee said...

Your Friday funny's are even good on Saturday :) always a good place to come for a smile....

Betty Manousos said...

haha! those cartoons are very hilarious! thanks!! especially the cookie monster one.
great jokes, too.

hope you're enjoying your weekend~

big hugs.

Annesphamily said...

I love the questions to mom! I was so sad at Nick today that I just sent them off to him! He thinks I am fueling cash from my old beau Bill Gates! LOL! He can put this up where he look at it daily!
Love love love all of these!