"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, March 08, 2013

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends

Hey I want to thank all my new followers.  A lot of you I can find your blog, but some of you I can't find your blog.  I don;t know why, but if you followed me and want me to check your blog out - send your blog address to me.  Please don't think I am ignoring you - I just can't find you.  I love all my followers.  Chatty/sandie

A Story All Women Will Enjoy! Thank you Monica


For all of you who are married, were married, wish you were married or wish you were not married, this is something to smile about the next time you see a bottle of wine:

Sally was driving home from one of her business trips, in Northern Arizona , when she saw an elderly Navajo woman walking on the side of the road. As the trip was a long and quiet one, she stopped the car and asked the Navajo woman if she would like a ride.

With a silent nod of thanks, the woman got into the car.
Resuming the journey, Sally tried - in vain - to make a bit of small talk with the Navajo woman. The old woman just sat silently, looking intently at everything she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a brown bag on the seat next to Sally.

"What in bag?" asked the old woman.

Sally looked down at the brown bag and said: "It's a bottle of wine. I got it for my husband."

The Navajo woman was silent for another moment or two. Then, speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder, she said:

"Good trade . . ."
(Sorry fellas - it was just too cute).


There comes a time when a woman just has to trust her
For example...A wife comes home late at night, and quietly opens the door to her bedroom. From under the blanket she sees four legs instead of two. She reaches for a baseball bat and starts hitting the blanket as hard as she can.

Leaving the covered bodies groaning, she goes to the
kitchen to have a drink.
As she enters, she sees her husband there, reading a magazine.
"Hi Darling", he says, "Your parents have come to visit us, so l let them stay in our bedroom. Did you say "hello"?
thanks kelly

Ever  walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only  to completely forget what that purpose was? 

Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for  these strange memory  lapses.

Psychologists  at the University of Notre Dame have discovered  that passing through a doorway triggers what's  known as an event boundary in the mind,  separating one set of thoughts and memories from  the next.Your brain files away the thoughts you  had in the previous room and prepares a blank  slate for the new locale.

Thank goodness  for studies like this. It's not our age, it's  that darn  door!
Thanks Myra.


Limo back in the old west

And this one is a little bad - so  you can skip!

A Priest was presenting a special children's mass to the congregation.

During the message, he asked the children if they knew what the

resurrection was.

Now, asking questions during children's mass is crucial, but at the same

time, asking the children questions in front of a congregation can also be

very dangerous.

Having asked the children if they knew the meaning of the resurrection,

a little boy raised his hand. The Priest called on him and the little boy

said, "All I know is that if you have a resurrection that lasts more than four

hours you are supposed to call the doctor."

It took over ten minutes for the congregation to settle down enough from

their laughter for mass to be continued.

Thank you Ann from Anne'ssnapeditandcraff and Jerry from Asthecrackerheadcrumbles.

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

ha ha on the wine trade and i need a LOT of vodka, my house is suffering from my blog addiction.

Betty Manousos said...

that happy dog face made me lol
great stuff!
i know i could count on you to give me a good laugh!

happy weekend!~

Eat To Live said...

I know what you mean about not being able to find some of the bloggers that follow us. I always try to follow back, but if they don't tell me, I have no idea.

Love those steps, someone had a super idea when they did that. I would have never thought of that.

Have a GREAT weekend. Terry

Shelly said...

ALl of these were terrific, but I am still giggling, and probably will all day, at the Rubik's Cuber one. It's probably because I could never solve one...

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Wow that psychologst study (of what our brains so as we wnter another room) is fascinating!!

Helen said...

They are so funny! enjoy reading all of them. I guess i am hitting middle age.

Jeanie said...

Lots of good laughs today....a good way to start a Friday. The old west limo especially struck my fancy.

Marti said...

Good smiles. I traded my hubby for a bottle of beer, still came out ahead.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I am so thankful for all the women in my life. Past and present they've all contributed in some way who I am today. Women stick together, help others and without us the world couldn't continue to go on. Great jokes today! Your posts always leave me smiling!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Great funnies today! Hope you have a fun weekend :-)

Connie said...

Thanks for all the laughs today, Sandie! I especially liked the "When a woman says 'What?'" cartoon. Have a good weekend!

CalamityJr said...

Oh, the mass story is too funny, and your new source of "lady" cartoons is a hoot. I've heard about the doorway being responsible for memory, but to explain why going back through helps you remember, not as the actual problem. Something to keep in mind, whichever direction you're going!

Nonnie said...

I KNEW there was something to blame other than myself for the memory loss! All of these are too funny, but I love the staircase at the end.

Glad to see you back and thanks for all the smiles you bring. You do make Fridays fun.

Hootin Anni said...

LOVE the "I'm rich" and the Navajo woman's philosophy on life. rofl

Regarding the "Sister's Day" ...it's a private celebration between me and my sister...nothing on the calendar except for when the two of us have set aside March 18th for celebrating our sisterhood.

LL Cool Joe said...

Ha ha, I needed a good laugh today and I got it! Thank you!!

Jill said...

Many good laughs today! Thank you. I do hope you are smiling, Dear one.

Gail Dixon said...

So many cracked me up today, but the one that had me giggling was the baseball bat and in-laws. Hahahha!

I get so aggravated when I can't find a blogger who has commented or followed me. And some I can't email to ask them, either.

Thanks, as always for the laughs. Your posts always brighten my day!

renae said...

Hahahahahaha! Thank you Sandie! Those were all fun and funny and made me laugh, just like that laugh lady you sent me. Thank you!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good trade....that's funny!
Have a great weekend.....

TexWisGirl said...

all cute and fun - but i LOVED the rubik's cube!

Angela said...

Those are some really good ones this week! Loved the Indian lady one with the trade of the husband for a bottle of wine! lol Also loved the limo horse! lol

Have a Wonderful Weekend!


FUNNY! FUNNY! LOved the tidbit about walking into another room. Interesting.

andy said...

Love fun Friday !!!! Have a great weekend

Cheryl @ TFD said...

LOL! If I were a drinking woman, I'd be rushing out right now for some vodka instead of cleaning house! Thanks for the laughs, Sandie, and have a wonderful day and weekend!!

Shalet Jimmy said...

I loved every post. It was hilarious. Will keep stalking your blog.

jack69 said...

Great Friday Entry as always. I had to smile at the Stretch from the early west.
And if we all had stairs like that we might stay in a better mood. LOL
Good stuff. Imma remember the resurrection!!!
(((HUGS))) from here...

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Ok, you have done it again!! Here I am smiling away at the computer!! How can you do this to us all!! I love the wine and husband tale-

Hugs to you!!

Sharon said...

Oh my goodness! This was one of your best efforts. I have been sitting here laughing my head off. For some reason, the one that made me laugh the hardest was the cartoon about the Rubik's cube. Maybe my sense of humor is just warped...

Let me rephrase that. My sense of humor IS warped...that's why I love this stuff.

Still chuckling.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

I have no idea where you find these things but I love them--particularly got a laugh out of the "over the hill" one and the Navaho woman story.

Anonymous said...

oh my golly. let me go get an old cooking pan as I dont own a bed pan.

I cannot stop laughing.

betty said...

I like the steps :)

too funny with the joke about the lady's parents, LOL

have a great weekend


The Boston Lady said...

Stopping by for my Friday pick-me-up! Ann

Jackie said...

Can't tell you how in love I am with those stairs...Thank you for sharing that photo!

Wanda's Wings said...

So many good ones.

Lee said...

G'day, Chatty Crone...thanks for popping Down Under and having a read of my blog...I'm glad Jerry pointed you in the right direction! :)

And thanks for the morning smiles...a great way to start a day!

barbara woods said...

i walked thru that door!!!! the blog hop starts at 7.00 so it says on that site. thats a lot of hard work for one woman to do.

Ginny Hartzler said...

O.K. Sandie...I think you and I should don green bikinis and swim in that green river. I love the one about climbing the hill and copied it for Pinterest.

Lynn said...

All cute, thanks for the weekend starting smiles! Have a great one:@)

Carol said...

Happy Friday...Happy Weekend! Thank you for everything this past week.

Love to YOU!

Belle said...

Love the jokes and the painted stairs are wonderful - a good way to remember what love is.

Ann said...

Vodka huh? I may have to go out and buy a bottle to help me with the housework around here...lol

Diana said...

WHat a fun Friday post!! Loved the old limo picture!! LOL


Mevely317 said...

Another home run, girlfriend! Love these "fight like a girl" cartoons. That staircase makes me long for a 2-story house!

Have yourselves a great weekend!

Shug said...

Way Funny today!!

love it!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love the storys and the great photo of the Navaho woman.

BECKY said...

Oh my gosh, Sandie! I cracked up at all the jokes and cartoons! Your blog is always so much fun!!

Gina said...

Thanks for the laughs!

Susannah said...

Miss Chatty.......I love ya...you are the best!!!!!I am rolling on the floor........


Jim said...

Thank you for the explanation of why we forget what we were there for in the other room. All of these are really excellent.

My favorite is the 1st Corintian chapter 13 verses 4-7 definition of the spiritual gift of love written on the steps.

Unknown said...

Oh my, I love the one with the parents and the Navajo woman lol too funny. Many funnies today, well yesterday since I am reading posts a little backwards this morning. Enjoy your weekend!


Unknown said...

Thanks for another very honorable mention!

Granny Annie said...

All good. Thanks for the warning on the last joke. Of course I did not hesitate to read once you hinted that it might be a "little bad". Pity anyone who would be offended.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love coming by your site. You always makes me feel good and lighten my mind. Love the jokes and thoughts. And really like your new header. Hope you have a beautiful weekend.

Tanna said...

Oh, my goodness, Sandie!! There are so many good ones in this batch!! I'm still laughing about the woman with the baseball bat and her in-laws!! LOL! Great laughs to start my day. Thank you!! blessings ~ tanna

Dee said...

LOL...I think you out did yourself on the jokes...or maybe the subject. Loved them...still chuckling....

Marie said...

These are all so funny! When I say "what" to my husband or son it does mean I am giving you a chance. LOL
I definitely need some vodka! I'm tired of cleaning. :)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Merlesworld said...

Thanks for the witty words always fun.

Maggie Ann said...

You have us laughing ..and we love it. Thanks !! You are certainly a day-brightner....