"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, March 25, 2013

Meandering around and getting my thoughts in order....

I'm always so dramatic - I'm a drama queen.  I make a big announcement and people expect grand things.  I'm laughing out loud at myself because there are no big grand ideas in my head.
Sorry about that.   I just felt it was time to take some time ti think about some things.  I did - I have a little plan (lol) and am ready to go.

I'll tell you that one of my favorite verses in the Bible is this one:

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted; . . . a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; . . . a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing. — Ecclesiastes 3:1-5

At times when I look at other people's blogs I wonder what am I doing here?
I'm not a great photographer (I would love to be).
I'm not a real good story teller (I would love to be).
I'm not too good at crafts either (I would love to be).
There are so many talented people - what can I do?  What is my blog about anyway?

I love blogging and have found a lot of wonderful friends along the way.
I can be a friend.
I can try to 'brighten' you day with color.
I can share a 'little bit' of knowledge.
I can share beautiful pictures of animals and nature.  Share some positive stories with you.
I can try to make you laugh.
I can try to give you some good thoughts to think about so we both can keep our spirits up.  And yes I do need to keep mine up too!   Trust me on that.
And I can pray for you.  
That is me.  That is who I am.  I am going to keep on being Chatty.  Simply Chatty,
(I also don't know why all my fonts are different today...)

I believe that nature and colors are God's gifts to us - to help make our lives happier.  Can you imagine living in a world void of color and nature?  What about peoples talents with their crafts - isn't that another gift?  
I just look at what some people can do and ooh and awe. 

I believe God wants us to be happy - of course it's not possible all the time - but after we take the time needed to do the work to go thru the hard times - we come out on the other side - and there is joy out here for us to see!   
Does this make sense to you?  

God does not want us to be unhappy - he wants us to be happy in spite of everything.  I think that is the challenge in life.

How will you bring some springtime into someone's life today?

Love, Chatty

Something to think about...

Something to laugh about (at least it is funny to me because I can really relate!)

 Thanks Sis.

Now here is a little something to learn - I found this on Lois's Blog - Walking In Sunshine.

It is how to fold fitted sheets. Oh boy does that give me fits. I'm going to try this and thought I'd share it with you.


x_3bb4d50e photo

PS I'm behind in catching up with reading blogs. I'm sure hoping you'll understand if I just start from today. I'm looking forward to reading your blogs this week.  Thank you!


Debbie said...

I'm so much like you. I read all the wonderful blogs and wonder why in the world I think I ought to have one.

I'm selfishly glad you didn't change your name because to me you will always be Chatty. I love to come here, and I only leave without a smile on the rare occasion that the post brings tears instead.

Shelly said...

Your blog is always one of my favorite places to visit because it's full of warmth and humor! I'm glad you're back because I missed you while you were gone.

For what it's worth, I do that to myself, too, look at all the wonderful blogs around me and see how short mine falls, but really, we can't compare ourselves to any other. Just like in real life, we can only be who we are!

Carol said...

Oh Sandie...YOUR blog is a blessing to me!!! You make me smile and bring me joy! Those are awesome gifts to give to another! Keep up the good work and please don't ever give up blogging. The blues you posted...that is my FAV color!

Love to you! YOU are a blessing to ME!

Gail Dixon said...

My dear girl, why are you doubting your blog? I always enjoy coming here and always leave with a big smile. Don't change and don't compare yourself to others. You are you and the you I've come to know is pretty dang awesome!

Anonymous said...

you are an amazing writing, you are so much more than you think, you bring happiness and always know just the right thing to say where others like me would be tongue tied, you have a gift and I'm so glad for having the honor to have met you,
Coming t read your blog always guarantee's for sure one thing, happiness, a belly laugh and caring thoughtful quotes,

Beth said...

A lovely post Sandie! That is one of my favorite verses too!

Jeanie said...

I think each of us blogs for our own reasons. No one is going to appeal to everyone and you obviously have lots of people who like to read what you write. Keep it up.

Denise said...

Love this post Chatty and you DO have so many good things to share with your followers.

Pondside said...

I'm pretty sure you blog to make people smile - to make their days start out just a little better - to make them think about even one little thing while they laugh (sometimes at ourselves!).
My sheets are always a lumpy, bumpy pile - I'll try this method and see if I have better-looking linen shelves afterwards!

jack69 said...

You could fooled me I thought you were creative, I am sooooo disappointed at my insights. LOL I have always thought your blog was very imaginative and creative, but then what do I know. I just type.
I love that verse also.
And thanks so much for spreading my story. My boys made it hard to be the parent I thought I would be. AIN'T THAT ONE THE MOST TRUE STATEMENT I HAVE READ!
Thanks sweetheart (In my best Bogie voice)
WHERE IS SPRING???????????

((hugs)) FROM South Carolina.

Unknown said...

I can relate to all the things you weren't or couldn't do. I am plain Jane, but I do love people, especially positive people as you are, so I enjoy your blogs. Keep up the good work!
Linda, Tennessee

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I can relate to everything your are saying. You do give us the blessings of plenty of smiles! To be happy in the life we've been given is so important. We need to be thankful every day for the gifts we have and not whine about what we don't have. I'm blessed and try to show it. Thank you for keeping it real.

Along These Lines ... said...

Someone's stuck in "C" mode this morning!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Hi Sandie

I agree with the others - I love your blog!

I am going away this week and
so before I go I want to wish you and your family a very Happy Easter

I hope that it will be a peaceful and joyous time for you all.

Take care

x Fiona

Changes in the wind said...

And.....laughter is healing for the soul......

rubyslipperz1052 said...

I think you ARE talented! You are able to share your wonderful loving patience/kindness thru cyberspace like NO OTHER! And, to bring light to so many people's lives is a more valuable talent than any other I know!!

thanks for the sunshine you bring to my life!


Betty said...

Lately I've been doing some blog spring cleaning. I went through part of my blog list and found that some people hadn't posted in months. (I haven't been reading much this past year either.) A lot of the blogs I had on my list were ones with tutorials and I sometimes wondered how people kept up. I mean they would post often and have great tutorials with lots of photos. Then they were gone. I suspect the blog became like a job and not fun anymore. Too time consuming to keep up.

I've stopped reading blogs that take time to load. Lately some have so many ads. I don't mind ads (unless there's a pop-up), but I don't have time to wait for them to load...especially when I'm on my Netbook. There are some blogs I really enjoyed that I'll no longer read.

Keep your blog the way it is...it's your blog! I think a blog is like a diary and should reflect who you are and what's going on in your life. I remember reading a blog where the writer said she tried to always keep her blog happy. Nice thought, but is that reality? Personally, I like genuine.

Just keep doing what you're doing.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

One thing you should never doubt is your blog and it's effect on us :)

Knitty said...

Using a quote from Steel Magnolias...you know I love you more than my luggage ;-)

I've had a blogger's identity crisis. I've had guilt when I didn't blog for a week. I've had when I didn't blog for three days. I've had it when I blogged but didn't have time to visit others. I've had it when I did visit but didn't comment for any one of many reasons, all which were logical at the time, and intended to return but didn't. I've written posts that I thought were great but got nary a comment and others that felt blah but garnered many.

Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Sometimes you're (I'm) full of corny quotes. When the universe is in alignment and Mother Nature isn't PMSing (as she currently is in many of the northern states), I realize that I do best when I write as I speak, no matter how often or how verbose. My condolences to readers and listeners. ;-)

Keep doing what you're doing. We're all your friends. We miss you when you are gone. We appreciate your prayers. We laugh at your jokes and groan at your puns. I steal, oops...meant to say share!...them as soon as I read them.

Marsha Young said...

Chatty - I am so glad you are "sticking around" because your blog gives me a smile every time I stop by. And smiles are not always readily available, are they?

Blessings to you today!

Eat To Live said...

You are more talented than you know Sandie.... You can just look at my blog to see that. You write like a writer, I write like a total hick!!

Need to go check out how to fold fitted sheets. I end up just giving mine a good roll and put them away.

Nonnie said...

I like the new look very much. So fresh. Your honesty is also fresh and I can tell that you care. Everybody enjoys your blog and it is plain from the number of people who read it. I read other blogs and feel I cannot possibly have anything to say, but that is not why I started a blog. The purpose for me was to record or journal and never did it occur to me that reading other blogs would be so interesting, fun and uplifting and that I would meet so many loving people. Now I'm also trying to figure out where to go ... or where to stay put.

Donna said...

Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog!
I love it when people are "just themselves" when doing post for their blogs...I'm going to enjoy reading Yours!

TexWisGirl said...

i like the turquoise header - and same old you is fine by me.

Sandee said...

If you're having fun then you're doing just fine. You have folks that visit so you're doing more than fine. I like it here just fine.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Nancy said...

We all have different purposes and we would be the ones who carry the loss if you stopped blogging. You bring laughter to us and what else is more important than encouragement and lifting our spirits.

Oh girlfriend, your blog serves a very important function in this land we call blogland....don't ever forget that...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I missed your posts last week - glad to see you back :-)

Wanda's Wings said...

I love your blog and am glad to be your friend.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie I love you and your blog because of who you are! You are a sweet, loving, kind person and a great friend. Just keep being you and yes you do make me smile!
Your blog looks beautiful!
Big Hugs,

Cheryl @ TFD said...

First of all, I really like your new blog look! Even tho there are many pretty backgrounds, I've always favored an all white background, the dark ones are sometime hard to read.

Secondly, I think many of us feel the same way...as in I know I don't have any particular talents, but the blog serves as kind of a journal/diary with some of my photos that I love to take thrown in. I just like to show things that interest me and a blog is a place to do that.

I say all this just to say...be who you are and blog how you want. Everyone that blogs has their own voice or style. You are unique. There is only one Chatty Crone...let your light shine!


Felicity Grace Terry said...

Not just all those things but humble as well. Very often we need to be nothing more than who we are.

Aloha Acres said...

I enjoy your blog so, so much! I'm glad you are here.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

beautifully said. why not do what you enjoy & share it with others. no matter what you do it can mean so much to others. small, simple, & kind things mean the most to so many.

I love ya Mrs. CC. you are too sweet. big big hugs.

enjoy your week. ( :

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Holy Cow, Sandie. You have a TERRIFIC blog which people LOVE. Look at all of the comments you get. IF you didn't get comments, then you could worry that the blog was not good. But it IS.. It is excellent. People love humor and your blog is always full of humor. There's nothing better than a blog which makes people smile. AND--you also offer great advice.. What more could one want????? I think you need to relax and just be who you are and keep on sharing the love.

P.S. I go to some blogs and truly, they say NOTHING to me... OR--they say the same things over and over --like they don't have anything to say... Those are the people who should question why they are blogging... ha ha

barbara l. hale said...

I am glad you blog! I always enjoy seeing what you put together. And this time, I can sure relate to that last cartoon. Parenting is nothing like I imagined it to be.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You always inspire me and give me a smile when I visit you! My hubby likes your blog, too....that says something, doesn't it? heehee! I'm glad you are going to keep being YOU! YOU are what we know and love! Happy Spring!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am guilty of thinking all the things you said you can't do that others can do better than i can, from photography to writing.. and this quote i found on a blog is so true. i have it on my desk top and read it every day.

it’s not who you are that holds you back, its who you think you are not....

you are who you are and being a friend and all the things you listed are talents, not every one can do those things. you can.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

We all have doubt. However, the brave break through it and take the chance. A chance not taken is a lost opportunity. An opportunity taken brings us joy. Joy makes life worth living.

Bev said...

What a wonderful post... you are a wonderful person!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I do understand! Really....you never knew how to fold sheets that way? I feel like I've been doing that for 40 years now! Have a great week dear friend.....xoxo

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. I have a New Zealand (ex South African) friend who can fold fitted sheets - she's down there somewhere under us all ... so that was a helpful explanation - amazing things we learn ..

... and just being who we are is so important .. thanks for the laugh .. Hilary


So that is how you fold a fitted sheet. LOL Mine isn't quite as neat. I love visiting your blog because it always has fun stuff and lots of tips.

Beansieleigh said...

Oh my goodness, I just can't even believe I'm 50, sometimes. I accept it, but where did the time go?!!.. While I hope I've got lots and lots.. and LOTS of time left, I just feel like I want to appreciate whatever amount of time that means. While no, not everything is what I dreamed it would be, I thank God for what wonderful blessings He's bestowed upon me.. I have to smile, because I feel a little like Pollyanna sometimes, playing "the glad game"! For example, I've just spilled the dog's dish of water all over the place, and it looks like a flood in my kitchen. Lord, oh Lord, PLEASE help me to find the bright side of THIS! (0; I guess my floor will be DOUBLY clean today! Yes, it better sparkle like diamonds today!... Hope your day's a good one! ~tina

Jim said...

Hi Sandy, I'm sure glad your are back!!! I was a little worried that you might just quit. Bloggers do that you know. My blog roll is full of them.

I visit your blog because you are soooo friendly and upbeat. And you let me stay (I'm easy, just return a visit now and then and I will hang around) even if I'm about the only guy who leaves comments. In other words, you are my blogging friend. What ever kind of posts you had, I'd come to visit.
p.s. I liked that way to fold the fitted sheets. At our house it takes Mrs. Jim and I both to get them folded to look nice.

renae said...

Ok Chatty Sandie, I have to say I LOVELOVELOVE the white background blog. Your blog is always so full of ribbons and decorations that I honestly think now that is was bothering me some how. Now, this turquoise, soft blue and fun font and just a white background makes me love it here. Hmmmmm, I wonder who else has a white background? (could it be me?) hahahahahaha. You are so dang cute!!! I love your blog and will always come to see what you have here, because it is your blog!!!!

Belle said...

I think your talent is making people happy. I'm always cheered by your blog and I also learn things. I often wish I was a great artist or writer, but those are not my talents so I do what I can. Your contribution to the blog world is important. Your faith in God is an inspiration.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, sweet dear friend,
I could add my refrain that says:
You have received tons of great evaluations and fantastic praises of your most wonderful blog.
People loves you, and you share your love with the world.
You always get tons of comments from your marvelous friends.
So, what else do you need to make your day a little brighter?
I wish I had so many good friends like you do, Sandie. Then, I would do blogging certainly worthwhile...
Have a HAPPY EASTER with your family and beloved ones, Sandie!!
Have a blessed time, my friend!
God may always bless you all!
All the best,
Poet Starry.

Susan said...

Dear Sandie....Loved all the blues on your post and I'm glad you are not blue!

Love visiting your blog. It's good for learning new things, chuckling, remembering and meeting people.

What more could anyone want?

Keep up the wonderful work, making the world a better place, one post at a time. Susan

Ginny Hartzler said...

I really believe that God gives every single person a gift, it says so in the bible. Well, at least Paul indicates it. Some people just do not care to find or use theirs. BUT you do!!! And I really think more then anything your gift is making friends!!! What is this gorgeous header, I'm in love with the polka dot flower!!

Jackie said...

Sandie....I'm glad we met through blogging. I do enjoy coming here and reading your blog...and your bloggers' comments. I always enjoy both...the blog and the comments.
I don't even know why I blog. I don't have a craft or a talent; I am not a good writer, but I do feel such warmth and love from the friends that I have made from blogging. That's why I blog and why I continue. I have the best blogging friends...and I count you among them.
If I can make someone...even one person happier because we've blogged or "talked" through commenting/blogging, then blogging is worth it to me. I know that people have made me feel special and happy, so I want to share those wonderful feelings of kindness, compassion, and love as I continue to blog.
Sending you hugs and love, my friend...

Ginny Hartzler said...

HOLY COW!!! So I am glancing at my sidebar, and all of a sudden your blog icon starts to MOVE!!! You have surprised us all, and this is SO Sandie!!! You for sure know more blog stuff than me! NO one else I know does this.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

What you are terrific at is the fact that you are a great human being. You are also an inspirational blogger. You are also very funny which helps us all forget our problems for a while.

Dar said...

Yes, there is a time...
and a time to fish, meet me at the fishin' hole. and about those fitted sheets, yup, that's the way I do it.
You keep on doing what you're doing cuz there is no way I can matchya. I love what you do here. You sure keep me laughing, and stay inspired.
You warm my heart, sweet thang!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm just glad you are back. I miss my daily grins. Your blog is fantastic just the way it is!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

We have all been waiting for you to come back to us!! We missed you!! Welcome home!! What a fan club you have girlfriend!!


JD said...


I enjoy your blog. It's one of the places I can go to where I know I will be comforted by your warmth and tickled by your humor. I don't know--I wouldn't change a thing. But I'll support whatever changes you see fit. ;-)

Susannah said...

Love ya, Miss Chatty.... and your blog!!!!!


Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Sandie. Good to have you back! I agree with you and I think that God does want us to be happy. Like you, I always try to make my blog a positive place. There is so much negativity and miserable news out there! I also love that quote from the Bible. You only have to look at the number of comments you always get, to see how loved you are.

Gina said...

We're all here visiting your blog and look at all these comments! You must being doing something right!

LL Cool Joe said...

I feel like that about my blog too. Maybe we all do. But I'd like to think we all have our own individual voices.

Glad you are back!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I love you and your blog just the way you are. So many days have I been in a bad mood then came over to visit your blog and you lifted my spirits up to a joyful level. Thank you for caring and being a blog friend.

Theresa said...

Hi there sweet friend! Whatever your blog IS, I love reading it! It makes me giggle:) I am going to take a peek at how to fold those fitted sheets. That one is a booger and they usually gets bunched up and stuck in the linen closet:) Have a blessed day dear Sandie, HUGS!

Lynn said...

Do your own thing girl, that's what you're here to do! Oh, and have some fun along the way:@)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Thank goodness you broke free and have returned...I missed your sorry butt!!...:)JP

The Boston Lady said...

I would have been crushed if you had returned as anything other than Chatty. You make me smile, think, have hope,sometimes cry (but good cry). Don't change! Love ya! Ann

Jill said...

Oh I do love your new header and I am so thrilled you are going to remain you! You had be nervous! I have always loved your blog, my friend and yours is one I look at and ask myself "Why am I blogging? I have nothing to offer like she does."

Ann said...

I've had times when I wonder why I'm blogging too. I'm very glad that you are going to continue being Chatty because that is why I keep coming here :)
That last cartoon made me laugh. I can't tell you how many times I've felt exactly that same way

Dee said...

I am glad you chose to just be you....you must be doing something right to have faithful followers. I think we all go through the blog blahs and insecurities at some point. I think I finally feel comfortable with my blog...and who I am. If I change it....it will only be because I am changing. :) My only advice is enjoy it....do not let it be work. :)

andy said...

Your a great person and a friend to us all ! You make us laugh and keep us all smiling ! I'm not a great blogger either I enjoy houses and working on projects but I'm not good with words I'm not a great spelling person . My favorite thing about blogging is the friendships I've made !

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I like your blog I like coming for a visit and I suck at folding fitted sheets but I do fold them and not just screw them up in a ball and shove them in the cupboard and yes I do know someone who does just that............lol

momto8 said...

but I love learning from all of those wonderful blogs...the photography, the food, the poetry...and of course your blog that makes me smile!!!

Terri D said...

I'm new to Blogger (from Multiply) and am having fun finding new friends here! My blog is not creative, crafty, or smart. Mine is just daily dribble. I am happy to have found a new prayer partner! Like you, I can pray for you! I am enjoying getting to know you!

Paula said...

First let me say your picture on your sidebar is very pretty. Second I say you are bringing a lot of happiness to a lot of people by the number of followers you have.

Ms. A said...

You KNOW I can relate to the parent cartoon!

I've never figured out my purpose in blogging, other than enjoying the lives of others and praying when it's needed.

Sharon said...

There are few places that I visit in Blog Land that bring me more joy than here. You always provide me with a smile or two (or twenty). And then, there's the serious Chatty moments - also a blessing.

Thanks for being my friend, Sandie.

I appreciate you very much!


Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

Well good grief, if you have 75 comments you must be doing something right!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never , ever had that many comments on oe post! I am glad I found you, I will be back. Oh, and I learned how to fold fitted sheets YEARS ago, from martha Stweart of all people. She did it on her show MANY years ago:):) XO Pinky

Marie said...

I love Chatty! Whatever you,Chatty, do I will be here to see!
I love the blue pics...so pretty!

You know, I feel like that horse sometimes.
Thank you for making me laugh, think and even cry. :)

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, what can I say that hasn't been said? I missed you, girlfriend! So glad you kept the "Chatty" ... so happy to call you my friend!

Love the sea-moss green up top!

mail4rosey said...

I think your blog is awesome. I like the picture of the horse tied to the little plastic chair, that's so fitting for me sometimes!

And now I'm off to see the post on how to fold fitted sheets (42 years and I still haven't figured out how to make them pretty). :)

Sally Wessely said...

You are an amazing special lady. You blog is a delight and spirit lifter. Keep on keeping on.

Angela said...

You will always be Chatty! I love that verse too. It gives you so much to think about don't it. I'm not sure if I could fold my king size sheets the right way or not. I will say that I sometimes try to fold them as best as I can and then I put them inside one of the pillowcases. That way everything is together and ready to use.

Jeanne said...

I love your blog and you do bring me joy - thank you very much! Very good post!