"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tales about a tail . . .

Don't forget to give you pet a hug today!

Oh no - do you know what today was? 

It was bath day.

Okay does it look like I like my baths to you?

Ah that would be a negative.

But I'm a good boy, so I put up with it.  I do stop itching from my allergies when I take a bath - and I smell really good!

That got me to thinking about doing things that aren't fun to do, but good for you. 

Sometimes I have to stay home when everyone goes out because it is too hot or cold for me, I get put on a diet and yes I do get treats anyway, I have to do my business outside in front of the whole world, I even have to brush my teeth once in awhile, grandma puts eye drops in my eyes to help me, steroids on my paws because I bite them all the time - so do you ever have to do things you don't want to do? 

Do you ever bite the hand that feeds you?  Speaking of that I have to eat healthy grain free food because of my allergies - I manage to get it down - but it is not my favorite. 

So what is your secret when you have to do something you don't want to do?

Love, Disco

Something to think about:



Ms. A said...

I used to try to sleep through the thought of doing something I didn't like. Lately that isn't working and I'm having to buck up and do them.

Debbie said...

I'm going to show my complete and total ignorance and say that I didn't know that dogs get allergies. I never would have thought it.

And yes, I have been known to bite the hand that feeds me, I'm ashamed to admit.

Merlesworld said...

Poor baby, dogs do not like baths much until I owned a few I didn't know that.

andy said...

Looks like he's clean now !!! Don't you wish we knew what he was thinking !!!! I do . Have a great day

Linda O'Connell said...

What a lovely thing to view first thing in the morning. Love these photos.

Parsley said...

Looking good Disco! Hey, we give grain free food too. So far we like Blue Buffalo and ScienceDiet grain free foods. They have dry and canned. Yum

Unknown said...

I like to "go" on Arlynda's side of the bed and blame it on one of the cats.

Eat To Live said...

I once had a dog that had terrible allergies. The vet had me buy a human shampoo for ... hmmmm forgot. But I think the shampoo was tegrin.

Poor puppy looks stressed knowing bathtime is coming.

Suzan said...

Scrub a dub dub!! The dog is in the Tub!!
Well sink --- Disco has to feel better too after getting a good scrub down!!

Catherine said...

LOL! I totally was giving my pet hugs today! Haha!
When I have to do something I don't want to do, I take a deep breath and do it right away to get it over with!
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

It's great Disco, you're being a good boy putting up with the bath. It IS good for you :) whofff...

Theresa said...

Sweet smiles:) Thanks for always making me smile!!! HUGS!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Jake loves his bath, baby has to be dragged to hers and trust me at 50 pounds a dog that doesn not want a bath is no fun. at lease mom can pick you up and plunk you down. but after we capture her she does like to be clean...

Jill said...

Good boy, Disco! It's always best to listen to your Mom! You're so cute.

I hope you know you have the best Mom ever!

Gail Dixon said...

You are well-loved, Disco! When I have to do something I know is good for me, but I don't particularly enjoy, I try not to think about it too hard. Like the Nike slogan, I just do it!

Beansieleigh said...

Oh Disco, you are such a cutie! And I love the puppy prayer, so sweet! Wishing you and Mommy a wonderful day today! ~tina

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sorry about the bath Disco. That must be rough ;-)

Anonymous said...

oh dreaded bath day, poor baby, all in the name of love, hope the itchy allergies hit the road soon,

Shelly said...

Disco, you are one brave (and clean) dude!

TexWisGirl said...

(really like that last message.) :)

poor baby disco. you're in good hands, though. they love you.

jack69 said...

Disco, you are one lucky DOWG!
I was gonna give some advice on baths, but I see you learned well. Probably that good teacher, Grandma!!

Doggie ((HUGS)) from Wildwood!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Disco your so sweet. Loved your thinking pictures as well.

My dog disliked baths. As soon as the water hit her. Her face expression turned so sad.

Yet she was a dog who would be the first to run through mud and roll in a creek or a med hole.

I enjoyed your blog.

Funny and so cute of Disco eyeing the bottle of shampo I gather..

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thankfully I don't have to deal with any allergies, but I do love my bubble baths. I think a bath just makes you feel good all over. I love the quote at the end of the post. SMILE!

Cheri said...

Disco, We are with ya on the bath ordeal, our momma traps us in the laundry room by telling us she'll give us a treat and then shuts the door so we can't escape. We get the treat but not until bath time is over. We hate getting our nails done and our butt glands tended to and my sister, Kizzy gets so excited to go for the car ride until she sees where we are, what a dope....I know where we are going nobody can fool "the Macy girl."

barbara l. hale said...

These are great and I can relate to that puppy who sleeps with her peeps. Olive loves to crowd us out at night. She thinks it's a dog's right.

Charlotte Wilson said...

Disco, like my dogs, probably feels a whole lot better after all is said and done.
Something i don't like...vacuuming. And that reminds me, the vacuum is calling me. Hubby comes back today and the house better be clean of dog hair. LOL

betty said...

I like that quote about my smile changing the world, but the world not changing my smile; good wise words!

Poor Disco and baths! But the end effect of cleanliness is a good thing indeed!


valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

You can see that he is enjoying his bath.
The warm water feels good to them on their skin and soothes the allergy.
I use a special allergy shampoo.. I have the 5 dogs..
they send their regards to their American friend Disco. They told me to tell him not to worry. He will be fine.
nice post ..

Lady, Jeffrey-Cassidy,Hardy,Isaa, and Bonita..

Ginny Hartzler said...

Happy Birthday, Disco!! And I know that you would NEVER bite the hand that feeds you...would you??? Grandma takes such very good care of you...her and your boy are the best pet owners ever!!! You are a real cool dude in the last picture, birthday boy!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Disco I love a clean dog! You are such a good boy and yes we all have to do things that we don't like!
hugs, Linda

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Skye had her bath on Saturday and she wasn't very happy about it. I've never given a dog a bath in the kitchen sink but I took sponge baths in the kitchen sink when I was a little girl at my grandparents summer home :)

David P. King said...

We sadly don't have a pet. At least yet, but it has to be of the no hair or feathers variety. Allergies and such. :)

Marie said...

You are so cute when getting your bath.:) My pups don't fit in the kitchen sink. We don't bathe them too often, Rambo gets more baths than the others because he also has allergies. Too many baths can irritate the skin too. Our pups do lick their paws. Rocket actually trims his own nails!!! He's the only puppy dog that I have ever seen do it. I wish he would teach the others.:) Disco, do you trim your own nails??
give your Grandma a hug for me!
Love the last words! I'm writing it down and adding it to my inspiration wall. :)

Carol said...

Anything with Dogs OR Cats I love! Loved this post! Disco Rocks!!!!

Bev said...

Okay disco... you get a bath in the kitchen sink?? I think you are quite spoiled... cute buy maybe a dad spoiled... I wouldn't complain to much:))) wow wow

Cranberry Morning said...

Dear little Disco!! And I love that puppy poem. :-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Disco, You are one very lucky pup... You'd better remember that and THANK Mama and Grandma for all they do for you. How many doggies get the extra things for their lives (eye drops, special food, steroids, special shampoo,etc. etc. etc.) Can you just imagine the amount of money they spend on you???? You had better appreciate them!!!! Afterall, they love you!!!


The Quintessential Magpie said...

We once had a little terrier who was allergic to grass. My mother had to bathe him in medicated shampoo. He was such a cute little guy, and he never complained.

Poor Disco! I can identify because I don't eat grains either because my naturopath doesn't like them. She thinks I overindulge, and I do. ;-)

Thank you so much for the sweet words. I appreciate it so much, and I know his parents will. This has been a bit of a rough go today, but friends like you help.



Sharon said...

Hey Disco,

Marty here. I just knew that we were kindred souls. I have allergies, too. I have to eat a special kibble, and take medicine a lot for my ears. Seems like they're always itching.

I'm not a big fan of baths either - though I stand real still like a good boy anyway.

Yup, lots of times I have to do things I don't want to do. But I know that my people love me, so I go along. I suppose I know that the reward awaiting me - love and attention (and maybe some treats) - is worth it.

I think my humans can learn something from that - I think it's the way they should act with God!

woof. (That's dogtalk for AMEN!)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'd say you're one lucky little pup, Disco! You are so lucky to have such a loving family to care for you.

I love the poem. I had 2 kitties snuggled up against me when I was trying to sleep last night. It got so warm with all that body heat that I couldn't sleep! LOL! I laid still as long as I could stand it, finally just had to move so they got up and left the bed. The things we do for our pets!!

Ann said...

Duke is normally pretty good for a bath, he doesn't necessarily appreciate getting one but he takes it well.

Catherine said...

Dearest Sandie, Just adorable. The puppy poem is so true. Hope all is well and miss you. Blessings dear. Catherine xoxo

Susan said...

Hi Disco...

Well, even though you are a dog, you might be interested to know that my Honey Cat doesn't particularly like baths, either.

But gosh, if you come out smellin' like a rose, it's worth it, isn't it? I mean, you wouldn't want to smell like a, well, smell bad, would you?

Yeah, the grain crappola sounds unappealing. But humans have to tweak their food, too, or they'd end up looking very roly poly. Know what I mean?

Have you ever heard the expression "Grin and bear it?" Humans use it when they do something they just don't want to do.

On bath days, you can always "Grin and SPLASH it." Try that and see if Grammie Sandie calls her hubs to the rescue. ha!

Take care, Disco. You're a good dog. Susan

The Boston Lady said...

Disco you picked the perfect time to ask me as I just had two days of heart tests done. I always remind myself that soon it will be over and just a memory. Tell your grandma I loved that quote about the smile. Ann TBL

barbara woods said...

my sis has 4 house dogs so i know all the things that they get along with all the sickness just like humans

LL Cool Joe said...

You do smell good! I can smell you from here! I'm not that keen on baths either but I know I wouldn't get many hugs without them!

Inger said...

Samson Says: I now get grain free turkey with sweet potato food from Costco and it has really helped my tummy. I do not like to poop when anyone is looking. I do not like to have that blasted camera pointed in my face. I take eye drops too, my dad gives them to me. Then I get a treat. So I don't mind. I hate to have my rear and and my big and fluffy tail brushed. That's when I bite the hand that doesn't feed me, dad's. I never bite my mommy's hand cause she's the one who feeds me and you never know.....

Inger said...

I meant to say my rear END!

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Our dog won't even walk into our bathroom without coercion because that's where we bathe him. He hates baths too.

Dee said...

Poor Disco...the eyes tell it all. We give our cats a bath once a year. A spring cleaning of sorts. LOL The vet said since they are indoor cats and groom themselves really well they do not actually need a bath. You would think we are killing them when we do. Disco is a good boy....he knows love and hugs come next with a cozy towel.


You just have to grin and bear it Disco. That's what I do.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

If only my two could FIT in the sink! The advantages of having a smaller dog!...:)JP

Sue said...

Nothing makes you happier then giving an animal a hug and knowing that they are hugging you back.....unconditional love...the best kind.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

i bet you smells so good now!

renae said...

Awh such a nice post, Disco Dog! Duchess gets to have a bath once a week in the bathtub with HM holder her lease and I do the scrubbing. The best part of her bath, you ask?

The blow-dryer!!!!

OMyGosh she loves the blow-dryer. She goes right for it and I blow the daylights out of her fur and she LOVES IT!

Please tell Sandie/Grandma that I love the cute, yellow, smile, thought at the end, too.

Savannah Granny said...

Loving Disco Dog!
I love doing nothing but I always have to do something. I think I will start to love doing something that way maybe someone will make me do nothing.
Love Ginger

Maggie Ann said...

What a sweet dog you have, so docile at bathtime and what good care you give with such love! Don't we wish all pets were so loved...and children! That poem is the cutest thing and I love your Albert Einstein quote. I feel that way too....smile.

Nonnie said...

I don't like baths either and, as soon as the bath is over, I run all over the house and then go outside and roll around in the grass. Trudy

When I have to do something I don't want, I remind myself that soon it will be over and only a memory.

Annesphamily said...

A precious post! I love the prayer! I love Disco writign these sweet posts! Thanks Disco, you are a great doggy !