"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, May 06, 2013

Monday's Tails and Tales.

Joey's Pad

1. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
 I think I would have waited to get married and have children - (if I could have the same children later).  I don't feel I've lived any time on my own.
2. If you could repeat any age which would it be?
 19 - I quit college and I think now I would have stayed.
3. What really scares you?
 Going to Hell scares me.
4. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?

Disco - he gets everything done for him and does no work.  Just kidding.  I think I would like to be a doctor and give orders!

Please go to her site by clicking on the photo and join us on Smile with us on Monday.

These photos make me happy and make me smile - hope they make you happy too.

x_3bb47313 photo

Love DIsco - hope you had a great Cinco De Mayo!   I am at the vet now - getting a bath - my nails clipped - and ah oh ah - my 'glands' cleaned. 



Thanks Carmen


Bev said...

Oh Sandy...love you answers..great to get to know you more... oh I would love to sit down with you and have a real visit!!! One day...we'll pass thru your area hopefully!!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It has been raining a ton. It feels more like November than May to me.

Cute pics Disco.

Nonnie said...

A pic of a boy and his dog will always make me smile.

TexWisGirl said...

love disco!

Shelly said...

I love who you would be for a day! Too funny~

Cathy said...

We're having a lot of rain here too, but you're right, at least the grass is really green

Love the pictures of your dog. He looks like he has a great life.

Anonymous said...

love this post, best of luck to disco with the gland cleaning ;0

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we can see why you want to be Disco, the life of Riley... about the glands, if you give disco 2 tablespoons of 100 percent pumpkin every day the glands will take care of them selves. jake was having real problems with him and now it has been a year since he did, he gets pumpkin twice a day. it works.
If i could go back to an age it would be 40 and i agree i wish i had waited until i was 25 or more to get married. fresh out of highschool is to young.

Sandee said...

It's supposed to rain here today. We need it so it's all good.

I love your smiles today. That makes me smile too.

Have a terrific day. :)

Inger said...

Disco lives the life of Riley, whoever he was.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Monday to you! Love the pics of your grandson and Disco. Have a great day.

andy said...

Feels like a rainy fall day here ! Happy Monday To you !!!!


Chuckled when you said you'd be Disco for a day. Animals are the best, aren't they?

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for chipping in Disco!!! You and your boy look so relaxed, maybe you do that for each other!! I wish my cats would make me this relaxed. Congrats on the award. Even though you didn't take it, I liked reading your answers and you were a good sport! Yes to being scared of Hell, me too, though we both know we aren't going there.

LL Cool Joe said...

Awww thanks for answering the questions and the shout out!. Going to hell shouldn't scare you because you know and love the Lord Jesus. So you know he has a place for you in Heaven. :)

Rob-bear said...

Disco for a day sounds just grand! Would prove that you have totally gone to the dogs!

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Sharon said...

It was fun getting to know a little more about you. I liked your comment about being a doctor and giving orders - I thought about being a nurse once, but I realized I didn't have the patients (patience)- GROAN!!

Disco, you make me smile. You are one cute pup. Love how you're sleeping with your boy one second, and the next you're peeping at the camera!

Fun Monday - thanks!

jack69 said...

It is strange how Ray Charles has that song going thru minds every time it rains. Even in NC with the rain, I have been singing and humming right along with him.

A great read and some great quotes. I have to say, the last one about speaking when you are mad, is very true. I had to apologize to a Government worker this morning because I got 'upset'. LOL
Love ya! ((HUGS))

Petro said...

Congrats, Sandie.
And thank you so much, you are so sweet :)

Unknown said...

I had a nice and quiet weekend, and have been off work today :) I bet you need some rain down there. We've had some nice and sunny weather this weekend, but then again it's been raining for the past six months here, more or less, so when the sun is out we better take advantage of it lol! Cute pictures of Disco and GS.
Big hugs x

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We had some rain yesterday and it's raining today! Sweet pictures of your grandson and Disco.

Unknown said...

I would reconsider being disco when you consider that gland cleaning thing...ICK! OUCH!

Blondee said...

Great answers!

And just luv the pics of Grandson and Disco having a snooze. So sweet. :)

Ms. A said...

Hubby and I were just discussing the fact that while we no longer have a dog, we seem to get stuck dog sitting for those who do have one... or two. Seems a tad unfair to me. You know, my dogs never talked down to me, or made me feel "less than" and they brought me great comfort and companionship. I MISS MY DOGS!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh Sandie-
You make me happy! thank you for such a Monday laugh, lift and day brightener!! You are the best-and Hell-girl you have a direct ticket to Heaven!

Eat To Live said...

I don't do awards either. hahahaha.... love the answers though.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Wouldn't it be nice to be a dog like your sweet disco. I'd love to go and get my nails done...they need it badly.

Southhamsdarling said...

Great post and delightful photos of Disco and your grandson ! I honestly don't think you have to worry about going to hell. You're far too nice a person, and keep your little bloggy friends gloriously entertained !!

renae said...

Adorable post, Chatty!!! I am really loving the sticky note posts on Monday. They are so fun to read. It is like little snippets of info that I love to see. Oh and Disco is such a cute little guy. I am glad you liked my apple blossoms. They are the only blooms in my yard now days; daffs and tulips are goners.

Lynn said...

The picture advertising the party is adorable! I like the last two sayings too-Happy Monday:@)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Love the twist on the Serenity Prayer! Sweet photos of Disco and Andy!

Terri D said...

A very fun post, and I love the photos - perfect boy & dog!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Glad to know so much more about you. In India we finish High School by the time we are sixteen and college is four years. So this way we can go to college and be done with it by twenty. I feel bad for kids here because the last two years are way too many for high school.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Your rain is coming here tomorrow and like you said, it will be good for the grass and flowers. Besides, I worked too hard on my gardens this weekend and I need an excuse to veg.

I love the way you did your blog today with the post it notes.

Years ago we all married too young. Now they wait to get married around middle age. There is something to be said for both.

Sweet Tea said...

I enjoyed your answers to the questions, and of course seeing your grandson with Disco!!

The Boston Lady said...

Dr. Chatty, thank goodness I stopped by here and got my dose of good feelingness! You always have the right medicine for me! I love the picture of Disco - the second one - "no one messes with MY boy!" Ann

Rose said...

I agree that if you speek when you are angry..........many regrets later.

You posted some interesting changes if you had the chance to do it all over again. Kudos to you!

Tanna said...

your precious GS and Disco make me smile!! Loved reading your answers, Sandie. hugs and blessings ~ tanna

Diana said...

FINALLY no rain here, it was beautiful today and I had to work!!!
Loved the pics. I would come back as a dolphin cuz I think they have so much fun!!


Debbie said...

Well, you made ME smile this morning. I love the funny picture, and I really love that take on the serenity prayer. Oh. So. True.

I have been teaching on the tongue for the past three weeks. (Yes, still sitting on the fence about that.) That quote about it breaking a heart and the thing about the angry speech are both so true!!

Lynn said...

It's a banner day when one gets ones glands cleaned. :)

Along These Lines ... said...

I'm in the next state and it was absolutely freezing this week - warming back now!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Being Disco for a day does sound quite fun indeed :)

Gail Dixon said...

Enjoyed your answers to the questions. I can SO relate!

Theresa said...

Love your answers:) Have a blessed day dear Sandie, HUGS!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

It was so good to see the sunshine today! Disco looks so happy!