"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fragments of the life of the royal nuts............

A long long time ago in a far away land - oh wait a minute - about six months ago The Princess started having back trouble.  . She went to the royal chiropractor  and took Motrin, but the poor princess got no relief.  In fact it had been getting worse.  The royal nurse the princess she really needs to go to the royal doctor.  And an appointment was made for June 10.

This saga really begins at the beginning of the royal month of  May.  The princess insisted that the problem was her royal bed. She knew for sure that the problem was her bed.  And because her back was hurting so bad she wanted to get the bed as soon as possible. Now I can tell you that I love this princess - so I can tell this because I love her and because it is so funny!!

The princess talks me into going to Royal Macy's with her - and the prince her son.  She thought she'd just put it on her charge and pay it off within twelve months..  Memorial Day we go to their big sale. The princes and prince find the bed she will like - orders and pays for it.

Over night she is worried if she had picked the right one. The royal troupe went back to Macy's and return the first royal bed and buy another royal bed - a better bed. I'll admit we all liked it. You kind of get caught up in things when you live the enchanted life.

The princess orders a California King - I said. " I think it is a king size bed".   "No,  I buy all California King sheets,"  she replied. So she orders a California King.   Now when the royal deliverers get here -  they get old bed down and put in in the royal truck and put in the new bed in her room - up 13 stairs and around the bend.

Guess what you royal readers - Low and behold it is a KING size bed!  So the royal movers   bought the bed back down 13 stairs and around the bend and put her old bed back carrying it 13 steps up and around the bend.  Yeah to Macy's.  And a new bed was ordered!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the royal month of June now - a week later they bring her new one. The royal movers take the old away - down 13 steps and they put the new one in and up 13 steps and it's a perfect fit.

Ah if only that was the end of our tale and everything was perfect.

Except for one thing! She sleeps on it and hates it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She tries it for awhile and she still hates it.
She tries it for a week and her back feels even worse!

Guess what the royal family spend the weekend doing?  Looking for another royal bed!!

The whole royal family went to two more royal stores and tried every royal bed and asked every royal question they could think of.

Another royal bed was ordered..

Royal Macy Store is coming to pick up the bed on the 18th and the princesses new one comes on the 18th from an entirely different store.  I hope they both don't come at the same time and need the same 13 steps and a turn at the same time.

Now how is that for a fairy tale?

Lovingly, the Queen Chatty and now from the royal dog Disco . . .

FROMM a four star nutritional  asked me to review a product too!!!!!!!!!!!!

They sent it to me in the mail - I ordered OVEN BAKED SALMON WITH SWEET POTATO RECIPE FOR DOGS!  (Grandpa thought it was for him - heehee.).

It was available in low-fat and grain free varieties - Fromm's line of biscuit style treats cater to the health conscious and are designed with food sensitivities and allergies in mind.
Just think they were thinking of me and my allergies - how nice of them.

They made me wait to eat it to take a dumb photo....

It was delicious!  Simply delicious my dear dog blogger fur baby friends.  I wanted the whole box right then and there, but they only gave me two!

If you are interested in getting a bag for yourself (not for your humans) - let me know in your comments and of course you have to be a follower of me!  Check out the information below.  And I will let you know this Thursday who won and you can pick out the flavor of your choice!

Finally I get to do my first review!  DOG TREATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Cathy said...

Love the royal mattress story. We need a new mattress, but I'm so afraid we'll buy one we hate too. So we just keep sleeping on this old lumpy one. haha

You always have the best pictures on your posts on the Laugh and the Lift.

Love your dog and I do believe my Lily would be thrilled to try those treats if she would win. :)

Have a great day.

Eat To Live said...

My Hubs is terrible when it comes to a mattress. They aren't cheap either!! Hope you like this one.

Cheri said...

Disco, you know we are all about the treats...just last week we invaded the candy dish my humans left in close proximity and we enjoyed Hershey Kisses and Reese's mini PB cups (just about gave mom a heart attack)...yum! Have never tried these Fromm treats...so pick us. We're pals...right?

Kizzy Lu and Macy Dai

Terri D said...

Oh, do I relate to the royal mattress tale! Joe HAD to have a sleep number bed. After two months, I hated it, but he loved it. Took the air mattress insert out of my side and bought a piece of foam to insert. Slept that way for six years. Finally - he wanted a new mattress. Beauty Rest with memory foam topper. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Finally!

Very cute blog from your pup!! Wishing you a good week, Sandie! Love to you and your lovely family! Joe says hello back!

nancygrayce said...

Oh, I can so relate to your princess! My husband has said since we married that I have the Princess and the Pea syndrome! Of course, I have never found a mattress that I like, so I just sleep best I can on what we have. Sighs loudly...

I am going to tell you my two little crown royalty dogs would love the treats.

Parsley said...

Oh the mattress story makes me giggle because it's all too familiar! Except, we never took ours back. We suffered for years, bought a new one, suffered...the story was a cycle.

Melody gives Disco a kiss on the nose and is drooling for treats ;-)

andy said...

I can relate to the mattress story ! Have a wonderful Monday !

Unknown said...

Sure hope the newest mattress will be the one and that your back will get better in time. Nothing worse than to go to bed and wake up hurting. Cute pics of the new doggie treat! Have a good week!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

All I can say is that she better like the new one that is coming! Sure, I would like to try a bag of those Fromm's dog treats. Debby

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is just about the craziest royal story ever... and i do hope the new one works. has the princess thought it might be her back and not the bed?

Anonymous said...

oh that is so weird that fairy story, ha,ha.

New doggie treat oh boy. Is it Bacon,bacon flavor.

You see that comercial?

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Macys must have a very good customer relations department! I hope the next one satisfies the princess.

Dar said...

Sounds like the Royal Princess shall consider a Sleep#Number Bed??? I heard they really are nice, just saying~
And horray for the Royal Disco of the Royal Palace...he got his very first review and Loved It. So cute and funny today.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh I am laughing at the Royal Mattress story! It is hard to find just the right one! Good Luck!! Glad Disco liked his treats! No doggies here so we only try cat treats!

Jeanie said...

Please be sure and take a picture if all the mattress people end up on the stairs at the same time. I hope she ends up with the right mattress and that it helps with the back pain.
I haven't seen those dog treats, but Dodger would love them.

TexWisGirl said...

i hate mattress shopping! i finally upgraded ours after many years and hate it but live with it.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

My mattress is definitely sub-par and I'm certain it's contributing to my insomnia.

Jill said...

You are a patient and kind Queen Mum! I do hope this bed suits the Princess and that all will return well to your enchanted kingdom!

Way to go, Disco! How exciting that you are now doing product reviews! Max would love to try those treats too so please add us to your drawing. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I hate mattress shopping too, still don't have one that is as comfortable as I need it to be.
Hope you're having a lovely day. Love you much.

Betsy said...

I need a mattress to, the one I have is lumpy like me. Love the Dogue magazine page!!!!!!!!!!!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Always happy to meet new bloggers and especially when they are so sweet.

Donna said...

Wow! 13 steps and a royal bad back!Hahaa...I've been there!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I love your Fairy Tale!! It was written ever so cleverly-Gosh, I hope the right mattress comes along and that the back improves-I am impressed with Macy's customer service!
Happy Hugs!

Denise said...

My coco would love the treats, yummy in her tummy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Dogue is hilarious, and your fairy story is also a scream, sorry!!! I love the way you told it and everything about it!!! I hope the royal bed bearers do not get royal backaches coming up the steps and drop the royal resting place. And I hope this is finally the ONE! I never understood the difference between California Queen and King. We got so sick of mattress troubles that we finally got a Sleep Number, they are the same price as regular ones. And you can adjust them to the perfect hardness or softness just for you personally. Disco, your writing is perfect, I especially liked the part about the dumb photo. By the way, long ago I saved your motto" I am king f the castle of nuts, all I need is my crown"!

Sandee said...

I got stuck on the royal bed story. Good grief. I hope the next one works right and you can get some royal sleep.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. :)


Your bed story is exactly why we do not replace the one here. Disco was so patient waiting to eat the doggie treat.

barbara woods said...

we bought was a new one a few month's ago and got a firm, my hips haven't hurt sence. don't know about a back

Theresa Mahoney said...

Ugh, I hate mattress shopping! We just got ours out of the way a few months ago and thankfully love the first one that we ordered. My husband hasn't had any back pain since the switch!

Love that picture of Dogue! Always cracks me up!

Ms. A said...

Since I'm a lot more frugal than the Royal Princess, I would have started out with a new Royal Pillow. Sometimes the pillow is the culprit to the back, or neck issues. Plus, pillows are a heck of a lot cheaper and much easier to carry up the stairs of the castle.

renae said...

Oh Chattttty! Great Fairy Tale. Too bad it has a "hard" part right in it's middle of the back. hahahaha (sorry, dumb joke)

Hey, Count me IN on this food review GIVEAWAY (since it isn't for me, hahahaha) Duchess loves everything so we are certain if we win, it won't go to waste or waist. My dog runs too much to be fat. hahahahahahha.

Nonnie said...

LOL!!!!!! The bed story I could copy and paste only switching princess to the royal king here at our house, (changing a couple of details such as the queen doesn't like the bed and also, it is very, very difficult to find sheets for a dual cal king SPLIT bed. Wish I had known, but at the time of purchase AND exchange after having it for a week, the king wasn't in a diplomatic mood for the queen to deal with it.) glad to know we aren't the only ones - stairs and all.
Trudy says, I want in!! She also may be wanting that outfit from Dogue.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your princess story made me think about the Princess and the Pea. Sure hope the back problems are solved with the right mattress and that the search for it ends on the 18th. I don't have any critters here at my house that eat doggie treats anymore. But glad Disco likes his. Hope you all have a great Monday!

Savannah Granny said...

Love this story, I only hope the princess gets some comfort and restful sleep.
Don't count me for the Disco treats. Bob would only eat them...loves sweet potatoes.
Love, Ginger

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
I love stories about Royal people, a handsome Prince, beautiful Princesses, fairy tales, and so on.
I agree with you about, you are never too old to set for new goals, or new dreams. One must feel very much alive no matter the age he/she is. We must keep our minds active, otherwise we'll eventually have a dead brain...
I love the pictures of your superb and lovely dog, Disco.
Thank you for visiting my sites, for writing your lovely reviews, and for inviting me to read your today's post!
You told me that it would be great.
It's a great post, Sandie!
Thank you for sharing your lovely world with us!
God keeps blessing you.
All the Best,

Starry Dawn said...

Did you have a lovely Father's Day yesterday on Sunday?
I forgot to ask you...
I hope you had a Happy Father's Day with all your loved ones.

Belle said...

Loved the dog food review! I don't have a dog any more. I had to leave her with my granddaughter when we moved.
I love the Princess and the Pea Mattress story! Oh my goodness. I think she should buy some foams and just keep adding them to her old mattress until it is perfect. Foams make a huge difference.

CalamityJr said...

I hope the princess sleeps well in the bed behind door number 3! Oh, wait. I'm mixing up my stories

Disco, Woody' would be really excited if you pull his name for the treats. Thanks for sharing!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Funny! We need a new mattress, but I dread shopping for one. There are too many to choose from!

Is Disco a treat begger? Our kitties are always begging for a treat!!

Hope the mattress works out for the Princess next time. Take care.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have never heard of a California king. Is it bigger than a king?

Great review Disco.

Charlotte Wilson said...

This post reminds me of The Princess and the Pea. Do you remember that story. Maybe you have a pea lodged in your mattress. Ha!
Loved this post...so funny!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

The story of the royal bed saga was funny mostly because it has me thinking of how I suffered with our old mattress for years waking with a sore back and sore hips.........but when hubby suffered it was lets get a new mattress NOW..........lol

Lucky Disco getting to try the treats good thing he liked them too wouldn't have been niced if they he took a chew and spat it out......

Theresa said...

I would love to have a new mattress:) Oh Disco, you are too cute:) I could pass the treats on to BB and Munson! Have a blessed week, HUGS!

Marie said...

That is a big mattress for one person. lol My nickname from hubby is Princess. :) You're a great story teller! Loved it!
Disco is so adorable in these photos! My three fur babies want to be in the drawing Please! :)
hugs to you,

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

I have a sleep number mattress and love it. This from the original princess with a pea!

Love the last picture. So cute!

Love Of Quilts said...

Well Queen Chatty tomorrow is the big day. Let me know how you sleep. You should have got a Sealy. I did and the Caf king.

Stephanie said...

Oh I hate to admit that we sent our last mattress back for a new one too! LOL They are so expensive you need to be sure they are right!!

PS My blog has moved from Blogger to WordPress. Hope you can still find me!

Unknown said...

Love your share ... hope all is well in the kingdom & the king & queen are happy forever.

ou will find me on bloglovin' when this google seige occurs ... hope you join following me.

Big hugs,

Merlesworld said...

i buy a hard mattress and put a layer of foam over the top for cold weather when it gets hot I take it off works for me most of the time.

Sharon said...

OK, so I'm thinking that maybe if you put a pea under that royal mattress, maybe it'll do the reverse for your particular princess and make her sleep well.

In the meantime, what a royal pain in the...back!

Disco, those treats look delish! And what an obedient boy you were to wait for a photo op! You look adorable, even with your mouth full!


Dee said...

Your princess and the bed story is so funny....was it the same movers each time...(giggle.) Hopefully She can get some back relief from the doctor. The kitten covered by the dogs ear is so cute....♥

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think Salmon and sweet potatoe sounds wonderful to me!

Angela said...

I remember when we bought our bed a few years ago. My husband was all like I can sleep on anything you get what you like. I got a very hard bed similar to one that we slept in at Canaan. It really helped my back but it made my husband's hurt or so he says it did. I ended up buying memory foam for him, egg crate things and feather things for his side of the bed. Right now he is using the feather thing. My bed looks horrible with his side being higher! lol

My girls would love to win some of those treats! Put them in the drawing please!

jack69 said...

It is late but I am laughing my backside off, at the royal bed, I probably would not If I were lugging or lifting or even looking!!! OUCH You are a character..
You go Disco!!! Even Royal Disco!!

Love from Alabama, late and getting later.

Miss Debbie said...

Funny, but I'm sure the Princess is frustrated!We had a firm mattress for about 10 years. The last couple of years we had it,it made my shoulders hurt. So when we bought the queen bed, we got a softer mattress. Now, my back hurts! So, I can feel her pain...literally!!

Pooja Mittal said...

hey , thanks a lot for dropping by my blog and for such a lovely comment.... ur blog is one of the cutest blogs i have ever come across... nd ur dog, no words for him... i love eacj n every pic of him, specially the on in which is is wrapped and on the couch..... i use to have a dog ,just reminded me of him....
thanks a lot for following on GFc and bloglovin... im following you back on both platforms... it wasent difficut to find your follow button, with your discription....
please keep in touch,my e mail id is poojamittal988@gmail.com, would love to hear from you....
much love

Ann said...

The royal mattress story is something. Maybe the princess should have slept in the store. That way she would have known before getting it home...lol

Melanie said...

What a great story, from here that is. I'm sure it's not so funny from your angle. ;)
Hope the new bed will be better!
I'm sure Lilly would love those treats! Disco is so cute!