"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hodgepodge Wednesday

Please join Joyce at FROM THIS SIDE OF THE POND.

1.  What do you think makes a good dad?

I think what makes anyone good - is this:  When you care more about the other person then you care about yourself.  Being able to deny yourself and give even when it hurts. 
It's not easy and it take courage.    

2.  What's something you learned from your own father?

I learned to be an extremely strong person.

3. It's your birthday-what kind of cake will we be having?

Chocolate Truffle Cake! 

4. When you're faced with a big decision are you more of a go with your gut type of person, or are you someone who reasons it all out, weighing the pros and cons? 

My problem is I do both so sometimes - not always - and making a decision can be hard for me.  I also try to look at all the parties involved and try very hard to take their opinion in as well.  I try to keep peace - too much some times. 

5. June is National Dairy Month. What's your favorite dairy item? Most often purchased dairy item? 

Havarti Cheese - I also buy skim milk, cheeses, ice cream  . . . 

6. Explorer Jacques Cousteau was born on June 11, 1910....what's something you've recently discovered or something you'd like to explore?

I would love to explore Alaska.  Or Greece.  Or Italy.  I would love to go on my own and just go place to place as I wanted and money was no object!!

7. Are you typical of your generation?

No I don't feel typical.  Which I am okay with.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I want to thank my husband for taking our grandson in (and daughter) and letting him (them) live here - and raising him as his own.  He's not perfect, but he's there for him. 

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MadSnapper n Beau said...

lemon cheese cake is my favorite but i do like Carovel ice cream cakes for my birthday, but have only had one of those once on mine and once on bobs.

Jill said...

Oh boy, Sandie...your "laugh" sums up a lot of my girls weekend. I was so frustrated!

Anyway, you are a strong woman and I admire you for that and for ALL you give to and do for your family even though it isn't always easy!!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That texting one was dead on.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Chocolate cake seems to be the winner today. It never crosses my mind, I love cheesecake and I wouldn't even want it in chocolate.
Have a great Wednesday. Love, Debby

Unknown said...

Orange/Chocolate cake made by my daughter. I too try too hard sometimes to be strong. Alaska for me too! Cheese of any kind is always the winner in my dairy picks.

Unknown said...

I want to explore Greece too! Two of my best friends and I will be turning 50 next year and we are planning a trip to Greece. One of them works for the airlines so we're going to get some really good deals on transportation and lodging. I hope you get to see it as well!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie that was such a sweet thank you to your husband! Nice!

hugs, Linda

andy said...

Happy Wednesday ! Hope it's a great one !

mail4rosey said...

You're sweet to give props to your hubby...and you get them too, you know. :)

You're lucky to have them in the house, and I bet the little one is too. I'd have LOVED to live w/my gram. I visited enough that it felt like I did. ;)

TexWisGirl said...

loved your random thought. :)

Eat To Live said...

I can't believe it is Wednesday already.

What a wonderful Hubs you have Sandie!

Saimi said...

It's always great learning something new about you and sista, I' on board with that chocolate truffle cake!! Yum, Yum, Yum!!!

Your husband sounds like a winner!s What a sweet man!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

You and your family are constant inspiration! Love that you give kudos to your hubby too!


Tanna said...

LOVE that Brown quote. Yes, taking in your loved ones is an amazing gift. blessings ~ tanna

Inger said...

You and your husband have done such a wonderful thing and now you have a true extended family. It is beautiful to read about you guys. Inspiring.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm sure that every day your daughter and grandson are very thankful that you took them into your home. I'm not very typical of my generation either. I like being my own person. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

barbara l. hale said...

I have to go with pie instead of cake, but I usually just get a store-bought cake from the fam. If I actually got a pie, I would have to make it. Oh, well... And cheese! Cheese of all kind. I don' think I ever met a cheese I didn't like. I probably got that from my father who was a terrific person in so many ways. I miss him.

Elizabeth said...

It seems like we all love our dairy products!
I think it is wonderful that your husband is filling the Dad role in your grandson's life. He is giving a gift beyond value.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Mmmm chocolate truffle cake!!

Sandee said...

Love all your answers.

Oh that laugh is sad. Too much of that going on. I've a rule here...when we sit down for dinner the phones are not at the table. Works very well.

Love the lift.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. ☺

momto8 said...

love that you appreciate and recognize others efforts!

Stacy said...

Oooo...I could do Greece or Italy or maybe both if money's no object. Could we take that cake along?

Cathy said...

I would love to go to Alaska and Greece too. Chocolate Truffle cake sounds yummy.

Anonymous said...

what a great post, you are an inspiration,

Ginny Hartzler said...

Which shall we go to, Greece or Italy? You pack and I'll make the reservations!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

My Dad was wonderful... He was like my grandfather since he was 53 when I was born. I was his only little girl --and he spoiled me rotten... ha

I learned about working hard from my Dad. He worked at ONE job most of his life (over 50 yrs.) ---and never complained or missed work... He was just a really stable person in my life (and so was Mom).

4. Measure it out --and work on it--writing all of the pros/cons, etc... I seldom just go with the flow!

5. ICE CREAM or cheddar cheese; love both...

6. Want to visit Canada and Alaska sometime --and also Hawaii.

7. NOT typical at all since I am not close to my grandchildren --like most grandmothers are... I love them --but it's just the way it is!


Nonnie said...

Oh, the texting!!! It never ends, does it?
I'm with chocolate cake. And love your thank you to your husband. I bet you all will be especially sweet to him on Sunday!

Empty Nester said...

I can't take all this talk about cake. I must have some now! LOL Alaska is one place I've always wanted to visit too.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie,
Putting his children's needs before his own.
I learned respect
I try to consider the interests of the ones I love.
I don't have a favorite but I do like cheeses. (just too expensive right now)
My dad loved Jacques Cousteau specials on tv when I was little. I used to watch them with him. These are nice memories.
I just want to get to navigate life right now.
I am not typical of my generation. I agree Sandie, that is ok., though I think the music is fun.
I hope that people would realize the power of a tender smile.
Blessings dear Sandie and a hug, Catherine xo

Susan said...

Enjoyed (as always) reading the answers to your questions, Sandie.

I'm sure your daughter and grandson also appreciate YOU for all you do for them.

Hope you have a nice evening. Susan

Terri D said...

Enjoyed your answers! I am having fun doing Hodgepodge now, too. Love the quote by Brown (?-forget and can't look back), and also the texting cartoon. So true! Andy is blessed to have his grandpa in his life (and grandma!).

Unknown said...

Great post, I like your answers :)

nancygrayce said...

Such a great explanation of a father~ I wish my son could understand that and be a real daddy to his kids!

And the laugh? Another son and his wife text constantly wherever they are and it drives me NUTS!

Your husband is a good dad and granddad to have them live with you!!!

Grandma Bonnie said...

You and your husband are awesome. I am sure your grandson understands how awesome you are.

Granny Annie said...

Our family gets together and everyone is holding some kind on android. A Kindle, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Smartphone, etc., etc., etc, and we laugh and share and have a whole new world of communication. My parents would have absolutely hated it.

Dee said...

Your answers are always good one's. I would like to explore Alaska too. Your heart and your husband heart are in the right place helping your daughter and grandson.

Tracie Nall said...

Chocolate Truffle Cake sounds amazing right now. I would love to have a slice (or two...or three)!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Yum - Chocolate Truffle Cake!


Love the Brene Brown quote. that is very sweet of your husband.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Chocolate truffle cake sounds nice....as for good fathers well I had one of the best he tuaght me to love myself........

Optimistic Existentialist said...

You can't go wrong with chocolate truffle cake :)

Empty Nester said...

Finally figured out your GFC button! Thanks for the follow! I'm following you now too!

Joyce said...

Chocolate truffle cake sounds like a winner to me : )

Denise said...

Nice answers.