"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Musings

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Follow on Bloglovin




Debbie said...

I need to offer more follow options but I haven't. It's not like I have a huge "following" anyway. Plus, I don't post as much.


I hope you have more luck with google chrome than I do. It regularly gives me fits, but I think my problems are computer related more than program related.

On that note: I'm getting a new computer sometime this week. Yahoooo! I hope it will bring back the blog joy. It has been a serious problem lately.

LL Cool Joe said...

I still follow your blog through my dashboard page. I hope blogger don't get rid of that too!

I'm on a mac and use safari but I've heard Google Chrome is good.

Stacy said...

I hate to think about Blog Lovin'. I 'm signed up with Google+ and Discus and they confuse me. I like things SIMPLE.

Your basement pictures remind me that I have got to get busy this week if my daughter and I are going to have a garage sale this month.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My garage, basement and attic are much like yours. I have too much stuff but am thankful at least I have places to store things. The good news is that the car does still fit in the garage. Hope your Monday is off to a great start!

Jill said...

Oh my dear friend, I can relate only too well. I clean and organize, my daughter destroys! ha! A sense of humor is what we must keep. I'm here for ya! Anytime!

I have followed blogs through bloglovin' but can't find how to get the button on my blog. *sigh* I hate technology!

Gail Dixon said...

Good luck clearing the basement! I think you will like google chrome. Hopefully they won't get rid of that too. :/ I have read that the following gadget for blogger will not be affected in the google reader shutdown. I hope that's true.

Terri D said...

Love the little kitten at the end!

Oh my, Sandie...you all do have your work cut out for you! Good luck!

Great photo of Andy and his dog. Awwwww...so cute!

Wishing you a good Monday and week ahead!

Terri D said...

PS... I am using Feedly and like it a little better than BlogLovin. It is working well for me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that little kitty. chrome does have a learning curve, but i love it now and cant stand the others. but i left Firefox and IE on so now i have back up. you could get him to put Firefox back for you, you can have as many as you want to... i have 3. bob uses only IE, I use Chrome with FF for back up.
your basement will give me nightmares.. or is that the garage, my memory is so bad i can't remember what i just read 2 minutes ago...

Unknown said...

At a suggestion from Terri D., I am using Google Chrome and love it! It is soooo much better than IE. Hope you make progress cleaning the basement.

Sandee said...

I use Feedly and like it just fine. It was hard to give up Google Reader though. Now it's fine, but I had a hard time.

Love the laugh and the lift.

Have a terrific Monday honey. Big hugs. ☺

Betsy said...

Just when I get used to one thing , it's changed again. Will never get it right.
Blogging has been more of a chore lately than a pleasure or something I look forward too. I wish the new and improved would stop.

Cheri said...

Love the dog blanket and I am positive that K and M would love it too.

Tanna said...

Ugh! I just continue to bury my head in the sand over any changes in the blog stuff. =(

Good luck in the basement! blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

It was your Hi Hazzard waveing at me to come and look. Holy Mooley. Alot of things happening in your household.

You will get through it. I mean you wonder what I see in the basement.

Take a real deep breath. I will with you.

Walla. There. Dont you feel a tad better.

I do as all things are possible with the Lord.

Whatever wealth of treasures you have I see. It will be found the rest in the garbage can. Right.

Do I make sence or am I just provoking you? Lady Busy Bee.

mail4rosey said...

I left my husband home for the weekend w/the kids. I begged for everything to be clean...no shame, begged. I wish I could say they listened. It's literally going to take me all day to clean and there are dishes in the sink still from Friday (and every day after). It's Monday today. -_- I'm not mad...but I'd hoped...

Trade ya...your basement mess for my whole house one. ;)

Good luck w/Chrome. That's what I use. I like it most days. :)

Jackie said...

Love following you. I hope that the dashboard of blogger continues. That is what I use.
Big hugs to you!

Stephanie said...

Is it wrong that the pics of your garage made me feel a teeny bit better about mine. My garage is like that ...but 10 times worse!! LOL
Hope you have a Happy Monday!

TexWisGirl said...

i've got you on feedly. haven't joined blog lovin.

i like google chrome. plays well with blogger since its the same family.

Inger said...

Sometimes I miss it, but after reading your musings, I'm glad I no longer have a basement, well, I never had that since New Jersey, I don't know if there are any basements in California. Sorry, I digress, I am glad I don't have a garage either. My junk is in three sheds, but it's mainly my hubby's so I don't have to do a thing.

I love the kitty picture and the quote.

Unknown said...

Um, you might inform your husband that one can have more than one internet browser installed on a computer (if he doesn't know already). In fact, we now have Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, and only Internet Explorer doesn't play well when another browser is also open. However, I think you will come to enjoy using Chrome after getting used to it.

Shelly said...

I use Chrome and find I like it now more than the others. I hope I can still follow you through my dashboard page- the others have made it a little difficult for me.

Ms. A said...

I read from the dashboard and as long as that's an option, I'm good. If it gets anymore difficult, I'll probably just disappear.

Dar said...

ok, so doesn't EVERYONE?have a room to cast the unused stuff????I thought that was a given????LOL That doesn't look bad...you should see an unfinished basement from 100 yr. old house...and no, I'm not taking you there anytime soon...have fun. Your Grandson will love having play space. and so will Disco.

Marie said...

I use Google Chrome and I like it. My son told me to use it. :)
The basement could be a great fun area for everyone. I would love to have a basement one day. :)
Don't forget to breathe, Super Woman!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Why did you leave Firefox? I tried Chrome --and didn't care for it.. I use Firefox and Safari... Safari does better when we are traveling and I am using our WiFi. At home, Firefox works best.. Hope you like Chrome better than I did..

I also use Feedly and have not tried Bloglovin'... I have heard good things about Bloglovin' --but Feedly is working great for me SO FAR...

Have a good day--and RELAX... Who cares what the garage looks like??????


Cathy said...

I really like Bloglovin, except I'm finding sometimes they miss updates on blogs. So I use it and my dashboard. I'm hoping they get it fixed.

Dee said...

I love the waving Hi I was greeted with....:) I have Google Chrome and like it. It seems compatible with all the places I visit. I have found that with some blogs I can not leave a comment anymore because I will have to join Google plus and I do not want to join it. I hope this does not become a problem . :(

Kim said...

Good luck with Google Chrome. (I hate it and removed it)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I have Google Chrome and I like it. Learning anything new is always a pain. Oh my whole house looks like your basement as I start to sort and pack to move. YIKES! Taking a car load to the thrift this afternoon! Yay!

Jim said...

Hi Sandie ~~ You saved the best for last today. I like that cat's attitude.

Please keep us posted on Google Chrome. On some downloads there isn't a decline for it. I had to kill a Flash update because Google wanted to horn in on my computer some more. They are nasty in my book.

Jim said...

Are you sure you aren't moving and don't know? Your "house" pictures make it look that way. XD

Susan said...

Oh Sandie. Sounds stressful.

What is blog loving? You need to educate me. I am non-techie.

Your basement will get done. "Inch by inch, it's a cinch."

You should see my attic. You'd run in the other direction so fast it's not funny.

Take care, girlfriend. Nothing is worth stressing over. Susan

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh gosh, I don't know anything about these other sites, I just use my sidebar to go down and comment and I love it that way:
If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Then you are a MOST excellent blogger!
Love to my bud Disco!

barbara l. hale said...

Leftovers from the garage sale? I like Google Chrome. You'll get used to it. I will make every attempt to follow you on bloglovin. Never sure about those things.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

My goodness you seem to have taken on many things at one time! How will I find you when you move? I love your blog!
Stay cool and just breathe!

Sally Wessely said...

You have a bunch of projects going, lady. I can't take that much on at once. I barely get one thing a day done. LOL

I've not heard of Blog Lovin. I will have to check this out.

renae said...

Oh Poor little kitty. Positive little kitty. Oh.

I think Mozilla living is giving your poor quality to your pics/posts. Just to put a bug in your husbands ear.

I loved the laugh. My Duchess would have all of those bones eaten. She is a PIG in disguise.

Wanda's Wings said...

Good luck on your cleaning project.

Ann said...

I use Chrome too. I had to switch over when Firefox started screwing up on my computer.
I think Duke would love that blanket

Eat To Live said...

Your basement and garage must be like mine. I swear my Hubs is a pack rat.

Merlesworld said...

I glad other people have messy areas in their home too, my shed is terrible but that's the beer fairy area, or so I tell everyone.

Unknown said...

deep breaths...in....out....

Theresa said...

Seems like lots of us are having crazy times:) Hugs to you dear Sandie! Have a blessed week!

Maggie Ann said...

Hi Sandie, I've never heard of blog-lovin. I'll have to look it up. And I just meant that on ebay....I won the bidding. I was the highest bidder and 'won' the books. Sorry that wasn't clear. .....we are always trying to unclutter and then bringing more home. Its so much fun....lol.


my garage looks just like that.

Miss Debbie said...

Our garage is cluttered, but we are working through it. Hopefully, by summer's end, it will be in order!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I went with feedly this week but haven't actually tried to use it yet.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I also have Google Ghrome but I rarely use it I prefer Mozilla when it's not playing up.......lol

jack69 said...

SWEET, good read, confusion is fun to read about by others who are equally confused. hahahaha,

Seems standard, emptying and filling HA!
Again loved the laugh but especially the lift.

Many folk live in the state of CONFUSION!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I like things simple too so blog lovin may be a bit hard for me to grasp. I am not even sure about Google +.

Sush said...

Hope you are getting all your computer stuff straightened out...sounds like you are in turmoil! I've got your blog as one I follow and so far not losing it! Have a great week!

andy said...

Good luck with the basement !!!!!

Denise said...

You are a real hoot, lol

barbara woods said...

How did I have u by e mail?