"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, July 01, 2013

Fragments from the weekend...



I don't know if that is true or not - sometimes the weekends are hard too!


Daughter I hope and pray your back experiences a miracle.   mom
x_3bf5c36b photo

See them in his coat on the way to the doctor?


ON TOP OF IT ALL - I SEE MY MOM AND BROTHER PACKING AND I DON'T SEE MY BAG BEING PACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!  I AM SO NERVOUS - but I do look better after that huge steroid shot I got!  That pink pig is my pacifier!  

Love y'all! 




Now I started a new Chatty Crone page on Facebook - 
What my dream is - is to have a place we can kind of all meet - leave our joys, our funnies, our tears, our need of prayers, and out thoughts there.  So come on over and like it - and leave your 'footprint' there.  If you have a joke - or an inspiration - talk about the books you wrote - the paintings you draw - the photos you take - whatever - and we will become a community of hope.


Kay G. said...

I have had back problems before and I even had a bad reaction to pain medication and had to go to the ER on Christmas Day a few years back! So, I hope your daughter is better!
Want to know what I did this weekend? Check out my blog!!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, dear! on both counts!

Aloha Acres said...

Praying for your daughter. That's got to be miserable! :(

"Liked" your fb page. What a great idea!

Tricia Buice said...

Hey Sandie! We had a puppy get hives like that and the vet said she was probably stung by a bee (which she tries to eat sometimes). Benadryl in the appropriate dose works wonders. Praying for your daughter! Love the first line of your post today - I always seem to be reinventing myself, setting new goals, etc. Such fun!

Rae said...

Your poor pooch. He must feel miserable. Hope he is better soon and your daughter too.

renae said...

Wow! Poor Doggie. I didn't know Dog's got hives. Huh? How does that happen? Sounds like you have been a BUSY GIRL, CHATTY!?!

Susan said...

So sorry to hear of the back problems, Sandie. Back agony is the worst. God help her.

Now Disco, sorry to hear of YOUR bumps, too. What did you do to get those? Golly, glad you got a shot to help you.

Stay cool, dude. Susan

MunirGhiasuddin said...

First of all I hope that you daughter gets better. Back problems can be such a hard thing to deal with.
The poor puppy, I hope that those hives take a hike and leave the little darling alone. Pets are so helpless. Just a whimper and there and a little pat n their back and they appreciate. Please pet him for me!
Also you take care of yourself. I know from experience that it takes a lot out of you when some one in the family is not feeling well.

Jeanie said...

I hope your daughter and Disco both feel better soon. Is White Water a water park?....if so, sounds fun but exhausting.

Denise said...

praying for your daughter, and sweet disco. your new facebook page is awesome. enjoy your week.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I pray your daughter is feeling better soon and enjoys her vacation.
You are just the nicest person.
I love your posts. I always find fun and wisdom and pure selflessness.
Blessings dear friend. Catherine xo

Catherine said...

p.s. I hope that Disco feels better soon too. He is the sweetest. Blessings dear, Catherine xo

Jackie said...

Praying that your daughter's back pain is history by the time you read this comment...and that their vacation brings them happiness and rest.
Hugs for your sweet Disco. I'm sorry that he had hives. Glad that the injection made him feel better.

Ms. A said...

Good thoughts for Daughter and Disco and, as always, for you!

(I don't Facebook)

Jill said...

Well, Bless all of your hearts! It's just got to be uphill from here. Sending prayers!

Unknown said...

wow I hope your daughter and disco are feeling much better by now...I will put them on the prayer list!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh poor Disco. I hope your daughter feels better!

Angela said...

Oh no! Back problems are the worst! and I don't know if I could go to a water park all alone like that with a preteen boy that's full of energy. I think I'd reschedule that one. Poor Disco too! I've never had a dog to have that problem so I have no idea what to do to help you about that one.

Hope things are better in the morning!


Back problems are terrible, to be sure. Poor Disco too.

Catherine said...

Gosh ~ it sounds like you have a lot going on! Back pain ~ not fun! And poor pup!
I am sending good thoughts and warm wishes that everyone gets better!

Wishing you a happy and healthy July!
xo Catherine

Terri D said...

Poor Disco! Glad the steroid shot worked! Sorry your daughter's back is giving her troubles again. Would a chiropractor visit help? They work wonders for me. Prayers lifted. Let us know how she is, please! Love & hugs.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Sweet Sandie!!! Saying prayers for your daughter. Back pain is so debilitating! Poor Disco!! Will say a prayer to St. Francis. Will like you on my FB...

Shelly said...

I hope everyone is well, and soon!

Maggie Ann said...

Thats a shame about your daughter...that must be scary. I hope your little fellow's hives cleared up. They look pretty serious. I wonder what happened to get that.

Theresa Mahoney said...

Hope your daughter feels better soon! Our dogs have broke out like that also. The first time was when we fed them store brand treats. We ended up switching to holistic dog food and treats and haven't had those issues since. The second time I sprayed Febreze and it broke them out in those huge welts also. We stopped using that too.

Stopped by and gave your fb page a like :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Poor Disco!! I also hope your daughter's back is better soon!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, Love your new page on FB.... Great idea!!!!

Sorry about your daughter's back problem. Hope she feels better soon.

Disco must have eaten something he shouldn't have... That is terrible. Hope he feels better.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh Dearest Sandie,
I am so sorry about your dear daughter and her back issues. I hope and pray that her back will get better fast. As for Disco-YIKES! poor, poor puppy dog-tell him jemma sends dog biscuits with love!

Lady Linda said...

Hope everyone gets well in your world!
Darling pix.

Nonnie said...

Nurse Sandie, I know you are taking good care of everyone. I am so sorry about your daughter's back. The last time mine went out, I could hardly walk and I remember how much it hurt. Praying for a miracle for her.
We spent our weekend with grand kids having fun in the sun and water. Take care of yourself. (and I like your FB page.)
And Disco, I hope you get better. Hives are no fun at all and neither is going to the vet. My weekend was great. I got to go to the pet sitter where they treat me like a queen. Trudy.

nancygrayce said...

Oh, so sorry about the back problem. Hope your daughter feels better soon and especially before the vacation!

Now those are hives! Never seen any like that!

Have a good week!

Scooter said...

Nothing is worse than back pain. Hope she will feel better ASAP.
I worked this weekend, and had no grand kids so that was good. I also got tons done in the basement and making progress. It was a busy weekend here too.


Scooter said...

Poor Disco!! Hope he feels better too,


Betsy said...

I sure hope your daughter is feeling better, just have to take it slow. A vacation and rest will be good.
Mine lasted two weeks and now my friend has the low back pain like I did and the doc said to just take it easy. How can ya do anything else but. I hope Disco is getting better too. I wonder what the hives came from?

Ginny Hartzler said...

POOR little Disco!!! I DO know that dogs and cats can all of a sudden get allergic to something that they weren't before! My cats have been given steroid shots and they work well, but only for about for weeks. I hope it doesn't come back!! Disco, our kitties say TWO big meows to you, they know what it is like to have skin probs!

jack69 said...

Enjoyed the read. When I click on a blog, I wait 4 minutes before reading. then I click to comment and it is another minute. then when I submit, it can take 5 minutes.
I like it here in Del Rio, but the internet service is MOLASSES.

Hope the daughter and Disco both get better. ((HUGS))

Marie said...

Your poor daughter and Disco! I feel for both of them! Did the vet mention giving Disco benedryl? That's what we gave Rocket when he had a break out. We think he got into something in the yard.

The laugh is so CUTE! The lift is so true!

Pondside said...

Poor daughter - poor Disco! I hope everyone recovers soon!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. back pain is a nuisance - I'm afraid I have it and must get it sorted - actually I must do my exercises, which I'm pretty poor at doing .. still Wimbledon will be over this week and then I'll build in exercising and reading!

I hope you're daughter improves and they can enjoy their holiday .. and that Disco gets better - I can get hives, but sort of know how to deal with it -not scratch .. but not sure Disco will understand that!

Good luck with all .. cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

Hope your daughters back will feel better soon, that doesn't sound like fun at all. I like your FB page too :)
Poor Disco, hope he will get better soon too.
Enjoy your week! Hugs xx

Jenni said...

Hi there, Sandie! Girl, I am gonna pray for your daughter! I surely hope she gets better...and that poor littl furbaby Disco... I am soooo thankful he has a "mommy" that takes such good care of him when he's feelin' bad...

Was just reminded why I enjoy visiting your blog so much... it has a little bit of everything! From real life, to encouragement, to funny, to helpful little reminders....


Ann said...

well my weekend sounds quite boring in comparison Hope your daughter's back is feeling better

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh goodness I hope your daughter's back feels better soon. That's no fun to go through. She'll be in my thoughts!

Tanna said...

Poor Disco!!! Hope he and your daughter are feeling better!! Ouch! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'll be saying a little prayer for your daughter. I do hope she is able to enjoy her vacation. And I hope Disco is better too. Take good care there!

Kim said...

Oh no. Hope they are both on the mend quickly. Poor Disco. Maybe he got bit by something??

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh poor Disco, hives are no fun at all, glad the shot helped, i would be sucking on a pacifier to...and i can relate to the back, i am in day 5 of mine and it is a tad better. backs take time, depending on what causes it... what ever the cause it is really bad to have... no FB for me, i prefer blogging and do all of what you mentioned in blog land... it is a good idea for those who love FB and there are many..

Dee said...

My gosh..your weekend was a mess...i am sorry your daughter is having back issues...it takes so long to heal. Hopefully she will be up to her vacation...you may need to keep your car gassed up just encase. poor Disco...he must have eaten something. Hopefully he is feeling better by now.

Sandee said...

So sorry about your daughter. I hope she gets better soon. She needs an anti-inflammatory right away.

Have a fabulous day. Big hugs honey. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Keeping your daughter and Disco in my prayers. Did she ever get her new mattress? Debby