"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends...

Oh no you didn't!

Oh yes I did.

Everyone can be friends...



Remember this?

You've been mooned - pass it on!




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Thank you Debby at Just Breathe and Jenn at Three Graces and Pinterest!


renae said...

What! First comment for you. Wow!

renae said...

Hahahahaha I had to publish that quickly. I am never here first. What the what the?

I love the 'chicken and the egg' LOL

Your Fun Friday is my favorite place in blogville (on a Friday, doh) Have a tremendous weekend. Mine is going to be busy; tending LL tonight, planning RS stuff on Sat, church and then a family gathering at my bros 80 minutes away. Plus blogging and housecleaning stuff. Whew. Love.To.You.Sandie (hug)

Dar said...

fun stuff again...love the playing pup and the shamrock cats. and who doesn't love Friday!!! Have a great one, girly.
The dancers are Mom and my niece. Don't you love it? My grandniece was playing the viola for the dancers.

Willow said...

I get such a lift and laughter when I visit here . Thanks for all your fun loving posts ! :))))

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Loved this! Love you, too! xoxoxox

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thanks for all the cute SMILES today. Wow! It was another fast week! Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

Sandee said...

I loved them all but the henopause made me laugh out loud.

Have a fabulous day my friend. ♥♥♥ Scritches to Disco. ☺

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so funny the one that killed me is the bird that has to wait for the windshield. that is ME.. when i travel. and i am going to get me a cement block

Love Of Quilts said...

Hi hope all is well with you, cute photos.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Love the cat and dog on the beach. Adorable. Have a wonderful weekend :)

Gail Dixon said...

So many funny ones! But I love the bird wanting to find a windshield to poop on. It's one of my husband's huge pet peeves. Happy Friday to you!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Well my week is complete now- I love your giggles. Have a great weekend!

Art and Sand said...

Thank You!

Fun pictures and jokes to begin my Friday morning.

My little puppy (4 months) is still in the eating everything stage and that dog with the torn up chaise cushion scares me. I pray Lulu doesn't get any ideas.

Lucy said...

Loved this post. Love them all but you know my love for dogs. Now, I will try to explain want live is. My favorite e-mail was Live. My e-mail address was and is Lucillehorky@live.com. It still is but hardly anything will get through to me. Outlook was not there at that time. This was Windows 7 only Just yesterday after the pop ups kept coming in to download 10 so I did. I had problems with Outlook when it decided to be the main one. I finally entered a Hotmail address and would you believe Shirl got an e-mail through after all. Maybe one more explanation will either confuse you more or make it seem ok. Now that Outlook is here, it has merged with Live, and MSN but you use the outlook password for all 3. So when live doesn't work right I blame Outlook./

TexWisGirl said...

the exercise block. ha ha!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm loving these pictures! Especially the dachshund running and now I have already forgotten my other three favs!!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Sandie. Are things still the same with you? any news?


That dog playing looks just like my childhood pup Holly. LOVE it.

Arkansas Patti said...

All were adorable but the chicken and the egg really gave me the giggles.

Sharon said...

Where do I start?

I do remember Back to the Future - it is one of our very favorite movies in our family!

These made me LOL:

The chicken and the egg
The *mooning* scarecrow

You have a wicked sense of humor, my friend. I'm so glad. I needed a good laugh today!


Beth said...

All such fun today. I love the rooster and the egg!

Jackie See said...

giggle, giggle, giggle... you lifted me up again and made me laugh! Have a great weekend!

Lynn said...

Now that's MY kind of exercise! Have a great weekend:@)

Ms. A said...

You've done it again, posted that adorable Chihuahua pic and I totally forgot what I was going to say!

Susan said...

Oh my lans, that was so HILARIOUS. The exercise block? Loved it. Henopause.....a hoot; the old argument was a screaming riot and the birdie that had to hold it? Hysterical.

I got quite a chuckle out of this post, Sandie. YOU, my girl, are sooooo funny. Susan

Anonymous said...

Been out shopping so now I can read Sandie.

Oh the rooster and the egg. Giggle, giggle.

The exercise cement block Ha,ha.

Giggle, giggle half way down.

Giggle, giggle. My Friday afternoon laugh girly!

Thank you. Have a relaxed put your feet up for atleast and hour.

How are you doing my friend with your leg is it getting much better.

Lee said...

Thanks for the morning smiles, Sandie. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Buttercup said...

You really made me laugh. I bet you can hear me all the way in Georgia, especially the chicken and the egg.

Suzan said...

Adorable dog pictures! I ALWAYS share my icecream cone with Augie :-}}

Shelly said...

The henopause made me cackle!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
Happy Halloween to you, family and beloved ones! Have fun!
I send you the 3 sentences story for the content right now.
1) "Silence disappeared in the stillness of the night when the siren of the ambulance penetrated the solid walls of the hospital echoing chaos to the emergency room. 2) The medical staff and head nurse were alerted that a slayer was shot by a police officer before perpetrating his next crime, and that he was badly bleeding. 3) As he was rushed to the surgery room, the head nurse approached the patient noticing as if he would be saying something, but to her surprise, she got totally startled and petrified to see -in his face- the resemblance of her own son."
Thank you for inviting me to the contest, Sandie!
You are a super friend.
Greetings from Starry.

betty said...

LOL with walking around the block; I like that for exercise!! All cute ones, thanks, Sandie, I know it must take a bit of time putting them all together!


Savannah Granny said...

Love it, Love it , Love it! Especially the dog and cat on the beach. Have a blessed weekend, Ginger

Anonymous said...

That's my kind of exercise block! Thanks for all the giggles!

NanaDiana said...

LOL, too funny, Sandie! I'd say this post is going to the dogs! You have more dog stories than anything!;>) xo Diana

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Thank you this was a nice easy reading, uplifting post.

Unknown said...

Fantastic post as always...a lot of funny stuff this time and cute dogs!! Hope you have a great weekend! Hugs

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm trying to figure out why those cats have 3 leaf clovers on their heads. It's a little different.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

aah. these are sooooo cute. Love them and you.

Hootin Anni said...

Loved the "Everyone can be friends"...and walking around the block!! Twice, even.

Granny Annie said...

If only I had seen this on Friday like I was supposed to. My whole day might have been better. Just as great to start a Saturday.

That first picture would be funnier if only my son's Great Dane had not done that very thing to his love seat at home.

Just walked around the block. Thanks for the tip.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, Animals always are the best! Have a great weekend. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

Susannah said...

Wow! Of course, that is me ...walking around the block two times! Many funny ones today. LOve it! Thank you, Miss Chatty!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the Back to the Future one. Also loving the tattoo, I could do that! The birds made me laugh, saw that on my phone yesterday and shared it with Mark. Have a great weekend. Debby

Ann said...

I'm a little late getting around but I'm here finally :) Fun stuff you 've got. I need one of those exercise blocks

The Boston Lady said...

I seem to only be able to keep up with your funnies via FB these days! Love the two Bostons at the end and just to let you know, since I am in Henopause, I walked around the block three times. Ann

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Now its Saturdays and I came to see your funnys!

Theresa Mahoney said...

I need to get me one of those exercise blocks! If only it was that easy lol!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

My goodness! I don't know what I liked best... Just love your page ALWAYS... You Are The BEST!!! xxx

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh my!! Henopause!! Lol!! and walking around the block! Girl-you crack me up and make me smile!
Love You!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
Oh, my goodness!
I love the pics of dogs and cats having lots of fun.
They are so cute, my friend.
Your page is always the best.
Thank you for your kind invitation to the story content!
Do you know who won?...
Have a blessed week ahead!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

The one that tickled me today was the one about taking some of the fat too... Loved it!!!

Hope you had a good week. We have been in Kentucky with friends... Had a fantastic time although it was COLD there.


Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
It's me again...
I let you know that my Paul also writes stories of the Emergency Room in his notebooks or journals.
Paul offered me to share one of his paragraphs for the contest. It was actually a true story that happened to Doctor Paul and his Head Nurse at the E.R. many years ago. A True Story I Shared!...
Well, that is all for today.
Have a great week, Sandie!
Warm Hugs,

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. always good to see ... the chickens and eggs, the many pooches, then the few cats ... the windshield good one! Especially if blackberries have been around .. it varies the colour!

Cheers Hilary

renae said...

Thank you sweet Sandie! I have been pleased with how my Hot Pink Jeans rolled out for the month. I may do that themed posts per month again but not for November. (need a break, lol) Thanks for you love and for your sweet attention to my posts, blog and ME! (hug)


Always love to visit your blog, makes me smile everytime.
Hope you are having a good week. :)
Take care

Grandma Bonnie said...

Henopause!! Haha, thanks for the laugh.

Renegades said...

I agree with taking some fat too!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, dear friend,
Thank you for sending me Links about great Writing Blogs!
I love thrillers, detective stories, police stories, stories with action, and so on.
Writing is a good therapy for me, and I enjoy keeping my mind active.
When I write tales, I focus on the readers' minds, so I try to keep them entertained with my stories with lots of action.
I hope my audience understands...
When I was a young girl at 17, right after graduated from High School, I went to a School of Law. I did not graduate, but I took many credits after studying Law for over 4 years. I wanted to become a Criminal Prosecutor, a Court Judge, a Criminal Attorney. In other words, I have always loved Justice in all forms.
I had other goals & dreams too...
I truly enjoy investigating what is new today in the world...
That is why I've changed my profile picture into one which suits my personality better.
Good Luck!
Starry. (With a new ABC mind.)

Marie said...

Love this post! I need it on my wall to look at every day!!!
Love Scooby Doo!
hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Loved all:)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

aww, 2 cute. those doggies r so tiny. almost steppables. oops! i prefer when cats & dogs get along well. ( ;

mail4rosey said...

I used to share my icecream with our dog, ewwwww, lolol. I was a child. Still... hahahaha

Barb said...

Laughing before my tea - unprecedented! Thanks for a great start to my morning. Now, I must go find a block.

Lucy said...

No, I have never received an e-mail from you. If you go down to the help area, maybe not yours, but mine it is full of angry unhappy people with e-mails youi would know it weas not just me.

Blondee said...

Always so much fun to visit, you find the funniest stuff to post!! Hope your weekend was lovely!

acorn hollow said...

I love it always a laugh

Lynn said...

Henopause. Ha!

Jim said...

My favorite this time is the birds looking for a rest stop, a car windshield. We are back in civilization now.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sandie -

Madge gave me a chuckle with her flag tattoo. Who thinks of these things?

Susan :)

Tricia Buice said...

I am nearly in tears - where do you get this stuff!?! So funny - the flag arm tatoo - all of it - adorable! Thanks Sandie - have a lovely week!

Together We Save said...

The funniest "moon" I have ever seen!! Thanks

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

On bad days I RACE over to see you!
Thanks for the lift, Sandie!! :)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

p.s. I love you!!

barbara woods said...

i liked the 'you have been mooned'

mail4rosey said...

I'm just here to wish you a Happy Halloween!

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I hope all is well.
I wanted to stop by to tell you I decided to have a giveaway of the 100 Cookie Cookbook if you wanted to stop by and enter. Blessings dear and hugs, Catherine xo