"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, October 07, 2013

Monday Musings stirred with a little awe!

I would love to make these - aren't they a cute idea???

Now Debby sent me this and i thought it was cute.

*****************************************************************************The The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for Blood plasma.
No piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven (7) times.

Donkeys kill more people annually
than plane crashes or shark attacks. (So, watch your Ass - lol )
You burn more calories sleeping
than you do watching television.
Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are
fifty (50) years of age or older. ****************************************************************************
The first product to have a bar code
was Wrigley's gum.
The King of Hearts is the only king
American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one (1) olive from each salad served in first-class.
Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
(Since Venus is normally associated with women, what does this tell you?)
(That women are going in the 'right' direction..?) 
 not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning .
************************************ ***********************************
Most dust particles in your house are made from
************************************************************************ ****
The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.
So did the first 'Marlboro Man'.
 Disney was afraid OF MICE! ************************************************************************** PEARLS DISSOLVE IN VINEGAR!
The three most valuable brand names on earth:
Marlboro, Coca Cola, and Budweiser, in that order.
It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...
but, not downstairs. 
 A duck's A quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least six (6) feet away
from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
(I keep my toothbrush in the living room now!)

 And the best for last..... Turtles can breathe through their butts. 

Remember, knowledge is everything, so pass it on...... 
and go move your toothbrush!

And stop folding that darn paper!

x_3bb45533 photo x_3bb45533.gif

My mom went out of town this weekend - and I miss her like crazy!  And then my brother had to go to his dad's house on Sunday.  This is me on Sunday.

Just laying around waiting for the ones I love best - sorry grandma - I love you too, but it's not the same.

♥ Disco




Thanks Angela...



MadSnapper n Beau said...

aww poor Disco looks a tad depressed. hope his mom and boy get home soon...
if i moved my tooth brush six feet from the toilet it would be in the middle of my bed... and I have lived 69 years with my tooth brush 3 feet from the toilet and i am still alive and kicking...well maybe not KICKING.. LOL

Willow said...

Your site ALWAYS gives me a smile.
Love it !!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That last one is a gem of wisdom! And I laughed at most of this post! Gotta run....and move my toothbrush AND eat an apple to wake up! lol Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Oh love the tooth brush quote.

Still laughing and your remark back. Very good. Move your tooth brush to the living room. Thumbs up for that one.

Oh happy, funny as the comercial with the camel says.

What Day is it.

Hump Day .

Not with your Monday blog .

We have the Happy Monday here.

Not Hump Day.


Omg last photo so funny!!! Love your blog always fun to come here. :)
Hope you have a good week!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Aw Disco, I think your family is probably back home now! Wishing you all a great week!

Pondside said...

I always look for that lift and it never disappoints!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Next time someone asks me why I am napping I am gonna tell them that I am burning calories :)

Cheri said...

Aw poor Disco but today everything is right in his world. Love the bandit pups, that would be my two.

Beth said...

Happy Monday Sandie! Great postas always!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I knew that apples were very good for you but had never heard that they were a wake me upper. I love learning something new every day. I'm sure Disco was a happy doggie when every one came home! Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

Anonymous said...

Oh ya... that dead skin one always makes me cringe a tiny bit. Guess I better get to dusting this house of mine!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Ugh that dead skin dust thing gets me every time! Have a great week Sandie!

Sandee said...

Loved all the facts. I knew a few, but most I didn't.

I linked you to Awww Mondays as the last three pictures made me say Awww. Especially sweet Disco.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs. ☺

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh that is a cute Halloween idea. People are so creative!

Jeanie said...

Well, my toothbrush is safe....always a good thing to know.
I think I will stick to coffee first thing in the morning. Chewing an apple just seems like too much work before dawn.

Paula said...

Lots of good info. here today. Cows and turtles, right up my alley. The one about the donkeys I believe. A few years ago a man out here was killed by his donkey. A man we know was hurt badly by his donkey. I keep my tooth brush in my bed room since I had read this before.

Lynn said...

Poor Disco... Have a great week Sandie:@)

Sharon said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this post this morning. So much interesting information, and a few really good laughs, too. Thank you for always being the *apple* that wakes me up on Monday mornings!


Cher' Shots said...

I love those ghost dresses - time to buy some chicken wire! Thanks for all the tidbits of info, interesting!
'love & hugs from afar'

Sharon said...

Oh, Disco - it's gonna be OK...

Anonymous said...

what a great bunch of facts, Disco melts my heart,

Lynn said...

I think Disco surely must love you, too.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Disco will be much brighter when family returns! They surely do miss us as much as we miss them! I keep my toothbrush under one of those handy little covers for just that reason! :-)

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I love the bandit puppies! Leaving with a smile and happier heart!

Kathe W. said...

great tips! And my toothbrush is quite safe thanks! Enjoy your day and hug that lonesome doggie!

Terra said...

The ghostly forms and glow in the dark paint is brilliant.
Fun list, and yes, I keep my toothbrushes in the bedroom for that very reason.

Theresa Mahoney said...

Awww, what a sorry looking Disco lol. I love the dress/chicken wire idea. My niece is getting married on Halloween next year and I sent her that idea as she is decorating the hall in a haunted house theme. I thought it would be cool to have a ghost bride somewhere in there, and that is the perfect idea to craft one!

Unknown said...

Oh poor Disco, he looks really miserable there. But I'm sure he will up and about as soon as they come back home. think I am safe in regards to my tooth brush..phew....Very interesting statements there...and funny too. Enjoy the rest of your Monday!!

Gail Dixon said...

That chicken wire idea is brilliant! Hope Disco is feeling better now. Poor bebe!

Cranberry Morning said...

No kidding, Sandie, I could be one of those obsessing about trying to fold that paper! I'm going to stay far from it. lol But I love those chicken wire ghost ladies!!!!

mail4rosey said...

I tweeted your post to someone, but it doesn't look like you're a Twitter nut, so maybe you won't see it, lol. I love the chicken wire idea. How fun!

We have acorns GALORE in our yard, I wonder how old our trees are.

Have a great week!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great interesting facts!!! Love the pic of the dogs! Great idea for halloween displays.

Suzan said...

NEAT idea with the chicken wire that glows in the dark.
That list of info.- I have two oak trees that the squirrels planted in my front yard in 1998 (15 yrs. ago) and the last two years they have been producing acorns. Tiny ones last year, but normal size and loads of them this year especially.

Pooja Mittal said...

So here is my santa with lodes of happyness and laughter...
The facts are so fun .. I agree with the venus one, we girls are always right.. :)

I would love to have dog robbers in my house.. Too cute
Keep in touch,

Buttercup said...

You really made me smile. I was planning to fold paper to see if I could fold it more than seven times. Have a great Monday!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love these cool facts! And am so glad you included Disco and his thoughts at the end. And this is ONLY for Disco to read: Disco, a lot of times I like you on grandmom's blog better than ANYTHNG else!!! You look so cute and sweet and sad and alone in this picture! I think you should start your OWN blog!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your welcome. Oh poor Disco, I know they get sad when we leave. Hope you have a great week. Love, Debby

TexWisGirl said...

poor little disco.

and if i die because of germs on my toothbrush, so be it... :)

jack69 said...

Thanks for the education. I did not know that about Venus. I had heard about the dust though. I thik we will be skinless soon. LOL

Love U Disco, and understand buddy.

The lift is so TRUE...

Love from NC

Lucky Lady said...

aww he's so sad to be along my cats hate it hen they are left for a few hours stay mad at me for a while

Unknown said...

They broke that paper myth on Myth busters ... of course they used a piece of paper the size of a football field lol

Ann said...

Disco looks so sad. Hope his mom brings him home a nice treat.

Pearl said...

That chicken wire idea is fantastic!


jp@A Green Ridge said...

That's it...I'm taking my toothbrush and going to bed....RIGHT NOW!...:)JP

Merlesworld said...

The headless ghost ladies hit the spot, I have three toothbrushes and there is a wall between them and the loo I think I'm safe.
Merle........ .......... ...........

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Ok these made me laugh along with my daughter Natasha who I kept asking did you know........I keep my toothbrush in a container to protect it.........sorry Disco was feeling a bit down about being left with grandma....

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Since I always sit in coach with my body squished into an ever shrinking space, I have no compassion for those in First Class who have to do with one less olive.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I did not know that about oak trees!

Marie said...

I LOVE the laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!
Hugs from me to Disco!!!

a joyful noise said...

I love the ghost idea. It is so clever. Your success chart was interesting. We fail, but try again. We are not able to change those who are bent on keeping in the failure mode. Only God can touch their hearts.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I moved my toothbrush a couple years ago to my bedroom.
Thanks for all the laughs today. Have a great week.

Susan said...

Great post, Sandie.

Loved the chicken wire ghosts.

So turtles can breathe through their butts? Yikes. That is a new version of an air hole, if I ever heard of one. ha hahahahha

Take care and have a wonderful Tuesday. Thanks for all your visits. Hugs. Susan

betty said...

LOL with the dogs with the masks, those are definitely corgis. Poor Disco; tell him Koda understands; when hubby is gone, I just won't do.

I too am going to move my toothbrush; all very interesting facts, including that Walt Disney didn't like mice, yet the most famous of his creations is Mickey Mouse; go figure.

hope all went well today


Renegades said...

I have seen those chicken wire forms before and think they would be cool to do.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, sweet dear friend,
I love your post.
But, the picture of Disco breaks my heart in million pieces.
You know animals have great feelings. They can feel happy, or sad, or depressed, or unwell, etc.
I love Disco!
Take good care of him, please!
I just love animals so much, Sandie. When somebody posts something nice about their lovely animals, dogs, cats, horses, birds, etc., I feel so good...
I remember once, a few years ago, I felt in love with a couple of dogs, plus some horses that a website author used to tell some stories about them. Then, all of a sudden, the person stopped posting pictures of them. So, I got so worried, and I kept asking for new photos. Finally, I left the site with a broken heart, just because I did not see more pics of the dogs. You see I feel like a fool, because I've got strong feelings. I am a super sensitive lady. I guess that is my Italian heart from my mother's side of the family. May you tell all your friends and family about this...
I tell you something else. A few years ago, I got very ill and needed a surgery in 2008. I spoke with the U.S. Embassy Overseas and asked for help. They could not help me overseas, she said. I was thinking about in the event of my death, there was a lady who looked similar like me, she still does, but I am overweight, and she is thin. I thought she could steal my U.S. Passport, and go to the States pretending that she is me, stealing my identity. All in all, the Diplomat lady from the U.S. Embassy kept my American Passport until I got out of my misery after my surgery in 2008. I do NOT have family left in this country overseas. They all died. My family live in New York, but they don't care about my health issues. The American Diplomat gave me her card with her email, and asked me to write to her, and say if I am doing OK. Latern on, she got a transfer to Washington, D.C. first, then to Mumbai, India. Today, I called her to Mumbai, India, because I am concerned, just in case if I die, somebody can use my American Passport to go to the States with my name. The Diplomat lady told me that there is NO WAY that the U.S.Immigration could tell if that happens. In other words, there is no proper technology to prevent these things from happening. So, this is the MAIN REASON WHY I BEGAN TO BLOG IN BLOGLAND, TO COMMUNICATE WITH AMERICAN PEOPLE. I feel unwell, and I may eventually need AN ESCORT TO TRAVEL BACK HOME TO NEW YORK. I am scared and frightened. I do NOT want anybody to steal my U.S. Passport, and my identity. Who can help me about that?...
Can you call Washington?...
Greetings from (Sad)Starry Dawn.

Ms. A said...

Love the chicken wire idea!

The school next door planted oak trees a few years after it opened in 1977 and they've had acorns for years. So I don't buy that one... unless they were at least 20 years old when they planted them, but they were tiny, tiny.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I would love to make those ghostly dresses. What a great idea. Where do people come up with these things...very cool. Hugs Chatty girl.....hope today shines in every way for you.....

Debbie said...

I love this list! If they are all true, then it's really cool beans. Number 3 made me laugh out loud. I mean, literally do an audible chuckle.

Gee, I feel better already just having been here.

Debbie said...

I love this list! If they are all true, then it's really cool beans. Number 3 made me laugh out loud. I mean, literally do an audible chuckle.

Gee, I feel better already just having been here.

Debbie said...

And I love that glow in the dark thingy.

Theresa said...

Smiling:) Have a blessed day, say HI to Disco from me! HUGS!

Unknown said...

Our dog is better now, but he was sick. The vet said he was depressed. Sure his eyes looked sad because he did not feel well. Lots of rest in the house, and bland diet and much water are working. I love your dog. They do like company. I also like your signature with the floating dove doing the writing. Thanks for your visit and comment to my sunday digested sermon on Duty a 4 letter word - - and so is LOVE.

This is Hazel, but I am at my husbands' site as I just posted his ending for his continued story. A new one will begin soon.

Denise said...

Poor Disco.

acorn hollow said...

as always a great laugh.

Sally Wessely said...

I love all of your great info. I will watch my ass. If I sleep all day will I wake up skinny???

I already moved my toothbrush.

Have a great week.

Lee said...

Another happy post...thanks, Sandie. :)

Take good care.

Granny Annie said...

Had to steal this: "Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes or shark attacks. (So, watch your Ass - lol )"

As always thanks for the grins and giggles:)

Donna said...

Turtles can breathe through their butts....Hahahahaaaa...omg....
thanks girlfriend...

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

I really like that win/fail analogy, Sandie!

Apples. Hmm, never would have guessed.