"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday Tails and Tales

“Watch the sunrise at least once a year, put a lot of marshmallows in your hot chocolate, lie on your back and look at the stars, never buy a coffee table you can't put your feet on, never pass up a chance to jump on a trampoline, don't overlook life's small joys while searching for the big ones.”
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Don't cha love that quote?  I really love the message - don't miss life.  Don't buy things you can't use.  LIVE! I don't always do this, but I do try to do this. 

The following is a video about a man I have loved for years.  His name is Andrea Bocelli - he was born blind.  He was a lawyer -turned opera singer.  Have you heard of him?  Sometimes I take a ten minute break and close my eyes or lay down and listen to his music.  It gives me a natural high.

Here is a story about him - it'll make you feel - guaranteed.

x_1af5533 photo x_1af5533.gif

Now let me show you what Madsnapper introduced me too:

Yes, this is me Disco - ca n you believe what she did to me?





Preppy Empty Nester said...

What a fabulous quote. I love Bocelli as well. He seems like such a humble man despite his enormous talent. Love the pumpkin cartoon!

The Quintessential Magpie said...


Lynn said...

Lovin' the first quote! And yes, my coffee table has toe prints on it:@)

jack69 said...

I cannot believe I am here this early. YES, I love the quote by Brown. It says volumes. Methinks you are into 3's: TT & T, along with (LLL)Live, Love and Laugh.

Yeah Disco, you B Yelling my man!

I have never heard of Bocelli, but I can respect his abilities and drive. I wish I could hear. I have several times in my life found comfort in just putting on head phones and listening.

The laugh is great, I got a big smile out of "Surprise Me"

Love from North Carolina for a few more days.....

Hootin Anni said...

I'll never get on a trampoline....did once in gym class and nearly broke my neck...some serious damage done on my tendons. But the rest ...yes, I'll do 'em.

Gail Dixon said...

Haven't listened to Bocelli in a while. Thanks for the reminder. He is a special man.

Beth said...

I do love that quote!!

I don't have a coffee table anymore but when I did there were footprints on it.

mail4rosey said...

The music on the video was nice, but it was in a foreign language for me. :)

Have a great Tuesday!

TexWisGirl said...

madsnapper is crazy...

Jackie See said...

Love today's lifts! They will keep me laughing all day. Your quote is a keeper and I am going to save it to my special quotes folder! Happy Tuesday!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

That's an amazing quote. And Bocelli is a genius.

Pooja Mittal said...

WoW, the man was born blind , and still lawer turned opera singer.. so inspiring...
I listen to music and close eye too to relieve stress..
the seed pic and the message is very inspirational..
dont forget to enter my MIgnon Mignon Sunglasses giveaway.

Sandee said...

Loved the video. That was a strong and wise mom indeed. What a treasure she had.

Poor Disco, but you know he plays along with everything you do. Bless his heart.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs from sunny California. ☺

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so sorry Disco, I had no idea she would PiZap you. but she did a good job and you look...ummmm...ummmm..adorable? LOL
i love Andrea Bocelli and played his CD over and over on my drive to Savannah, with my dads ashes in the truck. even though i did not understand most of the words his music spoke to me and always does. i did not know this story about him

Jeanie said...

That first quote is a great thing to think about every day.
Bocelli is an inspiration.

Marsha Young said...

I absolutely agree about not buying a coffee table you can't put your feet on. Now marshmallows, not so much. Too gooey for me.

But to each his or her own. :)

Sharon said...

Andrea Bocelli is a beautiful person. And he sings like an angel. My youngest son and I are big fans.

Disco, look at it this way. Now you have a clever disguise! Now you can sneak around the house and steal treats, and no one will know it's you!!

Great quote - needing to remember to look at the small joys right now.


Shelly said...

I love, love, love that quote. And Disco is handsome no matter what!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I like the parting quote- it speaks to me today. Hope you have a wonderful week Sandie!

Anonymous said...

Big hug Tuesday.

Oh I listen to him. A beautiful singer. I also get to watch when he comes on Specials.

His voice is soothing.

Ms. A said...

Would you believe... I got on a trampoline last Saturday? I surprised myself. I didn't do the jumping, because I didn't want to take my shoes off, but I let the kids bounce my fat butt all around!

I love Bocelli!

Look out Disco, momma's on the loose and she's got enough know how to be dangerous!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love Bocelli! I have a duet with him and Sara Brightman, The Prayer. and A never knew his story...now I do. Oh my gosh, the Mad one has turned Diso int an insolent Frenchman!

Southhamsdarling said...

I've always loved Andre Bocelli! He has a new Cd out at the moment. I think it's called Portofino. Poor Disco. What have they done to him! I absolutely love that first quotation. Wonderful!

Lady Jane said...

I didn't know that story about Bocelli. Thank goodness she didn't abort or we wouldn't have his wonderful music or his nice personality. Disco is a real hoot!!!

Susan said...

Hello Dear Sandie...

Loved this post. I love Andrea's fabulous music, too.

Imagine the world's loss if he had been aborted.

May his mother have a special place in heaven.

Take care and have a wonderful rest of the day! Susan

Ann said...

I had never heard Bocelli or his story, incrdible.
Love that quote too and that picture is hilarious

Theresa Mahoney said...

Very inspiring quote. I never understood the no feet on the coffee table rule. It drives me batty when people walk in and immediately take their shoes off. Yes, I like a clean home, but I want my home to feel lived in too, and my guests to feel comfortable when visiting!

Terri D said...

I don't know how you keep up with all of your bloggers here, Sandie!!

That's a great quote and I agree 100%. Bocelli gives me goose bumps. Amazing voice. Beautiful.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I'm trying to live my life like this quote!!! You know I love Andrea Bocelli...I did not know he was a lawyer turned opera singer!


NanaDiana said...

Sandie- I have always love Bocelli and I love Josh Groban, too. They make my heart sing.

Great post and love the laugh about the knife and the pumpkin- xo Diana

barbara l. hale said...

Love that quote! I don't buy any furniture you can't put your feet on.

Merlesworld said...

A good quote always teaches us to live life to the fullest not just exist.

Renegades said...

The seed one is a good reminder.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like the words of H. Jackson Brown, Jr.!!! I love Andrea Bocelli. Oh no, you caught her virus, have fun. I love the pumpkin joke.


love that quote. if only more of us thought that way.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yes I have heard of Bocelli
The quote says it all

betty said...

That was such a sweet story of Andrea Bocelli; I had heard of him, but never heard him sing. Can you imagine being his children being sung to sleep? Too cute with the pumpkin at the barbershop :)

My niece has a friend who was pregnant with a baby that got diagnosed with Trisomy 18 and had nil chances of survival. She chose to carry him to term. He lived for about 30 minutes, was born this past 10/10. Truly an inspiration when parents choose life like this instead of abortion.


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Although I still enjoy listening to Andrea Bocelli, I was a mad, crazy fan about 15 years ago. I listened to him going to and from work 5 days a week and anytime I could on the weekend. It was my opera phase and I learned to appreciate this type of music. My husband even surprised me with a Christmas gift of great seat tickets to a concert Andrea was giving in Philly. It was marvelous.

Right now I have no favorites, but enjoy all kinds of music. I will, though, put one of my Andrea Bocelli CDs on during a dinner party. It helps distract attention away from my food.

Paula said...

I tried so hard to keep our coffee table clean but John just won't. Now I wonder why that meant so much to me.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I always love coming here it is always inspiring. I like the story of the seed.
Blessings dear. Catherine xo

p.s. How are you feeling?

jeanlivingsimple said...

I love the quote and adore Bocelli. I have watched him perform on GPBS for years.
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Fall! Oh....and hugs.:)

BECKY said...

Hello Chatty! Oh...Andrea....You know how much I love him!! What a great idea to listen for just a few minutes at a time. I just might start doing that! And hey, we have some really cold weather here....the low is supposed to be 32 tonight! Yikes, that is freezin' cold! LOL....so, I think it's time to listen to Andrea's Christmas CD! :)

Stephanie said...

So much inspiration on one page. xo

LL Cool Joe said...

That last quote is so true, well all of them are. It's always an uplifting experience coming to your blog and seeing your quotes and pictures. Thank you.

Lee said...

I totally agree about the coffee table. And I admit that I've never added marshmallows to hot chocolate...I could be the only person who has never done that...but that's the way it is!

Perhaps I should try it next winter!

I purposely never pass a trampoline, just for that reason. I'd be flat out climbing upon on to it, let alone bouncing in the air and then having to jump off again...I could always bounce of it, but that would hurt too much, I reckon! See...now you know why I never pass trampolines! ;)

Great quote...love it....and I love Bocelli, too.

Granny Annie said...

Love the pumpkin in the barber chair! lol

Tanna said...

Bocelli is AMAZING!! Such an inspiration... and such a voice! Great quote, Sandie. blessings ~ tanna

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I agree about the coffee table, got to be able to be comfortable in your own home. I don't believe in having a house that doesn't look lived in.

renae said...

hi Sandie! Great to be back and see your post. Oh, I fell in love with Bocelli when he did that awesome duet with Celine Dion back around 1999's. He is amazing.

Yes, CS Lewis! I knew he was your favorite. I admire him so, also. I also recall you loving the movie "Shadowland". Oh I bawled and bawled in that movie! It came about about 2-3 yrs after my David had died. It was so strong and full of unconditional love.

I'm feeling better and each time I have a bad cold (that's is what it is)(I got a flu shot in September) it gives me a chance to sit back and regroup and set my priorities and such. That's why I put that quote on my post, that and I don't have any pics I a post yet.

Take care my sweet! ♥

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Oh Sandie! I love Bocelli! He has always moved my soul and heart-now I know why-
Much Love,

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Disco?! Is that really you in there?

Jim said...

Sandy, your "little seed" picture and ditty reminded me of my MIL. She wouldn't eat mushrooms because she knew "where they came from."

Anonymous said...

I love his music too... although I didn't know he was a lawyer as well. Remember Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) such a goofball, but he is an electrical engineer and has another advanced degree (can't remember off the top of my head what it is though)... and I agree about using things. I only buy collectibles that I will use in my home, otherwise they don't come home with me. If I like them enough to buy them, I have to like them enough to use them, even if it means I might break one occasionally... I'm your newest GFC follower and RSS subscriber.

Kim said...

I love Bocelli but I never knew he was blind. See, I always learn something here :)

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
I enjoy reading today's tale.
Oh! I love Andrea Bocelli, the blind Italian Tenor Opera Singer.
He is an amazing person.
I also love to see the picture of Disco in his new outfit.
Thank you, Sandie for sharing your loving ways with us!
It is always great to have something good to smile about.
God bless you, Sandie, family, and beloved ones.
I invite you to read my last post.
Warm Hugs,

Lucy said...

It is always nice to be able to come here and see such a delightful blog.

Andrea said...

Yes, I love that quote too, Sandie. Hard to live by but a good goal to have.

I can't say that I love Bocelli's music as much as you do but... I can *appreciate* it. What a gift he has & just goes to show what God can do with anyone, despite any obstacles!!

God bless~ Andrea

Catherine said...

Mmmm.... marshmallows in hot chocolate. I love it. :)
xo Catherine

Theresa said...

Love the message in that quote! Enjoy your day dear friend, I'll take my hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows too:) HUGS!

Inger said...

A great quote, except please do watch the sun rise every day, if you can. It is both beautiful and reassuring.
Samson Says: Oh, Disco, thanks for the warning, I will never let the Madsnapper come close to me!

renae said...

Oh Chatty dear, hope you are doing fine. Thanks for everything you said in your reply. I am feeling a TON better but still have a cough and need to blow the snozz.

nancygrayce said...

I love that pumpkin joke!!!!

Carol said...

I love Mr. Brown's work. When my kids were young teenagers I gave all 4 of them copies of his book "Life's Little Instruction Book.

Carol said...

and if you read my blog today I hope you understood that the
"new guy" I let move in was Andy the beagle, not a real guy!

Lynn said...

Marshmallows in hot chocolate just seem like fall.

Marie said...

I love your blog! I'm sorry I've been running way behind!! We're back in NC and keeping busy! I will catch up soon!
love ya,

May Ann Francisco said...

Love this quote of yours..