"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Please visit Joyce at From This Side of the Pond to join us!!!!!!!!!!

1. The USA will mark Columbus Day this year on Monday, October 14th. What's something you need or want to explore (literally or metaphorically speaking)?

I would love to explore the Bible and it's teachings in the Holy Land.  I have never been there.  I'd love to see what Jesus saw and where he went and where he lived.   Literally. 

2. The Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz, Ursula from The Little Mermaid, or Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty...who do you most love to hate?

I don't really like cartoons so I don't like the Little Mermaid if you mean it that way I'd pick her.

If you really mean someone who you love to hate because they are so mean then I'll choose Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty - she didn't have a whole lot of patience - she was revengeful!  

But the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz is my personal favorite - if you haven't read the book or see the play Oz - then you're missing something!  You might get a different spin on the Wicked Witch and Glenda the good witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Makes you think that's for sure.

3. Is open-mindedness a virtue?

This is really a tough one.  I think open-mindedness is a virtue to a point - but you also have to have the gift of discernment to go with it.  Something to hold onto as a morale compass.  I think you can be open-minded to a point, but it has to be within the realm of the teachings of God.

For example I have said many times I love the birds, animals, colors, and the other gorgeous things like has to offer - but I feel God gave it to us to enjoy and be happy.  I thank HIM for these things.  Now some people take it further and actually worship those very things themselves and forget who gave it to us!   Does this make sense?  

4. How often do you weigh yourself?


5. This question comes to you courtesy of Rebecca over at Making Memories, so thanks Rebecca! 

Costa Rica was recently named the happiest country in the world on the Happy Planet Index. What's the happiest country in the world to you, and what makes it so?

AMERICA!  Home of the free - land of the brave.  It is the best place on earth and I am proud to be an American.  I feel blessed to have been born here - a woman - and in these days and times.  I know we are having our struggles here.  I know things might be changing, but there is not one place in my mind better than this.

6. Besides The Bible, what is one book you think should be mandatory reading for high school students? Why?

It's an old book - must be around 30 years old - by a Josh McDowell.  It's called Evidence That Demands A Verdict."  My hub and I went to Willow Creek Church in Arlington Heights, IL  when we lived in Chicago and went to a three day seminar by this man over this book.  

It was not a book that persuaded you to become a Christian.  It just laid out about 600 predictions of what was going to happen in the Old Testament and how each one was answered in the New Testament.  Then it called for you to make your own decision if the Bible and Jesus was true or not.  He was a lawyer I think and he was an atheist - he was out to prove the Bible as a fraud  and Jesus too.

It came down to these three theories: 

Jesus was either a lunatic.
Jesus was a liar. 
Or Jesus was who He said he was.
That is what it came down too.  

7. I went shopping at some nearby outlets last week, and while I was there, I picked up a couple of Christmas gifts. How about you? Have you started your holiday shopping yet?

Since we are friends here and I know you won't make fun of me - yes I have started and finished all my shopping-  I don't have a big family though.  I have not wrapped them yet.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.  

I went to an RA specialist Monday.  I liked him.  I had checked out his credentials and they were great.  My internist got me in earlier then I could have gotten in - the wait was til December! 

The doctor said that there are a few reasons this small vessel thing shows up on people and that I didn't have any signs for those things – praise God.  They ran some more blood tests to rule out a couple of rare things, but he didn't think I had that either.   He thinks it was just a freak happening and when the red goes away – hopefully it will not come back. 

If it does I need to take a picture and email him. They'll look at it and see if there is more checking to be done - then.   Otherwise I will see him in January. Since he’s a great doctor and he is a vasculitis specialist -  I've decided to believe in his diagnosis! 

I want to thank all of you for going on this ride with me and for all your prayers.

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Changes in the wind said...

Love the bottom picture. Have it on my Pinterest.....It just makes me smile.

Pearl said...

Very insightful questions and answers!


Shelly said...

I am glad to hear the good news (I believe it, too) from the specialist. I hope it never comes back. That first picture is too cute!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Well we generally rank middle-of-the-road in the Happiness Index worldwide. The Scandanavian countries have the lowest murder rates, lowest suicide rates, lowest poverty rates, and the longest life spans. My question is: Why can't we do that??

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Good for you on being done with the Christmas shopping there. I'm making all the gifts I give this year and haven't started. At the rate I'm going they may be gifts for next Christmas, but I've not found anything much to inspire me yet. I do believe that to be content you must be happy with what you have, and I am. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love the last shot- it makes my day!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I enjoyed reading this, my friend. I have really missed you.

Trying to blog with a broken hand...



MadSnapper n Beau said...

three and five i could have written those answers myself. 100 percent agreed on those.
and i am very happy to hear the RA doctors advice to you. very happy..

Debbie said...

Your answers this week are really fabulous. I loved the one about open mindedness. I haven't seen Oz, but I did see Wicked on stage, and it has a wonderful spin on the Wicked Witch.

The book I wish they would read is the Constitution! It's small enough to fit in my pocketbook so it shouldn't take long. I'm also being told that Animal Farm is no longer required reading in most schools. I would venture to say the reason is that it rings so true.

Says Mrs. Boxer the workhorse...

Debbie said...

Your answers this week are really fabulous. I loved the one about open mindedness. I haven't seen Oz, but I did see Wicked on stage, and it has a wonderful spin on the Wicked Witch.

The book I wish they would read is the Constitution! It's small enough to fit in my pocketbook so it shouldn't take long. I'm also being told that Animal Farm is no longer required reading in most schools. I would venture to say the reason is that it rings so true.

Says Mrs. Boxer the workhorse...

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am so glad you went to the doctor and everything turned out well. Make sure you keep that appointment in January even if you are feeling fine.

Sandee said...

Oh Boy it's a baby Ruth. Bwahahahahahahahaha.

I'm glad you like your new doctor and it appears you aren't so worried anymore. Good for you.

Have a fabulous day. Big hugs to you and scritches to Disco. ☺

Jeanie said...

I loved reading all your answers, but I was especially glad to hear the news in the news in #8.

Nancy said...

Love the witch cartoon at the end -- very good. :)

Gail Dixon said...

My sentiments match yours on #3 totally! Have a great day and thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I don't think I've weighed myself since the summer. Mostly because I lost some weight for my 20th high school reunion, and I know I put it back on. ;-)

Theresa Mahoney said...

I wish I was done with my Christmas shopping. You seem to have a knack for getting it done. Wanna be my personal shopper?

Good news about the doctor visit!

Lynn said...

Lovin' that cute raccoon! Hope you're having a great week Sandie:@)

TexWisGirl said...

i am glad for the good report from the r.a.!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great news from your new doctor. Glad you like him --and got good results... Praise God.

My answers:
1. We want to continue to 'explore' more waterfalls around this gorgeous country before we die!!!
2. I truly have no answer here --since I'm not really interested in any of those.
3. Being open-minded is a good thing ---but I don't think of it as a virtue.
4. Every Friday--no matter what! I have been doing this since I finally got serious about getting the excess weight off and keeping it off.
5. Again, I have no answer since I haven't done much world-traveling. I know that I am happy --and to me, that is most important right now.
6. I want the younger children in today's world to learn about our country's history, read and study the constitution --and learn about the importance of our freedoms which our forefathers worked SO hard for us to have.
7. We don't buy or spend much money on Christmas gifts. George and I buy a few little things for each other --and I do love decorating the house and yard... I love Christmas --refuse to spend too much money anymore on gifts for everyone in the family.

Hope life continues to be good for you this week.

Nonnie said...

Oh Sandie, you are such a wise woman. I love your answers and hope you get to go to Israel someday. You would love it.

I've been behind on blogs, and I'm so thankful to read this news about your leg. Praise the Lord.

Now, I must say I'm a little bit jealous that you have already finished your shopping. I can't even think about it.

Baby Ruth ... LOL.

Carol said...

I am so glad you got in to see the RA DR so quickly and that he had good news for you!!! Wonderful! And so glad you didn't have to worry for months until you could see someone. I have finished my Christmas shopping too! I just buy for my 6 grandchildren (one who is due any second)

Ms. A said...

You've already finished your Christmas shopping??? I don't even want to think about Christmas!

Lucy said...

Very interesting and inspiring.

Ginny Hartzler said...

YES, this is wonderful news, and I am so glad you did not have to wait any longer! I would love to see that play Wicked, but probably never will unless they make it into a movie or a local production. I do not have ONE Christmas gift yet!

Miss Debbie said...

Good answers! Glad abt your good report, too!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I weigh myself every morning too! You finished your shopping. I have 25 out of town people that I mail gift cards to but I use to actually shop, wrap and ship to them which was crazy. Here at home Christmas is huge. Each person gets at least 15 gifts but I won't shop until I get their lists! It always gets done but I do buy during the year if I see something I think they will like!

That is great news on your doctor appointment. Debby

Ann said...

That raccoon is so cute. Love all your answers but the best one is the random one. Great news and I'm glad you found a doctor that you like

Elizabeth said...

So glad your were able to see the specialist so quickly. One of the hardest things about medical problems is the long wait before finding solutions.
I am proud of you for finishing your shopping. Will you please do mine?

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So glad to hear the good news about your leg. It is so scary when we don't know what's going on! Whew for a good DR!!!

Love Of Quilts said...

Good answers! Cute photos.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

My dislike would be, Maleficent from sleeping beauty..
I NEVER weigh myself, I would likely scream if I did!!! I would never have believed I could get so heavy in old age.. gone are the days when I tried VERY hard to put weight on, now I can't get it off.. Oh dear, we are never happy. Love and hugs to you.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yeah I can say that I love Australia and so I understand why you love America both great countries.

That was some good news from the specialist, better then hearing bad news.......

I am buying Christmas presents all year round right up to the last minute, yeah I do have a tendency to go overboard.......lol

Terri D said...

So happy to hear what your new doctor had to tell you! Hooray! I enjoyed your answers, Sandie!

jack69 said...

This is a great read. I like the way you express yourself in the answers. since I don't know the wicked witch nor the other dudes, I just smiled to say, we both weigh each morning. hahaha.(And mine has stopped ;going down!!!!)
Great that you like the doc. I think that is very important. Also glad the report was good.
I flipped out at the laugh. BABY RUTH!!! I read it before observing the picture, then I cracked up!

Love from here.

Susan said...

Oh Sandie...So relieved the problem with the leg was nothing horrendous.

Enjoyed reading all your answers to the questions.

Cracked up over the "Baby Ruth." YEOW. Those witchies are horrid. ha hahahahah Susan

Mevely317 said...

I love how you took time and really answered these questions in depth ... love getting to know you better!

... Love that someone else weighs herself every day. LOL!


Me too. I just finished Christmas shopping for my grandchildren.

betty said...

So thankful to God for how your doctor's visit went, Sandie. I'll have to check out that book you mentioned; sounds interesting. Willow Creek sounds really familiar, its a huge church, right? Bill something or the other is the pastor??

Brave woman for weighing yourself daily (I avoid the scale at any cost :)

Good for you for getting your Christmas shopping done so early. I think our list will be very small this year, so I'll have it "wrapped up" after I get a list from son :)


Hootin Anni said...

To explore the land of all things in the Bible...well said. And that Baby Ruth cracked me up. Enjoying what we DO have is most important. I liked that little elephant too.

Granny Annie said...

Two books I would recommend to adults or high school kids: THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS by CS Lewis or SURPRISED BY JOY by CS Lewis.

So sorry you are struggling with RA. Nothing worse.

Rose said...

You are in my prayers regarding your diagnosis of RA.


Lynn said...

I only weigh myself on Tuesday - I always have.

Saleslady371 said...

Praise the Lord for such a good health report. You must be relieved. We are from Westchester, Ill. I grew up in Northlake; hubby Melrose Park. My brothers live in Elgin and Bloomingdale and my sister in Algonquin!

Cranberry Morning said...

Wow, Sandie, I completely agree with you on so many things, and especially #3 here. BTW, I read in your comment on Sandra's blog that Andy had memorized The Light Brigade and now O Captain, My Captain. He obviously doesn't attend any school around here. It's wonderful to read that some children are still learning inspirational classics.

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