"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, November 15, 2013

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends...

HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND...and I'll leave you with some laughter...

 Thanks Jeannie

Thank you Lee.- You will never figure out how he did it - but if you do - let me know.

Thanks Betsy


Thank you Jean.

Now the next few pictures are from Debby - Just Breathe.  I think sometimes pictures just make you feel good!

A Crystal Palace in Madrid.

I think I'll take a picture of myself.

Who doesn't love Paris - right Linda?

A premature elephant one minute old.

Rice Fields in China.

The Cat Without Fear!

The Famous Ross Moss Fields of Ireland.
Again thanks Debby.

And I hope this floats your boat as much as it does mine!  LOL


Here's another trick of Doctor Dementia to test your skills .

I've seen this with the letters out of  order, but this is the first time I've seen it with numbers.   Good example of a Brain Study: If you  can read this OUT LOUD you have a strong mind.   And better than  that: Alzheimer's is a long long, way down the road before it ever gets  anywherenear  you.

7H15                   M3554G3
53RV35                   7O PR0V3
H0W                   0UR M1ND5 C4N
D0                   4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!
1MPR3551V3                   7H1NG5!
1N                   7H3 B3G1NN1NG
17                   WA5 H4RD BU7
N0W,                   0N 7H15 LIN3
Y0UR                   M1ND 1S
R34D1NG 17
W17H                   0U7 3V3N
7H1NK1NG                   4B0U7 17,
C3R741N                   P30PL3 C4N
R3AD                   7H15.
PL3453                   F0RW4RD 1F
U                    C4N R34D 7H15.

To my 'selected' strange-minded  friends:  If you can read the following paragraph, forward it on to your  friends with 'yes' in the subject line.  Only great minds can read  this.  This is weird, but  interesting!
If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane  mnid, too.
Can you raed this? Olny 55 people out of 100 can. 

I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of  the hmuan mnid,  aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it           dseno't  mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is  that the frsit and last     ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl  mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is  bcuseae the huamn  mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by  istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig  huh? Yaeh and I  awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed this  tell me.


x_a4f395f photo x_a4f395f.gif


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can read it!!! Love the cats and dog video on bed stealing. Have a great weekend.....Debby

Lynn said...

Spot's cute! And the cat makes me nervous... Have a great weekend:@)

Pooja Mittal said...

Well , if that password was mine , I would have never logged in back to my account, how did the girl though of this long password!!!!!
Stop of the dog that fell off is so cute and the pink moss lovely
Keep in touch,

Optimistic Existentialist said...

The premature elephant is ADORABLE!! And how could anyone remember a password that long???

Paula said...

Lots of good ones here today. I especially like that spot that fell off the dog.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

that is too funny!! i had the same phone at like 4 or 5 ... those were the days. ha. ha!! ( :

enjoy your weekend!

Jeanie said...

Some stunning pictures today.
I could read both paragraphs but it took me a minute to get started on the one with the numbers.

jack69 said...

Ah yeah, such a beautiful mixture today. I love it. Rice fields= amazing. Sex Change=one great trick. passer's by expressions= great.
Love the lost spot and the lift= funny & LOVE

Good on you, grandma who hangs upside down! (& will never grow up!)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. the Password storyline is ridiculous .. but oh so possible ..

and I can't be bothered to see if I can read the gobbledegook - so I guess I'm on a losing wicket one way or the other!!

Happy weekend .. oh and I did enjoy the rice fields .. Hilary

Anonymous said...

that video was a little unsettling, lol, wow, how did that work!!!!
I enjoyed the laughs you brought us today but all I could think of did the littl elephant live, I read th test with no problem, lol, I spend my life only seeing have of what is there so maybe thats why!lol, Have a wonderful weekend,!!

TexWisGirl said...

loved the password and the phones. yes i could read.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great post, sweet Sandie! Love the Alzheimers test. I worry about that all the time. The password cracks me up!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Loved today's post. Awwwwwww... The baby elephant!

I could read the test and the second part, too.



Lynn said...

I can read it - both things. I'm feeling better about my mind now. :)

mail4rosey said...

LOL at the phones.
The cat gave me a heart attack.
And the big dog/little dog scene is cute. :)

Happy weekend to you too! :)

Gail Dixon said...

Great way to start the weekend! The blonde password joke was too funny. Oh, and the phones at six years old...that was too cute. Enjoy your weekend.

Barb said...

I can read those scrambles quite easily. Remember the era of "speed reading?" People could read quickly if they focused on meaning and word shape. I STILL have that Fischer Price phone - my Grands play with it!

Sandee said...

That video freaked me out like it did everyone else. Yikes.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs. :)

Shelly said...

Loved all of this! Thank you for always bringing such great things to us~

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the cat on the railing makes me shudder... yikes and sweet little elephant... i love the 3 types of phones

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yse I cna raed btoh msseagse! Haha!

Please rescue that kitty! And that squirrel is just too cute.

Have a nice weekend!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I could read both- I have always found that to be amazing. That little elephant is adorable, but the cat perched on that ledge makes me nervous.

Beth said...

A very fun post today Sandie. I was able to read it all with no problem.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I can read that last one easily.. Guess I do have a 'strange' mind… ha ha

Love the telephone one --and stole it…. Thanks!!!!

Premie Elephant is adorable.

Have a great weekend.

Sharon said...

OK, I've been sick for the last three days - feeling yucky and sorry for myself.


I can read all the strange stuff!! I'm a genius! A stuffed-up, achy, genius...

Adorable elephant, hysterical password...and I loved the photos! However, my least favorite was the cat. I have a fear of heights, and all I wanted to do was scream, "GET DOWN FROM THERE!"


barbara woods said...

love the blonde joke and I could read it


Sweet little elephant. SCARY video.

Sheila Y said...

Yay, I could read them both! I saw the cut in half video on TV, in fact I have it on my DVR so I could show my daughter...freaky...and I want to know how it is done. Yes, that cat on the rail stresses me out too, but like all the rest. Take care, Sheila

Tricia Buice said...

So proud I was able to read it - another great post dear Sandie! Hope you have a lovely weekend.

NanaDiana said...

LOL at all these pictures, Shelia. I really love the one of the baby elephant AND I love the one of the monkey looking into the lens- xo Diana

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Mission accomplished...paragraphs read and even more important...understood!...:)JP

nancygrayce said...

It does always amaze me but I can read that message with no trouble!

Love the little preemie elephant.

renae said...

Yay for C.S.LEWIS!!! He is the best of the best.

btw, i could read every word of those crazy spellings? w7e4e 1z mi 87i23? hahahahhahaha

VERY COOL POST Sandie girlfriend!

barbara l. hale said...

LOL! on the longest password and the video. Wonderful beautiful photos!!

betty said...

I could read it! Very interesting too about how the mind reads. What a small elephant; I thought it was a statue or something until I saw that it was a premature elephant right after birth. Too cute with the password joke.

Happy weekend Sandie


Debbie said...

OK, I loved that telephone one the best of all, but those two paragraphs were cool.

I was almost afraid to try in case it revealed early dementia. I'm glad to say that I could do it easily. Whew.

And that elephant is cute but a teeny bit icky if you know what I mean.

Rob-bear said...

Loved the lightness of the day's post. And I could easily read the peculiar messages you included.

Blessings and Bear hugs!

Terri D said...

I enjoyed all the funnies, Sandie, but especially the phones at 6 years old!!

Carol said...

Yikes! I was scared for the cat! The password was just way too funny, tickled my funny bone. That video, HOW did they do that?? I had to keep watching but it freaked me out, and then I wanted to watch it again! Lost one my spots, liked that one too. Oh, and yes I could read both. Thanks for a great post and have a wonderful weekend. :)

Suzan said...

I had never seen the message written with numbers!! I could read both passages with ease!! Guess that's why I can't spell - doesn't really matter if you spell correctly since I can read it spelled all humble jumbled!! We also call it "predicated reading!"

Susan said...

That was a very interesting post, Sandie. I think the guy that ripped the bodies was all done by computer.
That one was a little weird. ha haha

Hope you have a great weekend. Susan

Susan said...

p.s I could read all the jibberish! Hilarious. Susan

Merlesworld said...

Well that was different the video was frighting and game me the shivers.
The elephant cute but did he survive.
The password funny.
I could read both passages but every now and again my brain kicked in and said this is not right.

Ms. A said...

You know I just LOVE that little spot!!!

I just got those awesome photos in an email.

Sorry I'm so dang late. Blogs just aren't showing up on my dashboard!

Unknown said...

Gosh that video was something else wasn't it? Love the picture of the little monkey with the camera

Nikki (Sarah) said...

that video is totally freaky!!!! Yuck! hugs Sandie...have a great one .

Nonnie said...

I think I am relieved that I was able to read it.
And that first one about the password!! Haha. I have my own story of my own dumbness that I will never tell anyone.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Everything was fun in this post! I'm blond and I haven't even tried to read it yet! haha! Enjoy your weekend!

Betty Manousos said...

all of these made me literally lol.

btw. from a photographic view- the photo of the cat on the railing is really unique!

happy weekend!

Theresa Mahoney said...

I never knew what a rice field looked like. The ones in china are stunning!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Hehee-love,love the phones!!! And yes C.S. Lewis-always one of the best...
Have a wonderful weekend, sweetie!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Yes it is amazing how easy it is to read things like them our minds are just so awesome.

Marie said...

The Ross Moss fields are breath-taking!

LL Cool Joe said...

That password was so funny!

I read the second section very easily, but struggled with some of the numbers a bit! But I hate numbers.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Oh good Lord!! I read the entire thing without a hitch..not a stumble and fast! Does this mean I have a strange mind?? LOL

Ann said...

that password is pretty clever. I never would have come up with that.
I like the one with dog who's spot fell off, very cute and the rice fields, what an amazing picture

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, The Mind Freak freaked me out!!
I love the cats stealing the dog bed. Adorable!!
I can read it!! both of them!! Yeah!! My mind is still working!! lol.
Blessings dear and hugs, Catherine xo

Lucy said...

I will come back and see if I can read that , whatever, it is. My brain aged along with me so it needs to rest today!! Loved all the jokes especially where the dog lost his spots.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

happy Monday!

BECKY said...

Chatty, always love your Fun Fridays!! Thanks! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm stressing some stuff this week so thank you for the laughs. I also like the Paris pic.

renae said...

Oh Chatty, Thank you for your kind words. I am so full of good smiles from you. You are a great friend!

Theresa said...

I read it too:) BUT I already knew I was a bit strange! Enjoy your week dear friend, BIG HUGS!

Unknown said...

Haha! I love that Cris Angel illusion. The woman is actually 2 people, and the man is really 2 people. The top half is a person with a genetic abnormality who was born without lower limbs or hip bones. Strange, but it happens!

The legs are a contortionist who is bending backwards and hiding his/her arms under the skirt or pants. It's crazy, but there is no trick!


Lucy said...

I came back and for an old lady, I did good. I was able to read what I didn't think I could. Guess I am not so old after all

Cranberry Morning said...

No kidding, why on earth was that odd message so easy to read??? when I first glanced at the first 'word,' I had no idea, then the second one I knew what it was and from then on it all just came easily. How odd are our brains!

And I loved all of these, Sandie. The first one's a hoot. The magician one was pretty creepy and really stumps me! (no pun intended. lol)

Loved the 'spot' one too. What fun!

JeanMac said...

I always love your posts!

renae said...

You are so funny, Sandie!

Hey no new post? Wow. You must be really busy getting ready for thanksgiving or else you just need a blogging break. Blogging to me is like drug or something. I have to have it. doh!

too bad you don't like tights. I love them because they are just the right amount of 'warm' for me. Sometimes I get too hot in pants in the winter. weird huh?

Hootin Anni said...

Love that crystal palace in Madrid.

I saw that bed stealing video on Mari's blog the other day...that is a hoot.

Happy Thanksgiving to you since I'm not gonna be online next week!!! Hope it's safe, happy, and healthy!

Anna and Liz Recipes said...

This was hilarious! Thanks sometimes we could all use a good laugh! Great photos too! xxoo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

"Cat without Fear" as you stated it is true. It has no fear in it's face.
Lovely to see the baby elephant. I have not seen it before. Thanks for sharing

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