"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, November 01, 2013

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends...



Isn't she lovely, isn't she beautiful???

A squashed pig   I mean pug!!!

(He is telling the truth).

funny photo AnimatedDogLaughing.gif

For my Corgi Lover Friends.

You can be different and still be friends.

This is for my grandson's English teacher.

Do you see anything in this photo?

Isn't this cute - I love the Wizard of Oz - deeply psychological!

Something to think aobut.


Grandson went to a sleep over last weekend and look what he found or did they find him?



x_a4f395f photo x_a4f395f.gif


Cranberry Morning said...

Aw, love the pic of your grandson and his pals, Sandie!!

Carol said...

Love the photo of Andy and friends! He is such a cute young man, I just want to give him a big ole hug! LOL----2nd best was the dog (I"m just going to wag my tail until you wake up...). Thank you for the morning smiles and have a great weekend! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the pugs and the GS is so cute. and teachers are angels to go to school any day at all in my book.
all the pets are adorable..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say Jake and Baby love cupcake papers, i make muffins in them and they each get a half of a paper


awe these are all so cute. Is that your grandson with the 2 cute pups?

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

All the pictures gave me a lift, Sandi; you did, though, save the best for last.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

There is always a lot to be thankful for. I like the one at the end of today's post. So true. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So many cute photos! Love seeing Andy smile! Have a great weekend!

Susan said...

Lots to smile about on today's post, Sandie. You are right. I would NOT want to be a teacher today with all the sugar-logged little urchins. It's hard enough to be a teacher when they are not all sugared-up.

I cannot, for the life of me, see a horse. Can you show us where it is, some other day?

Have a wonderful Friday. Susan

Sandee said...

I love them all. I still just see the frog and not the horse. It is what it is.

Have a terrific day and weekend. :)

TexWisGirl said...

so many cute ones. love the 'get off my ass' and the sweet golden banging his tail against noisy stuff. so true!

Gail Dixon said...

I always look forward to your Friday posts! A day brightener for sure. Your grandson is precious. Hope you have a delightful weekend!

Lynn said...

Love the mocking one! Hope you had a great Halloween:@)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I"m with Lynn. I like the mocking one, too! LOL

And I love that Harrod's is sitting on top of the WWW..


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh, that's the sweetest little face on that kitten! I want her!! Haha, like I really need another one!

I'm back from my blog break and hope to catch up one of these days. I've missed my blog friends!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the Wizard of Oz shoes!!! It took me awhile to find the horse. Yes a dog would probably eat the cupcake papers. Enjoy your weekend. Debby

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your 'something to think about' today… Think I need to put it on my sidebar sometime. Thanks!!!!

Love the squashed pug… And the one talking about eating the paper too is true when it comes to a dog!!!!

I love it when dogs love to wag their tails LOUDLY in order to wake you up in the mornings..



I used to have Wizard of Oz witches shoes like that (smaller version) in my garden years ago.

Terri D said...

You surely do know how to find THE BEST photos and tid-bits to share with us, Sandie!! Thanks for the chuckles!! Wishing you a great weekend, my friend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Finally, a pic of grandson!!! Did you get a pic of his costume, did he go Trick Or Treating? So you KNOW which pic is my favorite.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Cutie pie grandson..but I bet he is getting too old to be told that! Laugh out loud at the "are you mocking me" TOO FUNNY!

Marie said...

This post has it all! Love all the puppy dogs!

jack69 said...

Oh, Disco has friends? Disco is going to share Grandson? WOW!

I love the double intenioned pictures. I just used the Horse last week. That is a good one.

Great entry, all of it is good.

Love from South Carolina....

jack69 said...

Oh, Disco has friends? Disco is going to share Grandson? WOW!

I love the double intenioned pictures. I just used the Horse last week. That is a good one.

Great entry, all of it is good.

Love from South Carolina....

Lucy said...

Love the pictures of family. For some reason I thought you were a very small family. I am the baby of 9 kids. Love your blog. Lifts your spirit.

barbara l. hale said...

That pug up there was absolutely telling the truth! Fun stuff today. Thanks!

renae said...

Gibran's wisdom is vital. Great.

and ...What? Andy now has two pugs? What does Disco think about that; jealous, fun, worried, happy?

and ...I loved all of these animals and I forgot about the nightmare of Halloween day after crud. Oh no.

Have a tremendous weekend. ♥

Theresa said...

Thanks as always, for the smiles:). Enjoy your weekend dear friend. Hugs

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

All in all a great uplifting post

Ann said...

In that one picture I saw the horse before I saw the frog.

betty said...

Never did see the horse. Loved the corgi picture and the corgi with the corgi pillows. I would imagine it would be hard for a teacher the day after Halloween indeed!


Paula said...

I saw that horse. I like the plant growing through the board because I have growing through my deck.

Sharon said...

Oh, Sandie - you are such a delight. I enjoy Fridays with you so much. Thanks for the good laughs, and the good messages.

Have a great weekend!


Ms. A said...

This grammar nazi goes nuts with then and than.

Thanks for the smiles, it's been an awful past few days and a really awful last 12 hours.

Lee said...

A wonderful start to a weekend once again! :)

Nancy's Notes said...

Great picture of your granson and his new friends!

I've been away for quite some time and I'm happy I dropped in. Your blog is still wonderful.


Grandma Bonnie said...

It took me a while to see the horse in that photo. Thanks for the lift today!

Theresa Mahoney said...

I got a good laugh out of mooooom! He's touching me! As a mom and dog lover, I can so relate to that one!

Sweet Tea said...

I'm always a Sucker for dog photos. Thanks for indulging me!!

Unknown said...

Hi there! Hope you're having a good weekend. It is extremely windy here :( I like your funny cute pictures and your grandson looks happy with his new buddies.

Nancy said...

Love the coon hound -- we've had a few! :)

Donna said...

Your Grandson and the pugs is Adorable!!!
Thanks for the smiles!!

Suzan said...

Thank yo for your blessing!! Friday was a jungle of yahhhhning kids and sugar high kids!! But you get your best writings when you tell them to write about the strangest, ugliest, and funniest costumes of the night. Using all the adjectives possible to describe and you can not draw a picture of it or show an instagram of it :-}} As they read it to the class - another student has to draw it on the white/smart board!!
Nice shot your your Grandson!! He's a GREAT guy!!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
I love all the pics you have shared, but my favourite one is the beautiful white cat with gorgeous blue eyes.
I also enjoy looking at your handsome grandson with his new buddies.
Thank you for reminding us about the time change backwards in the Fall season!
I called my daughter on Sunday. My dear New York family were having lunch, while we were ready for an afternoon nap. We live under different time zones.
My grandson's 14th birthday is this coming wednesday, November 6th. I shall call him to wish him Happy Birthday! He still takes his Karate Lessons every week. He will be ready for his black belt test whenever his teacher tells him so. I guess he'll be able to take his test next year. I really want my grandson to get his black belt in martial arts. He has been doing it for many years.
I hope and pray your health improves, my dear friend, Sandie.
Have a blessed weekend and week ahead with your beloved ones!
God bless.

Laura S Reading said...

I needed a smile today. Thank you for providing MORE than one.

barbara woods said...

even tho i have you on gfc and blog lovin, i have to search for your blog

Unknown said...

As always, a fantastic post. Hope you're having an awesome weekend. Love you much. Sorry I've not been in touch, hon. Been quite ill, and had a lot going on in family.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Your grandson is so cute and looks like such a sweetheart! I know the joy he brings you daily! So, his teacher is grammar Nazi-I remember having one like that in 7th grade-
Hope your weekend is going well-

Inger said...

I love him with those pugs, looks like they found him. As usual, the rest is great too, inspiring and fun. Hope you got some rest today.

Mevely317 said...

Hiiiii again! Feel like Rip Van Winkle, just waking up from that long nap; and couldn't wait to scurry over here. As usual, you have me chuckling and shaking my head. Can you just imagine walking down the street and seeing those legs and ruby red slippers. (I'd probably be looking around for Alan Funt from Candid Camera - ha!)
Loved that picture-behind-the-picture. Wouldn't you love to see the original sometime?

Have yourself a beautiful new week!


Ida said...

Those pugs make me laugh, especially the squished one.

mail4rosey said...

Our teachers had PD day on Friday so no school. Brilliant planning, don't you think? bwuahaha

Willow said...

Oh you always get me smiling and excited to share your posts . Yes I did see the horse, took a minute but I am a horse woman after al .lol

Love Of Quilts said...

I saw the horse right off then I saw the frog.

Connie Arnold said...

Those are sure some fun ones! Thanks for sharing the smiles. Have a great week!

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, One of the many wonderful things about your posts is that you always give me something to smile about and a lesson to think about. I love the last saying.
Blessings dear and hugs, Catherine xo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

i came to sit and reflect tonight- thank you
tweedles mommy

Lynn said...

Love the corgi - I have a "nephew" in VA named Tucker. :) So love those ears.

Unknown said...

Ithink I lost my comment AGAIN! I just had to say I love the pug and I am never getting off my ass.

Annesphamily said...

I wish I had your talent here ! You attract everyone and everyone loves you! What a compliment to you as an incredibly warm and wonderful person!

That wagging doggy tail is Smokey! That silly dog has the longest tail and it is dangerous to all who get into his path!

Having lost our precious Roxanne this past Sunday my whole phamily is hurting.

I needed this smile. Thank you.