"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, December 04, 2013


If you are interested in joining/answering the questions - please join Joyce -
'From This Side of the Pond.'
She has a group of friends - who copy the questions and then answers them!  
It's lot of fun and we get to know each other a little better.

1. According to Oxford Dictionaries, the 2013 word of the year is 'selfie'. Your thoughts? When did you last take a selfie? Do you post them online somewhere?  Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind the lens?

I've never taken a selfie, but I've been hearing about them this year.  I have no plans to take a selfie!!! lol   I prefer to be BEHIND the camera lens for sure.  But then again, I do need a new blog picture!!!

2. Will you send out Christmas cards this year? If so, are they ready to go? If not, are you glad or sad about leaving that tradition behind?

I haven't sent cards out for a few years now.  I love that tradition, but it's expensive.  We'd send cards out and get them in - then you'd throw them away!  I year I did cut them out and make a collage.  It turned out pretty,  I figure I save a little money this way.

3. Do you trust easily?

No, I have to be honest - I don' trust easily.  I try - but there is a little part of me - that has a hard time with the trust issues. It's hard for me to let go.

4. Pine-cinnamon-peppermint-vanilla (as in sugar cookie)...of those listed, which one is your favorite December scent?

Vanilla!  Oh for Decimeter.  Well Cinnamon then.  I like peppermint too.  Can't make a decision - but I don't like pine because of allergies.

5. Did you do more talking or more listening yesterday? Was that by choice or necessity?

I did more listening for sure.  By choice and necessity.  It seems that is true everywhere I go.  Sometimes I do wish I would talk more - and people would want to listen.  I think that there is no greater gift!

6. What's the last song that got stuck in your head? Sorry if it's back there now :  )

"So This Is Christmas" because I just saw the movie on television and it was in a great show.  Christmas is not just supposed to be in December.  And Christmas is a way of living not just Christmas.

7. Which world explorer (in the whole history of the world) would you most like to have traveled with, and why? 

Explorer - that is hard.  I have studied them many many times and now a name escapes me.  So let me think - Okay I am back and the biggest explorer that comes to mind is Christopher Columbus.  I think it was wonderful to be able to be the discover of our country.  It would be wonderful to follow it all the way through now.  See the progress.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

The last two weeks have been a BIG learning experience for me.  My son and his family came home for a visit and I will say it did not go as I had hoped or what I had prayed for to happen. My family is very dysfunctional - and I am including myself in that mix. And nothing much changed.

However, there was a huge bright side to it - brought to me by my grandson and his loyalty to his grandma.   Let me say his actions spoke volumes one particular night - yet he said not a word. My daughter was able to to calmly take a stand as well and got some things off her chest in a kind and loving way.  Long story.

I can tell you this - God works in mysterious ways and on His timing for answers to prayers.  A  prayer that I had for 50 years was answered.

This week my grandson got sick - and is still sick.  He'll probably miss all week of school. He has strep throat AND the flu.  We all had the flu shot yet I heard it wasn't the strain of flu that came!



Fluids and Medicines - I'm trying to get him to eat something - to no avail. 

Sick grandson

Sleepy dog!

Anyway this is what I have been doing and where I've been the last two weeks!!

Love, Chatty


I think this was from Jack/Shipslog. 


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Awwwwwww... I hope everyone gets to feeling better very soon.

I felt funny, but nipped it in the bud! You stay well!



Paula said...

Wishing your grandson well. I've been seeing the word Selfie around lately. Funny!

Melanie said...

So sorry your grandson is sick. :-( I hope he'll be feeling better very soon!!
And I'm sorry you had family issues too...that is never fun.
Hugs to you, my friend.♥

Sandee said...

I hope your grandson feels better soon. I always feel so helpless when our babies are sick.

All families have issues. All of them. You either cope with them or eliminate them. I've not seen my brother in years nor do I want to. Hateful and toxic. Our family events are so peaceful now.

Love the laugh and the lift.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥

Lynn said...

I hope everyone gets well soon, there's just too much to do this time of year to be sick! Love the laugh, poor little kitty, but he looks happy though:@)

Lucy said...

I hope your grandson feels better soon. I sympathize cause I have felt lousy for about a week and it is not fun. I have , as you know , with my son. I tried and failed at a suggestion that we start over.I had given up and then heard his c=voice on a short video and I needed to try again . It did not work so that is all I can do. Love the funny stuff. Tou make my day.

Lucy said...

I should have previewed before I posted and didn't.

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry to hear hubby under the weather yukie sickness in winter occurs.

Same as Grandchild hope he gets well soon.

I see selfie also but I have been a selfie myself.

I used to not like pictures taken. I am over it.

Trust people. Know what you mean.

So many people are users and when they are through. They throw them away like a wet rag.Hard to find real friends and true friends.

Cards for Christmas. Have not started yet.

Not many people send. All because of the email snding is the thing and the cost of stamps and parcles sending. So expensive for everyone.

I do use Christmas cards in some projects I do like you. Mostly last years cards.

Families. I can understand with strangers but families .
I can never figure it out. If they are acting childish. Not worth intertaining. Walk away. Like the lady said. Her brother. His loss.

I like your funnies as usual.

Trying to rememebr all asked on your blog.

I will go out for now and go check and continue back..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry you have a sick boy, watch disco, dogs can catch flu to.. hope he feels better soon... i am thinking there are NO family's left that are not dysfunctional. what we all call dysfunctional is truly normal because all families are that way. the only difference is that some hide it from the public

Anonymous said...

I am back.
I love smell of vanallia cookies and I love to eat them or two. Ha-ha.

Yesterday I actually listened.

I agree Christmas is the way of Living . Not just on Christmas.

I got an answer of prayer from a family member and it blew my mind as what he really though and then spoke.

So self centered. What he said will come back to him in later years and it will break his heart he ever said that.

So how did I do to answer most of your questions.

Have a nice day Sandie.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm sorry your g'son is sick. Hope he kicks the flu bug to the curb real soon and can get back to school.

Sorry, too, that the visit didn't go as you'd hoped. That is always rough. Just remember...it's them and not you! Some folks just don't want to get along. My in-laws are like that.


renae said...

Oh too many pictures of solemn pains and aches. I sure pray you'll all get well and no more sickness!

I love the laugh! Oh poor little meow-meow. I almost didn't see that cat at all. Is the dog's name "Houston"!? hahahahaha

The lift is true, too!

Grandson, get better (hug)

Ms. A said...

I try to avoid having my photo taken. I much prefer to be behind the lens and I'm not very trusting.

Hope grandson gets well soon! One of the few things I knew I could get down my kids when they were sick, was popsicles.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I've never seen such a sad house that looks so precious! Disco and grandson, I don't know which is cuter or more pathetic! I really am sorry abut your hubby. It is MUCH harder to be sick and recover when you are as old as we are. BUT now perhaps you will all be over it for Christmas. I am so glad for your answered prayer. and I have the time if you would like to tell me! I think your family is not unusual!!! There are many families like this, and Christmas is more often a time of stress rather than a happy get together. I still have to do cards and may take a day or two off blogging to get them done, we have over 70.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Sickness in the family sucks so I hope all are feeling better sooner rather than later.

I suck at taking a selfie have tried it and sucked so can't see the point although my daughter takes bloody great photos of herself

Nonnie said...

I'm sorry to hear that your grandson has been sick and the visit wasn't great. I don't understand these kinds of things. You look around and read blogs, and on the surface everything looks so wonderful. But the sad truth is, there are issues in everybody's families. I have been missing you. We have been dealing with "stuff" too. God bless you. Sweet to hear your grandson standing with you. Love, Connie

Merlesworld said...

1.I take selfies always disappointed.
4.not sure
6.Rawhide is always there
7.Not Scott .
8.empty this morning
Hope all are feeling better soon.

Preppy Empty Nester said...

I think every family has issues. Hope your grandson feels better soon. Take good care of sweet little Disco!!!

Shelly said...

I'm so sorry the visit didn't go as you had hoped, but what a lovely thing your grandson did for you. That's worth more than gold.

jack69 said...

How sweet is that? An answered prayer, ONLY 50 yrs in the making. Now yougive me hope. THANKS..
Hope all gets better, Man I think Strep is the worst I EVER felt in my life... Hoe the GS is better SOON!
Good read. I always love your answers.

Inger said...

It's so nice to see you here again. I hope the kid feels better soon. Take care, my friend.

Ann said...

Hope everyone there is feeling better soon.

Joyce said...

So glad you had a long awaited answer to prayer! And I do hope everyone feels better soon at your house. Take care of yourself too!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I always enjoy your answers to the questions each week. So sorry GS is sick and hope he is better soon and that no one else gets sick. I am so glad that some answers were given to you and prayers answered. Always have you and your family in my prayers my sweet friend. Hugs, Linda

Willow said...

Sounds like your a very good gramma, nothing better than a loving gramma when your sick .

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Life is not perfect...we all know that but not many share it, Sandie. You are the best...stay as you are!...:)JP

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh, so sorry for the visit from Mr FLU. I do not like that guest at all! We are dysfunctional too- I think everyone is. Have a great weekend!

Lee said...

I hope you're all feeling back at 100 per cent fitness as I write, Sandie.

As for the first question...I never take selfies...and I stop others from taking selfies of myself...I hate photos of me-self! ;)

betty said...

Oh, I do hope that your grandson feels better soon, Sandie. A double whammy with the strep throat and flu! Praise God for the prayer of 50 years to be answered; God's timing is always right. I think there are a lot of dysfunctional families out there; I do hope though that the issues with the visit get resolved on the next visit when there is one.

Do take care of yourself; don't get too run down and get yourself sick!

I'm with you about trusting people; it is hard for me to trust.


Terri D said...

Sorry you are dealing with sickness AND dysfunction. Every family has their dysfunctional moments, but it is sad when things don't get better. I'm glad your prayer of 50 years was answered!! Hugs.


LOVE that last quote about PEACE. Hope the grandson feels better soon.

Dar said...

Never fun being sick...especially when our little ones hurt.
Stay on the Healthy side of the day.
I think your daughter and grandson made your heart grow that day...what a blessing.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Gosh I hope everyone gets to feeling better soon. Its no fun to be sick.
So good to hear a prayer was answered,,,,,, and so good to hear you say how you are feeling..

You stay well- and give yourself rest--

Annesphamily said...

Aw....darn it! I hate to see everyone get sick. That sweet grandson looks so miserable. But he has to eat something! He is so thin to begin with. He needs some chicken soup, homemade. They say it is a cure all. As far as phamily goes the old saying "We can pick our friends but not our phamily!" I am glad you are ok. Take care sweet friend. Hugs , Anne

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Hi Dear Sandie-
I hope you have not gotten the flu too. It is hard when the Mom gets sick because she has to take care of everyone.
You know how I feel about dysfunctional-it's the new normal!!

Carol said...

Oh my, your Andy looks just miserable! I hope by now he is eating something and feeling much better. I also hope it skips everyone else in your family, especially you. I'm sorry your family gathering did not go as you hoped, but proud of your daughter for being able to speak up in kind way and for your grandson's actions. I think every family is dysfunctional to some degree. The President of my church once said we all want a Norman Rockwell family but being human it seldom happens. The "peace" quote is the key to everything I think.
1. behind the lens
2. no, sadly--I miss getting and sending cards but the expense is too much for most of us.
3. yes
4. cinnamon -- we just made cinnamon ornaments for our tree.
5. listened
6.We All Live In A Yellow Submarine --my granddaughter has a "Beatles For Babies" CD and she wants to hear that song over and over :)
7. No explorer -- I'm a wuss
8. Disco's blankets are so cheery! I love polka-dots.
I wish you peace, happiness & good health to you and yours.

Sharon said...

Tell GS that I understand his pain - I was sick with the flu, too. It's not fun. And, it looks like Disco is suffering, too - he misses his boy. Prayers for a turnaround quickly, and that soon those two will be playing together again.

Thanks for what you shared today - especially the last quote about peace. Yup, I really needed to hear that tonight.

Thinking of all of you!


Sharon said...

Oh, the questions!

1. Never taken a selfie. And I'm not particularly fond of having others take pictures of selfie. Much prefer to be behind the lens.

2. Yes, planning to send out cards. No, they are not ready. Now I'm stressed...

3. No, not at all. Even with God. I'm working on it.

4. Cinnamon.

5. Well, probably listening. But, I made up for it today - did a lot of talking! Lunch with girlfriends, dinner with son and his wife. Yak, yak, yak.

6. This is ridiculous - but my youngest son keeps playing this dumb YouTube song - "What Does the Fox Say?" - a very weird video, but a catchy (and annoying) tune. It will NOT get out of my head. Like now. Again.

7. Maybe Magellan - isn't he the explorer that circumnavigated the world? What an adventure that was!!

8. And yes, I have also recently had an answer to prayer that I never anticipated. God does work - and we are graced by His power.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - I hope everyone recovers soon ... and it sounds like your son's visit might have let a little light in and aired some feelings - for the future better I hope.

Selfie - no = dreadful!!!! I do send cards and am about to settle and do them .. I doubt I'll stop - the personal note is important for keeping in touch ..

Mincepies et al = Christmas scents!

For the rest .. oh well - cards come first! Cheers Hilary

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Family visits are not always what we hope for but still a visit is better than nothing. With my large family you never know how things will go but still I love each and everyone of them. Hope that flu doesn't travel around to all of you. It is miserable. My favorite scent for the season is pine. I no longer get a real tree and love the smell of them. I do still send out cards to family and friends. Christmas would be the same without them for me.

Granny Annie said...

I am determined to send Christmas cards and bought them well ahead of November. But I have yet to write a single one. It was important to be in touch with all those people who wrote me when Ron died but I can't seem to find the words or the energy to pick up a pen. Maybe it will hit me in a sudden burst. I'm ready if and when it does.

Changes in the wind said...

Hope all are well soon:)

Cheri said...

Sorry to hear you have a sick household, Sandie. Hope everyone gets better real soon. Most of your answers were the same that I would have said. Great minds...

Lynn said...

I hope your grandson feels better soon!

Someone just showed me how to take a selfie, but I've never done it.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Sounds like you're handling it well. Bet you even know how to put the fun in dysfunctional when it's called for! And I DID laugh at the squashed kitty photo!

Susan said...

Ohhhhhh, Sandie. Andy does look like a sick puppy. Poor dear. Soooo glad he has his Grandma to take care of him.

My hubs would NEVER let me take his photo. ha! Your hubs was a good sport.

Take care and hope things get better SOON. Hugs. Susan

Theresa Mahoney said...

I definitely like to be behind the camera! I do not photograph well. I do not take selfies either. When I need a face shot, that's what my kids are for lol. Thought THEY love taking selfies. I find a ton of theirs on my phone!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the visit did not go as you had hoped. I hope that things improve between everyone.

Mevely317 said...

Sure enjoyed your answers, Sandie! I'm right there with you on the "best" scents of December!

Sorry to hear Andy's under the weather ... and your son's visit was less than hoped-for. But don't stop believing! OK? OK!

PS - Is that a photo of YOU on the wall over Andy's head?


PS - Oh, you questioned what I was writing about on FB today? This is the 32nd anniversary of the day my precious daddy died unexpectedly.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I do love sending out Christmas cards but I haven't started on them yet. I recycle the ones we receive after Christmas. I like that song, they play it often on the radio right now. Sorry the visit didn't go as planned or what you had hoped for but glad you got your answered prayer after 50 years of asking.