Okay my friends - it's Friday again. I have been thinking. I had a gal blogger friend write me and she suggested I take some time for myself. Have a me day once in awhile. Thanks Arlene. I think she is right. A Chatty/Sandie day.
She suggested for me "to drive down a road I have never been. Put on your favorite music and dance like you did when you were a
teenager. Make plans to go to a city where you
have never been. Bring an adventurous friend who won't tell tales. Make a
Banana Split and don't feel guilty of the waste if you can't finish it.
Likewise, if you do finish it, smile wide and don't feel guilty about the waist."
Well about ten years ago I was starting to do that. I never went way wild - but I would try to do some new things I had never done before. Massages, nails, hair color, I would go and visit different restaurants with friends - I even started my blog!
I admit the longer I have gone the less and less I am doing for myself - again. I have so much going on these days - I am starting to take life to seriously. I can feel it. Maybe I should take a look again about putting in some time for me - doing something new.
Now of course I don't mean go hog-wild, but knowing myself I don't think I will do that! lol
Do you do things just for yourself? And if so,
I asked Nancy if I could borrow this picture - I saw it on her blog and I just felt thrilled when I saw it.
Wouldn't that be a great spot to start going and seeing what is along the way?
I wonder what is at the other end?
Thanks Lee.
Isn't this the most gorgeous photo - the heart and my favorite color?
“Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands- a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world.”
I can see God here - can you? Gorgeous!
The Earring
A man is at work one day when he notices that his co-worker is wearing an earring.
This man knows his co-worker to be a normally conservative fellow and is curious about his sudden change in 'fashion sense.'
The man walks up to him and says, 'I didn't know you were into earrings.'
Don't make such a big deal, it's only an earring,' he replies sheepishly.
His friend falls silent for a few minutes, but then his curiosity prods him to say, "So, how long have you been wearing one?"
"Ever since my wife found it in my car."
(I always wondered how this trend got started.)
Thanks Jenn
Thanks Terri
Remember to tell me what you are going to do this weekend that is just for fun?

Disco says hello!
Love, Chatty Crone and friends . . .
What a delightful post, as always.
I do lots of stuff for myself. I get my hair colored once a month. Hide the gray. I get highlights every 3-4 months.
I get my nails done and a pedicure every two weeks.
I go to our boat and enjoy reading and the quiet of the marina.
I spent years not doing for me, and now I do for me.
Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs and tons of scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥
Let us know how things work out with doing things for yourself.
i so enjoyed this post!
thanks for the smiles-happy friday my wonderful friend!
Oh gosh, I think I am in the same rut you find yourself in. I love going for drives and finding a new-to-me road and learning where it goes. Perhaps gas prices will ease...
Always fun to see the cartoons here...
you always make my day, doing for ones self is satisfying,
Do for myself? Hmmmmm... let me think? Coffee! Yeah, my coffee. I can't think of anything else at the moment.
One thing I recently did just for me was get a 2nd piercing in my ears. I have always wanted to wear a stud and a loop or dangly earring both and now I can. And I totally love it. With the way my hair is cut, most people don't even really see it. But it was just something I wanted and I know its there. :)
If you have never tried it at least once in your life, Sandie, you should ride on the back of a big... black... badas*... Harley-Davidson motorcycle...
...with an experienced biker who has an earring in one ear & a doo rag on his head.
At least once. :-)
Just my (never to be) impartial opinion. *lol*
Hope for many many "I love life" moments *just for you* to come~ Andrea
love the tiger.. and disco is so adorable. as always.
i do for me every day...but i am easy to please, reading in my Kindle is my thing for me. and playing on pizap.
i agree with doing what you want to do, so figure out what you want to do and do it... could be anything, what ever makes you happy...
i must say though if it cost money you will end up stressing yourself out. or it would me. spending money adds stress, when i look for something for me, i look for something cheap... but if the money doesn't bother you go for whatever it is. one of the bloggers goes to movies by herself because she loves them... what do YOU like to do. let us all know.
For myself? A cup of coffee and a book in my favorite chair by the window! A great escape.
I think yes, you do need some time for yourself. Be sure to post pics of where that lovely road ends. I myself am thinking this summer to take a trip down memory lane and visit old home places and friends and family I haven't seen in years.
My favorite pic today above was of Disco. :-)
Another Friday of some good and funny things...love all the animal ones the best.
Get back to thinking of YOU. Go hog wild if that is what you want to do. We all need to do some things for ourselves and that is not being selfish...it is being real.
I enjoyed all of this. Just got on. Had more company drop in for Sid's Birthday.
Have a fab Day Sandy
Hi Disco!!
You need to put that car in gear and head it south to Lakeland, FL, Sandie!! (With you in it, of course!)
Happy Friday!! Thanks for the giggles!
I checked in for one second ( I have to return a rental car), and I saw you had posted! Loved this. Those pugs!!! Sooooooo cute!
I am exhausted. Long story, but I decided I need to have more me days, too. After I finish the last of my spring commitments, I hope it will happen. In the mean time I am going for a mocha frappuchino.
Hey, Disco! Bye, Disco! xo
Hi Sandie! Hi Disco!
Cute post.
What do I do for myself? Well, today I swam for 45 minutes at the girls club pool and stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a hot coffee on the way home. Delish.
Have also worked on organizing some of my dollhouse miniatures (always a fun thing to do.)
So today I'm doing pretty well in the "be good to me" department.
How about you? Susan
Another puggy!
I run - that's the thing I consistently do for myself. Oh and reading books! :-)
I truly love visiting here ! :))
I do a lot of work on the farm , taking pictures and blogging about it sharing it are a way I tie it all in to fun ~ so that counts as doing things for myself right ? :)
Great advice from your friend. I know you are leading the kind of life you CHOSE ---but I'm one who would really struggle if my adult kids/families were living with me... Guess I'm pretty selfish in my old age... When one gets our age --we especially need time for us.. That's why we spend our lives up to this point doing so much for others... It's the time in our life that we NEED to do things for us...
Take that road (in the photo). It will lead you to a gorgeous cabin where you can sit on the porch, drink something hot and just do what you WANT to do!!!!! Do it, Sandie. Take time just for YOU....
Love the one today talking about the earring... ha ha
I have a fun weekend planned...weather permitting. I'm trying to get the garage unpacked and organized before the really, really hot weather. :) I have to work for short periods at a time because my back starts bothering me after a while. Pray for rain...then I'll take a nap instead (which is a lot more fun).
You KNOW how I feel about time for yourself and enjoying life...do it...just do it!!!...:)JP
A happy way to start my Saturday...my weekend! Thanks Sandie.
I guess as I live alone with my two furry four-legged rascals every day is my own...I only do for them and for me most days.
I'm not into getting my nails done. I do them myself. I never wear nail polish - I just don't like it...on me, at least. I don't get my hair coloured because I like the natural grey that it is.
But I am into treating myself and doing what I enjoy doing...and that be something as simple as just relaxing reading, writing or watching a movie - chilling out...especially on rainy days...I love rainy days...and nights!
Have a wonderful weekend, Sandie...doing what makes you happy. :)
I got a kick out of the Pugs. Like the jokes and philosophy.
The road is gorgeous.
Yes you should do something for yourself.
About now, what we do, sherry & I, is for us. BUT we are retired. No kids or grand kids to watch or take care of...
I know you wouldn't go wild.......
WOULD YOU? lol fROM WHAT YOU HAVE SAID YOU HAVE A GOOD LIFE. A great family. Dat's good!
Love from Florida...
Every now and again I do something just because I want to it's always fun.
I get a 30 minute massage almost every week on Thursday morning. As for this week-end I hope to go for a drive looking at wild flowers. Love all your pictures.
Awesome post. This weekend, I am going to my nephews soccer game.
Today was a "just for me" day. I took the day off work and went shopping.
Good advice, my dear friend. I was just given that same advice from a respected and much valued person in my life. She said I needed to go somewhere by myself and see who showed up in the person of me. She is right. I am thinking I will do it. You need to follow that same advice. We must do self care.
The quote at the top of the page is one I heard on a radio program yesterday. I had my phone with me and so I told Siri to take a note. She is good for that. So, just yesterday, I noted that quote as one I did not want to forget.
I think you and I are on the same wave length. Take some time for yourself. Remember the importance of joy.
HI Chatty, I'm having the Grands here for a couple weeks on spring break - I think I'll try to see things through a child's eyes - I haven't done that for awhile. (My eyes are getting pretty old!) I like following a path I've never been on before and seeing where it will lead. (I like the banana split idea, too!)
Whatever it is you decide to do, just have fun! Happy Spring:@)
The pug butterfly is hilarious!!!!!! Just for me...that would be tomorrow, when I am going to a mock-up French village!
Disco is cute as pie. ENJOY! whatever you do. I'm going to a restaurant I've never been too.
That picture of the dog with butterfly wings is priceless! I need some of those for my dog.
I hope you find something fun to do just for you.
I agree with your friend, it is so important to do something just for your self. If you don't take the time out...time will pass you by. I always say if we really want to be good for others we first have to take time to be good to ourselves.
What an enjoyable share, Sandie! ... a timely prompt as well.
Ahhh, many years ago I became caught up in "doing for me" ... and wound up sacrificing lots I held dear. TMI? There's always a middle-ground, isn't there? At any rate, I think I did a 360-degree turn-about. Now that DH's so much better I'm going to think about treating myself every now and then. In moderation, I suspect I'll enjoy it more. Moderation's a GOOD thing, don't-cha think?
Have a great weekend!
I loved the picture of the tulips growing in the snow, yes I can see God there, and I loved the picture of the country road; I too wonder where it is going.
I do think we need to take time for ourselves and go a bit wild, whatever wild might be for us, even if it is just something simply sitting reading a book uninterrupted without feeling like we have to jump up to clean something or unstack the dishwasher, etc. I hope you find something that you do for yourself Sandie and then keep doing it despite everything else you have going on!
Great post, Sandie. I have a hard time doing things for JUST ME, too. Not in my nature, I guess. What a fun post- xo Diana
Miss Chatty, How have you been?
I was thinking that after you take your little ride down the lane with the 4-board fence and the gorgeous trees?......well, I was thinking it is time for me to do the same thing!!!!I need a little wake up call. I need to start thinking about trying to be better with this Fibromyalgia and I think I need a new hobby or pick up on an old one. I need to think that my two married children are okay and doing well and I must stop worrying about them and think more about Jim and me.
So, that is what I have taken from your post today. Not that I didn't enjoy the rest, I did....but thanks for steering me in the right direction.
Good wishes,
I do hope you take that advice and take time for yourself, Sandie! Do it often. You do so much for others and it's not at all selfish to want time for yourself to pursue your own interests. I love blogging, but only post 3 times a week, usually, and have had to cut back on commenting because it just takes too much time away from those things I like to do and need to do. I'm hoping to figure out how to do it all somehow. Now that spring is here, I'll be wanting to be outside more. So I'll either take a blog break again or just cut back even more. Have a wonderful weekend and take care. And have fun if you decide to drive down that new road!
Love your post, Sandie! Of course, I always do and I'm always smiling when I leave! Today, we are heading to the island for a couple of days. It's to hit 90! The one thing I do for myself, I drive around and hit antique stores!
Have a wonderful Saturday~
It's been way too long since I've stopped by to say hello....
Enjoyed this delightful post. And yes, I agree...always take time for yourself. It's important. Even if it's just sitting on the porch or patio or even by a sunlit window with a cup of hot tea and enjoying the silence and view.
I would miss the cartoons and sayings you have on here. It perks me up. You probably would not stay away very long but I will just
say I would miss it. Some of your comenters, like me would miss the jokes. I signed up for Windstream and Dish.I know it won't be as good as TWC but at least I have moey enough to pay it.
Your friend is right - we all need time to ourselves sometimes!! It's the key to a happy and healthy life.
Hey Chatty. I think taking time for you and doing what makes you feel good is a fab idea. I got to do the same. Weird how that easily gets lost. I can't wait for warmer temps. My favorite thing to do that pumps me...is hike the trails in the mountains and woods. Happy Weekend, Bud....hope it's the best.
About 2 yrs ago, I decided it was ok to go to the movies alone. Hubby doesn't like to go and my daughter wasn't always available. First time I felt a little funny, but then I realized no one was paying any attention to me. So, I have been going ever since! Hope you take care of yourself in some special ways!
Retired English Teacher said it all, " Remember the importance of joy."
Sandi, we all have responsibilities, we all have people and things we need and want to care for, and we all want some peace and joy in our lives. We just have to plan for all and even though it might be difficult to manage, it is about taking that first small step towards our dreams. It looks like you are looking down a beautiful road, so maybe this is the moment to put the pedal to the metal and see what is around the bend.
"Going wild" means different things to different people. I hope not to see you on a viral You Tube video, but then again, why not?
I'll never be sad about diminishing eyesight again, hahaha
You've got some beautiful pictures up here, and some funny ones too. :)
Have a great week, and good luck finding something for you that you love, that doesn't upset your healthy balance. :)
Delightful, as always, Sandie.
Blessings and Bear hugs!
That was the wonderful thing about Ron. He would have seen that road and gone down it to find where it went.
I wish I was sitting in my car driving down that road right now!
It has been a while since I stopped by, and I am so glad I did. I hope you dance on new roads and tell us all about it.
I always do for others, but this week I did something just for me which I would never do. I found a little pullover shirt I really liked and bought one in every color. I can't believe I did it, but I am glad I did.
Yesterday evening we went to our daughter's school to see her dance in a show. It was a real proud parent moment.
I totally agree about doing something new and different, even if it just to drive down a road you've never been down before. You just never know what's at the end!
Hi Sandie .. I love getting out and about and being able to share times with friends ..
Great fun photos as usual .. and I love Disco's welcome at the end!
I hope you can take some of that time for you ... enjoy your choices ..
Cheers Hilary
I would love to ride down that tree lined road and see what I could see. The nicest part would be the freedom to stop whenever I wanted and explore! :-)
Hello my friend hope your weekend has been nice.
Some beautiful pictures there, like the one with the heart
I loved that tulip picture best. Its so gorgeous. Hope you've had a good week. Spring is on the way here ....3 more days before a little warmth....near 60 then. hurray! =)
One of the things I do for me is visit your blog. It always makes me smile.
The last 3 weeks I've been inundated with life - Mom broke her hip. Yesterday, I took a bit of me time and shopped for summer clothes. Bargain hunting always cheers me up.
Susan :)
Hi Disco!! Such a cutie!
I like that earing story!!! It WAS a laugh out loud!!
I keep telling Danny he should get his ears pierced. He laughs!! Don't know what I'd do if he did get one pierced!!
Have a great week Sandie --
Spring Break is around the corner!!
The best thing that I do for myself is distance myself from negative people. I don't mean people with a legitimate complaint, but those who never seem to be happy with anything.
I take care of what needs to be done, but a spotless house isn't what makes me happy. Creating through crafts, playing with my grandson, and finding things to laugh at make me happy. When I am happy, the people around me seem to be happier. Both negativity and cheerfulness can be contagious. If I'm going to spread anything, I hope it will be joy.
Days for yourself are important. And I make sure I have them every once in a while. Disco looks a bit scared there on top of that tiger with a flower in its mouth.
Arlene is right on target...you need a Sandie Day...even if it is just a bubble bath and nap day in a new pair of PJ's with a no disturb sign on the door...:) I am thinking of doing that myself ;)
Loved the pictures and captions at the bottom.
For myself? I give myself a break sometimes....some free time, or time in the hammock chair in warm weather, look at Pinterest....
Love that earring story. Now I understand a few of my male friends who wear one earring!
I try to do something totally new at least once a month. In November, my sister, daughter and I went to a shop to make beer and root beer - totally fun and delicious.
I just took an Aqua Zumba class - totally fun, but I haven't been able to make it back due to scheduling, road trips, etc. I think I need to go this Friday.
Hi Sandie,
I love your Friday's posts,
especially this one, because
you speak about doing something
for yourself...
I agree with Betsy!
She said the exact words that
I would say to you.
When we are younger, we do everything for our children.
Now, it is about time for us.
Yes! You should take time off,
and do whatever pleases you.
Well, what did I do last weekend?
I did what I had been doing lately, sit back, relax,
and enjoy the outdoors with hubby.
He loves to cook barbecues
on Sundays. Our 3 cats are watching and asking for a bite...
I think I became more selfish when I got older, because I felt that I would have less time in my life to live a better kind of life...
So, I guess I have lived an adventurous sort of life after
I matured into an old age.
I think age is in one's mind.
I have struggled for survival for many years. Then, I could
not afford to lose any moment.
Life is too short. So, let's live
each day to the fullest, as if
it were your last...
It is easy to say than done.
Anyway, try your best, Sandie,
you are not going to lose anything. Your life is yours,
and choose the best for you.
I wrote my last post for 2014 in My Journal Blog. It is about fingerprints of childhood memories, and what was left in my mind after I grew older.
My dreams of childhood are still there, no matter what.
There is nothing wrong with dreaming for a better world.
I hope you can visit me there,
and say something about it...
Well, it's bedtime for me.
God bless you, Sandie, family,
and beloved ones.
You are a super friend.
Loving the Puggerpillow...Hahaaaa
I have to admit that I'm not real good about taking time for myself. I read a lot, so that might count. But as far as doing something that's a *treat*? No, not so good. Sometimes my problem is that I don't think I deserve it.
Maybe you could do a post with some good ideas about easy ways to pamper ourselves?
(Hi Disco!!)
Sandie, I loved it all! At the end of the road is a pretty little cozy cottage where a loving mother lives waiting to welcome you. *sigh*
My cage has been seriously rattled.
I gotta get a grip! :)
You always have the most beautiful photos!
We all must find a small amount of time daily to do for ourselves-a little walk, a few minutes in solitude is important. I have a book on solitude and it stresses the importance of it for our well being.
You push yourself way too hard.
Find some spot away from it all today and know how much you mean to us!
Hi Sandie. Yes I think those were good word of advice for you. Sometimes it's good to get away from everything that pulls at us in every direction. I like to get in the car and drive around our rural area, just looking at the beautiful farms, hills, and rivers - and stopping now and then to take pictures - which I often end up using on my blog. Also when you're alone it helps you think more clearly and have time to focus on the things that really matter, to ponder God's word, and to pray for people. Blessings dear friend.
I love it, Sandie (... suggested for me "to drive down a road I have never been. Put on your favorite music and dance like you did when you were a teenager. Make plans to go to a city where you have never been. Bring an adventurous friend who won't tell tales.")
I did that once when I got my maxed out department store card account paid off. It was some of what I got out of 13 years of marriage. But my VW Bug sucked a valve about 120 miles away, 300 plus from my destination of Corpus Christi.
I will loan you my '98 Ford Mustang GT convertible if you decide to do that. It would be a fun ride, even 'funner' depending on who you pick to be with you (I was alone that day).
Oh, the pugerpillar has me giggling so hard! You know I loves me some good pug pictures!
Dear Sandie, I apologize for being so in visiting. I suppose life for me too is getting a bit much.
I think it is wonderful that you recognize the fact that your life is getting a bit much and will take the time to care for yourself and help you get back on track and feeling better.
Whatever makes you happier and feeling a bit better try to incorporate in your day. Even if it is a good cup of coffee or tea.
I hope you feel better soon. I wish you lived closer.
Blessings dearest. Catherine xo
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