I borrowed this from A Sparrow's Blog - This is at Salem University.
Come take a walk with me this weekend as we celebrate Easter.
TODAY THIS POST WILL BE IN THE PINK - for my friend Renea at Simply Sequins.
“Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands- a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world.”
“It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised. The mosquito is swatted.”
Keep the following info in mind as you slide deeper into "senior
I know you have been lying awake at night wondering why baby diapers have brand names such as
"Luv" "Huggies", and "Pampers', while undergarments for old people are called "Depends".
Well, here is the low-down on the whole thing.
When babies mess in their pants, people are still gonna luv'em, Hug 'em and Pamper 'em.
When old people mess in their pants, what happens next "Depends" on who's in the will!
Glad I was able to get that straightened out for you.
Okay see the above picture - Renea and I both want to tell you - LIVE NOW - and have fun. Go for the ride.
This looks like ole chatty today.
Thanks Lee.
Matching smiles?
30 Things To Start Doing For Yourself. Some are good some are so so - but it might give you some ideas.
DISCO dreaming about Easter (this is not the real Disco):

My Dear Friend,
I want to live and be free just like those kids racing down hill-
Wishing you a Blessed Good Friday and a wonderful Easter.
We have much to be hopeful for
Christ Has Risen!
With love,
Oh Sweet Chatty/Sandie!
#1. Thanks for all the pink-love! You are awesome.
#2. Courage is deep inside each of us.
#3. Enjoy the roller coaster, because it goes by really fast.
MY LOVE TO YOU TODAY AND EACH DAY, but especially today!
Hi Cutie, How are you??? We are fine other than the fact that I've had a horribly sore throat this week (allergies I think)... NO FUN.
Love the Joel Osteen quote--about being QUIET.. Great advice.
I laughed at the Diapers and Depends one... HA HA
Beautiful photo from Salem University... Wonder where that is????
Happy Easter and Happy Spring to YOU.
Love that new selfie!!!! LOL! You must be exhausted. Perhaps life will slow down just enough for you to thoroughly enjoy. Happy Easter, Sandie!...:)JP
I love all the spring blossoms. They make me smile.
Loved the 30 things too. Excellent.
Diapers and Depends? Bwahahahahahahahahaha. So very true.
Have a blessed day and weekend honey. Big hugs to you and scritches to Disco. ♥♥♥
So good to see you, Sandie! I hope you have a wonderful (and restful!) Easter.
I like the diaper and depends joke because it is so close to true it isn't even funny. Nice Easter to you Sandie.
OMG, I'll be chuckling all day after this post! Thanks for the low down on the depends, and have a great Good Friday!
I always enjoy your positive and funny and meaningful Blog! Happy Easter!
LOVE them all. But especially like the smiles.
I LOVE THOSE MATCHING SMILES> and HOOTCH dog is one of my favorite dgos and movies... of course he doesn't wear clothes. LOL
i want to live my life so i will not be riding in that wagon.
Happy Easter! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Lots of fun stuff today. I like the hobbies one :-)
Happy Easter Sandie!
Depends.....too funny! Love the joke on my hobbies, I have to post that on Facebook. That is so me! Have a beautiful Easter. HE HAS RISEN INDEED.....
A very fun beautiful post.
Enjoy the sunshine today- if you have some
Lovely post, my dear Sandie.
Loved that list of all the things to start doing!
Hope each moment of your day today is filled with peace. Susan
I am so stealing that photo about Pinterest and shopping carts...so me!! LOL
As always, thanks for the chuckles on Friday!!
Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter weekend!
I love the squirrel! Happy Easter Sandie-enjoy:@)
Happy Easter dear Chatty.
Hi Sandie! I love the Pinterest one, that is so me. haha! Wishing you a blessed and joyful Easter!
G'day there, Sandie! I hope you have a very nice Easter...with lots of chocolate at easy reach! :)
Fun, fun, fun. Have a beautiful Easter.
l Love the picture of the kids racing down the hill but there is always the sudden stop at the end unless you chose your hill carefully.
happy easter
Happy Easter my dear friend!
hugs, Linda
Happy Easter and thanks for the thoughts today. You and Renae are so right- enjoy the ride of life each and every day!
Those kids make me laugh every time. I like the matching smiles, too. You have a blessed Easter weekend.
I hope that you get a chance to relax. Happy Easter !
Late getting here, always love the read. Yes it is a wonderful time of the year. He Lives.
I like the senior thingee...
OH I sure did like the matching smiles...
Love from North Carolina and hope you have a great Easter...
(Loved Disco's dream!) LOL
When we are young, we take that ride in the wagon with total abandonment. When we age, we realize that riding in a nice safe car and knowing where we are going is more comfortable.
I like comfy at this point, but that does not mean that I can't rev my engines now and then.
Have a wonderful Easter, Sandi.
Happy Easter!
LOL about the Depends explanation; lots of truth in that though, isn't there? Such a beautiful picture with the pink blossoms! I am so glad we have the hope because of what Jesus did for us on Good Friday!
I LOVE that last sign by Joel Olsteen!! I was thinking that today when listening to a fellow teacher!! If you can't say something nice, then don't say it at all!!
Hope everything is going well for you and family!!! Have a wonderful Easter Weekend and Blessed Easter Day!!
Great post, Sandie. I loved the one of the kids whizzing down the hill!
Blessed EAster weekend to you- hope the house work is going along nicely! xo Diana
Hi Sandie - Happy Easter, hope there's some break from dust and dirt?! If Disco gets too much - please send it over ...
Cheers and Happy Easter - with blessings for the future .. Hilary
A great Friday post as always I enjoyed it all. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a blessed Easter Sunday there !
I LOVE the diapers/Depends explanation! I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend, pamper yourself, get rest and joy.
Sandie, you really hit the jackpot with that Depends joke.
Hope you rejoice on Easter Sunday and find it both rewarding and uplifting.
Always bringing me a smile, Sandie! Love that squirrel photo especially. :-)
Happy Easter Sandie!
Easter Blessings to you my friend and your family. I love the term senior citizenship....and the last photo,, matching smiles put a great big old smile on my face. And the card quote.....so true :) You find the best stuff....I never know where to look :) Sending you a big hug for making me smile and sometimes think when I visit your blog.
this post would put anybody in a good mood!!!! I love the one about the "depends' and the "will"!!!!!! Think I will show that to my two kids! Miss Chatty, I really want you and your family to have a wonderful Easter tomorrow. You bring a lot of joy to others and You are worthy of a good day.
God be with you.
Happiness always,
Sue (Susannah)
Happy Easter Sweet One!
The Pampers/Depends really made me laugh. But all your thoughts are fun.
Happy Easter!
I LOVE the ecard about hobbies and the dog in the robe.
Hope you and your family have a happy Easter
I like what Joel Osteen says. Always a very upbeat message.
Were those trees pink dogwood?
Have a wonderful Easter!
Where DO you get all your material?
You do make me smile....and isn't that a wonderful think in today's world: to make one smile.
May your Easter be filled with blessings, my friend.
Of course you're brilliant to add the pink for Renae. She is amazing.
Thanks for the FYI on the will. I was wondering who was going to take care of me when the time comes. ;)
Love Joel Osteen's message. He makes me laugh sometimes too.
I'm here to wish you a Happy Easter!
happy easter to you and yours!!
happy easter sandie!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!
You always make me smile. Hope you had a blessed Easter celebration. Lots of hugs!
The mosquito and bee quote is one of the best I've ever read. It reminds me of one Hemmingway: Never mistake motion for action.
I am going to click that link now and find something to do for myself.
The mosquito and bee quote is one of the best I've ever read. It reminds me of one Hemmingway: Never mistake motion for action.
I am going to click that link now and find something to do for myself.
The mosquito and bee quote is one of the best I've ever read. It reminds me of one Hemmingway: Never mistake motion for action.
I am going to click that link now and find something to do for myself.
Happy Easter Sandie!
Dear friend, Sandie,
How are you doing with your health? I pray you are doing fine.
The Lord Jesus has risen.
Praise the Lord today and always!
I'm looking forward to hearing from you again.
God bless you, sweetheart.
All the Best,
stop waiting for Friday...Best danged advice I've heard in ages!
Hey Chatty. been fighting a flu bug or would have been here sooner. Love the matching smile pic the best. And hope you had a wonderful Easter. From my heart to yours...hugs.
Happy Easter!! hope you are well stranger. have a great week. big big hugs. hope all is well. ( :
had to check in with ya.
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