Isn't this a pretty road - I'd love to go down this road and see what's at the end of it.
Wouldn't you?
I've found out through life that some roads we travel are much more fun then others.
APRIL 2014
I went for my annual mammogram April 1 with my daughter.
They found two lumps that had to be biopsied on her and one on me.
Had biopsies on the 15th.
My daughters came back perfect (for now) - PRAISE GOD!!
Mine came back as breast cancer - stage 0.
Had an MRI on the 21st.
Finally saw the doctor yesterday the 30th.
We mapped out my path to becoming cancer free.

I have always been this way - it isn't that I'm hiding my feelings.
For goodness sake I've shared them.
But why keep bringing them up all the time. . .
I do feel it's important to share this with you because you're my family.
However I don't want to make my blog all about my cancer.
I just want to tell you all what's been going on in my world.
Besides all the above . . .
We're still getting the house ready to sell.
We're still looking at other houses to buy.
(We might have found one - we made an offer and will hear tomorrow - there are other bids.)
I've been talking to others who have had this disease.
I've been looking up information and reading about it.
I've been going to doctors.
Of course my family keeps me busy too.
The end of the school year is crazy around here as well.
Oh yeah - planning the upcoming surgery and visiting more doctors are on my calendar now too.
So you see I'm a heck of a busy gal.
I haven't been reading a lot of other posts right now.
I've found out that cancer not only affects me, it affects the whole family.
I have to say they've been very strong for me.
They have been protecting me too.
I am grateful for that.
My daughter and her friend got their nails colored pink like this.
My sister lives two thousand miles away so she's is helping the breast cancer society this way.
Look what she did for me with her kidlets.
They were there yelling kick cancers butt!
My friends have been very wonderfully supportive too.
Let me tell you and I know you have heard it before -
BUT you really do find out who your REAL friends are.
Things become different.
You can tell.
I also learned that it is one thing to listen to someone who is telling you about their experience
listening to someone after you've been diagnosed yourself.
Sympathy vs empathy.
I've ;earned that you kind of feel you belong to a club no one else wants to belong to.
Yet I know there are many women (and some men) already in the club.
A club with a lot of SURVIVORS!!!!!!!!!!!
Some going through it a couple years ago.
Some are going through it right now.
I've learned that no two treatments are the same - that blows my mind.
I've learned that the world goes on for others while mine seems to have stopped
It sounds like I got the best of the worst of cancer. (A quote from a friend)
It's true.
Get your mammograms girls.
I have one every year at the same time.
Even so . . .
I have found that there is no such thing as a little bit of cancer.
Cancer has to be treated.
The earlier you find it the better you are.
The less of a treatment.
I want to share this song with you.
Don't let life pass you by - you go out there and LIVE.
I am going to try to go out and do that too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now let's talk about faith for a minute.
I have a strong faith.
I have asked God why me.
What did I do?
Is it a punishment?
Then I've asked why not me.
I'm no more special then anyone else.
The answer I have come to right now is that I feel it is LIFE.
It is the circumstances that my LIFE has dealt me.
Of course now I will be busy packing.
More doctors.
Recuperation time.
So hang in there with me!!!!!!!!!!
I've been put through trials and sufferings before and I they will be a lot more.
No one gets out of them.
However the end result is going to be that I will eventually be in Heaven -
no matter what trials I go through.
I just have to keep my faith strong no matter what my path is.
No it is not that easy.
But it will be worth it in the end.
![]() |
I have certainly chatted enough for a month.
This was my time to cry.
I hate having to tell one more person that I have cancer.
I feel like my mind and body will hear that one too many times and may believe that - lol.
My plan to keep on keeping on - with love, animals, beauty, and laughter.
Those things are some good medicine that God gave us to help us through our trials.
You see I'm not exempt.
Good think I love pink!
I love you guys so much.
You'll be in my prayers, my friend. And sounds as if they caught it early, which is good. I know that feeling you describe about the world going on in spite of what is going on with you. Thank you for sharing your news with your blog friends - you know we are with you. xo
You have a wonderful attitude and grace about your diagnosis. Prayers to you today :-)
My heart goes out to you my friend. And my husband and I will both keep you in our prayers. You have a wonderful family who will help support you and you are brave and strong so you'll do great! Sending you LOTS of sweet hugs! Kick that cancers BUTT!!! Hugs, Diane
thanks for sharing CC, we can all pray for you and support you. it sounds to me like you have got this under control, or some what under control. your feelings i mean, not the cancer... God bless you and your family...
Sandie, I have tears in my eyes and a prayer in my heart for you. You will make it through this and God will be holding you hand all of the time! HUGS!!
Oh man.... this is NOT what I wanted to read as a post, but I do thank you for sharing with all of us... with as rampant as breast cancer is, you could be writing about any one of us. I had a very close friend go through breast cancer in 2008... she beat it! I had to have biopsy on a breast that same year and as it turned out it was not cancer. Sometimes I feel like we are all just spinning the bottle and any one of us could be next. Keep a positive attitude... that's half the battle, or so I am told... Love you!! xox
Thank you for isn't always the other guy and can happen to anyone, any time. So glad they have caught this early but it is still a traumatic thing to go through. Take just one day at a time, it will be enough. Sending prayers your way.
I am so sorry to hear this news. I truly believe that your positive attitude and your faith (along with your sense of humor)will help you kick cancer's butt.
Sandie, I am praying for you, dear friend. So thankful that you have such a wonderfully supportive family. And you know your blogland family is here for you too, praying with you. Blessings!
I think attitude is half the battle. So wishing you didn't have to go through this but sounds like they caught it in time, I felt the same as you about my blog and my IPT. I just want it to stay country tales and not dwell on what I can't control. My prayers for us both.
Peggy, I'm still catching up on blog reading, and I'm very glad that today was my day to catch up with you. Please KNOW that I will pray for you. You will get through this with faith,family, backbone and your own gentle humor. You're right - it's life, but that doesn't make it easy to understand or easy to accept.
Good luck with the house sale and house hunt.
Dang it! I hate hearing that you are going through this. You are such a communicator that you will certainly teach us a lot. I have already learned from reading this heartfelt post. You hang tough and believe that this trial is going to be a blessing in disguise (as the song says). Saying a prayer before I go and as often as you come to mind.
Dear Sandie, You are strong to post the inspiring view that you have and to share.
My best gift to you is my prayers.
I will pray hard and long for you.
love, blessings and hugs, Catherine xo
Sandie, this isn't what I was expecting when I popped in this morning, but it's good that you shared. We are all rooting for you and I'm confident that you will indeed "kick cancer's butt," as your grandchildren said.
Oh Sandie, I'm so sorry this has happened! It does sound like it was caught early and that is good. You stay strong and positive as you are now and I just feel you will kick this C word to the curb! I will be praying for you. Also, I hope you get the right house for you and that you get this one sold quickly!
Hugs and love,
You are always in my prayers. I know I'm in yours too. I know a lot of breast cancer survivors. A lot. My sister in law had a total mastectomy. Twenty five years ago. She's doing well.
Have a blessed day honey. Big healing hugs. Scritches to Disco. :)
We love you also, Sandi. With support, time, and good doctors, you will get thru this. There is more that is in my heart to say, but I am just going to repeat your words, "Keep on keeping on with love, animals, beauty, and laughter, dear friend.
When your treatments are over and you are well again, you will walk down that beautiful road of life and we will all be there with you cheering you on.
Sandi - you are such a dear, sweet person and an inspiration to anyone going through difficulties, like cancer. We will be praying for you for a complete cure and quick recovery. Many blessings to you and your family! Thanks for sharing with us - your virtual friends many of whom you've never met.
lots of prayers. i have never heard of cancer 0 ... only stage one & so forth. lots & lots of support for me to you. love ya. been thinking about ya. big big hugs. ( :
Will be praying without ceasing for you. I love you bunches, please take care.
Oh Goodness Sandie!
Take a deep breathe, inhale, exhale and keep on keeping on!! Of all times when you're packing up and moving - but is there ever a good time???? Never!!!
You have a strong, wonderful family = support team!! You have a strong belief in God and Church community!! You'll find yourself talking aloud to God -- a lot!! And that's OK - as long as you continue to talk to God and thank him for each day you have. You couldn't be in a better place for breast cancer treatment. Your options are many and you WILL beat it!! I know things are crazy for you right now - but I hope that you'll continue to share your journey and just know that everyone in your blogging world is giving you many, many thoughts and prayers!! Get moved and take care of yourself. Allow others to make YOU the center of love and attention!! love you!!! Suzan
So sorry you heard the word cancer. I have never heard of Stage 0 which is great! I am stage 4. You can do it....thankfully they found it early!
My dear friend, I am at a loss for words right now. I am so sorry to hear about this news. But I know that you will fight with all you've got. Of course I'll be praying for you every step of the way. The Lord moves in mysterious ways, and though I don't know why this has happened to you, I know that He will carry you through this new journey.
I love you a bunch, and I will do anything I can to continue to support you in this.
May GOD BLESS you and yours.
Sandie- know you will be in my prayers. I have no words to make you feel better, but I can send {{hugs}}!!
Love you more. You are going to kick "C" with a vengeance and holler from the roof tops that you are FREE. Faith and prayers, my friend.
Sandi, I'm sure that since you know me so well, you will be surprised when my comment says: "I can't think of anything to say." I'll write you an e-mail later today, dear friend.
I have been so nervous, not hearing from you I had feared the worst. But I am so glad it is barely there, wow, stage 0, I didn't even know there was a stage 0! You will just be going through a rough patch, but will come out FINE! Yes, everyone has different treatments designed just for them. So what are the plans, what KIND of surgery, a lumpectomy? Please feel free to talk to me whenever you feel like talking, I want to know everything. PRAYING for you!!
Dear Sandie:
You laugh--- I laugh.
You cry----I cry.
You feel scared----I feel scared.
You know God is in charge----I know God is in charge.
You are a dear and treasured friend----I know that.
As much as possible, I will walk this journey with you, as we all will in blogland.
Prayers, as numerous as a field filled with wildflowers, is what you need right now.
Love to you, my dear, sweet, kind and loving Sandie
I can tell by what you wrote that you do have a strong faith and it will get you through it all. I have had 2 in my family, both with different types of cancer who are now survivors. No one ever wants to think that it will happen, but it does. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go though some pretty trying times there. You are in the best of all hands !
Oh Sandy... so sorry you have to go through this. My friend also had stage 0 and celebrated 6 years being cancer free last month. You are in my prayers.
I just prayed here on the spot for you Sandra.
Love Ya.
Sorry to hear this sudden news but glad you were able to tell us. Not easy but we all are your computer friends. I will pray that someone can help you through all this moving to give you peace of mind.
Especially how you feel.Not fun when your ailing.Have no help .
hi Sandie, brave hearts speak the truth. My love and sincere hope are RIGHT THERE for you.
We can be bosom buddies ok?
Love to you,
Prayers for you,
and a big (Hug) ♥, Renae
Sandie, I am so proud of you for putting this out on your blog. You have so many friends out here that love and support you. I know that you have a deep faith and will beat this. When I get back to Georgia I'll be planning a visit to see you soon. I love you and know you are always in my prayers!
hugs, Linda
I am behind you every step of the way. We ladies are tougher than we look. Your attitude is great. I mentioned before how my blog friends are always there when we need them. You will make it. Hang on Sandie. Look at all the cheer leaders.
God Bless You, my special Friend. I'm so glad that you shared this. You are such an inspiration to ALL of us. I know you hate giving this news --since you try to remain such a positive person. However, I can tell from your words that you are STILL positive and that you will be FINE (since attitude is so important when dealing with diseases).... God Bless you --and just remember that we are ALL here for you and will continue to pray for you as you go through the treatments...
Hugs and prayers,
I'm sending you a giant hug. You have early detection which is great news. I've had 2 scares plus went through this with mom last year. It is scary but treatable. We are all with you through this
Sandie, I'm heading down to our chapel right now to put your name in our prayer list. And know that I will also ask the sisters in the convent where I live to keep you in prayer also. Of course, you know that you are definitely in my pryers! Many blessings.
Sorry you are having to go through this but thankfully you caught it very early. My prayers are with you. Sheila
you know girl you are in my prayers, love you
And my toes are now PINK too!!!!...:)JP
Stay strong and take care!
You know I love you and I am praying for you every day! I am so sorry that you are going through this but you know you are not alone. We are all here praying for you. Wish I lived closer to I could put my arm around you and give you a BIG (((HUG))) Take care and God Bless. If you need me let me know and I'm always available to listen.
Thank you for sharing with us about your news, giving us all a chance to pray for you. We ca't pray for something if we don't know about it.
I've already sent up a prayer for you and your family and will keep it going.
Blessings, bj
Dear Sandie
thank you for sharing with all of us. Thank you for allowing us to walk the journey with you.
All of us here in blogland-- are your family,,, we do not need blood tests to prove it-- we just are.
All of us are circling around you,, one arm is reaching out touching you,,, the other hand is held to the sky-- touching God.
We are here for you,, And will continue to be- and send prayers.
Thank you for always being there for us,, now we can be there for you!
I am sad to hear this, I wish you a good outcome with this horrible thing.
Sandie - we're right here with you; alongside you, our arms wrapped around you; and we're behind you pushing you all the way. If you stumble and stagger, just lean on us; we'll prop you up; we'll wipe away your tears; and we'll cry along with you when you feel like having a good cry...and we'll laugh along with you, too.
Just look at us all - we're enough to make the most serious person laugh! :)
You won't be walking this path alone, Sandie...not with us mob of renegades here to keep you company.
You're the boss - let that pest know it! Let it know you're not one to mess with.
Hugs and love. :)
Keep the faith and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers every day. It sounds like you are doing well at keeping a positive attitude. I'm glad you are surrounded by supported people.
I am thinking of you and of Renae, and of Susan (Everything Susan). And all of you are in my thoughts, prayers, and very best and sincere wishes. I cannot wait to hear you're cancer free!! You are very blessed to have caught it so early! Praise be to God (over and over and over). :)
Big hugs to you!
Sandie, I've had four of those removed from my right breast...the last one less than a year ago. I hope your surgery is as easy as mine have been. Recovery is no big deal and the pain was minimal. I'll be praying for you. We have annual mammograms so things like this are caught early, before it becomes a bigger problem. Love & hugs.
The real blessing here Sandie, is that you found it so early! You will NOT be alone in any part of your journey...between your blog sistas, your family, and the Lord above.
You're covered!
Hi Sandie- I know we talked about this before and I am so so so sorry. I don't know why good people have to suffer. You are a doer and I think it is harder for people that are used to doing for others....the caretakers of others that have to accept help.
There is so much going on in your life and maybe that, too, is a blessing in disguise- it will keep you from focusing on the sorrow the cancer/treatments and keep your mind busy thinking about moving physically AND moving on with your life. A new start all the way around! xo Diana
Aw sweetie, I'm so upset to learn of this detour in your life. But! if anyone could serve as a 'poster child' for Overcoming I'm nominating YOU. Your positivity reminds me of another friend here in Phoenix, who's a 10-year b/c survivor.... Coleen is a total advocate of Attitude.
I'm honored to join your legion of friends and family in prayer!
An awesome post from an awesome lady. I am sorry you're having to experience this hon, but I know you'll come through it alright. Though I haven't had breast cancer I have a younger sister who has. She lost both breasts. It was a hard road for her and painful for those of us who love her. Her faith in God, her great support system, and her positive attitude got her through it. Know you have me in your corner along with all these dear people who commented before me. If you like, at any time, send request for my phone number and it will be sent immediately. Anything I can do for you I am eager to do. HUGE HUGS>>>Very tight ones. Love you dearly.
I came by here for your usual Friday laughs and am shocked by what I find. ((Sandie)) *big sigh*
There is nothing more heart-chilling than hearing the word cancer attached to your own name. (I had a type of cancer many years ago.) I think you can expect your emotions to be all over the place and change sometimes from moment to moment. don't be afraid to cry and don't be afraid to laugh. It's YOUR journey.Don't compare yourself to others who have been in similar situations - just take it as it comes and be very NICE to yourself. You don't have to be strong, brave or upbeat. Just be yourself and let everyone love you through this. You have wonderful Bloggy friends that will walk with you and be of support. You have family that will do the same...The day will come when you will help and encourage others because you have "BTDT". All in good time. Praying for you, Sandie!!
Well for goodness sakes! This was not what I was expecting to read today but then it was not the result you expected to get either. I am so glad it was caught early. You are going to be amazing at kicking cancer! You can do this, and look at all the people you have praying for you and supporting you! I will be right there with everyone else praying for a speedy recovery. Keep us posted. Think positive. Know that the Lord is in charge. And I know that it all turns out ok in the end!
Oh my…I've been off blogging pretty much this year with this and that. I clicked in randomly, saw this post and am so glad I did. YOU are on my prayer list and I'm sending you lots of love. I'm so sad you have this diagnosis but how grateful we all are you've found this early.
Much love…
And I love you, Miss Chatty!!!!! You ARE going to beat this disease! For one thing, it is your attitude and how you are facing up to it! You know I am always posting on facebook about supporting the people with breast cancer and those who survive it! I am here for you. I am sincere.
Now you keep your chin up! My husband and I will be praying for you and your family. Blessings sent you, my friend!
Cancer is the meanest word in the world. You my dear will kick its butt! My alert was late for some reason, but I am so glad it came. I want you to know sweetheart, you ar in our prayers.
I know you will do what ever must be done. You have more internet friends than anyone I know, and as the comments say, many many prayers and statements of your tenacity. You will GO GIRL.
Some wonderful comments, all a tribute to you, we know you can do it....
Thanks for being you, the Chatty one.
Love and prayers from North CArolina.
I am sorry to hear this news, cancer is terrible and I hope you are able to get treatment and all will be well.
(((Sandie))) I am sure this was hard to share, but I am glad you shared it. You don't know who might read your words and be comforted about them, going through the same thing themselves. I do know it is good to have someone who has walked the walk you are walking to be able to talk to; I hope you found a few people like that to walk this journey with you. I know several women at church who have had cancer have walked alongside others newly diagnosed and have helped them navigate the unknown waters ahead of you.
It is so true, we often ask "why me God" instead of "wny not me." I don't know why God allows this and doesn't allow that, but I do know he is faithful and he is walking alongside you and he'll never abandon you nor forseake you.
I love the support from your family, both close and far. Life as you knew it is gone and you'll have a new normal; we all have that when we have such an event; but having the support of loved ones, family and friends, will help you in the days ahead.
Keeping you in my prayers.
(hope you get the house!)
(((Sandie))) I am sure this was hard to share, but I am glad you shared it. You don't know who might read your words and be comforted about them, going through the same thing themselves. I do know it is good to have someone who has walked the walk you are walking to be able to talk to; I hope you found a few people like that to walk this journey with you. I know several women at church who have had cancer have walked alongside others newly diagnosed and have helped them navigate the unknown waters ahead of you.
It is so true, we often ask "why me God" instead of "wny not me." I don't know why God allows this and doesn't allow that, but I do know he is faithful and he is walking alongside you and he'll never abandon you nor forseake you.
I love the support from your family, both close and far. Life as you knew it is gone and you'll have a new normal; we all have that when we have such an event; but having the support of loved ones, family and friends, will help you in the days ahead.
Keeping you in my prayers.
(hope you get the house!)
I am glad you have a positive attitude, a sense of humor and that you are mapping out my path to becoming cancer free and kicking it's butt. You will find that INNER PEACE. Take things one day at a time. You will be in my prayers dear blog buddy. HANG IN THERE.
Sandie thank you so much for trusting us enough as your blogging family to share this with us. Thank God they caught it at such an early stage! I know that, with your positive attitude, you will kick this cancer's ass! We are here for you, my friend.
Always praying for your phamily so I will keep it up! You are one amazing lady and I know you are going to get thru this! I have so many good friends who have traveled the road. My Vivian, I have known forever, is not only a breast cancer survivor but an Ovarian cancer as well! That girl can kick some serious butt! Think of Bruce Lee and round house kick that cancer outta your life sweet lady!
You don't always have to feel upbeat. It's OK to sometimes be a little down in the dumps and cry. It actually helps sometimes.
My prayers are with you.
Prayers and hugs to you.
Oh, my friend. How I wish I had words of wisdom to share, but I don't. I do have a direct line to God, though and you are in my thoughts and prayers, as you will be during this journey. Take care of you. ((hugs)) Check in from time-to-time as you feel up to and let us know how you are doing.
OMG, I just went into your Blog after our personal chat via email. I had no idea you need prayers as well.
You never said anything in your kind emails to me.
Sending prayers to you my dear friend.
Huggggggggggggggs, Rose
A beautiful post that says it all. Sending lots of love and hugs ~ Inger
You are in my thoughts Cathie! Very happy they caught it early, that is definitely key!
Your post tugs at my heart. Love your strong faith. I promise to keep you in my prayers!
You know I'm always here for you to help you through this! I know it is a hard road to travel, but you will survive this! You just have to take it day by day, minute by minute.
Love, prayers and hugs!
keeping you in my prayers you have a lot on your plate right now.
A great post, you said it all simple and just as it is! I know you're strong and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs to you!
Hope you are receiving my comments. I just got off the phone with AOL who was the culprit in the mailer daemon notifications I was receiving.
I tested it a couple of times in my own blogs so I'm receiving comments.
I woke up this morning and thought of you and want you to know you will be in my prayers daily.
Hugggggggggggggggggggggggggs, Rose
You will be in my prayers every nite.
Hi Sandie,
My Golden Treasure Friend,
You can easily see all the outpouring of love, thoughts and prayers from your true friends.
True friends are not only in the good times, but also in the bad ones. True friends are forever.
It isn't easy to soothe your inner pain with shallow words.
But, all I can say is the fact that you are an amazing lady,
and everybody loves you so much.
You've got million souls praying for you, and we won't cease from praying until we see your health back to normal, and feel your loving touch with a big smile.
I Never Stop Reading your Comments from your dear friends.
It's amazing how much they all love you. I do not get as many as you do, not even closed to you, my friend. You made it happen,
because you are a super lady.
I am positively sure God will cure your cancer forever.
Your body will be free at last.
I've just sent an Email to you with MY PRAYERS FOR YOU.
You see, I had Ovarian Borderline Cancer, and surgery in 10-2008.
Surgeons took all my GYN Organs, plus My Messenterium, and part of my birthplace. It was a big surgery. Now, I am cancer free.
I do not talk about it, because I do not want to be a burden on anyone. But, it is true. Now, you know that I have already walked the path of cancer, and I survived. Praise the Lord for His Mercy on us!!
In a few months from now, you will be able to tell your story like a passed history.
Be brave, Sandie, like you will always be, my dear friend!
God bless you, Sandie and protect you in His loving arms.
Warm Hugs and Blessings,
Hi Sandie,
My Golden Treasure Friend,
You can easily see all the outpouring of love, thoughts and prayers from your true friends.
True friends are not only in the good times, but also in the bad ones. True friends are forever.
It isn't easy to soothe your inner pain with shallow words.
But, all I can say is the fact that you are an amazing lady,
and everybody loves you so much.
You've got million souls praying for you, and we won't cease from praying until we see your health back to normal, and feel your loving touch with a big smile.
I Never Stop Reading your Comments from your dear friends.
It's amazing how much they all love you. I do not get as many as you do, not even closed to you, my friend. You made it happen,
because you are a super lady.
I am positively sure God will cure your cancer forever.
Your body will be free at last.
I've just sent an Email to you with MY PRAYERS FOR YOU.
You see, I had Ovarian Borderline Cancer, and surgery in 10-2008.
Surgeons took all my GYN Organs, plus My Messenterium, and part of my birthplace. It was a big surgery. Now, I am cancer free.
I do not talk about it, because I do not want to be a burden on anyone. But, it is true. Now, you know that I have already walked the path of cancer, and I survived. Praise the Lord for His Mercy on us!!
In a few months from now, you will be able to tell your story like a passed history.
Be brave, Sandie, like you will always be, my dear friend!
God bless you, Sandie and protect you in His loving arms.
Warm Hugs and Blessings,
You are a survivor in more ways then one...and you will continue to be....we are there for you always....I may be a little late but I'm here....if you need anything at all you just let me know....let's get together soon...Hugs and much love....
Dear Sandie sweetie!
Great post of confession and acceptance. You will be a wonderful breast cancer survivor right along with me. I hope all the very best for you, sweetness! You know you'll ALWAYS have my shoulder to cry on, lean on or what ever on, and there is always a hug for you anytime, anytime. (hug) ♥, Renae
I'm so sorry to read this, Sandie. I will be praying for you!! I'm glad your daughter is OK.
I had my first mammogram today. Definitely not fun! Praying all will be well. ((hugs))♥
I'm waaaay behind on blog reading and almost skipped over a few days. Now I know why I stuck with it - so I know to keep you on my prayers and to let you know I'm thinking of you. Your faith is strong, so hold on tight and continue to fight!
Sandie, my heartfelt prayers and thoughts go out to you. Your attitude is so positive and uplifting. Hugs to you.
Know that you are being lifted by me and by members of my family who feel they know "Chatty" too.
We WILL kick this cancer's butt, and we'll love and encourage you all the way.
Sandie, I have been thinking and praying for you throughout the day. Wish I were there to give you hugs and anything else I could do for you. You are going to get through this and I think it will be far less of a horror than you expect. Really, you are going to be ok and it will not be as bad as you may think. Hang in there. This too shall pass.
I pray you haven't got cancer.. I hate Chemo and I hate radiation.. If I suspected having cancer then I would use the I.V. Vitamin C therapy which has had many good results without the terrible illness.. Check out everythig said about it on Youtub. xxxxx
I am stunned....first....I am relieved to hear your daughter is ok...second....I know your faith will get you through the tough are blessed with many praying friends who will be with you the whole way...Hugs from Dee
CC~ Just seeing this now. Will be in prayer for strength and courage..and for your swift HEALING!!!
So very glad that your daughter is well.
Hugs to you today,
Karen (lg)
You are in my prayers! My sister is going through treatment now and it is stressful and scary and all that goes along with that stuff! I think I tried to comment on my ipad but it won't let me all the time!
I guess for once in a long while, I am speechless with your news. I will hold you in my prayers and arms.
God have " allowed" this as He knows how strong you are..
When we started our journey, we felt better us than a couple who doenT love and support each other:)
Sending hugs as usual but these are big ones!
My Aunt had stage 4, left breast. Did everything the Doctors said and lived 23 more years. Died from a heart attack. You're going to be FINE! I'm an old retired nurse...just believe sweet friend! I do!!
Sandie, glad I heard about this and could be in touch. Looks like you have a lot of Pink Warriors pulling for you. You are a strong woman with strong faith, those traits will help you through this journey. You will experience unexpected joys during this fight. They will be what will get you through the toughest times.-along with the Joy that is your family and your God. You have my number :-) Ann
I'm sorry I initially missed this post - I heard in a roundabout way. You will be in my prayers!!!
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