"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, May 23, 2014

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends....

“Every now and again take a good look at something not made with hands- a mountain, a star, the turn of a stream. There will come to you wisdom and patience and solace and, above all, the assurance that you are not alone in the world.” 

God is there...

                               ............and if you don't like to laugh - enjoy God's beauty .... love animals ........... you probably won't like my blog!   

 Thanks Lee

Thanks Lee

 For all my cat friends!!!!!!!

 Thank you Carmen


This is my personal favorite!

I want to be brave?  You?

On a more serious note - try this for a detox bath!




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Jeanie said...

Lots of uplift and smiles today Sandie. I especially like the elephant and the chick magnet. I hope you are doing well.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love the airplane analogy! I hope all is well my friend!

Preppy Empty Nester said...

Great Sara video. Love that song. My faves are chick magnet and tigers. So cute. Have a wonderful weekend, sweet Sandie. I'm lighting another candle for you on Sunday.

Vee said...

I'm sure my childhood cat Fluffy would have liked to have tried that experiment on me. John and I wondered what we might do or say with all those folks on the Brave video, which is why we had to laugh getting to the end and hearing the old codger...yup, that would be something we'd say!

Catherine said...

Wonderful round-up of laughter and lifts.
Have a blessed and good weekend my dear and you are always in my prayers. Catherine

Lucy said...

Anxious to hear how things are. All were good. Liked the tiger one.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the reflection of the tree! So many funny photos.....
Have a wonderful weekend.


I LOVED each and every one of these today. They were wonderful.

Marsha Young said...

Thanks for some fun and "wunder", too. LOVE the C.S. Lewis quote at the top. Have a happy day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

loved them all, the elephant is my fav

jack69 said...

As always the lift of laughter. I loved the cats at the top of the ladder looking down, and the quote is 'PERFECT'.
Loved the video makes even someone who cannot dance want to dance.

Love you lady. Thinking of you!

Paula said...

Sure like the animal ones. Thinking of you and hoping you're okay.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Lots of fun today and I love your signature. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

Sandee said...

I loved everything. You know I love to laugh. Animals rock and God is great.

My favorite today was the video. I think they all took the right pill. I'm just saying.

Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs my friend. :)

Terra said...

This is a wonderful collection. So many are hilarious.

Donna said...

Sending Lotsa Love to you sweet friend!
These all were cute...I stole one!Hahaa
Happy Weekend to you!!! It WILL be a Good one!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the memory thing. How are you doing? I have the date saved and you have many prayers from our church, I know everything will be fine.

Sandy said...

Hard to pick a favorite. I guess it would have to be the little calico cat with the kitten looking exactly like it. Too cute.
Hope you have a lovely weekend. Thinking of you often.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You always make me smile on Friday, thanks for that! I hope you are smiling today, too, and all through the weekend. Take care!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Another good collection of giggles, Sandie! Enjoy your holiday!...:)JP

Merlesworld said...

Love all the animal pictures and the comments make me laugh........

Lynn said...

That first pic is spectacular! Love the people don't land pic too. Happy Memorial Day Weekend Sandie-enjoy:@)

Denise said...

Love, love, love you my friend.

acorn hollow said...

thank you for the laughs

Bev said...

Life has been crazy.... how have you been!!... Nice to visit again.

betty said...

Loved them all, Sandie; thanks for including the picture of the corgi! Update us when you are able and want to with how things are going with houses, etc. I hope it is a good 3 day weekend!


forgetmenot said...

Lots of laughs--thanks. I should TAKE TIME to go to your blog everyday. Always worthwhile and funny. Have a great weekend, Sandie.

Carol said...

Love the tiger one! Please let us know how you are doing --- the surgery, the house, Andy, Disco. Sending good thoughts your way and prayers for good things to happen.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Friday!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

This was an easy, fun read thank you

Ann said...

what a way to start my Saturday. This is loaded with laughs and feel good thoughts. Thanks

Granny Annie said...

Thanks for this Sandie. I'm taking off on an airplane "against the wind" in August for the first time since 1999 to go to California alone and I Want To Be Brave:)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's Saturday morning here at my house and it was great for me too to start off the day with a few smiles. I had to laugh at the cat and hamster one as we did have a dog that took out a few at our house when the kids were young...oh dear! They soon remembered to keep them shut up safely and not let them run loose. I hope all is going well for you there and that you have a happy Memorial Day weekend.

DD said...

Great fun read for a Saturday morning...loved them all, especially the bleach one...lol.

Dr. Cindy Fleming said...

Always fun to read!! Love the baby elephant hugging by the guy!!
I've been thinking about you and hoping and praying that all is going well with you!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Hope you are having a good weekend Sandie! It's beautiful outside and I'm planning on a weekend of rest@

hugs, Linda

Unknown said...

Keep laughing, my friend.

Lady Jane said...

Love to visit with you. My faves were the video, elephant and chick magnet. Love to you and your uplifting blog.

Anonymous said...

oh I get a kick out of your laugh ones on Friday.

You take car my friend.

Your in my prayers always to be strong in body and your mind.

To not dwell on things of fear.

Soggibottom said...

I always love looking in on here :-) Thanks mate, laughter all round :-) x x x

Debbie said...

And now I have the song "Against the Wind" stuck in my head because of that part. (I loved that part...)

I'm going to click and listen to the " Brave" one.

Don't think you are forgotten around my place. You are being lifted "against the wind".

Debbie said...

Oh WOW. I had never heard that song before.

I need to make that my new motto.
Too bad I'm still not brave enough.
I tried speaking up for myself about two months ago and was beaten back.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
Happy Memorial Day Weekend,
my dear friend!
Enjoy your time with family!
I love the cats' pictures.
They are so funny.
I am a cat lady myself...
Thank you for sharing your love!
I am still praying for you.
God bless you, my friend, Sandie,
and all your loved ones!
Greetings from Starry.

Lee said...

All are great. :) Thanks, Sandie!

mail4rosey said...

Aww, look at the little pug. :) These are all good!! And I remember my grandma always having Epsom Salt in the house...a big cardboard half gallon of it. :D

Have a relaxing long weekend!

Pondside said...

Thanks Sandie - I loved it all, but that video.......it made me bawl. It's been a rotten week and for some reason the words, and the dancers really touched me. Thanks again!

Inger said...

Thank you for this uplifting post. I saved the one about comedy and laughing. We have been laughing more than usual in the face of adversity and it helped me understand why. I also loved the cats on the roof.

Unknown said...

Hoopla!!!! BRAVE!!!! LOVE the meowtain!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

These are great! I love the memory one :-)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I always like when you have the cat jokes :-) I love cat humor.

Lucy said...

Sandie. please let us know how your surgery turns out. Prayers are with

renae said...

All Hilarious. I was laugh and gasping for air.

Thanks a bunch! I needed that!

(see soon email) ♥, Renae

Sharon said...

Thanks for putting some fun into my Monday! My personal favorite today was...wait a sec, I forget...oh yeah, the little cartoon about better memory! :-)

Hope you're having a good and relaxing day.

GOD BLESS, my friend.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hello There, We just got home from a great week--which was a terrific 'healing' experience for me --as I recover from gallbladder surgery followed by that wicked infection... You'll have to check out my blog post today (if you haven't done so yet).

Trying to catch up a little on blogs... Heaven help me!!!!! ha.... Love your Friday post.. The Meowountain and the Irrelephant ones were cute...

AND--that first photo is to die for... WOW!

Happy Memorial Day to you and yours... Let's never forget those men and women (past and present) who were/are in the Armed Forces and have done so much to give us the FREEDOM we have today. God Bless ALL of them and God Bless the USA.


Anonymous said...

I actually have lavender Epsom salt...just gotta add the baking soda.

Betty said...

I like the cats looking down and commenting on people not always landing on their feet. I'll have to go right click that one for my kids. Hope you had a good weekend. Keith leaves tomorrow, so I'll be catching up a little then. We got some things done around here.

Sue said...

I always love seeing the tigers with the bleach comment...too funny

Hootin Anni said...

"I did the math...we can't afford a dog"...that was a hoot.

Hello dear one. I've been busy with blogging, redecorating our interior, and Springtime birding...

It was super nice to see you pay me a visit. Hope you're doing well also!!

Lynn said...

Love the calico cats - they make me think of my dear departed Cleo.

I have a fun cat pic to send you. Hope you are doing well today.

Lucy said...

I hope I am on the right page. I hope everything is as ok as it can be at this time. I am zapping along very well.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Ah Sandie, these were the best. Loved them. All of them. And the video....wow. Girl you made my day!!!! Hugs and wishes for an amazing Friday!!!!!

Dee said...

These are all supper funny...I have been reading them to Frank....:)

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Thanks a lot of smiles and laughs here