Come on in and sit with me and have a cup of coffee or hot tea?
Now for some fun in the sun!
Now for some fun in the sun!
That's a cat for you - right? What a princess!!
Thank you for this thingy Jean - lol!
Sorry guys. . .
Get it?
Chatty Crone herself! #1
OR . . .
OR . . .
Is this the real Chatty Crone? #2
Thanks Donna!
Or is this the real Chatty Crone? #3
What do you think?

Thank you Susan.

Thank you GMA.

Or is this the real Chatty Crone? #3
What do you think?

Thank you Susan.

Thank you GMA.

When I take the grandson to school every morning Disco goes with us. Sometimes it is the highlight of his day.
When we come back home and get in the neighborhood (and he knows when that is - he is so smart) - I roll the window down and drive real slow. He puts his head out the window to feel the air in his face and to smell of course. You should see his nose go!
Some Food For Thought
How to survive a heart attack when you are alone:
Many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack. Without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, victims CAN help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.
A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.
A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating.
The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm.
In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.
Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save their lives!
Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via Chapter 240s newsletter
(reprint from The Mended Hearts, Inc. Publication, Heart Response
Sorry for the swear words but this is one of the best things about growing old and I don't know how to go in and fix it!
I do love that front porch pictured in your post today. I have a porch I love but it's nothing like that one. I've been busy trying to get it painted in between the heat and the rain. Maybe before September and the warmer days are gone, it'll be done. Hope you have a fantastic Friday !
I wish I had that porch too. Those flowers are lovely. My problem is that they wouldn't stay like that except for the day they arrived.
I use that word "thingy" all the time. :) A friend (originally) from Russia left her apple slicer at my house and found it hilarious when I emailed her that her apple thingy was here. She still calls it that.
And the Norman Rockwell image of the girl with the black eye brought back a nice memory: I got tickets for my mom and dad and me to go to the Norman Rockwell exhibit when it was at the High Museum in Atlanta in 2000 (when mom and dad were still alive and doing well.)
My dad stood in front of that painting and said with a smile, "She's proud of that shiner!" Other visitors turned and smiled. My mom told me later that he HAD NOT wanted to come to that and was so glad he did. He couldn't stop talking about it. It was a perfect day. Thank you for bringing back that memory.
Oh that porch is beautiful. I will sit with you.
Oh the breathing technique looks great. Never seen that before.
Oh your dog is cute.
I have not got to your video's yet on Friday page. Will later.
Have been reading all the rest for Fridays of your funnies.
Happy Friday. This weekend is Breast alert and also on the T.V . Everyone get your breast attended too. Checkups and mammograms, ult-or sound. You will be glad you did.
Have a peaceful weekend Sweet lady.
I want that porch too! I love the Queen one. Enjoyed the videos too. Have a wonderful weekend.
I love the porch, but 95% of those plants need to go. I'd be working all day keeping those alive. No way.
The cat? Spot on.
I say thingy all the time. Now I know why.
My husband doesn't require all that adult supervision. I do, but he doesn't.
Bison. Bwahahahahahahahaha.
I think #3 is the real you.
The 3 year old golfer. Awesome.
Our Little Bit loves to hang out the window too. Disco is adorable. Too cute.
What a fun week honey.
Have a terrific day and weekend. Big hugs. ♥♥♥
I don't know which is YOU but i love that little mermaid... and I use thingy all the time
I bet Disco loves those car rides! Except for the fact that his buddy leaves him for the day! I loved the mermaid picture :)
have a good weekend!
Love the photo of the beautiful porch and the advice about the heart attack is really helpful. As for the three possible photos of you---can't decide. I image a woman with a smile whom anyone can feel very comfortable spending time with!
Love the grocery store music. Made my hubby's birthday hearing it.
loved the real chatty cone :)
disco seems to be having a lot of fun on the drive to school
keep in touch
I surely would enjoy my morning coffee out on the beautiful porch. It would be a lovely way to start the day.
Love the porch and love you, too!
Happy Friday! :-)
Hi Sandie - the porch looks amazing - and what place to have a cup of tea and put the worlds to rights ..
Love all your photos and clips ... they do make me laugh .. and how kind you are to Disco!
Cheers Hilary
Before I read the statement, “I want this porch”, I had already thought the same. Sometimes I dislike witty people, why couldn’t I think of “BISON”. So many time a person’s wit amazes me, I admire witty folk. I usually think of the ‘cute’ statement or come back an hour later…
THE REAL CHATTY? Both, one as a kid and BOTH now! LOL
Love it all, and yes the golfer is an inspiration, even if you are not a golfer.
DISCO! I can remember my dog riding in our car before A/C and putting his head out the window, he always looked happy to me.
This was one of your ‘Goodest ones’. I had a friend who would say that. I thought it fit.
PS: We ain't talking about the 'thingy' thingy!
Hi Sandie, how are you doing? Of course my favorite is Disco!!! Then the one about calling things "Thingies". Phil remarked to me the other day...why do dogs hate it when you blow in their face, yet love to stick their heads out the car window? Ask Disco!
Love that Disco goes for the ride.
You know that first cat made me smile!
Love that Disco goes for the ride.
You know that first cat made me smile!
Love the porch too!! Beautiful!
And you're very welcome sweet lady!
That porch looks so inviting! Have a great weekend! Sheila
I would love to have a front porch like that and sit out there smelling those beautiful flowers. It looks like a place where there are no Mosquitos or any other kind of biting bugs.
I'm thinking you are the second one (not wanting to call you #2!)
Disco is a cutie!! And Trudy loves riding in the car with the window down and nose sniffing out the window. They must pick up on all kinds of smells!! It brings them so much happiness!
Have a great weekend!
I like that Bison joke and the porch and everything here and you too.
I just love those thingys on that thingy. Oh, yeah, I mean the flowers on the porch. Beautiful! As always, thanks for the laughs!
Ok I like that porch too, but I can tell you someone who wouldn't a person who finds themselves sneezing when surrounded by a lot of flowers.
I wonder if that heart attack advice would work it is an interesting thought
That porch...when your dream comes true, can I sit next to you??
Love all the thingies that you posted today. Always good to smile! And, the information about self-help for a heart attack was fascinating. Great knowledge to have.
Disco - what a nut!
And, my vote for Chatty? It was a toss-up between #2 and #3. But in the end, I'm going with #2 - because you're a fighter, and an optimist, and a child at heart in every good sense of the word!
Have a great weekend!
love you!
I like the last little snippet:@) Happy Weekend!
Dear Sandie, This was so much fun!
I would love everyone to start singing in the market; wouldn't that be fun!!
The little boy is an inspiration.
Disco is the cutest. I bet he is so much company.
All the other sayings were fun too.
I hope this finds you well and taking good care of yourself my friend.
Your the best.
Blessings dearest. Catherine xo
I always love coming here to read your funnies. Just what I needed at the moment, thank you.
Sandi, I think you are a combination of all three, but would look best in the green dress.
I love that porch also, but, oh my, I would be spending most of my time watering all those pots. A porch is for sitting, not working.
Oh I am definitely immature!!!! And that porch sure is pretty...but it would be hard to maintain I think....:)JP
Any thing and everything is a --- Whatcha-ma-diggy or a thing-a-ma-jig!!
Adorable Disco!!
Sandie, your posts always make me smile, and lift me up!! Loved the Italian flash mob, at the grocery!! Hugs!!
Ya, that front porch is sooo inviting!
I know just what you mean about the (pre-printed) language on this clip-art. Personally, I'm not offended, but oftentimes I'll hesitate to like something on FB or on Pinterest because it contains the "F" word that isn't even necessary to the message!
That porch in your opening looks just like the one that lives in my head.
It looks nothing like the one that lives on my property, unfortunately.
I love the image of Disco riding home from school. I wonder if it would be hard to teach an old dog the "queen wave". Grin.
These were all terrific, and I am voting for the naughty school girl for the Chatty image.
I haven't clicked the links yet because sometimes link clicking gets this computer confused. Wanted to comment first. Going to click now.
OK, please don't feel you need to respond to this second comment, but I clicked the links. Oh my! I am so blessed by the little boy. I know someone (the farm sister's great niece) who just had to have her little leg amputated at age 3 from cancer. This is such a blessing that I'm going to show it to her to pass along.
And as for the other one? It is one of my personal desires to be an audience for a flash mob just once before I die.
Maybe you're not expecting this but I think you're number 3
My father called all of us precious as he became forgetful.
My reader was working tonight.
always funny and inspiring post..thanks for sharing mrs chatty
Lovely front porch lots of laughs too.
Coffee on the front porch as always nice stopping by and catching up on your blog Stop by when you can I know you have alot of readers
I love that porch! That is so true about husbands! lol
Happy Sunday to you!
Hi Cutie, What a cute post.... Loved the one about the 'thingy' since I do that ALOT....
Also liked the one about bison!!!! ha ha .....
Disco goes to School is a new book for you to write... ha
Didn't know about coughing if you were having a heart attack... Thanks....
Hello Dear Sandie...I'm behind in reading blog posts but was happy I tuned into yours.
Such a good post with lots of smiles. Susan
Great fun, love the typing while driving! Thanks for the heart help.
You always have something for everyone. That porch made me crazy when I though about keeping it clean. Love the mermaid YOU and driving while typewriting is a hoot. Plus that little golfer is indeed inspirational! Thanks Sandie.
Aww, look at Disco, hahaha
That porch is beautiful but too much work for me. My natural knack is not with keeping flowers alive and thriving. ;)
Good info to know on the coughing!
I Want to live on that porch and have the life that goes with it! Looks like a "rose colored glasses," sort of life!
Oh girl, you made me laugh today with all of the Chatty Crone's - I think you are a beautiful mix of all of them!
Got here late but went thru the post twice! Love the "thingy" thing.. that's me! The grocery store video is so cute. Love Disco putting his head out your car! So cute. What a great buddy! Have a wonderful week, sweet Sandie! Oh yeah, the girl with the black eye looked like the school uniform my girls wore for years. thank God there were no black eyes involved!!
Oh Sandie, Sandie! It's always so much fun to come here and get a lift. LOVE the pic of Disco in the car, smelling that breeze for all he's worth! Take care, friend. I'm trying NOT to use the word 'thingy.' LOL
I sure hope you get a charming porch when you purchase your new truly deserve it. I have always wanted to experience group singers like the one in the super did make me happy. I can only imagine how happy I would be to witness it in person.I love the look on Disco's face as he fly's free in the wind :)As for choosing which character you are....the little girl or the woman in sparkly green I would say you are a happy blend of both :)
great tip about the heart attack...if you could actually stay calm enough to remember to do that...
Think they would mind if we borrowed their porch for an afternoon? You bring the coffee and I'll bring the scones. I want a market just like that one! Will the real Chatty Crone please stand up. Gotta love that Disco.
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