If you worry, you didn't pray. If you prayed, don't worry.
As a child of God, prayer is like calling home every day.
Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.
When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.
Do the math. Count your blessings.
God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.
Dear God: I have a problem. It's me.
Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted.
Laugh every day - it's like inner jogging.
The most important things in your home are the people.
Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.
There is no key to happiness. The door is always open. Come on in.
A grudge is a heavy thing to carry.
He who dies with the most toys is still dead.
We do not remember days but moments. Life moves too fast so enjoy your precious moments.
Nothing is real to you until you experience it; otherwise it's just hearsay.
It’s all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are done.
Surviving and living your life successfully requires courage. The goals and dreams you're seeking require courage and risk-taking. Learn from the turtle, it only makes progress when it sticks out its neck.
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
Which one is your favorite?
Okay i had a very hard time but i think mine is -
As a child of God, prayer is like calling home every day.
After New Years dinner - we had 22 people over!
I must say . . .I was pretty proud of him.
He stopped growling and barking finally - I think he was out numbered! Okay he did bite one person.

Disco with his eyes starting to look at you looking at him! He is telling you to let him sleep!!!!!!!!
Want to change your perspective? Just change how you look at things a little bit.

Too hard to choose just one! One is a rephrasing of one of my favorites...why worry when you can pray?
He bit a person? LOL! The grand beagle bit the furnace repairman last year. It was terribly embarrassing. He was a nice guy, though, he didn't sue.
Oops forgot the best thing...Happy New Year!
I really like the idea of filling a jar with notes about good things that happen.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Happy New Year, Sweet One!
First of all, I love the idea about the notes in the jar. That is a WONDERFUL idea. I think I would like to do that, but I would probably misplace the jar. LOL
Oh my! Twenty-two is a HUGE crowd to entertain, but it sounds like a lot of fun! :-) Glad Disco didn't send anyone to the ER. People need to learn to ignore a growling small dog because they mean business! Poor Disco. He was just protecting his family and particularly his boy! Hope the bite wasn't too bad.
I had to crate my two when we had company. One would lick you to death, and the other would just as soon remove your outstretched hand from your body. When I walked them, I would tell people not to pet her because she was reticent. She liked my husband and his sister, and she tolerated me. She actually treed a friend of mine who is so terrified of dogs she ended up on my kitchen counter. LOL She did not, however, bite. Whew! She did bite once, the sweetest vet on earth when my poor pup was sick once, and our vet called me laughing and saying that he thought she was kicking him. When he looked down, she was biting him and was so drunk on meds that she was really just mouthing him. We got a chuckle out of it. I miss those two pupsters more than I can say!
Okay, enough of my ramblings. Wishing you and the whole crew a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Love you,
Sheila :-)
my favorite pic is the sleepig dog and favorite quote is never ask google for medical advice. i do that all the time then it makes me crazy thinking i might have some exotic thing.
out of the list i have two favorites
Laugh every day - it's like inner jogging. we laugh many times a day at Jake. which brings me to my second favorite
The most important things in your home are the dogs not people.
PS Mr. Magpie wants to know what finally drove Disco postal??? "Enquiring Minds" and all that...
We do not remember days but moments. Life moves too fast so enjoy your precious moments was my favorite. The older I get the faster time goes by and I try to remember each day to enjoy the precious moments. Happy New Year !
I think the note jar is a good idea, I hope yours if filled to the top! Happy New Year Sandie:@)
Happy 2015 Sandie.
I have the notes in a jar thing, I did it a couple years ago. Except I call it my Thankful Jar! I use little slips of paper. Love this list, I am going to copy it. LOVE Disco sleeping! He is so innocent I would never believe the sweet angel would bite someone!!! Was someone teasing him...maybe he had a bit too much champagne..or got frustrated with the big ball. Happy New Year, Sandie!!
The jar isn't big enough. I know that already.
My favorite is Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.
Disco bit someone? Really. Our sweet Disco?
Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs and Happy New Year. ♥♥♥
Wow 22 people over, that must have been fun. Hoping the bite was not a bad one. I liked all of those 20 things to remember, so true the one with the most toys is still dead when they die. I hope 2015 is a great year for you and your family.
I picked the first one - Faith is the ability to not panic. Definitely the best quote for a worrywart like me. Faith is learning ever more to trust God when I cannot control things - which is always, huh?!
Disco looks properly pooped. Sounds like a good time was had by all!
Happiest New Year, friend - I look forward to sharing our friendship and our journeys in 2015!
Love you, and GOD BLESS!
HAPPY NEW YEAR. May it be healthy and happy. Disco is a cutie. I think I love this quote the best, "We do not remember days but moments. Life moves too fast so enjoy your precious moments."
22 people!!! That's a huge WOW!!!
Loving Disco's photos!!! Augie had a difficult time last night during the Ohio Game. He can "feel" Danny's stress, so Augie and I had to come into the office. Augie would literately get into Danny's face --- with a "what's wrong?"
I like - "Do the math - Count your Blessings!"
So many Blessing this past year!!! Ilook forward to another Blessed year with the birth of my 2nd grandchild!!!
I laughed so hard at the cat seeing dead people! I'm sure my dogs think that every morning!
One of my dogs only bites one person.....ME!
Happy, Happy New Year!
Thanks Sandie. I think it's all extra cool x x x
Hi there, Loved this post-made me smile and ponder. I love Faith is the ability not to panic.
New Years blessings to you and yours.
Happy New Year Sandie! Hope 2015 is a good to you and your family!
My favorite: If you worry, you didn't pray. If you prayed, don't worry.
Loved them all, though! Thanks for the chuckles, and Disco does look like one tired puppy! LOL
Happy new year!
I did a container last year of prayer. Then this last of last year. I seen what was answered and what is going to be. I was delighted of one prayer that is changing someone tremendously.
The other two was removed from my life. Sometimes you have to move people out of your life.
I cant pick one. I enjoyed all of them.
good for disco, biting one out of twenty two I say is pretty darn good, as long as I am not the " one ", Happy New Year!!
lol!!! love the never ask google
I love the 20 great things to remember. Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with great health and happiness. I did that jar thing two years ago. Then when I went back to write them all down I decided to throw the away....to much work for me. My blog is my memories!!!
I love the jar idea.
Will not ask google for any medical advise. We pay enough in medical insurance premiums and co pays.
I guess I will admit that I can be a problem sometimes.
I like each one of your suggestions, Thanks
Happy New Year>
I don't think I can pick a favorite, too many good ones there.
Love the one about going from headache to dead in three clicks.
22 people!! Well....that one person was probably a bad egg ;-)
Happy New Year. I hope that in 2015 you (and I) will have lots of Joy, Happiness, and GOOD HEALTH....
Great post, Sandie---and some great suggestions for the new year. I love the one that says: "Do the Math. Count your Blessings"... That is so true since we ALL do have so many blessings..
Is it cold there, I am melting here, well I was yesterday when I was out in the heat and would be today if I was outside but I am not outside so I am not melting also I am not made of ice or snow so really I can't melt it just felt like I was.............I believe there is no point in dwelling on the past as it will not change or undo anything
Love this list of twenty!!!
... Off the top of my head, the one that speaks loudest to me is, "God, I have a problem - it's me."
Kudos to Disco. If 22 people were to invade my space, I'd be inclined to bite someone, too! (Bet he/she deserved it - LOL!)
We love all the smiles,,,, thank you,,, and Happy New Year!
Hello dear Sandie! Happy New Year! I hope to do a lot more blogging this year than I did last year. I've really missed my bloggy friends! I loved all your quotes, I can't pick just one. I can't believe little Disco bit somebody! Oh no! He looks too sweet to do that LOL. I think I'm going to try to remember to do the Happy Jar notes! Hope all is well with you and the family. I will try to e-mail you soon!
I can not pick a favorite one today!!! They are all so good and a couple made me laugh and laugh. Miss Chatty, you inspire me so much and I can not tell you how much I appreciate it! I am going to do the jar and then open it up next New Year's Eve and analyse all the things I have written about. It will be fun and will enlighten me as to how crazy this old girl really is. JK Stay blessed and remember you are under God's care every hour, everyday!
Dearest Sandie,
You won't believe this, well you might- praying is like calling home was my favorite too!
when my world seems tired, hurt, and sad the only thing that saves me is God and prayer.
Beautiful mix of laughs and faith!
Happy New Year to one of the very nicest Ladies I know!
Happy New Year...love the pictures of disco and the medical advice from google HaHa
Happy happy new year, sweet Sandie! My new mantra is "pray more, worry less." Love the pics of Disco and the admission that he may have bitten someone. They must have been asking for it. I wish you great health and happiness in 2015, dear friend!
You've got lots of really good ones here. Your fave though, is the one that made me smile first, so that's my fave too. :) I like the be still so you can get unknotted one too. ;) I'm glad you had a great new year w/lots of guests!
Hello Ms. Sandie! I miss visiting this blog and you've continued making other bloggers happy by injecting humor to your posts. I just want to greet you a belated Merry Christmas and New Year.
Keep on smiling! :)
Hi Sandie - Happy New Year .. sounds (looks) like you had an amazing time ... good for you 22 people .. and look at those bellies and sleepy bods!! Look up .. with those icicles hanging down - no thank you!! I won't do the maths (as we say!) ... but I will count my blessings ...
I do hope you have a happy year ahead .. and smile contentedly at your family .. they are blessed ... dear Disco .. ah well - he talks!! Cheers Hilary
Dear Sandie, This was a wonderful and yes very uplifting post to come and read. You were there just when I needed to read this. Thank you.
I think my favorite was the one about the turtle and surviving, though they all gave me hope and courage.
I wish you the most Happy New Year and Blessed New Year. xoxox Catherine
And to all your LARGE FAMILY and to all the readers who read this LATE comment.
Like your dying with lots of toys, I don't have many, only a few toy cars and a couple of my childhood toys. I doubt that will affect my dying much.
I also like your jar idea, would you please read your favorites next year for us? Thank you,
Hi Sandie, my sweet dearest friend,
I love this post with awesome words of wisdom and great thoughts from your heart.
I really love to visit your blog, for it brights up my day with a smile.
It seems like you had a superb Happy New Year filled with family and friends.
Disco looks exhausted after the party. Your photos of your grandson and Disco are beautiful.
Your husband looks tired too. You must have had lots of people gathering in your house.
I am sure you had a great time there, Sandie...
I sent an Email to you explaining what is happening to us and our cats...
I'll take a break until things get better in my life. I'll go Offline for awhile.
But, I shall return sooner or later...
I send Best Wishes and All the best for you, and your beloved ones.
Sonya, my female cat of almost 13 years of age, I rescued her and her siblings
when they were only 15 days old... I bottled fed them as their human mom...
Now, I only have 3 cats. I used to have 10 cats at home at the same time.
Some of them passed away, due to old age or illness. It's very hard when they get older...
May God grant all your dreams to come true, Sandie!
Until we write again...
Hope, Peace & Love,
Poet Starry.
There is only one people in my home...me...and two who are disguised as cats, of course!
I like the jar idea but don't know if I'd remember to do it every day.
I like do the math and count your blessings.
22 people!! Did Disco really bite someone???
Oh Sandie, I loved all of these!!! I think my favorite one was about character and reputation. And I only wish kids would realize how important character is. And Disco is SUCH a ham! Love the photo at the beginning with your grandson and Disco. That's the cutest of all. And that jar is a great idea!
Awww! Sweet Disco...mine bark a lot too!
22 guest??? I know YOU rested afterward!
Sandi, What a great list and a wonderful reminder. Happy New Year to you. I like the very first one about FAITH.
Hope you have a nice weekend.
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