"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Well it's not Friday, but I will share my tale and add some fun.

Gosh it has been so long since I have posted.  The time kind of got away from me.  I thought about it often and just never sat down to do it.  Sorry. Even now I am watching the Doctors which I never do and watching the story of little Maddox who can't smile.  He is going to get help and I am bawling . . . so as you can guess I am a mess!!! 

Christmas came - as well as a proposal of marriage to my daughter.  They had set a date in June so we were running around planning and buying - you know how that goes.  It takes a whole lot of time.

Next we put the house up for sale again - .so it was cleaning and sprucing it up again. Then listing it.  We have had four people look at it and four that didn't show so we had to get the house ready 8 times - that is work too.  Another big time taker!

We also have to look at places we may want to move to.  More time.  More stress - getting the picture here??? 

My husband had the shingle shot in January - for 'free' at Kaiser. He asked them for it.   In February his back started hurting on one spot around his waist and the side of his body on the left side swelled up and it looked like a camel hump!! Went to the ER and while they did not find out what that was that day - they did find a nodule on his lung and some spots on his bones.  So that made for many, many more tests and doctors costing about a $1000.00 (for a free shot!).

Come to find that the camel hump was from the shingles shot.  About 3 to 5% of people who get shingles and/or the shot - can have there muscles paralyzed - come to find out our muscles hold our body in.  When they become paralyzed the body pops out. And it was just a small muscle!!

I don't know if I explained this well or not.  Anyway the nodule and the bone spots seem to be okay now and will be looked at in six months.  The muscles are supposed to be working again in 3 to 6 months, but they are not yet.  Add some more time and stress into the pot.

So have I bored you yet?

Last week come to hear my daughter and her fiance might not be getting married.  Then today it is back on.  Kind of like Father of the Bride problems.  But it is mother of the bride who is stressed out too.  I am thinking they will cancel the bigger wedding which I think is a good idea and get married with just the family and then take a little trip., but we'll see.  Seems I am the last to know.

You can add a lot of stress to that pot of soup.

And if that wasn't enough - we found out that my grandson - who started a private Christian School three years ago - where we worked out all sorts of issues -  come to find out his 4 beset friends - boys - are leaving the school.  There are only ten boys in the small class of 20.  Okay the ones left tend to be well - discipline issues - and we figure that is why the others might be leaving.  So guess what else we are doing?  LOOKING FOR A NEW SCHOOL!!!  Praying about it and wondering if he should go to private again or public.  He wants private. And again the $$$.

So put these things all together and we have stress soup and I am in the pot!!!  LOL

So I haven't posted.  I have had a few people ask me how I have been doing - so THANK YOU!

Those aren't the only reasons, but they are the main ones.  The other one that I am still struggling with is my past breast cancer.  I am free from the disease as of now - but it does play a game with your mind.  You always questioning things.  You always wondering why? How?  Is it going to come again?  The protection you had before you had cancer - that you may not get it - is gone.

 It just hurts me so when I read or hear about someone else with cancer - It is the "Emperor of Maladies" a television special that starts on Monday nigh - March 30, 2015.  I hate it for others and I hate it for me. And I do know there are a lot of other horrible diseases and I don't mean to discredit them.

The other thing it taught me is that I need to be doing - living - and experiencing life more - and not spending so much time at my desk at the computer which I do love.   I am trying to get out with people more and trying some different things and doing new experiences.  I am trying to have fun.  So I am mixing things up.

And the funny thing is I didn't ask cancer to teach me anything - it just did.  It changed me and I feel I had no choice!  lol.

My advice to you would be to go out and have some fun - find some passion for living.

I have been in touch with some of you by email and I will still be available on email and I am on facebook.  I wish everyone was.  I am not gone from here, but I am sure I won't be posting too much in the near future as I am hoping the house sells soon - and then we will be packing and moving.  Which will be mean more time, but I will definitely come back once in awhile for updates.  lol

Just don't count me down and out!

The Grandson a loyal Georgia Bulldog Fan  - will be 14 in April.

The lift - something I am trying to remind myself to do.

Disco in his winter coat. Needs to be on a little diet. 

We even had a little snow this winter.  This was it. 
We are in full blown spring now.  The allergies went from a reading of 1 yesterday to over 15K today!

And the most important thing of all: REMEMBER EASTER!

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Cheri said...

Love the dryer cartoon and I wish that could happen to me. ha ha ha

Sheila Y said...

Glad to see a new blog post. Prayers for you all! Please do keep us updated. Take care, Sheila

MadSnapper n Beau said...

girl you need a vacation.. alone or with a friend, NOT family.. even just 24 hours... tell your family I said you need some time off... i need an anti anxiety pill just reading about your life... and stress can and will make you ILL.. don't let it...you are in charge of YOU...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ps don't blog if you don't want to, that is one piece of stress you can just cut right out

Lynn said...

So glad you are doing OK - I wondered and have meant to be in touch. It seems all I do is work and hope the stress won't be my undoing.

It took just the right family to want my parents' house - it'll happen.

Your grandson is so cute and so is Disco. :) Good luck on the wedding plans!

Sandee said...

I've been way busy too, but with volunteering. I've not paid the usual attention to my blogging buddies of late. I think I do this every spring with the weather turns nice and there are tons of work that needs doing.

I hope all these issues melt away for you. I think the public school idea would take a ton of pressure off of you. I'm just saying.

Have a blessed day honey. Remember, you're always in my thoughts and prayers. ♥♥♥

jack69 said...

Thank you for the update. YES, we have thought about you and missed you. Whip the stress, blog when you feel like it and always know, YES we care.
I do like the way you can express your thoughts. And what a good one:
"I didn't ask Cancer to teach me a thing, but it did."

Finding good in the bad, IS GOOD!
Love you girl and hang in there. The kid is growing.
I hope for a SMALL successful marriage!
Love from Florida

betty said...

You would never bore me, Sandie, with your updates. It has been a rocky battle hasn't it? Up and down and not much rest period between events! I do hope your house sells; I know it is such a struggle to keep it up when it is for sale and then be gone with there is a showing. Of course both of the houses we sold, sold when they were the messiest. Go figure.

I think you are wise to evaluate your life and see what you can do to enjoy it, which is often not "stuck" behind a computer screen. Getting out and doing things is great! I haven't had cancer so I don't know the emotions you are dealing with it, but I pray that you will find rest in knowing that for now and hopefully for the rest of your life that you are cured of it.

And indeed have a wonderful Easter! He is risen!


Vee said...

Wow. That's a whole lot going on. No wonder we haven't heard from you in a while. Yes, that was intense...thanks for the laughter in between...I'm all for that dryer. =D Who is the most laid back friend you know? Go out for lunch. I would have asked who was the hoot in your crowd, but I think you are! Won't look for you tomorrow, but please don't go for quite so long.

Sue said...

If Miss B can survive NYC public school then Andy will do just fine back in Cobb schools...and think of the money that will be saved....and he will make new friends and have great experiences....After I just read that the Walker School in Marietta had a kid bring in brownies laced with drugs then no school is safe or good anymore...so why pay for it...He'll be just fine...and the house will sell !!! stop stressing it's not good for your over all health...and that's an order!

Ginny Hartzler said...

MISSED YOU! It has been forever!!! I love your grandson on the train tracks. And Disco is so cute in that little coat! Looks like dogs gain weight in middle age just like WE do! Yes, once you have cancer, you seem to hold your breath from one checkup to the next. BUT GOD is totally in control of your life! I know you know that. Why are you selling your house? When your daughter gets married, will they move into their own place? OH no, that will mean Disco and his boy gone! But maybe less stress for you. That is an awful lot of boys leaving all at once...maybe they pulled off a huge prank? OR the school is too strict? I will say that private schools rarely have school shootings. But you just have to take him around and pray.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I agree with Sandra. Maybe you need a vacation, or at least some planned time by yourself. Are you getting enough rest and sleep? Listen to your blogger docs, we are always right (at least we think we are)

Marie said...

wow! even though we have emailed, I didn't know you're going through so much!! you need a long weekend in Cary. :)
hugs & love,


I think your plate is full. You have alot going on in your life. Mixing things up a little is good. Take care of yourself. Have a Happy Easter.

Terri D said...

It is SO good to see you here again, and to see photos and cartoons! You always find just the right ones to make me giggle and agree with! Glad we can stay in touch on FB and by email, but it is always great seeing you here. Sending love & hugs, and count on my prayers for all you have going on!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sue said it all! Stop stressing my sweet friend, it will all work out for the best. Sending big hugs and lots of love.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

So good to hear from you... I am glad to talk to you via email and FB, but I love your great blog posts...

Sounds like you truly do have alot of stress in your life. I am so sorry for all that you are going through --but hopefully, a year from now, things will be much much better. Selling the house will help relieve the stress --even if moving takes place after that. I think it's more fun to buy and move than to get ready to SELL.... Good Luck. Your home is gorgeous.

Find out where your grandson's friends are going to school next year and check into some of those schools for him. Good Luck with that one also.

Once some of this is over, as much as you love people, why don't you either find a part-time job or some volunteer work--just to get you out of the house doing something for yourself and others??? Just a thought.

Are you saying that I don't need to get that Shingles shot? I had been thinking about doing it.... Now--I'm not sure.


jp@A Green Ridge said...

Through everything, you said it yourself, "Keep looking up!" Yes, that is a lot to have gone through and go through yet you are a strong woman...just keep looking up!...:)JP

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

My goodness girl, when it rains, it pours at your house! I didn't know you were moving again- new town, or just new neighborhood? I want to move so bad..I have a hopeless case of wanderlust..if that's the word. Mostly I would just love to move somewhere that had nicer weather. Good luck on the school search..and you know- it will all come out in the wash, so no stress!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's so nice to catch up on your news. I'm sorry about what your sweet hubby has been through. I'll keep you both in my prayers. Thanks for the laughs and lifts my friend. Sweet hugs, Diane

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It was so good to see a post from you and to hear how things have been going there at your house. Lots new for there for sure ! You have been missed and I have often wondered how you are doing. Hope all goes well with the wedding, the house, and the grandson.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Tim had shingles and was in a lot of pain and my sister had shingles she also was in a lot of pain. I have not had it and hope I never do since I saw how much pain they had with it.

Weddings a lot of work, I don't remember how much work went into my wedding as my mum did most of the planing for it.

I have never bought or sold a house so nothing about that.

Ann Thompson said...

It's good to see you post today. You sure have had a full plate. Any one of those things alone probably would have kept me from blogging, it's no wonder you've been away from it

Melanie said...

So good to hear from you! :-) You sure have had a lot going on! I pray all will be well with your husband. I'm glad he got the shot. My mom had shingles about ten years ago and she still has nerve pain. It is miserable stuff.
So sorry about the school thing...I hope you'll be able to find another good school, and I also hope things go well with your daughter.
Your house is so pretty.♥ Take care, my friend.

Paula said...

I've wondered about you, now I know. Stay well and blog just when you want to.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am so sorry that you have all these worries but was so glad to read the end of your post. Among all this stress, you are trying to make time for yourself and looking forward to new experiences. I hope one of them leads you down that lovely street that you wrote about before. Perhaps that will be where you find your new home.I wish you good health for your body and peace for your soul.

Lee said...

How wonderful to read your post, Sandie. I've you from the blogging world...but we have kept in contact via other methods. :)

Wow! You are having and have had quite a time! I think it's time for you to exhale, too, girl!!!

Take good care...and take extra good care of Number One...you! :)

Susan said...

Bore us? Are you kidding? I love every post you've ever done.

It's true that this is a very hard time for you, Sandie. But none of us know our futures. That's why each moment is so precious. It's all we have, really.

You are an amazing woman and a good person with a pure heart. Know that the bad times will pass. They always do.

Do something good for yourself every single day!

Love to you. Susan

Mevely317 said...

Wow, Sandie ... sounds like you and your family have been through the wringer! Glad you're out the other side with a big smile ... loving your attitude!

PS - Your home is beautiful!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We came by to see some smiles today!!
thank you!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie - so glad to see you up with a post - you've got lots going on and I feel for you ... just that difficult time when all things need to be dealt with and they all come together at once: never easy. Good luck with everything ...

I do love 'the boy' gosh hasn't he grown .. amazing and handsome too .. then all your cartoons to make us laugh and give us all an uplift - take and all the very best - Hilary

Jojo said...

Sandie, you are having a full life! There are days that I feel like I'm living my own TV drama with all of the happenings that take place in a day, week, month or year and to read your happenings, you've been the leading lady! Who needs TV? So glad to read your post and glad to hear your news. Thinking of you.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your grandson is really growing fast! He is a cutie.
Wow, I can see how you would be stressed out. Hope your house sells soon and all goes well with your daughters wedding.
Loved the cartoons...I sure could use that dryer!

Changes in the wind said...

Nice to hear from you. You certainly do have a lot going on and I hope things level out for you soon. Love the little cartoons:) Grandson has gotten a lot taller and disco is like the rest of us....chubby:)

Knitty said...

I have missed you. I am sorry you have had so many concerns. It is understandable why posting has taken a back seat to daily living.

I changed the nature of how and why I blog, but for different reasons than yours. I do miss interacting with some readers, but many seem to have given up their blogs and perhaps aren't reading them either. Life, including blog-life, keeps changing, right?

Best wishes to you and all of your family members.

Unknown said...

Hi hon, It was so good to see an update from you. You've got a lot on your plate, don't you. Well, I'm always here for you. And if things ever pile up and you get overwhelmed and need to talk, you can always ask for my phone number. that's a given. Love you and you're always in my prayers.
Take care.
Hugging you across the miles.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So much craziness going on in your life. That is really something about his experience with the shot. I just had mine last Friday. So sorry you have to look for a new school for your Grandson. I know how happy you were when he started there. It was a good place for him. I agree with you on living and not spending your day behind the desk on your computer. Life is precious and we must embrace each moment today!!! Wishing you all the best with your move. Sometimes change is awesome and I wish that for you. Love, Debby

Lady Jane said...

So glad to hear from you Chatty. I am glad you are getting out and about. That is so important. I too am trying, also. Hubby is better now so I think I can try to find outside interests again. I just don't want to leave him alone too much so he gets depressed. He still has a long road to hoe.

barbara woods said...

Glad to hear from you, like the naked man

Rose said...

Thought of you often and had you in my prayers.

Gosh, you surely had a lot going on. I feel so bad about your husband's experience with the Shingles shot. Now, I wish I did not get mine.

I developed R/A and Scleroderma shortly afterwards but no proof that the shot caused it.

It was nice hearing from you.

Stay safe and be well......that goes for the entire family! Hugs, Rose

Sally Wessely said...

It is good to see you here again. I've missed you. You really have had a lot of stressors.

I don't blog like I used to either. I think we all have our seasons. I try to get out and have more contact with people too. One can get lost at the computer and miss out on other things.

I hope things work out well - the way they are supposed to - with your daughter. Also, I hope you find the right school for your grandson.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It's great to see a post from you, even though it sounds like you've been through the ringer! I hope GS finds the right school. A shame he has to switch. Also, fingers crossed on the house! May it sell soon!

Disco looks cute in his sweater.

Sharon said...

Love seeing you in Blog Land again!!

So much has gone on in your life lately - it makes me tired!! Praying for all the things happening - the good and the bad. Healing for bodies, and wisdom for decisions.

Can't believe how big and mature-looking GS is!! WOW!

And Disco - well, he continues to be adorable!

Love you! XO

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Wow, you do have a lot going on! The wedding - off, or on - they can be stressful for sure! And trying to move...oh my. I'm sorry to hear the past cancer still haunts you, but I'm sure that's normal. It would be on my mind too. We seem to like to find things to worry about. :-) I hope you have a relaxing Easter - new life, redemption, chocolate eggs. It's all good. :-)

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Wow! You really ARE "in the (stress) soup!" When you're looking for your next house, I would suggest getting the smallest and lowest maintenance house you can be comfortable in and getting rid of lots of stuff (for all I know, you may already be quite "pared down"). Just ... whatever takes the stress off you. I can't imagine coping with all that, and yet you retain your wonderful sense of humor! We miss you when you don't blog, but don't blog if that has become another stressor or you're just not feelin' it. Lots of people are rooting for you and your DH. Hugs, Jean

Saleslady371 said...

No wonder you haven't been blogging! So much stress, yet you still find a way to smile! I like that.

Julia said...

Bonito y divertido post.
Te animo a echar un vistazo a mi post verás algunas ideas realmente interesantes, que creo te pueden inspirar. Deseo que pases un buen rato y espero que te guste y si es así y no eres seguidora espero que te hagas, gracias por visitarme. Elracodeldetall.blogspot.com

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Sandie, Sandie! It's so nice to see you posting again.

Thanks for the reminder to get away from the computer and enjoy life. With another book coming out soon and one in the works...yes, way too much time on here. :)

MunirGhiasuddin said...

So nice to see you back. I did not realize that you went through so much. You need to take care of yourself too.
I did not realize that Shingles shots could do that. Wow.

Selling a house is no picnic. Then finding a new place is no party either. It can be done though.

Please eat right and get enough sleep. Stress can take a lot out of us.

Love to your grandson.

Wishing all the best for your daughter and her fiance. No matter what kind of wedding it is, their future together is more important than the ceremony.

Granny Annie said...

Good Lord Sandie, you out did yourself. So many -- all good. Hope you manage the wedding and the search for a new school.

Unknown said...

It's lovely reading from you, there's certainly a lot going on around you. Here it's busy like crazy, haven't had much time to catch up but trying. Looking forward to a long Easter break and the week after my Sweden trip. That's my spring break lol. Gosh your GS has grown a lot, 14 wow! Time flies
I think a smaller wedding is nicer, hope all will go smoothly. On my way home from work, was a busy day and looking forward to put my feet up.
Have a great day!

nancygrayce said...

Oh, girl! You have had some stress! After going through our son's large wedding 9 years ago, I am hoping the two who are unmarried will just go to the pastor's office and marry and then go on a trip. We may or may not be willing to bribe them!

If I had to get my house ready to sell right now, I would just admit myself to the asylum because I can hardly make myself just do what absolutely has to be done.

I'm so sorry about your husband's problems. I had chicken pox, had the shingles shot and still got shingles, although a small case.

And as for the cancer thing, my sister feels the same way......she has never had aches and pains, but now if she does that thought that maybe it's back runs through her mind. She said the other day that at least her having it makes my other sister and I less likely to.....I felt a little guilty! Right now, two first cousins and a brother in law have serious cancers. It seems to be rampant!

Rest when you can!

renae said...

oh Chatty!
I see you are posting now again, too. This is going to come up as Simple Sequins on this comment because you don't have the option for me to put in my new URL and such. That is ok. That is ok. I still learning the ups and downs of my new site vs the old blogger.com stuff.
Great to see you!!! Thanks, my friend! Thanks!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Dearest Sandie,
You have been missed and you are loved so much by your family and by many of us. In fact I was just thinking of this quote " A heart is not judged by how much you love, but how much you are loved by others." You touch more lives than you can imagine. This too will pass and in the meantime you shared some wise words-get out and live!
Love the post and you!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie, I am so happy to hear from you again. I also read the many wonderful comments you get from your dear friends. Yes! You are so much loved by many folks around here, and I am sure your family adores you too. I wish the best of luck for your grandson in finding the perfect school again. Public Schools are free, and Private Schools are expensive. So, in other words, it all depends on how much money we have to pay for education. On the other hand, I'll be praying for your husband to get well soon about his health issues. When you talk about cancer, I can feel your pain and understand you so well, because I was already there too with my ovarian cancer years ago. But, I don't think about these things any longer. You know I put my mind something else, like in my dreams and projects for the future, if I still have some time ahead. Looking back is not healthy for one's mind, I guess. Anyway, my heart still aches with the inner pain of losing my best friend. You see today is one week after I lost my dear cat, Sonya due to Skin Cancer, a fast and deadly one, Squamous Cells Carcinoma. She got it in the right side of her face, lower jaw, cheek and her right eye, which made her blind of her right eye. Her last 24 hours were dreadful. I think her twin brother wanted to stay on my pillow in my bedroom, and while she was always on there, I guess, he perforated her right eye with one of his claws, making Sonya scream and badly bleed through her right eye. She came to the living room looking for me, and telling me what had happened to her. When I looked at her eye, I almost had a heart attack. I never saw such a thing in my life. Sonya was bleeding through her right eye. She was stabbed by her twin brother claw...I saw the puncture in her eye. In fact, I thought, I would die with her. Her final hours began...Hubby took her to the Vet the following day. They said she couldn't be saved, because the cancer was also behind her right eye, making it protruding and swelling. My heart stopped. I was unable to breathe. I shattered in million pieces. I had no choice. Sonya was bleeding through her right eye. I did not want to betray her trust in me. I had no choice. I feel so bad now, because I never wanted to betray my best furry friend. You see Sandie, life is NOT a bed of roses, nor a bowl of cherries. Yet, all sad things will eventually pass, and the bright sunny days will come back again, if we allow them to happen. I agree with Betsy from TN. Perhaps, you should get a part-time job, or volunteer in doing something to make your mind go elsewhere, not always at home. Maybe, you can find a hobby, or some sports to do. You may get involved in non-profits organizations, or a local Church where you may do some work for them. It'll be wonderful for your mind. I hope you can sell your house soon, and have less stress on your shoulders. I'll be praying for you, for your husband, your daughter, grandson. I'll pray for happiness, health and wealth for all of you, especially your daughter who is getting married soon. After you move out from your house, will you RENT a 1, 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms apartment? I think the more bedrooms, the RENT will be more EXPENSIVE... Money is tight, especially when one RETIRES. Well, it's midnight in my corner of the world, and I ought to go to sleep. It's bedtime. I feel so lonely, because the pillow next to me is empty now. Sonya used to sleep next to me on her pillow. She was the QUEEN OF MY HEART. I guess her twin brother might have been jealous of her. I guess it's FELINE LOVE, just too rough and wild. I surely won't adopt another pet for a long time. Oh! It's Easter coming soon. HAPPY EASTER, SANDIE, FAMILY, BELOVED ONES! God may always bless you all. Greetings from Starry.

mail4rosey said...

Easter came so fast this year. And hurrah, happy to see your post! You sound very busy. And stress is messy, I've got my fair share here too lately, and I usually don't. I don't like it. Good luck to you with your house sale!

And LOL at Disco in his warm duds. #verycute :)

Connie Arnold said...

It's great to see your post! You certainly have had a lot going on in your life. Your ending is so appropriate and the answer to everything stressful that occurs in life. Blessings and happy Easter to you!

Betty Manousos said...

wishing you and yours a blessed easter!!


p.s. good luck with your house selling

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I came to check on you.
Did you find any fun yet?
It seems your consumed with worry,,,
Yes worry is real,, and its hard to get past stuff.
However,, you always have cute things on your blog to make everyone smile,,,, to stop and smile..
I hope you found some fun..

Little Miss Titch said...

Wow thats a lot of Stress.but time to forget that for it is Easter!Happy Easter from Freya Rose Blossom's Speedy Rabbit,xx Speedy

Kay G. said...

Hey Sandie,
Sorry you have been under so much stress. I have been thinking of you and praying for you.
Hope you enjoyed a beautiful Easter weekend in our gorgeous state! (Just watch out for that pollen, eh?)
Take care my dear...let me know if you ever get to Stone Mountain, we can have a laugh together! xx

Cranberry Morning said...

Oh, Sandie, you have had a triple portion dished out to you. You are so wise to keep looking up, because God is our only hope and strength. So much to be praying for. Thank you for sharing it with us. Such good advice too. Good bless you, Sandie!

Small Kucing said...

Wow you have something to look forward to in June. Hope they work out whatever problems there.

Didn't know selling a house over there is so tiring. Over here, properties are snapped up in a blink of an eye. It's a seller market.

Sorry to hear about your husband shingles. That's bad.

sure sound stressful first quarter of the year. Hope the balance will be better

Unknown said...

Hope your out and about and living life to the full.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Hope you'll post again soon and let us know how you're doing! Hugs, Jean

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh dear friend, sounds like there are many things to stress about, God bless you! I'm terribly sorry about your cancer, changes so much in our lives. Hope all turns out well and that you'll find time to relax and be good to yourself. Take good care.
