"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, September 17, 2018





This is the picture my daughter picked of grandson to go in the slideshow they are making for graduation.  
This is how we remember him.


What happens to the picture when you stare at it for a few minutes?

My favorite things I like to do:
1. EAT
2. Ride in the car
3.  EAT
4. Be right next to someone in my family - usually my mom Kelly.
We have the exact same hair color. 
5.  EAT
6.  Love my family
7.  EAT
8. Protect my family by barking at all others.
9.  EAT
10.  Protect my family by biting - yes sometimes I do bite and have to be watched when strangers come around.

Grandpa and I are great buddies too.
Love, Disco



Are you a kind person?

What do you think about men with long beards?
My answer is personally I don't like them.
Hope I do not offend anyone but I just don't care for them.
Do you?
Do you or have you ever read about how dirty these beards are?
All sorts of things could be in there.
If you like them - convince me - lol.

Now this is not a beard - this is closely shaven and - teehee - I like that style.

Love, Chatty


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love beards, but not wild, wooly or long and not untrimmed. I like neat beards.. I always want to grab old of the wild beards and hack them off... cute pic of grandson and of course sweet disco the biting car riding eating pup

Granny Annie said...

I like a well cared for beard but I would prefer to see the man's whole face.

Abby said...

I'm rather neutral on beards. I think a nice well-trimmed beard looks good on a man who is otherwise bald. I'm not really a fan of the big wooley ones, but the men I know who have them are nice guys.
"This is how we remember him" - I get that. My kids are all officially adults now, and all great guys, but I miss the various little boys they were.
I always enjoy a Disco fix from you :). We're wanting to get another dog, just waiting for the "right" time

Knitty said...

I like a trim beard that follows the line of the face, not the long style as you've shown here. I don't think I've ever seen a long beard and thought the man wore it well, but that is just my opinion, I'd never criticize someone over their choice. There are many choices that I don't think fits a person. If you're very young, you can probably pull off having blue or pink hair. As you age, you need the personality to wear this without looking like a dye job gone bad. For me, if you're going to rock an unnatural color hair, you need to exude a personality that goes with it. I hope that made sense.

I love that Mark Twain quote and of course, love the picture of your grandson. How dare he grow up so fast! I'm trying to stunt the growth of mine but I am not succeeding!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandy - not too keen on beards or for that matter not quite shaved! Still love the photos and the various quotes ... take care - cheers Hilary

Ginny Hartzler said...

Lots of good things here today, and great pic of your grandson!! I always like Disco's corner. I do not like these big beards! It's like, can't these men see how bad they look? The really short ones that are kind of trimmed with clippers are good though.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I love (can relate) to the humor and the Thought For he Day clips. I like a very well trimmed beard on men but don’t think they look good on women.

Mevely317 said...

That's an adorable picture of Andy! My granddaughter's school did a graduation slide show, and I was SO disappointed Chloe elected not to participate.

I don't DISlike beards; in fact, some fellas look pretty sharp. Personally, unless someone has a deformity or an abnormality, I prefer clean-shaven men. Interesting question!

Terri D said...

Disco and I both like to EAT!! :)

I don't like long scraggly beards either. Well manicured is okay, however!

I really enjoy your posts, Sandie!! So happy you are back!!

Anonymous said...

I love that disco and I know a few with long beards, yuk yuk yuk !

LL Cool Joe said...

I obviously haven't got a brain because that picture does nothing when I stare at it!

I think a bit of designer stubble looks okay but I think beards generally make a man look much older, but for some it adds character.

betty said...

Such a cute picture of your grandson. Will he be embarrassed with it? I couldn't see anything in the picture after I stared at it, maybe I didn't do it long enough?

I don't like the LONG beards, but a very short well maintained beard can look okay on some men :)


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Tim often has a beard and often it looks stupid and I don't like it and tell him I would love him to shave it off but he doesn't.

Disco is so damn cute

NanaDiana said...

So nice to see you here, Sandie. I don't like a long, scruffy looking beard but I don't mind a close cut one. Some men look really handsome with one. Have a good night- xo Diana

Red Rose Alley said...

I do not like beards either, Sandie. Yes, so many things can get in there haha. I love the "kindness" quote, and so true. That's a precious picture of your grandson when he was little. That will be a nice surprise to make a slideshow for his graduation. Hello Disco, you're so cute.


Sylvia said...

Hi Sandie, I am a Georgia girl also! I enjoyed reading your blog. I've seen the one about husbands not listening, I think they really can hear at times, my hubby wears hearing aids and sometimes he has the TV on so low I can't hear it but says he can.(maybe I'm the one that's hard of hearing)
I don't like men with breads but I sure like the last photo!
Sylvia @ A Grandma's Blessings

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you about beards! Disco is so funny but yes eating seems to be it. I see why you remember your gson that way.

Susan said...

Oh Sandie. I LOATHE long beards. So unappealing. Cute post. Can't believe how little Grandson was in that shot. Looks like he had light colored hair, too. It got a lot darker through the years. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Susan

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I vote with the majority on beards. Not a favorite of mine at all. The only man I've ever seen that I liked with a beard was Santa Claus. Ha !

Jill said...

Such an adorable picture of your grandson... perfect for graduation memories! My husband has a mustache that connects to a small gotee, but he keeps it trimmed neatly and groomed well, lol. I'm not a fan of long beards though. Hope you are having a great week!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a cute picture of your grandson. The circles moved. Disco is so sweet. Skye does not cuddle and she doesn't bark to much. That's definitely true about husbands! I don't like the long beards at all. I love the closely shaven ones. Have a nice weekend.

The Liberty Belle said...

I'm not fond of beards. My husband is a Marine so clean shaven and 'high and tight' are for me.

Disco is adorable!

Dar said...

The circles move opposite directions...cool.
Awww, Andy's still as cute as he was as a lil' guy. Sweet choice.
Men, yeppers, they never listen. LOL
Twain was a very wise man., a great truth!
Beards?, neatly trimmed, short, not scraggly, maybe. Hubby has a silver beard that he keeps neat and I don't mind it. It's soft like my Dad's was.
The five o'clock shadow like the last picture looks good on dark haired fellas but whisker rubs with them? .... not a fan.

Nonnie said...

I'm with Disco! Let's eat! What a darling picture of your grandson and I also like the one with Grandpa and Disco ready to roll. Great saying about husbands not listening. Haha! I hate the beard fad and you're right, that last one isn't a real beard. Hehe! Mark Twain's quote was excellent. Would be nice if everybody would at least try.
I dont know how I missed this post when you first posted it! I always look for you.

Starry Dawn said...

Oh, My Dear Friend, I'm sorry to say, but I don't like beards, certainly unappealing to me. I like clean & neat shaved with the good smell of perfume in the face. Well, I love clean & neat people of all genders. Mark Twain's quote is remarkable. I agree with this amazing author writer. Kindness is so important to me. I'm unable to tolerate unkindness or rudeness in people. Your dog, Disco is so clever. I like the picture of your husband in his car with Disco. Your grandson looks so adorable in his pic as a little kid. Time really flies, my friend! Our grandchildren grow up, and we grow older with them...
I think one needs to exude a personality that goes with the outer layer of his/her looks, no matter the hair colour. I love Art & Music, the artistic expression of one's soul! Thank you for writing awesome blog posts!