"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, June 24, 2019


June 1, 2019 Orientation:
Picking Classes

Going In.
Around 40,000 students.

Well my dear grandson here is your chance to find out who you are and what you want to be.
God Be With You.

Coming out.
He has registered for accounting, finance, English, and theater (he has to take that).
You may find out that college is not your thing - but here is your chance right now!!!!

The real Disco - 
we had a man there checking our a/conditioner -
Disco barked the entire 2 hours.
He will keep it up forever!

I love Billy Graham.
What do you think - 
pets in Heaven or not?


Thanks Darla


Anonymous said...

Exciting times for grandson, his whole future ahead of him! Disco is so much like our Bucky, could have been brothers! Have the best week my friend!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh yes, such an exciting time for your grandson. It is a chance for him for sure. Hope he likes it. . and takes advantage of all there is to learn. There will be new adjustments to be made for you and your family too now that he's graduated. Hope they are all good!

R's Rue said...

Good luck to your grandson.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

All the best to your grandson. I pray he finds what makes him happy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my dad loved Billy Graham and this was the one thing they did not agree on. daddy said no pets in heaven. i agree with Billy G. hope all goes well on the college scene. how far from home is it

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

With my third grandchild going off to college (too far away!) I know of your excitement, hope, fear, and pride as Andy starts this milestone in life. I wish him well.

betty said...

I have to think there will be animals in heaven. That's a load of classes for grandson! Will he have to work part-time? As long as he keeps up with going to class and doing the work, I'm sure he'll do great with it. At least he is giving college a try. Good thing is he is so young that if he decides on something else and then come back to school, he has plenty of time to do so. Disco is a great watch dog!! He knows his people and he doesn't want anyone else there!


Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Sandie, I wish your grandson well in choosing the right classes to take and his college journey. It's exciting, but at the same time, can be overwhelming. Ok, I am laughing out loud at the scarf comment hahaha. I have to send that to the girls. And the weekend quote made me chuckle as well. It sounds like Jessica cause she LOVES THE WEEKENDS! But now she is on summer break, and loving it. Disco sure didn't like the air conditioner man being around. Sounds like he's protective of his home and family. : )

Your posts are like a breath of fresh air, Sandie.

love, ~Sheri

jack69 said...

It is hard for my small mind to think 40K students ANYWHERE!
Yes it is exciting and baffling to see the youth launching out into the world. I know the dude will do well. He has had some great background and support!
Sherry & jack in NC

Mevely317 said...

I can't bear to imagine a Heaven without our precious fur babies!
Best of luck to Andy as he begins another exciting season in life. What school is this? 40k enrollment boggles my mind!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So it sounds like he wants to do something with money or figures? He is really smart for sure! He has to take theater? That is strange to me. Pets and animals going to Heaven. I think that is something we will NEVER know until we get there! Wonder if disco gets a sore throat?

Terri D said...

I hope Andy enjoys theater! Disco is just protecting you!! LOL Your funnies are always so good! And yes, I can't imagine Heaven without our beloved pets. Love & hugs!!

Buttercup said...

Best wishes to Andy! And yes, pets in heaven. :)

Nonnie said...

Oh boy, sending him off to college. Is it far from home? I remember when Sara left, she bawled all day saying maybe she shouldn't go. But she did, and she met her husband there and she stayed!! Our dog goes nuts with the lawn mowing guys! She runs from window to window and front door to back door, sliding on the floor and making me crazy with the barking! Crazy dogs trying to protect us, huh?

Nonnie said...

I should add also that Trudy, our little schnauzer actually "lost her voice" from barking at a rabbit that got caught in the safe trap. Unbelievable.

photowannabe said...

I have to agree with Billy Graham...God created all and said it was good.
Of course Billy has the inside scoop already...
How exciting for your Grandson. New adventures, new friends, and the new "rest of his life".
Love the squirrel post too. The weekends always seem to go Poof!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Exciting times for your grandson, I wish him well in his future studies.
I enjoyed your funnies, thank you.

All the best Jan

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

College isn't something we do in my family but I expect it is for some it is a big deal

Susan said...

Ohhhhh, Sandie, seeing your grand walking on those steps to the college building was very bittersweet. Of course, I am so happy for him but also a little bit sad that a whole era is now over. Let the new era begin, right? Lovely post, Sandie girl. My Mom liked Billy Graham very much. Hugs. Susan

Abby said...

Good wishes to your grandson off to college - exciting times! He has to take theater? Interesting.
I don't know how dogs can bark incessantly for so long without getting hoarse, but they do. We've all heard it!
When we put our previous dog to sleep, the vet said, when he dies, he wants to see his lost pets first. The relatives can wait. I feel much the same way.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

All the best to your grandson! You always post the cutest jokes (are they called memes?)!

Jill said...

I wish your grandson all the very best as he sets out on this new journey! We recently did the same for our oldest daughter and it is hard to let them go.... August is her move in date! I hope you are doing well! Have a great week ahead.
