"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, February 03, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day - Happy birthday - it's the little things that are important....


I thought I would show you my VALUABLE art collection today. 

Valentine's Day is about love and so are these art pieces.

My grandson's foot print is the grapes.  Preschool art work.

My beautiful daughter's art work.  She loved colors and was and is a free spirit.

Okay another piece of artwork - a money box made by my grandson.
He made it for me to hold all my money.

No money is there. Instead it holds something more valuable.
It holds little love notes he used to send me and a heart he gave me once.
NOT ANY MORE - teehee.

Another gift made by my grandson - a snowman. 
I guess he made some of these things for the whole family - but I keep them.

This is a piece of pottery - they placed a leaf in it before they painted it.
Grandson made at a birthday party.


Last but not least - my son who is now 44 made this for me - a hot plate that has seen better days -  it's cracked, but it makes me love it even more. 

Now this guy was not as much as a free spirit as his sister - but he was very precise as you can see and still is! 

I don't have anything from my other grandson - yet.  lol



She is going to be 42 this month.
Happy birthday Kelly girl.

They say owners look like they dogs or is it dogs look like their owners.
Doesn't their hair color match?
Boy does she LOVE this pup.

She is a special needs teacher and all the kids love her.


Things disappear in my house too and nobody has seen them either!  lol

Something to think about!


jack69 said...

YEP! We are art collectors. The ones that ENJOY the love that went into creating it. You do bring back some wonderful memories. I too have an art collection. I hope to redistribute it when I get old. LOL
Love the family shots, SWEET.
Love from South Carolina, getting ready to take off.
Sherry & jack

Bijoux said...

What a great idea for a post! I might have to steal this one. My 3 kids had very different art styles. I enjoyed all of your art, but the snowman was my favorite.

Julierose said...

Great post--your "loving" gifts bring back warm memories for you I am sure...hugs, Julierose

Theresa said...

Happy Birthday Kelly! I love all of my precious artwork made my little ones too:) I will have to do a similar post on my treasures! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Cheri said...

Happy Birthday to Kelly! Your posts always have a little bit of everything...love them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are all pricless memories. especially the little money box.. happy birthday to your daughter. both my sons have birthdays this month, one of valentines day, also his anniversary and the other on the 22nd. the valentine son will be 55 this year. YIKES. ha ha on the not seen the donuts.

Sandee said...

That pup is adorable. I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

Valentine's day is special for so many. Family rocks.

♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday Dear Kelly,♪♫
♪♫Happy Birthday to you.♪♫

Have a fabulous day and week, Sandie. Big hug. ♥

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So nice to see your priceless works of art I too have a lot of them and truly they are all works of love. Our grandchildren and children make our lives worth while. Happy birthday to your daughter, She and disco are quite a pair!

betty said...

What a great post Sandie! I enjoyed all the art work you shared here! Very creative all your family members are!! Happy early birthday to your daughter and to you! And Happy Valentine's Day! Disco sure is a well loved dog :)


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your family is so beautiful!! These are the things that I keep, too. They are treasures of the heart, and I could never get rid of them. Is this your son holding the fish? He is so handsome! I love this post, because all of us seniors can so well relate to it! I LOVE reading your posts, you should post more often. Just to make ME happy, of course!

Terri D said...

Your art collection is priceless!! I always enjoy your posts and the giggles at the end! xoxox

Annsterw said...

I have all the artwork given to me by my nieces and nephews. I will not throw any of that away!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the birthday wishes mom!! I love you. Love Andy's artwork...I don't think some of those ever made it to me....lol Have a great day!!

Catscue Catmom said...

Those are precious works of art! Love the Zappa quote, so very true.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, those hand-made treasures are priceless! I hope your 'kids' hearts are touched, knowing you've carefully preserved them. Yes, little things mean a lot!

PS - Happy birthday to your pretty daughter!

Lee said...

What a great array to look at and ponder over!

Fun and smiles...thanks, Sandie! :)

Sandi said...

These are true treasures!

Patti said...

So you have a February girl too! A very happy birthday to her. Hope it marks the beginning of a fantastic new year of life for her.

I have so many pieces of art similar to yours. It's way too hard to part with those precious gifts from the heart.


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Valentine's Day is my daughter's birthday, Tim says she is the best Valentine's present he could ever want.

Art is so lovely and can make us feel so good

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Your collection is more than LOVEly. These mom and grandmom gifts are more precious as time go by.

Happy Birthday to your very pretty daughter.

Jackie said...

Happy birthday Kelly!
I love LOVE love each and every item made by your Grandson son, your daughter, and your son. I have treasures (priceless they are!) that my children and Grandchildren made me. There is no price I could put on them. They make my heart smile.
Thank you for sharing your blog post with us. It brought a smile to me.
Hugs and love,

CHERI said...

My son is 47 and I still have "art" from his preschool days:) Just too precious to throw away. Now I'm beginning to collect some "real art" from my 13 year old granddaughter. She is so very talented...no lessons, just God-given talent and self-taught. You always have the cutest things on your blog:) Happy Birthday to your daughter!!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Sandie, Happy Birthday to your daughter! I loved seeing all the treasured art that you have kept all these years. Your grandson's footprint in the grapes is such a clever idea, and I like the leaf pottery he made too. Your daughter's art work is special, and I love the box with the notes that your grandson gave you. That made me smile. Your son's hot plate is so cool. It's wonderful that you kept all these things. I'm going to have to send the "powdered donuts" picture to Jess. It reminds me of Francesca, as she's at that age where she can get into everything haha.

Love your post today, Sandie. Happy Valentine's Day!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to Kelly!
Sandie, this is such a sweet post. I love all your handmade treasures.
Happy Valentine's Day to you....

photowannabe said...

Love your art pieces. I have those pieces of art too.
Hubby and I were just going through a box of "treasures" yesterday.
I love the notes from my granddaughters and some of those precious cards from hubby too.

Buttercup said...

Love the picture of Kelly and Disco. Happy birthday to Kelly and a big pre-Valentine's Day hug to you.

Carol Henstra said...

I too love the pictures and Diso Doggie Love. I love your blog so true you have so many things to say and show.

I was off to day having a break from Hospital with Hubby. So I am having company this afternoon but I do watch for your blog to come up the new one each time . I have to go pop it up to see what you have instore for your viewers. Always a blessing.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely post.
Happy Birthday Wishes and Happy Valentine Wishes too :)
I love the Zappa quote, so true.

All the best Jan

Diana said...

Happy early Valentine's Day to you also! What a lovely post with all the sweet things your family has given to you. I too treasure things like that and have plenty saved from over the years, especially careful with those from my oldest son who went to heaven way too soon a little 6 years ago. Things our kids and grandkids made/make, love every one of them because they are memories to cherish. Blessings to you! Visiting via Dandelion Tea (Sandi).

photowannabe said...

I found out about the tours on line.
Amazon has a FB page and you can check and see if there are any FulFillment Centers in your area.
We also have a friend that works at Amazon. She was doing guided tours this month and encouraged us to sign up for one.
I hope there is one close to you. It's fascinating. The minds that create this stuff are sure "way out there "!!

barbara woods bewtjw@gmail.com said...

Thanks Sis, don't know how I missed it! Good one!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a lovely post and you have such a sweet family!
Have a great weekend!

mail4rosey said...

I saw the snow on the news today in GA and thought of you! Hope you're not caught up in that mess. I keep things from my kids and now grandkids too. My grandma kept so many things I made, and she kept them and if they were usable (pot holders, pen holder, egg crate garbage can) used them, her whole life. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I always enjoy your posts.... YES---our own personal 'art collections' through the years are PRICELESS for sure....

I do have a question.... I need a new Signature on my Blog... I love yours. Can you tell me where you got it --or similar ones? Thanks.


Jim said...

Well, Sandy, my earlier comment flew away. I remember thanking you for the box to keep things was. I have a paper mache and painted box my granddaughter gave me, now I will keep other things from here. At ten she doesn't send love notes any more.
Thanks for peeking on me this week, I am wondering if you don't think I'm a klutz. But I know you are a good person, most chocolate lovers are. I had a Butterfinger bar with coffee this afternoon.

Abby said...

Happy early Valentine's Day! All of the artwork in my house is of original family artists :). The most valuable! I love all the little gifts from your kids/ grandson.
Happy Birthday to your daughter!

Hena Tayeb said...

So many wonderful treasures!

Hootin Anni said...

These are ALL so precious! The joke is hilarious too, bug all the love seen in these gifts just makes me tingle inside.

Starry Dawn said...

Good Morning, My Dear Friend,
Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter, Kelly!!
Happy Valentine's Day to you, family and beloved ones!!
My computer broke down for many weeks, due to the fact of a black-out,
electricity failure in our area. It was taken to the technician,
and he took several weeks to repair it. It was a major trouble, some
parts were burnt down. Thanks God, I was able to save all my files!
I'm glad you listened to my phone message, and be so kind to let my
Facebook followers know that my computer was broken. Now, I'm back!
Have a lovely Valentine's Day, my friend, with all your loved ones!

Jim said...


Jim said...

p.s. My computer has also been broken, since October. Mostly I'm using my smart phone for blogging, once in a while I use Mrs. Jim's. Either I will have to buy a new one or fix the old.