"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, October 10, 2022

NEW POST Ever send a message to the wrong person?

Have you ever emailed a note to the wrong person thinking it was going to someone else?

I was thinking back and trying to think of some funny things to post about.  Mistakes on the internet are always fun.  Of course, once you hit send, you can't get them back . . . 

Once my daughter was having trouble with one of the grandson's teachers.  They had written back and forth, and the teacher responded back in a way my daughter thought she was lying.  

My daughter wrote a note to me saying she felt the teacher had lied!  

Who do you think she sent it to by error?  

The teacher - not me.  She knew immediately what she had done, she felt so bad, but she could not get the email back.

It just so happened there was an ice storm that day and she had to pick up the grandson early.  Guess who had car duty - this teacher.  Needless to say, there was tension!!  

Funny now when we look back at it.  

Have you ever done something like that?  

We lost our beloved Disco in April due to heart failure.  Kelly didn't think she could ever love again.  She is getting better.
We went to the pet store and while we would not buy a dog from a pet store - we did play with one.
This little guy was no exception.


Mevely317 said...

Thank goodness, I've not misdirected an e-mail -- but have accidentally hit 'respond to all' and felt mighty foolish.

Crossing fingers Kelly meets her new best friend (aka, pug). Remembering when I lost Caraleigh in 2013 to heart failure, I wanted to curl up and die. The last thing I wanted was another dog, but of course we adopted litter mates 6 months later who've become the light of our lives. Funny how they can mend a broken heart.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh yes, I have done that but it was between only my son and daughter so it was a bad thing at all. Thankfully we all keep in touch with each other regularly l I think it's time for a new dog in your daughter life !

ellie said...

Thanks for the fun Monday post! Oh, I do occasionally sent the wrong text somewhere. Or so it seems. What a great time with those pugs! All the best to a blessed October!

betty said...

I haven't with the emails, but that was a funny story you shared about your daughter and her misdirected one! I'm sure it happens all the time in offices and the like! You'll know when it is the right time to get another dog :) After Koda passed we resolved to wait a year before we considered getting another dog to give us time to grieve him. It was 5 years later we got Winslow but it just was the right time when it all came together. Same will happen with you all :)


Granny Annie said...

I was sad to earn of Disco's death. I know he was loved by your family...especially your grandson...for a long time. Now go to a shelter in your area and find a new pup deserving of your loving home.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am glad you do not buy animals from pet stores. Shelters are the way to go!! I have done this, but it didn't turn out nearly as embarrassing. My new e-mail lets you UN-send an e-mail if you do it within 5 seconds. Too bad my brain does not work at that speed! I have tried to un-send, but it is always too late.

Unknown said...

I can relate to this post...once working I was emailing my mom and it had to do with menopause and because my mom's email and my boss's email are right by each other, he got the email. He said to me (from his office), Cheri, I think this email you sent me was for someone else. I couldn't imagine until I went to my"sent" email box and saw I clicked on him instead of my mom. Talk about embarrassing. Thank goodness it was never brought up at work but my mom, when I told her, laughed and laughed. Isn't that what a good daughter does, make their mom laugh.

Chatty Crone said...

Unknown: Yes, our daughters do make us laugh. Loved your post.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh my gosh, I am cracking up at that picture of the lady laughing hahaha. I can just imagine the horror on your daughter's face when she realized she sent the e-mail to the teacher and not you. PUGS is really cuddly and cute. I know how much you all miss Disco. I am so glad you are posting again, Sandie. Your posts make me smile and are so delightful.

Have a blessed week.


barbara woods said...

yes I have

jack69 said...

My sister once was commenting about a cousin's EGO. AND YES he had an EGO as big as Atlanta. She never knew she sent it to him, he e-mailed me, By the time I got thru, he did not tell her and I did not either. Once I had an argument with my son about a small house we were building. I sent him an apology via e-mail. I was on my way to my grandson's home at the time. I told the grandson that Mark and I had argued. He said "I know Grandpa, you sent the apology to me!" We laughed and he showed me how to forward the message.
So YEP I have made that mistake myself. LOL Good post...

Terri D said...

If I ever misdirected a written response, I don't know about it. Can't say it never happened, but I don't think so. How embarrassing, though!! I'm glad Kelly got to love on a puppy. Hopefully, she will decide the time is right for a new love soon. Hugs, Sandie! xo

Lee said...

Only a couple of months ago I sent an email to the wrong person. It was meant for another friend with the same first name. I very quickly realised the error of my wandering finger...and rang the person to whom I'd initially sent it to, asking her to delete it immediately, as it wasn't meant for her. There was nothing I needed to be embarrassed about in the email. :)

When my now late brother and I were kids we had a pug...his name was "Whisky".

Linda said...

Yes.....I have made some real doozies....so bad I can't even talk about it....

photowannabe said...

Yay, Yay, Yay...welcome back to Blogdom.
So happy you are trying it again.
I am guilty of doing things like that too.
Sometimes you just gotta swallow pride and deal with it. Hard to do though.
So sorry about Disco and when the time is right there will be a new member of your family.

photowannabe said...

Oops, I forgot to say how sorry I am to know you fell too. Rotator Cuff is very painful so I have heard.
Continued healing..(((hugs)))

MadSnapper n Beau said...

dogs to heal broken hearts, she will know when she finds the right one. yes, i have sent emails to the wrong person and several times, they were embarrassing. we did not have to get new panel for the facia, the four that were blown off, i found in several places. we will put them back. the garage door is 2400.00 and wait 12 weeks