"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, January 07, 2025




Everything Incredible and Strange on Facebook wrote this. I know I am getting older for sure.  It is hard to believe sometime, as my mind thinks I am younger, but my body knows it's getting older.

What does it feel like to be old?

"The other day, a young person asked me: What did it feel like to be old?
I was very surprised by the question, since I did not consider myself old. When he saw my reaction, he was immediately embarrassed, but I explained that it was an interesting question. And after reflection, I concluded that getting old is a gift.

Sometimes I am surprised at the person who lives in my mirror. But I don't worry about those things for long. I wouldn't trade everything I have for a few less gray hairs and a flat stomach. I don't scold myself for not making the bed, or for eating a few extra "little things." I am within my rights to be a little messy, to be extravagant, and to spend hours staring at my flowers.

I have seen some dear friends leave this world, before they had enjoyed the freedom that comes with growing old.

Who cares if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 in the morning and then sleep until who knows what time?

I will dance with me to the rhythm of the 50's and 60's. And if later I want to cry for some lost love...I will!

I'll walk down the beach in a swimsuit that stretches over my plump body and dive into the waves letting myself go, despite the pitying looks of the bikini-wearers. They'll get old too, if they're lucky...

It is true that through the years my heart has ached for the loss of a loved one, for the pain of a child, or for seeing a pet die. But it is suffering that gives us strength and makes us grow. An unbroken heart is sterile and will never know the happiness of being imperfect.

I am proud to have lived long enough for my hair to turn gray and to retain the smile of my youth, before the deep furrows appeared on my face.

Now, to answer the question honestly, I can say: -I like being old, because old age makes me wiser, freer! 

I know I'm not going to live forever, but while I'm here, I'm going to live by my own laws, those of my heart.

I'm not going to regret what wasn't, nor worry about what will be.

The time that remains, I will simply love life as I did until today, the rest I leave to God.

(Everything Incredible and Strange on Facebook)


How are you dealing with growing older?  How does your family react to you older?  Do people treat you different when you go out?  Do you feel more valuable or less valuable?  How do you deal with your aging body?   Do you have any regrets?  

ANOTHER THOUGHT - By Caitriona Loughrey

Barely the day started and... it's already six in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.
... and the month is already over.
... and the year is almost over.
... and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed.
... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends.
and we realize it's too late to go back...
So... Let's try, despite everything, to enjoy the remaining time...
Let's keep looking for activities that we like...
Let's put some color in our grey...
Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And despite everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity this time we have left. Let's try to eliminate the afters...
I'm doing it after...
I'll say after...
I'll think about it after...
We leave everything for later like ′′ after ′′ is ours.
Because what we don't understand is that:
Afterwards, the coffee gets cold...
afterwards, priorities change...
Afterwards, the charm is broken...
afterwards, health passes...
Afterwards, the kids grow up...
Afterwards parents get old...
Afterwards, promises are forgotten...
afterwards, the day becomes the night...
afterwards life ends...
And then it's often too late....
So... Let's leave nothing for later...
Because still waiting to see you later, we can lose the best moments,
the best experiences,
best friends,
the best family...
The day is today... The moment is now...
We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone what needs to be done right away.

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 All credit for photos goes to the respective owner.


Shug said...

I always say, You are as old as you feel. This was an odd question for the young guy to ask, but I suppose he is wondering what his future will look like. Sure, there are days that I look and say, "I wish I had done this when I was younger...I wish I had exercised more" but....that thought quickly leaves my mind. I think life is certainly appreciated in a much wiser way as we get older and for this I am thankful. I count it a huge Blessing to live life as a 70 year old . great post.....

Mari said...

Very interesting! There are things I regret not doing when I was younger and more able to do, but then I have to remember that hind sight is 20/20. But, there are many benefits to being older too. Just have to be thankful for the years God gives us!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now lets hear the real story from the strange writer of the letter. I despise old age and I think it is God's plan to make life so miserable in old age that we don't mind the fact we are closed to leaveing this world behind.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Like you I believe old age is a gift and I'm thankful for every day I wake up! Old age is not golden but I dp treasure these days !

Kay G. said...

Ha ha, that is my guardian angel! There is a time for everything, as the Bible tells us. Always have thankfulness in your heart, at all ages.

acorn hollow said...

I wish I had the wisdom I have now. So many things I worried about mean nothing to me now. Such a waste of time and energy in my younger years.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm 85 and love it! The greatest luxury for me is being able to spend my time the way I choose. That includes posting something on my blog every day, even when I broke my hip and spent 45 days away from home healing it without surgery. 😊

Ginny Hartzler said...

I especially love "Another Thought" It is so right! Old age is so frightening to me, every day.

photowannabe said...

Old Age really doesn't frighten me though when I think about it my 81 years are pretty shocking to me..I don't feel that old but the body doesn't cooperate quite like it used to.
I do feel treasured by my kids and my hubby too. They all really look out for us and do make some concessions to help us. They are blessings to me.

Mevely317 said...

Both of these are soooo good. I'm partial to the second one, but appreciate how these words have fueled my reflections. Like the man sang, "Regrets I've got a few, but then again too few to mention."

Terri D said...

I'm the oldest in the entire family now, on my side and on Joe's. That makes me kind of a matriarch, doesn't it? LOL I remember standing beside my dad at his mom's funeral and he said to me "I guess this makes me the old folks now". It is something each generation experiences, I guess. Live each day and be glad of it!! Love ya...

jack69 said...

I am sure my guardian angel is in worse shape than yours. LOL Yes the read is good and true to my present. Sherry and I were just talking about this 5 minutes ago. I get much colder than I used to. and it frustrates me. Even here in florida 40 degrees feel like 10. Anyway, love ya lady and YES I did enjoy the visit. THANKS as always.

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

How are you dealing with growing older? I refuse to believe that I will be 62 this year. I wonder where all the years went and why it went so fast! How does your family react to you older? I think they recognize that I'm not the spry mom that I used to be but I'm still feisty and fun. Do people treat you different when you go out? Not really. Most people in my community don't know that I'm going to be 62. Do you feel more valuable or less valuable? As a whole, most elderly are not valued and it makes me angry to see the lack of respect. How do you deal with your aging body? I am trying to come to terms that I am not able to do things that I used to do. That is hard. In my mind I can climb a ladder but my body says "Don't". Do you have any regrets? Maybe the only regret is that I didn't stay in better shape as I aged.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh no, I didn't see this, I've been worried about the fires down south. The verse, "what does it feel like to be old?" is a really good one. I don't really think about getting older, I just try to live each day, but there are more uncertainties with age for sure. I don't think I feel differently when I go out because I have a young heart. I know I value friendship more and love loyal people. There is not enough of them out there. They are neither here nor there, and sometimes always confused haha. I do know I've always loved stability, but when we age, it sometimes vanishes from unexpected circumstances, but if we trust in God, all will be well. This I believe.

love you, my special friend.


Inger said...

As you grow old, you will need a sense of humor. This I know for sure since I am old, maybe even very old, and sometimes find myself doing the dumbest things, not to mention all the things that get lost, magically lost. Never to be found again. Checkbook was the latest, missing since Dec. 4, 2024. And yesterday, I found my driver's license in a place where I would never have found had I been stopped by police for some driving mistake my old age made make. Since none of these little things really matters, and us old folks sort of know this, old age can be very rewarding and a lot of fun. More fun than I ever expected.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like what you shared about about feeling old. Right now I am not enjoying growing old with the issues I have but I pray I can make a comeback soon! I do have regrets about being more active and exercising more. I love the "Let's try" in Another Thought.

Lee said...

I sure am old...and getting older by the second, minute, hour and day! I have no family...no one to remind me that I am. I'm enough to remind myself of the undeniable fact! :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I was so happy to see your comment on my blog! I remember you and always love your blog posts! OK...for someone getting ready to have a birthday in just a few days, getting older has been on my mind. I really hate not being able to do everything I was to do. But I do enjoy indulging in a less hectic life and not feeling guilty when I go out without make up! I feel good about myself so I don't worry so much about what others think about me. I like me! Lots of hugs, Diane...who's older than you!

Ann said...

That sums it up quite nicely. Somehow you were deleted from my reading feed but I've got you back in there now :)

Debbie Nolan said...

Ah friend this was a wonderful post. Hubby and I were just talking about how aging has changed how we consider certain activities. (I am 68 and he is 67...not too old but not too young either.) Think it is important we realize though that aging is real but it should not keep us from enjoying this special time of life God has given us. Am reminded from the Bible the Psalmist words... "They shall bear fruit in old age..." Psalm 92:14. Found myself smiling at the photo of the Guardian Angel...mine probably is holding on with dear life as she watches me drive (LOL)! Have a blessed day - hugs!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you so much for visiting my Blog. I have responded there.

Two coincidences today: About an hour ago I saw a program on TV about C S Lewis and I had not heard his quote you have on the right about the sun before. Then I visit you in return to your visit and here's the quote on the right again.

Second coincidence: On 7 January you wrote this post about Old Age. On the 8th I did the same. Here:

God bless.