"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

MARCH 11 ST. Patrick's Day is coming . . .

I am 3% Irish.

St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and its national apostle. Born in Britain to wealthy parents in the late 4th century. At the age of 16, he was kidnapped and taken to Ireland as an enslaved worker. While in captivity, he became a devout Christian. He later escaped but returned to Ireland and was credited with bringing Christianity to its people. He is believed to have died on March 17, around 460 A.D.  

I was born in Chicago and boy do they celebrate St. Patrick's Day there.  They actually dye the Chicago River green.  For six decades, Chicago has transformed the waterway into a shade of bright emerald green by dumping 100 pounds of environmental friendly dye right into the Chicago River.  

One year the St. Pat's Catholic School ran a festival out of the high school. It was so much fun.  They actually played bingo for money and served beer and wine.  All of our neighbors went - it was so much fun - good memory.

Chicago is much more of an ethnic area than Atlanta is.  Atlanta has no pockets of ethnicity.  Chicago has a China Town, Polish area, Italian area, Latino Area, etc.  It was so much fun because they would hold festivals there and you could go and celebrate with them.  They had parades and celebrations all the time.  

I remember my MIL telling me about going to the Polish section - they had stores that had live chickens, and you would go in there and pick one and they butchered it right up!

In China Town they had dear ducks hanging by their feet that you would pick to take home and cook.

So, this St. Patrick's Day, wear green and if someone doesn't have green on - give them a pinch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           All credit for photos goes to the respective owner.


Mari said...

I don't think I have any Irish in me but I wish I did! I have a cousin who married a minister from their and she lived there for about 8 years. Currently he is pastoring a church here in the states, so she is back, but she enjoyed her time there.

Granny Annie said...

I am at least 1/3 Irish. Proud of my heritage.

Shug said...

Perhaps there is some Irish in my family somewhere...There are a few red headed family members. I enjoyed your story about Chicago and the other cultures that exist there. We don't have any celebrations of different cultures around here. A couple of hundred miles away, Texas does have German celebrations in Fredericksburg and New Braunfels. I would love to see that green river ... Hope you get sunshine today...We have it this morning and it looks great..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all the surnames in both sides of my family have both Irish and Scot, I have no clue how much is in me. I don't own anything green, no green in the house or my closet but I don't go out except doctors offices and I don't think I will get pinched there

Red Rose Alley said...

I didn't know you were part Irish! How wonderful. My kids are all part Irish on their dad's side. That river that is dyed green is something else! Have never seen that before. It is pretty. The heritage festivals sound really fun. I have heard Chicago is a lively place. I would love to browse through the Polish section, as I'm part Polish. I wonder if they have a Greek section? Love those Irish quotes too. The Irish are jolly people. And your green font and four leaf clovers are a delightful additions to your post!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Like you I'm a tiny bit Irish too. May the Luck of the Irish be with you!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I have some Irish in me - not a huge amount.
I would love to see a green river. I’m glad it’s done with environmental friendly dyes. Such a wonderful tradition! I believe Chicago, NYC and of course Boston have kept many of their Irish traditions.
I grew up in San Francisco - and down the coast and was always exposed to different cultures which is what I love about California.

Really enjoyable post. Thanks so much for enlightening us! 😘☘️

Debbie Nolan said...

Such an interesting story about St Patrick. Hubby has Irish on both sides of his family. I may have a little but my mom was a McCoy and think it was more Scottish but traced back it may be Irish as well. Have a lovely celebration. Hugs!

Ginny Hartzler said...

They called me this morning, and the stress test machine had broken. So they had to re-schedule. This will be the third time! Chicago sounds like a lot of tiny different little cities all together. I guess you could never get tired of looking around there.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a lovely and cheerful post today, Sandie. Thank you. I needed that.

God bless you always,

Mevely317 said...

What a fun post, Sandie! I didn't know any of St. Patrick's background. I'm glad you got to experience so much ethnicity while in Chicago. (Well maybe except the part about picking one's own chicken/duck to be executed and eaten. Eeeeew!)

Sparky said...

It seems like most Caucasians are at least a little bit Irish. We really get around. I'm over half Irish, the rest is Scottish and "one in the woodpile" from my 8th Great Grandmother. She was from Africa, not a slave but a Servant, and I've got the Court Documents to prove it.
St. Patty's is Steve and I's 46th Date Anniversary. Yeah, we still celebrate that. March 17th has more meaning to me than the legal document we signed in August of that year that means we're married. It was only done to save our blushes (I was such a rebel ... lol). We've known each other for 47 years now. Where did the time go? Wow.
Blessings. 🍀

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the Irish blessing....how perfect! Happy Spring sweet friend! Hugs, Diane

Susan Kane said...

thanks for the St. Patrick's Day reminder. My husband is 95% Irish, I am 18% Irish. we lived in Ireland for 4 yrs. and our kids went to school there. I love st. Patrick's prayer.

acorn hollow said...

I am mostly English but there are no more Irish than Boston! It is full of them.
They have celebrations all over the city

Terri D said...

My maiden name is KELLY. According to my Ancestry DNA, I am only 10% Irish so go figure that!! German and Scottish, English and Scandinavian. A Heinz 57 mongrel! LOL

Jackie said...

I love St. Patrick's Day! I actually got to go to Chicago last year to see the river dyed green! It was so busy in the city but so fun. This year we will be hanging at home on the couch. Which reminds me I do need to have our upholstery cleaned this month. Haha great St. Patty's day post! Thanks for sharing!!!

Ann said...

My maternal grandmother was Irish so I have a wee bit of it in me. How cool that they dye the river green.