"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

MARCH 25 “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”




Michelle Batson-Spitale in St. Joseph, Michigan

                                                                                Anna Nicole

All credit for photos goes to the respective owner.

When my mom was little - during the depression her mother made dandelion salads to eat.  I looked it up and guess what - you can eat dandelion salads!  


Like many weeds, dandelion greens are edible, and they make a delicious salad. Dandelion greens taste wickedly bitter, but that's part of their charm. 

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Love Chatty

All credit for photos goes to the respective owner.


Martha Jane Orlando said...

I've always loved dandelions, though others say they are weeds. Don't think I'd want to eat it, though. Great photos, too! Blessings always!

Ann said...

Love all the dandelion pictures. There is something fascinating about them.
I've never had dandelion salad but I would be willing to try it.

Granny Annie said...

I have always heard of dandelion salads but never made one or ate one. Someday I will.

Mari said...

Those pictures are so cool! I absolutely love the first one.
I remember playing with dandelion stems as a kid. We would cut off the flower, cut the stem in half and put them in a pail of water. Then the stem would curl up. So if you cut the stem just part way, you could see it curl on both side. Fun memories.
I never had dandelion salad but I know my Grandpa used to make dandelion wine. Of course, I was a kid so never tried it.

Mevely317 said...

These pictures are incredible! Captivating!
I've always loved the dandelions that grow wild, and blowing to make a wish. I don't understand why the "bad rap" they've been given.

Terri D said...

Great photos, Sandy! Thanks for discovering them and sharing them with us!! I have eaten dandelion greens and my dad actually made dandelion wine one year. I was too young for the wine and don't even remember if Dad ever bottled it. I just remember the smell in the crock as it fermented! LOL We used to hold a dandelion under your chin and if your chin reflected the yellow color, we said... Yep, you like butter! LOL

Sandi said...

They make good tea too!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Dandelion’s are so delicate and remind me of childhood. My grandma would make cooked dandelion greens with bacon. Not the flower part. They were good; then again what doesn’t taste good with bacon!
I enjoyed all the dandelion photos - very creative.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Some of such plants are made into herbal teas. An acquired taste.

God bless.

Shug said...

I have always been so impressed with dandelions. Not sure why...but I think they are so interesting. I knew you could eat the greens of this plant, but didn't know you could eat the puffs. Can you imagine the depression days and what all the folks had to do to survive? Thankful that we are not living in those days right now. love all the photos you posted. Hope y'all are having some sunny days...it was Hot here yesterday..

CheerfulMonk said...

I love dandelions! But I have never tried consuming them.

acorn hollow said...

My grandmother would gather the leaves before the flowers showed up to eat. Not for me it was too bitter.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those dandelion photos are amazing and beautiful. I have not desire to eat one.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The images are awesome!!! My friend tried to cook dandelion greens once, but she picked them at the wrong stage of growth.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Sandie, I like that first "what's in a name"" saying. I used it on a blog post once myself. Names are really important, aren't they? Oh my gosh, I LOVE these dandelion pictures, especially that one little girl with the full hair. That's so cute. Dandelion Salads? What a nice story you have of your mom when she was little. I didn't know you could eat them in salads, but I am familiar with the dandelion tea. What a pretty pink rose at the end following the quote. What a delightful Springy post, Sandie.


Prims By The Water said...

I had a neighbor who made dandelion wine and used it in salads too. Janice

roughterrain crane said...

I love dandelions, too. They are a symbol of the sunny and warm spring.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like the images you've shared here.

There are quite a few edible flowers, including dandelions, and in a salad are popular with many :)
Then of course there is dandelion wine!

All the best Jan