"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

MARCH 4 The Christian Celebration of Easter.

 A hard path to follow - 

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday -

Ash Wednesday is March 5th.  It is the beginning of Lent.
Are you going to give up anything for lent - 40 days?

This practice reminds Christians of human mortality and the importance of reconciling with God. Many people get ashes put on their forehead in remembrance.

Palm Sunday is April 13, in 2025
The Sunday before Jesus was crucified. 

Maundy Thursday is April 17, in 2025.

This is the final day of Lent for Christians and focuses on the remembrance of both the foot washing and the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the apostles.

Easter is on Sunday, April 20, in 2025. 

Easter is the Christian celebration of Jesus Christ's victory over sin and death through his resurrection.

What, how, or will you be celebrating Easter this year?

What am I going to do for Easter?

I am going to participate in Lent, go to Palm Sunday services, probably Maundy Thursday Service, and Easter service.  

I am not sure what the 'family' is going to do yet.  We are small - hubs, daughter, and me.  

My son and his family live in Ohio.  

My grandson who hopefully we will see - has three families now.  I am going to wait and see what is happening for him.  

We might get together or maybe the three Muskateers will do something ourselves.  

I would love to hear your plans . . .

PS Don't forget the time change this weekend.

All credit for photos goes to the respective owner.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

no plans, every day is groundhog day, the only things that change are sat morn shopping and any doc visits scheduled

Mari said...

Things are coming up too quickly! I haven't started to think about what we are doing. Our church has Good Friday services instead of Maundy Thursday so we'll be taking part in that and of course Easter, but I'll have to start thinking about if the family is coming over!

Shug said...

I am so READY for time change! A lot of people do not like it, but I need that extra daylight in the evenings. As of right now, we have not made our Easter Plans. Of course, Attending Church is a definite. I have a couple of things in mind for what I plan to give up for Lent....I better decide. Hoping my girls decide they want to host the Easter meal...We shall see.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

No official plans at the moment, except to observe Lent and prepare for Easter. Last year, the grandchildren's spring break coincided with the week before Easter, but not this year, so no egg hunts in our backyard this time around. Blessings, Sandie!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Time change, HURRAH! I had forgotten! I sure hope you get to see your grandson. Our family usually comes over Easter Sunday and the grands get Easter baskets.

photowannabe said...

We really haven't planned anything yet for Easter, of course we will be going to church. I have to admit I hope our son will have things at his home and we will all pitch in for the meal.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

No, I was raised Presbyterian. That is very nice that you are participating in all of those traditions. God Bless You. We will be going to Adam and Gabby's on Easter Sunday for dinner with them and her family.

Mevely317 said...

Unlike my "growing up' years, our holiday plans are still up in the air. I remember it was only the Roman Catholic kids and teachers who came to school with the ash on their forehead. My mother would take me to Maundy Thursday services which was always a little frightening when they would dim the lights to near darkness. I've not talked to the kids yet, but hope they'll join us for Easter dinner.

CheerfulMonk said...

No special plans.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I remember as a child, in school all the kids having ash on their forehead. I asked me my why we didn’t do that, and she said because we were “Protestant “ I was 5 years old! What the heck is that??? lol

We will attend church like we always do - a Good Friday service or if the weather is nice I like to take those 3 hours and go out into nature and reflect on Jesus's death on the cross, and God's love and forgiveness for all who accept Him as their Lord, Savior and Messiah. It really is a beautiful time of year!