"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, October 08, 2009

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and a cause very dear to my heart Sensory Awareness Month.

I wouldn't be doing my best if I didn't mention October is breast cancer, Domestic Violence Awareness, and Sensory Awareness Month.

So remember your squashograms (mammograms).

Look up Sensory Awareness Information (you never know what your grandkids will have:
SPD Foundation

Bringing hope and help to sensational families everywhere


Emotional Well being - Pain is not always physical by Carolyn Hennecy
Blogs » Emotional Well being » Emotional Abuse and Domestic Violence - Partners in Crime
September 12, 2009

"Emotional Abuse and Domestic Violence - Partners in Crime - Emotional well being? Emotional health?"

"Just what are they and how do we get there? Join me on this journey as we travel together and attempt to make some sense of senseless acts in lifeĆ¢€”molestation, spousal abuse, habitual rejection, poor choices in relationships, the loss of loved ones as well as my own near-death experiences . . . "

If any of this relates to you or a loved one check out her blog -
Hennecy, Carolyn S., ORANGE BLOSSOM WISHES, iUniverse, 2008

"Orange Blossom Wishes is one woman's compelling personal story of survival through years of childhood and spousal abuse, single parenthood, and many other challenges that ultimately led her on a victorious journey to freedom. As a little girl, Carolyn Hennecy wished upon shining star after shining star, but it would be many years before she would see those dreams come true. An ordained minister, Hennecy battled violence, humiliation, and low self-esteem for much of her life, and shares her often devastating personal experiences to create encouraging and practical life lessons for those who feel silenced or trapped in unhealthy relationships. With engaging Southern charm, Hennecy sprinkles thought-provoking scripture and humorous anecdotes throughout her poignant memoir, all while revealing how she discovered faith in the midst of trauma and desperation. She was once a broken, damaged little girl who became a battered, mistreated woman, yet through it all, Hennecy overcame adversity to find her way out of the darkness to a life filled with happiness, all made possible by the power of God's love. Hennecy's story will inspire and teach others that even in the midst of anguish and distress, the future holds an abundance of potential for joy and peace."

This is an important issue that should be addressed. Never be silent about abuse - any type of abuse - abuse isn't always physical.

R. L. Stine Happy Birthday - can I say Goosebumps? My grandson's favorite author.

Okay it's been a heavy therapy week - so to lighten up I have a couple of really cute videos below.

1 comment:

Changes in the wind said...

That mamagram picture was toooooooo funny.