"Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music-- the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls, and interesting people. Forget yourself." ~ Henry Miller
That is a wonderful wonderful quote! It's true, but . . . it's a double edge sword.
Do you know what the easiest way to beat depression? To avoid feeling sad?
Keep continuously busy - in any way, shape or form.
Do you know what the easiest way to avoid dealing with an issue is? To avoid seeing the truth?
Keep continuously busy - in any way, shape or form.
Whether it's being on the computer, talking on the phone (I have one friend on the phone from the minute he gets up to the minute he goes to bed), watching television, games on the computer, hand held games like the DS and Wii, drinking, eating, reading, shopping, out with friends, volunteer work, crafts, working, listening to music, dancing, dreaming . . .
I'm not saying these things are bad - just the opposite - these things are great! I do them myself. When I feel down and I don't want to feel down - I keep busy to beat depression - to avoid thinking about my troubles.
When I'm hurting and I don't want to feel the pain, I keep busy. Yes, there are some times when I deliberately chose not to feel.
There is a time to keep busy, but there is a time to refrain from keeping busy and there is a very fine line and one that is easy to cross. I think the real 'issue' for me is how much time I chose to be busy and how much time I chose to feel and deal with life.
If I find that I'm choosing more time trying to keep busy and to not feel - that becomes a warning signal to me that something is not right and I need to check things out.
If I find that I'm choosing more time worrying and analyzing things (feeling too much), then I know it's time to keep busy and play.
How does one find the middle? It's like the Chakras (did you guys take the time to do the test to find why you have certain health issues in certain areas?) - you have to be somewhere near the middle to function properly in all aspects of life.
Functioning properly is the key to a healthly life - being in the middle of the road - that's one lesson I need to learn.
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. - Anais Nin. (I love, love, love, love this quote.)
So enjoy life, feel everything, keep busy when you need too, but if you get to busy, too stressed, too overwhelmed - stop for a minute or two and breathe. Do something different. Stop. Have some DELIBERATE fun and love. Don't be afraid to change, take a risk, be more afraid of staying in the same place your in. The truth is you may get stuck being a busy bee or a worry wart . . .
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Albert Einstein
Happy Birthday Simon Cowell - now he sure doesn't do the same thing over and over again - does he? He takes a risk - people either like him or hate him.
See my next Lil Enchanted Blog.
I agree with you. Staying busy takes the mind clear.
Love and Hugs,
That is does - it takes the pain away too.
Thanks for reminding us we need healty balance in our life. Time to work, to to laugh, time to play and time just to be still and listen.
You're welcome and thanks for reminding me it's Biblical too!
I just love that quote - lots of words for me to ponder.Thanks.
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