"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Show and Tail

This is my lame attempt at Show and Tail. I have been trying to post all day and something is wrong with my pictures. I am so irritated because I can't figure it out! And I can't get help - I'll have to call some one and spend money. I'm cheap.

So as this dog must be frustrated in this silly giraffe costume - I can identify and feel the same way he does!

Don't forget to visit Angela at West Virginia's Treasures and see the other SHow and Tails.

As long as you're going to be thinking anyway, THINK BIG.
- Donald Trump

You must once and for all give up being worried about success and failures. Don't let that concern you. Its your duty to go on working steadily day by day, quite quietly, to be prepared for mistakes, which are inevitable, and for failures.
- Anton Chekov

Love, sandie


Angela said...

Oh Sandie! Bless your heart! I'm sorry you were having problems posting today.

That sure is a cute doggie with that costume! Poor little guy. The costume is bigger than it is! Makes me wonder though. Are you going to get a costume for Disco? You could get him a little strobe light with the disco ball and just watch him strut his stuff to some Macho Man music! lol hehehe

Thanks for sharing such a cute picture with us this week!

Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I hate it when things go wrong on my computer! Hope you get it fixed. Love this picture because pets in costume crack me up!

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I adore pix of dogs in costume!
We've been under the weather, and this made me laugh out loud - thank youuuuuuu :)

betty said...

sorry its been a hassle to get the pictures to post, Sandie; but this one was sort of cute. I'm never fond of people putting costumes on dogs (or clothes for that matter except maybe a sweater, but heck, we lived in in Montana and Koda got used to the COLD temps there). hoping you can figure out an inexpensive way to fix the problem of not being able to post pictures easily


Susan said...

Cute post, Sandie. Ohhhh, hope your picture posting problems have abated. That must be so frustrating. Take care. Susan

Annesphamily said...

Pets in costumes always look angry! But they are darn cute! I like the pup with the Trump quote! You did an excellent post for being so frustrated. I get that way too! Hugs Anne

Carol............. said...

Love all the quotes! Hope it was snowing outside when they dressed the pup up in that giraffe costume...must have been really hot! LOL

(Oh, my little red machine is called "The Flash" a.k.a. Carol's hot flash!)

Carol............. said...

Love all the quotes! Hope it was snowing outside when they dressed the pup up in that giraffe costume...must have been really hot! LOL

(Oh, my little red machine is called "The Flash" a.k.a. Carol's hot flash!)

Carol............. said...

Love all the quotes! Hope it was snowing outside when they dressed the pup up in that giraffe costume...must have been really hot! LOL

(Oh, my little red machine is called "The Flash" a.k.a. Carol's hot flash!)

Debbie said...

I'm frustrated FOR you that you're still having picture trouble. Mine seemed to work itself out (...she says today, and tempts those little mischief makers who live inside the computer...)

Your pictures this morning literally did make me laugh out loud.

Thanks for a funny start to my day!

Joyce said...

Well that photo put a smile on my face to begin my day today:)
Hope you figure out your computer photo posting issue without spending any money.

Diana Ferguson said...

Too cute!! Hang in there with the pic issue.

ClassyChassy said...

I hate computer troubles, but I do love the photos you posted! We had power outage yesterday so I'm catching up on things this morning!!!