"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday's Gift to you . . .

I think we all understand this one - and we all want, no NEED someone to listen to us - it VALIDATES us.

Hearing is one of the body's five senses. But listening is an art. - Frank Tyger

Now turn it around and ask yourself it is not only who listens to you, but who you listent to.

How about in our relationship with God?

All these modern quotes - they're great - for here on earth and in Heaven.



Tanna said...

Listening requires focus and effort... I have to admit, sometimes, I am only half there with my mind on the things I need to be doing. A good reminder, Sandie! To really listen. Thank you.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am a talker, my friend calls me chatty cahty, she is a non talker and she says i will talk to a rock. this makes it hard for me to listen. i have to MAKE myself stop talking and listen, it is very difficult for me to really listen and to sit in a room full of people, as in seminars and listen all day, makes me totaly crazy. when i sold real estate for 3 years, to keep my license i had to attend many seminars then 13 years at a PEO company and several times a year i had to LISTEN. i suffered, still do, even in church, I do fine if the sermon is 20 to 30 minutes, after that and i shut down and hear nothing.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I try to be a good listener. I know I'm a good talker...lol. It does take effort but worth it as a friend is someone who listens and 'hears' what you say. hugs, Linda

Susan said...

Hi Sandie! It's true that listening is an art. It's important to do, though. Take care. Have a great day! Susan

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandie!...yep I'm a listener too!..thanks for sharing.
Be blessed!

Mevely317 said...

Great post, girlfriend. I think this has given us all pause and provoked some some examination.
I just did :)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We do want to be listened to. It does, in fact, validate our existence. Kiddo, you've hit the nail on the head!...:)JP

Melanie said...

Yes, there is a big difference between hearing and listening.
Listening to God's voice is the most important voice we should listen to. :)

Doris Sturm said...

Hi Sandie....sorry I've been AWOL but as I said in my e-mail I'm addicted to hearts - just wait till you see how many I made already - I'm a machine LOL

I hope you are feeling well today and I wish you all the best for a lovely Sunday and a great week ahead.

Doris and Gizzy :-)

Journeyin' Lady... said...

Sometimes I like to be the talker but mostly listening is more comfortable for me. Great subject for a Sunday :-)

Buttercup said...

I try to focus on other people and really listen. Don't always do it well enough, but try to talk less and listen more. Thanks for the reminder. Have a good week!

Sharon said...

That's the big challenge - to LISTEN more to the Voice of the Lord.

And once having heard...to obey.


Velvet Over Steel said...

So very, very true, Sandie!! I had this conversation with my youngest son this past week... 'smiles'. :-)

Have a wonderful week & stay warm!!
Coreen xoxoxo

Dogmom Diva said...

Sandie,wonderful post..I need to be a bit better listener I think..thank you for sharing:)


Barb Hodges said...

I've been told that I'm a good listener. Sometimes I do have to put a stop to some talkers. Some people, (I'm sure not on purpose,) take advantage of good listeners.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sandie, I'm real late commenting, been gone all day. Yes, we can hear without listening. Seems so many people are busy thinking of what they will say next. You know what they say: when in doubt, better to keep your mouth shut and be thought wise than to open it and be confirmed a fool

Donna B. said...

It helps to take some quiet time, so we can listen...great advice Sandie!

Love Of Quilts said...

I try to be good listener...God is always a good listener...I take up a lot of his time. Trish

ocmist said...

I learned from the example of my parents to listen to people of experience when I want to learn something, as well as read about it. I think that has helped me a lot to stay clear of most troubling areas. It was a real blessing, and I learned to listen to kids, too. They NEED to know that someone cares about them and THAT is the best way! Because I took the time to really LISTEN to one of my students with cerebral palsy, I found out that he wasn't the vegetable the doctors told his grandmother that he was. It just took him about a full minute to process something and force his hand to move enough to indicate the correct answer. When I PROVED he WAS communicating, and others started listening (he was 11 yrs. old by that time) he started trying, and he learned to use a computer and even to speak several words... the best of which were, "I LUB OO!" NEVER were more beautiful words spoken! I know he speaks them to Jesus now, clearly.