"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday - Show and Tail

I am joining Angela at West Virginia Treasures today.
On Tuesdays she hosts this - we're to share a story about animals - our own pets, others pets, animals we've seen, or something like that. It's fun and easy so join us!

I live near Atlanta, GA, We almost never have snow. Usually once a year, it snows one inch, school is canceled, the next day the temperatures rise, the snow melts, and we go on with our life.

I can barely believe that myself as this is our second big snow this season. Christmas Day and yesterday. We had 5 to 7 inches of snow - an inch of frozen rain (ice) - and then we have Arctic air arriving. No chance for melting. So today is another day of no school and I have no idea about the rest of the week.

Needless to say I'm not getting anywhere near ice - I'm not crazy - I don't want to go through another knee surgery - once is enough.

So how do you make the best of of something like this? You go down the street in a laundry baskets (no we don't have a slide, shovel, snow removal machine, snow boots! We do have hats and gloves and coats - teehee. My daughter and GS sledding.

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Our neighborhood is in the foothills of the Kennesaw Mountains - we have hills and curves just to get out of the driveway!

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Here is Disco - in the snow. He is so confused. He has no idea what this stuff is (see the ice?) and how he's supposed to go to the bathroom!

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Hubby used a yard shovel and made Disco a path to his favorite place.

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He's heading towards 'under' the car where there is no snow. lol

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See Disco 'under' the car? He's one smart dog.

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Wintertime in Georgia.

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Grandson is having a ball of course - he loves it - so therefore we love it (well . . . love is a strong word - we like it okay is better).

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Finally old Disco decided to take a little pee.

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He's looking at the tracks. See if there was just snow -we'd be fine - but underneath is ICE - that is the problem we have here in Georgia.

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Hope everyone has a great day.



Furry Bottoms said...

I'm wondering if the north pole- south pole decided to reverse places this year. We always get snow where I am, near Seattle, WA, but it hasn't arrived! We did have snow over Thanksgiving but thats it. And there was ice too.

Im laughing at Disco's confusion... poor dog!!!Everything smells so different with the white stuff on the ground!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I can't imagine how exciting that must be for kids who don't normally get to see snow! Fun times! :-)

^..^Corgidogmama said...

You look the same as we do outside.
Something's not right with this picture! So glad for Andy's sake, that he and lil' Disco get to experience wintry weather. Fun for Andy, anyway! Y'all take care, stay warm, and dig out that crock pot and popcorn & movies!
Hope you're better and stronger, each and every day!

Anonymous said...

i love the sledding photo. laudry basket sled is quite clever but daughter sledding in heels is too funny! my dog loves playing in the snow but i have to go out with him in order to get him to "potty". enjoy the snow!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Poor Disco! I'd been confused, too, and ice is just horrible. So sorry you all are iced in, Sandie. And you're smart not to go out.

On the flip side, that sledding looks like fun!

Stay warm...


Sheila :-)

Thena said...

We were hoping for snow but just a little ice on the trees was all we got. School here hasn't been cancelled either days.
Looks like ya'll are enjoying it.

Whosyergurl said...

It is more common here, but we are having a big snow today. Have about 3 inches & it is still snowing...supposed to have 5 inches before it is over.
Thank you for your caring response. I feel like I've been chewed up and spit out. But I'm o.k. :-)
XO, love, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda jealous, we didn't get any snow south of you.
Lovn' the laundry basket sled!


Angela said...

Hey Sandie!

Wow! That's some snow! I'm sure Andy will remember this for the rest of his life! And you've got some great pictures to prove it too! lol I'm jealous that you guys are getting the snow that we usually get but I'm happy that Andy is getting an experience of a lifetime!

Has he made a snowman yet? I remember his little snowman from last year! lol You do have enough snow to try to make an igloo this year! Take some plastic bowls out and fill them with snow and make an igloo! It doesn't have to be big.

Poor Disco! Snow is the hardest on the little dogs!

Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

Susan said...

Oh Sandie. Your post was hilarious. I got SUCH a kick out of it. Loved the laundry basket sled. Now I know I would love that but I don't think I'd fit in one! Ha ha ha Bet Andy had a blast.

And Disco hiding under the car cracked me up. What a smart dog. Maybe I should try that next time we get whomped with snow----which might be tomorrow if the weather people are correct with their forecast!

Take care, Sandie, and relax and enjoy, safe and sound inside the house! I have the fireplace all ready to be fired-up, thanks to my husband. Susan

The Boston Lady said...

How fun and clever to use a laundry basket! I think your cold weather is headed down here to FL next! I doubt we will have the snow, though. Disco's the smart one to take his time and figure it all out. I love his private path that has been shoveled for him! Ann

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love this picture story. Where were you, were you taking pictures from the windows? Don't tell me you were out in this with your knee!!!! I love the laundry basket idea, that is real creativity at work! How are you coming along? My appt. is Thursday afternoon.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

great shots...I think Aunt of 14 is right. north and south pole got all mixed up....Have fun..

Mimi said...

We flew into Atlanta one time in Jan, about 4 years ago in a SNOW storm, Jackson/Hartfield was running around like crazy people!!!
Yeah for you!!!!
I love it!!!!
Not going to melt for for a few days!!!Enjoy it for me!!

Melanie said...

It looks like somebody's enjoying the snow down in Georgia!!
Disco is so cute trying to find the ground. :)

Buttercup said...

Poor Disco! I'm watching the snow fall in NYC. Very pretty out the window, but I dread getting to work tomorrow. We go into overdrive with snow at work, so it's been very busy. Take care and stay cozy.

ClassyChassy said...

I love those pics - esp Andy in the laundry basket! Great idea!!! Poor Disco - but he solved his cold butt problem easily by himself, didn't he!

Unknown said...

When Arlynda and I were first married, she had Reenie, who was teacup poodle who needed to have grass to pee on. This would come to be quite a problem when they were out on the truck with me, and we were in an area where a blade of grass was hard to find. It sounds like Disco and Reenie are kindred spirits in that regard.

Changes in the wind said...

I always knew you were creative Chatty but sledding in a laundry basket....and you have to look at how thing things looked at Disco's level..that would be pretty overwelming.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

enjoyed all the snow photos. disco is like baby, when it has rained or is raining she heads UNDER the swing to get out of the rain. my son in TN had to use the dirt shovel to clear, they don't get snow like this where he lives, he is only 2 hours from you, barely in TN. there car is in the ditch waiting for the ice to melt, in front of their drive way, she tried to go down a really steep drive in the snow and ice.
when i was a child we used a piece of vinyl flooring for a sled. i can't spell the word that starts with L.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Cute photos Sandie! Love that Disco went under the car...he is one smart little dog. Glad GS had a great time in the snow!

Pat MacKenzie said...

The Atlanta snow has been in the news way up here in Canada. I don't know how people cope in places where snow is so rare. You seem to have done well. A sheet of cardboard with or without Pam sprayed on the bottom works well for sliding too. Or an inner tube is great fun. Might as well enjoy it while you have it.

Sharon said...

Sorry I've been a little AWOL the last couple of days. Been super busy - no excuse, but it's the truth, and the best I've got -

LOVE these pictures - Disco is just too cute...

Hope you're healing, my friend!