"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesdays Show and Tail...


Please join us today over at Angela's West Virginia's Treasures. On Tuesdays she has us write about our pets or other animal adventures - or even about animals or trips to the zoo. Come on over and check it out.

Okay friends - if you know anything about me at all - this picture makes perfect sense.

He's crazy and I'm crazy - and I just love and adore Pugs.

Okay here is the problem I have today - we all went out for Valentine's Dinner last night. Disco our dog decided to eat my grandson's Valentine's Candy he got at school.

He had to climb a chair - knock the Valentine's Box off the table - where my laptop was - the box only spilled on the floor (I was lucky) - then helped himself to three peanut butter cups and two snickers bars. That is a lot of chocolate - and of course dogs are not supposed to eat chocolate.

So now I've had to look up symptoms on the Internet and maybe call the vet. It is always something here at our house. lol

He is okay today and we are never going to let this happen again.


FYI: This is what Bob sent me today about Debbie - "Debbie spoke to me today. She said "Love You"."
Thanks for your prayers.


It is my daughter's 33rd birthday today - now do I look old enough to have a child that age? My son is 35 - where does the time go?


Here is a quote I like - what do you think?

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. - Ambrose Redmoon

Love, Chatty


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love pugs too. We grew up with a pug named Butch. Said Butch ate two boxes of chocolate turtles (wrapped) under the Christmas tree one year and lived to tell the story, so Disco will likely be just fine.

Cheri said...

Happy B-day to your daughter and you look FABULOUS!

How wonderful on Valentine's day that Debbie told her hubby she loved him. Great news for them both.

Hope your pup is OK, that is a lot of chocolate. Our boxer once took a whole sheet cake off the counter and ate it all and lived to bark the tale.

Kim said...

Great news about Debbie. I hope your little furball is OK. It sounds like it will be all right but just check with the vet to be sure.

Jane said...

Time flys when we are raising our kids,I miss my one and only. But thank God I have three wonderful grandchildren,and now a G G son.Hope the puppy is alright. Blessings jane

Melanie said...

That crazy Disco! He must like chocolate. I'm glad he's OK.:)
Happy birthday to your daughter. I hope she has a great day.
So glad to hear about Debbie. Any improvement is good!♥

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to your daughter! you certainly don't look or act like you could have a son and daughter that age, but then neither so i( i may or maynot be lying about that) and mine turns 35 next month also. ewwwww i'm old. i mean we're old! oh well if we weren't old we'd be dead.

nanniepannie said...

You were lucky, one of my sister's dogs got into chocolate once and she had to stay two days at the vet...the bill was out of control.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh no on Disco eating chocolate! I hope he is OK. Glad you had fun yesterday. Happy Birthday to your daughter and no you don't look old enough to have children that old! Great news about Debbie.

Hugs, Linda

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tell daughter happy birthday, and usually the choclate cause a very loose and runny you know what. hope that does not happen to disco. our neighbor had a dog that was a guard dog at his boat yard. his daugheter was selling those large candy bars for school, he set up a dispaly for his customers to buy them, spike had a party and ate most of them, he was one sick dog for a few days. and chocolate can be deadly, you are blessed he is ok.

Doris Sturm said...

You were lucky with the chocolate!

Is your laptop ok?

I bet you had a nice dinner! I love going out to eat, but rarely get a chance to do it.

I think courage is also part adrenaline kicking in....one just never knows how they will react until they're confronted with it - I hope that I will have courage and pray I will never have to find out!

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

that's a prefect saying for courage. I'll have to use that quote on one of my home made cards.

I'm glad your friend is doing better, life is so fragile.

I think you look great for having a 35 year old son and being a gramma. That pug sure is cute, If I was to have a dog, it'd be a pug. They are just adorable with their cute little faces. I can see yours is very smart...knows how to get to the candy, haha.

Susan said...

Dear Sandie....You look like your daughter's sister! I loved the news about Debbie. We must keep as many prayers going as possible. There is true power in prayer. My Mom always said, "Prayer can move mountains." She was right.

Happy Birthday to your girl. Susan

Velvet Over Steel said...

I really needed to read that quote today. Thank you, Sandie!!

Wish you lived closer right now!

Angela said...

Back when I was a kid and way before we knew that chocolate was dangerous for dogs to eat we used to feed our chihuahua chocolate when we were eating some! She was fine. I'd just watch Disco today. He's probably fine too. Hope so!

That's great news about your friend being able to talk now! Hope she gets to go home from the hospital soon!

Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

betty said...

LOL about the pug picture!! such an interesting position to get into! Happy birthday to your daughter!! it is amazing how our kids get older, but we don't!

Poor Disco! Lessons learned I am sure for next Valentine's Day to move the candy higher out of his doggie reach!

I bet Debbie's husband savored those words she said!!


The Boston Lady said...

My Boston, Panda does the exact same thing, so that is not even strange to me.

You were obviously a child-bride and then a young mother. :-) Happy birthday to your lovely daughter. And I hope Disco is okay from his choco-overdose. Ann

Ginny Hartzler said...

Love the fear quote! Oh, chocolate is poison to dogs and that was a lot!!! Guess you need to get him some chocolate flavored dog treats if he likes it that much. I'm sure you can find it because I've seen dog ice-cream. I'm so glad he's alright, and Debbie is talking!!! Valentines Day has been a wild ride at your house!!!

Melaine said...

Sandie, we're not getting old, just our kids are, lol. Great to hear your dog is ok. Mine loves to get into chocolate. I think she is an addict. Glad to hear that your friend is improving. Never underestimate the power of prayer. In August of last year our son was injured in Afghanistan in an IED explosion. Thank God he is doing good today. A lot of prayers were said for him by family, friends and even strangers. Take care.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Wow! Life is never dull around your house that's for sure. Glad to know that the pooch will be OK and that YOU all went out to dinner!...:)JP

Sharon said...

I'm having trouble figuring out how a 29-year-old woman with a new knee could have children older than her...hmmm.

That is the weirdest way I have EVER seen a dog go to the bathroom - did he literally take it to heart, "Bottom's up?!" My sons' dog, Marty, does this awkward thing when he goes - he like balances on three legs - we call him the "Tripod Pooper."

Hope Disco is none the worse for wear - dogs are like toddlers - they find a way to get into EVERYTHING, don't they??

I really LOVE that quote, Sandie - and I think the "more important" thing is trust.

xoxo to you and yours!!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Just love how you see the funny side.
What a funny pug picture.

Happy birthday to your daughter..
My her year be very special.

My eldest is 44yrs...Oh my!!

You look beautiful Sandie,never doubt who you are...a sweet song in Gods ear. xxx Crystal

Anonymous said...

I love Pugs too, although I have never owned a Pug I have a dear friend who owns two, they are sooooo funny! I love the name of your Pug too.

Happy Birthday to your daughter....so you must have been 10 when you gave birth.

Love the quote. Love to you!

Mevely317 said...

Awww, Disco must've imagined himself in heaven with all that unguarded booty ....
Wouldn't that have been a priceless video?
Thank goodness, he's not headed for the "real" Heaven!

Mevely317 said...

PS ....
Happy "New Year" Kelly!

Carol............. said...

Just about fell off my chair at the pug picture..I've been known to go about things the hard way myself at times!!! LOL

Happy B.D. to your daughter...and you do look GREAT!

Love Of Quilts said...

I am glad your dog is ok...I have always worry about my dog getting into chocolate but guess there's nothing to worry about..Trish

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Is Disco okay?
I do love the quote- yes I do

Lois Christensen said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter! I love that cartoon of the old couple going to the beach. Hysterical. And the story of you in the movie theater in NY was very cute. Thanks for your words on my blog!

Granny Annie said...

My daughter had a very unruly dog named Mickey. Mickey ate an entire birthday cake once and on another occasion ate a 2 lb bag of peanut M&Ms but the most amazing thing Mickey ate was a bottle of 250 Ibuprofen tablets. Much to my regret the dog survived ALL of these incidents.

LADY JANE said...

Lol Sandie...love the story...and what can I say except...WHAT nobody bought Disco his own Valentines treats? LOL ! We all know that Andy loves to share his own things on the holidays...so this time Disco just helped himself! Question? Why is chocolate bad for dogs ( assuming after your internet search you must be an expert)...I think someone that did NOT like dogs came up with that ol' tale..or is it tail? Anyway...I loved the post...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your daughter! Funny how their birthdays make us feel older now!
Oh and I finally got over to Corgi Mommas to comment on her cleaning post...you ight get a giggle from what I had to comment! Hugs for today friend...BUSY ...busy...busy here...will tell you about it later!

Pat MacKenzie said...

Love your pug picture - very creative little pup. So glad Debby is getting better.

One of my daughters turned 36 on Valentine's day! I don't know how they get to be so old when I stay forever young!

Annesphamily said...

My sons rat terrier ate an entire Milk CHocolate Advent Calendar that my grandson Andrew left in plain sight! Fortunately I stress milk chocolate cause the vet said had it been dark chocolate he might be dead! Dogs! Dog gone them! Hee Hee! Disco will survive. He is a survivor.Hugs Anne

Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

I am so glad Disco is alright, I know your Grandson is attached to him, Someone forgot to tell my ChiChi that chocolate is bad for her cause she will sneak around and eat it every chance she can..which has been alot with little ones eating it around her, and she has never been sick or even shown any sign of ill.
Tell your Daughter happy birthday for me, and girl don't even talk about being old cause your child is 35, mine are 31, 42 and 47..now that is old..lol..
Hope your week has been good.