"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Atlanta Passion Play


"Be a part of the powerful and inspiring musical drama that takes you back two thousand years to the time of our Lord Jesus Christ. Relive with us the events surrounding the life of Christ. Observe the men who were chosen to be His disciples. See the miracles that Jesus performed during His ministry and the lives that were changed. Experience the suffering and pain Christ went through as He was mocked, beaten, and crucified. Feel the joy of His friends as they realized He had risen. Through the spectacular presentation of the Atlanta Passion Play, you can be present and experience the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ." The Atlanta Passion Play.

Since coming to Atlanta in 1986 it has been a family tradition to go see the Atlanta Passion Play at the Civic Center - first with my children and now with my grandson. We're going today. Sadly for the last time - it is in it's final season. I'm hoping it makes a huge impact in my GS. He's on the right road and I hope I'm 'helping' him stay there. It's so sad, but I guess there's a reason for everything. We'll all miss this yearly tradition. It was reasonably priced and it was as good as any play you'll ever see.

Do you have any family traditions? What are they?

Weave the unfailing fabric of God's Word through your heart and mind. It will hold strong, even if the rest of life unravels. -Gigi Graham Tchvidjian

Putting Jesus on the Cross. Jesus on the Cross after his beating. Carrying His own Cross. His mother holding Him after his death. Hanging on the cross with the two sinners. Knowing he will come again.

The Last Supper.

The Ascension!

Love, Chatty


MadSnapper n Beau said...

perfect post for palm sunday. enjoy your play today and this is a wonderful tradition. i have only seen a passion play once and it was spectacular, they have it in Wachula FL and I will never forget it. your GS is old enough to remember this for the rest of his life.

Tanna said...

This is a wonderful family tradition, Sandie. So glad you are getting to share it with your GS. Why is it the last season? blessings ~ tanna

Susan said...

Oh Sandie, that looks very powerful. Why are they ending it? Why? That's sad.

Our traditions are more for Easter than Palm Sunday. I have already had two requests for my cheese braid, a special sweet bread that I make with a ricotta/cream cheese/lemon zest filling. It's delicious.

Church, of course, and then a big dinner. I'm hosting one at my house for about 12 people so you know what I'll be doing next Sunday at this time! Ha!

Take care and hope you have a great experience today with GS. Susan

Annesphamily said...

I think it is sad to stop producing the play. But our world is getting so PC it is awful. They can never take away the fact that Christ did live, die and resurect from the dead though! They will all have to wait til they meet Him one day on the other side.
You are a good person keeping this GS on the right track. There is nothing more important in life. enjoy the production. Anne

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a wonderful tradition. I've seen Passion Plays before and they are very moving!

betty said...

Sounds like a wonderful tradition to do Sandie with you and your family. Sorry it is the last season though for it, but GS is at a good age to grasp it and remember it I do believe. Powerful message indeed to display in such a way!


Southhamsdarling said...

It's very sad that they are stopping that Passion Play that so many people have enjoyed over the years. Wonderful though that you are going to see it with your grandson. I hope he enjoys it. It will be quite an experience for him I would think.

Love Of Quilts said...

I loved this post.Sorry this family tradition will be ending...you will have to make another. This was a marvelous way to have it end don't you think. Trish

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a wonderful experience and learning to have with your GS, Kiddo! I hope it helped him....:)JP

Sharon said...

Why do the best things in life have to go away? This sounds like it was the most beautiful celebration. Oh Lord, help us to NEVER forget what You did for us - especially when the world does everything to conspire against the remembrance.

GOD BLESS, Sandie - hope you had a wonder-full Palm Sunday.

(Family tradition? Going out to breakfast after an early Easter morning service!)

Angela said...

What a wonderful tradition Sandie! The church we used to go to puts on the Passion Play every few years. It is wonderful and free. The people in it put in very long hours to put on such an inspirational play.

Have a Great Day!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Oh wow Sandie, Do you go??I wish I could go with you!!! it brought tears to my eyes..And that man proposing to his girl and giving her the ring...and her name was Christy!!! then the soldiers..I always get so emotional at Easter...I could never go and watch that Mel Gibson movie the Passion, it would tear my heart out...Hey mate, hope you are feeling heaps better.
Much love C xxxx

Unknown said...

It's like you said Sandie, everything happens for a reason.

Anonymous said...

Hey friend, this would be awesome.I need to see this next year. Can't believe I have not ever been, thanks for sharing.
Have a blessed week!

Great family tradition, I'm glad you all still have 'em.So many families don't now adays.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, Why is it ending?
Now I'm sad, I want ever get to enjoy.~sigh~