So tell me - would you eat gray Cheetos? I heard on GMA that gray was it's natural color - they add the cheese coloring so we'll eat it! That has been on my mind all week. Lol
When I watched CNN news the other day I noticed that most of the day time news reporters were woman - I thought that was kind of cool.
Another thought - Jenn a friend of mine of Jenn's Three Graces - talked about puddle jumping. We talked about doing it when we were younger and how we got in trouble - did any of you do that? Next time it rains I'm going to take my shoes off and puddle jump and I won't get in any trouble - will anyone do that with me? I'm going to manage to take pictures too. I am waiting now for it to rain.
Don't forget to move today - It’s National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. People who move have a longer life and people who laugh and do good for others - are 50% healthier then those who don't. I think it takes our minds off ourselves. So I'm going to set out to do a couple of good deeds today myself.
Did you know Farmers have tractors with GPS's? Debbie Words On Wheels commented on my blog the other day about that and sure enough I looked it up and it's true. Check out this interesting article about Tractors that drive themselves. I had never heard of it!
My quote for the day:
"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."– Annie Dillard
A song from the band Cullowee - think back about 30 years - you'll be singing this all day.
Bring Back The Magic
at first i thought why gps on tractors, but i googled it and it saves them lots of money by making there rows exacty where they wnat them and how far apart and straighter. wow. still learning and i thought i knew it all. ha ha
cheetos would not be the same if i had gray stuff all over my fingers. wonder if its the orange die that gets all over us. a little scary.
i have always loved wading in puddles, but have not been in one other than the beach puddles in many years. i almost did last week in the back yard next time i will.
It has been so rainy around here this week that I could have used a tractor with GPS just to get around the puddles since most of them are to big to jump without making a really big splash.
Gray Cheetos? Now that will stay on my mind. :)
Count me in on the puddle jumping...That made me wish for a rainy Saturday so I could take my shoes off and go outside..And no way!!!I need my cheetos to look like cheese please! Have a great weekend my friend.
Awwwww, Sandie. Wish we lived closer. We could jump into the biggest possible puddle together! I'd LOVE that. But boy, let me tell you, I'm looking forward to those pictures. Have GS take them, or your daughter. Also, have a great day! Susan
Love the picture!!Makes me think that is the way contentment looks.
Hi Sandie, Gray Cheetos??? Guess that's better than GREEN ones... ha ha
We NEVER watch CNN.. Fox is the only news for us... And Fox has a bunch of good women journalists.
Ah---let's puddle jump together, Miss Queen... I'll put on my glass slippers and you put on your tiara.... ha
Oh Yes---I'll be moving today (working in the yard). But I'll laugh away the weeds!!!!
The quote of the day is just so TRUE.... Who could have thought up something like that to say????? ha
Have a wonderful weekend.
you go girl with the puddle jumping!! sounds like fun!! I'm not sure about gray cheetos. However, I think about the color of them being gray, they don't sound that appealing, so now it makes me want to investigate and wonder what the color of other food is before they add color to it and I might find some interesting facts that would help me avoid foods I enjoy eating (other chips and chocolate, though I imagine chocolate is that brown color)
whatever you do today, I hope it is a nice one! I'll be working :)
Hmm, puddle jumping - personally I prefer leaf surfing.
I can't believe I'm going to say this after all the rain we've had lately but I hope it rains soon for you so you can jump in some puddles! Not sure if I would like to do that or not. I really don't like to get dirty! lol I must be at least 50% healthy because I laugh all the time! lol Even in my comments I laugh too much! hehehe Not sure if I could eat gray Cheetos or not. That really doesn't sound appealing.
Have a Great Day!
I'll puddle jump with you! I guarantee that I have at least one daughter who will join us, too. She'll do so in her festive rain boots instead, though.
And thanks for the info on the GPS for tractors. The farmer BIL just installed the tower. I'm dying to go look at it.
I didn't know it was physical fitness month, but this week I started excersising again with an old VCR tape. It seems it wasn't that long ago that I walked 4 or 5 miles a day, but those days are probably gone forever. It's been ten years, but real life got in the way. I know I feel so much better when I exercise, so I'm starting slow. I had no idea I picked the right month to start!
I'll commit to jumping in the puddles, but we haven't had rain since January. Talk about dry!
I'm not a huge Cheetos fan and now that I think about them being gray I really won't want to eat them...lol. How cool is the GPS on a tractor. You always have the most interesting facts. I've got to go move my self up and down the basement stairs as I take some stuff down there for storage! hugs, Linda
Great food for thought post, Sandie...I've never heard of that song "Bring back the Magic"...
That tractor post reminds me of the silly song "...she thinks my tractor is sexy" LOL
and the puddle jumping reminds me of that Britcom "The Vicer of Dibley" do you ever watch it? I LOVE it...when she thought she was jumping into a puddle, only it turned out to be a pothole full of water....that was so funny LOL
Oh, YUCK!!!! ... Grey Cheetos?
I'm thinking, this may be just the ticket to quelch my craving for those little suckers!
Puddle jumping...sounds like fun...I believe that it's healthy to keep the child inside alive. Ah, I feel good today, have been moving around (jogging) and had a nice chat with my mother in law making her feel better....
It's kinda rainy and windy here in Dublin today, so prefer to be indoors, which is quite nice too...so no puddle jumping today I'm afraid.
Have a lovely day!
Fun post today! Color blind folks wouldn't mind any color cheetos or cheerios I suspect.
You've changed that little signature thingy again, you little devil you!! How did you know that I was running around today, by the way!! I am quite happy to join you in the puddle jumping, you crazy fool!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend over there.
Thankyou so much for visiting me and leaving lovely comments. I love the chilled out squirrel picture, so cute. My daughter who is 8 just loves to jump in puddles and get soaking wet. My neice used to love stripping off and getting the garden hose turned on her when she was little. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and no not all the images on my post are my home, sorry if that disappoints! Love Linda x
Puddle jumping, why yes I do that :) I don't think I've jumped in one this year yet though. I guess I'm just a bit silly like that.
No thank you on the gray cheetos.
The gps on the tractors is a cool idea.
Hmmm...gray Cheetos?? I don't think so. Gray chocolate - definitely!
One thing I loved doing in the rain when the boys were little, was to drive real close to the curb and make big fantails out of the gutter water. I admit it - I still do that!
OK, what if I make people laugh when I move? Does that make me live longer??
Debbie's a fount of knowledge, isn't she?
The Annie Dillard quote was great - it's all in the details, isn't it?
Those tractor are air conditioned too. Trish
I puddled jumped when I was about 5...but the puddle was so deep I was wet up to my waist... I was sent to bed without lunch!... That sorta ended my puddle jumping days...but I do enjoy it with the grandkids...
Thanks for calling attention to Jenns Three Graces. I had added it to the list for a future Sites To See. Words on Wheels was included last February.
One of the joys of eating Cheetos is getting all of that artificial orange color all over your fingers, under your fingernails and on your lips and tongue! I know they are bad for me but I absolutely love them - but grey? I don't think so!
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